Counseling – White Wedding Ideas for Your Special Day Wedding Ideas for Planning and Making Your Dream Wedding Come True Tue, 09 Jan 2024 07:54:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Did They Go Too Far? | Reading Reddit Stories Tue, 09 May 2023 14:15:04 +0000

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– We’re back with more
chaotic Reddit stories. These ones are recent and they are crazy. And I am joined today by Ian and Arasha. Arasha, this is your
first time here with us for this, right?
– Yes, that’s true. That’s true, and I’ve brought my dad. (Shayne laughs) – Hello, me and my-
– For some support. – I’m taking this is bring
your son to work day. – Arasha, do you use Reddit a lot? – I’m not a regular Redditer. – [Shayne] Sure. Yeah. – But I definitely have
heard some very wacky things on here, so I’m prepared. – Well, let’s get started then. Am I the asshole for telling my wife why she doesn’t have friends? – Oh. – First my wife is an
amazing mom to our kids. However, she makes her
entire life about them. To the point I ended up telling her, that’s why she doesn’t
have any real friends. It’s like every day of
the week she’s running to kids events, or something of the sort. Basically being a mom is
her whole personality, which in my opinion, comes off as extremely off-putting to others.


I, on the other hand,
make time for friends and to socialize. One weekend a month, I go with my buddies on a camping/fishing trip. I fit in game night one night
each week for a few hours. We rotate whose house, which bar we go to (Ian sighs heavily)
with a board game. And one night per week I
also go to networking events, which not only helps me build connections in my professional life, but also gives me adult
socialization time. For me this time is super important as it allows me to be my
own independent person and more than just a parent
when I’m not at work. My wife does none of that.


She always uses the kids as an excuse. They have tutoring,
theater, music lessons, sports, martial arts, et cetera. She has herself so busy
trying to be a supermom that she’s driving away
potential friendships by making herself constantly unavailable. I’ve offered to get a sitter if she’d like a few hours
to go out now and then, but she insists if I do,
she just use that time to catch up on chores around
the house and try to get a nap. I finally told her that she is the number one reason why
she has no friends, and I do.


– Wow, maybe he could reword this as why isn’t my wife as much
of a neglectful parent as me? – Yeah.
– Literally. – Oh my God. So some context, I guess that
this was in the comments. They have seven kids. – What?! – Including a newborn. – Okay, so when I said neglectful parent, I said it as a joke, but now? – For a second I thought
maybe they had like, like kids who were like 13 and 15. – Yeah.
– Or something like that. Where I’m like, okay,
yeah, you don’t have to, you don’t have to be.


– Yeah.
– Right. – No, these are little kids and a newborn, holy (beep). Can you imagine having a newborn and having time to go
to two different events every single week? – A fishing trip? – Like, no.
– Also networking? What the, what? This guy is such asshole. Oh my God. – It sounds like, I don’t know. They just really don’t want
to be around their children. (everyone laughs) – This sounds like, did (beep)
Peter Griffin write this? This sounds like a joke. ‘Cause you know, when
I initially read this, I’m like, oh, and I’m thinking like, maybe they have like
two kids who are older.


I was like, maybe she’s also an introvert, and like, just doesn’t want to. – Yeah. – But she’s exhausted when she’s like, “Oh, I need time to do
chores or take a nap,” it’s like this guy doesn’t do anything. – Yeah. – I mean like taking care of like one kid is a full-time job. I can’t imagine the
logistics that are required to keep seven children
alive and functioning. And yeah, I think it’s
good to like be able to like step away. I think there’s a nice balance, and it doesn’t seem like
they have that balance. – And I think you already
pointed out the flaw too. Like even if she did have
free time, she’s like, I’m not gonna go out and make friends, because I need to sleep.


– Yeah. I’m exhausted. – [Arasha] That’s what I’m gonna do if I have any free time. – I have no time. There’s a comment that refers to the concept of invisible labor. Is that something you guys have heard of? He’s clearly unaware of
how much work she’s doing. – Yes.
– Right. – Like there is a lot of work. She’s working multiple jobs, essentially. – Yeah, yeah. – And he’s oblivious to that fact. – Right, well, in a way he’s
also kind of addressing it by being like martial arts,
tennis, dance class, whatever.


Like, are they magically
going to get themselves there? – That’s what’s strange.
– Like somebody’s got to. – He seems to be aware, but also unaware, like he’s really, really dumb. He has probably gotten
so used to like things just being done. – Yep. – Like dishes are done, the bedsheets are made, everything. – Housecleaning.
– And he’s just thinks it probably just happens magically. – Yeah.
– Yeah. – And he doesn’t realize,
no, she’s doing everything. – Did you know you have
to feed kids three times a day at least? (Shayne laughs) – And you know what though? He’s making her job harder by being another nuisance in her life.


By being like, also, make friends, because being the mother of our
seven children isn’t enough. – [Ian] Yeah. – It’s really sad. I hope, she’s probably
just too exhausted to like, to have the emotional toll of like Telling him she needs his help and that he’s a (beep) head. – For probably like
most of their marriage, she’s been pregnant also! – I know, man.
– Yeah, oh my gosh. – So the OP left a comment. There’s only so much I can
take hearing about the kids without ending the conversation. I can’t imagine how boring
any else would find it. Every day, it’s 15, did
A, 13 did B, 10 did C, eight did D, six did E,
three did F, and baby did G.


It’s like, yeah, ’cause they’re
actually doing that (beep) and that’s her job is to handle it. – Six is asking, “Where’s dad?” – Yeah. (laughs) – Her like role in the family is essentially like CEO
of humans, you know? – [Shayne] Oh my god. – Yeah. – She has to manage. – Seven kids.
– Even God’s like, “I don’t know if I’ve
made that many before.” (everyone laughs) – Seven is like the max
that I would ever do. – Wait, seriously? You
would go up to seven. – I don’t know. I feel
like I’ve always said that. And that’s only if my partner was like, “I need seven kids.” If they were like, “I need eight,” I’d be like, “Look, I’d give you seven.


And that’s it, that’s as much as I could do.”
– Wow! – I would not, no, no way would I do that. – Well, hopefully, my
partner isn’t this asshole. – Yeah, nobody should- – Well, just don’t marry a Dugger. – Yeah. (laughs) – Yes, Dad. (laughs) – Seven kids, and I
don’t know if any of them are gonna talk to him once they turn 18. – If they’ve even met him. – Someone else said, “Am I the asshole for rubbing my social
life in my wife’s face? He legit does not understand
what the problem is.


She’s been married to
this clown for 17 years. I wouldn’t even have one of his kids, let alone seven, makes
me glad I have no uterus. What a gaping asshole.” – Well, I mean he is a clown, because her vagina is clearly a clown car. (everyone laughs) – Ian!
– Sorry, I had to say it. – I’ve heard this discussed that there are certain numbers of children that are easier than others, right? Once you have, (sighs) it’s
a certain amount of kids, the older kids start having to take care of the younger kids. – Certainly.
– Yeah. – So I guarantee you
the 15 and 13-year-old have more responsibilities
in this house than the dad. – Yeah.
– Yeah. But that also leads to
like issues later on. – Oh, they (beep) hate it! – I suspect he’s coming
from a certain culture that expects the women to
take care of all that stuff, and the men to do the
work and then that’s it.


– Yeah, and he’s like
the added task as well. Like, you need to have friends. You need to also be somebody
that I am attracted to, and you need to have more. – There’s a lot of stories like this where there’s zero inclination of him offering to help
in any sort of real way. – Yeah.
– Mm-hm, mm-hm. – He’s not gonna sacrifice
anything himself. – No, he’s gotta network bro. – He gotta network. At the end- – Whatever that means. (laughs) – At the end he’s gonna be
like, and also we’re excited to announce we’re going to
be having an eighth child. – Yeah, seriously.
– Yeah, yeah. – Well, huge asshole, monster. Let’s keep moving. Am I the asshole for telling
my sister-in-law to grow up and stop copying everything from TikTok? (Ian laughs) Okay, I, a 42-year-old female have a sister-in-law, 35 female.


She is my husband’s sister. She is so easily influenced.
It’s embarrassing. Now, because of TikTok, she has a five step skincare routine. God only knows how much
money she threw away on snake oil products. She spends hours following makeup routines she’s seen on there. She now wakes up at 5:00
a.m. to do a workout plan from an account she follows. She is constantly cooking
recipes from TikTok, going to restaurants she found on there. Everything is from TikTok. I don’t think she has ever had an original thought in her life. She has 35 for, god’s sakes.
It’s an app for teenagers. Now, with Easter coming up she is asking to bring some butter
board she saw on TikTok. It honestly sounded ridiculous. I finally decided to say something to her.


I explained to her how
it’s embarrassing how she is still trying to act like a teenager. No amount of skincare
and 5:00 a.m. workouts will stop her from aging. She is 35, she is going to have wrinkles. We all went through
it. Now, it’s her turn. She is just wasting money
and it’s time to grow up and accept how old she is. She is no longer a teenager,
and that’s okay. We all age. I explained to her that
her life is flying by. She is married with no
children. She is 35. I fear she is going to
wake up in a few years and regret not having children, and wasting so much of her time worrying about what she looks like.


I don’t know how old she is. She told me to forget it and
she won’t even come to Easter. She told me just because
I gave up on myself doesn’t mean she needs to. – Mm-hm.
– Whoo! Which was incredibly rude and unnecessary. – Was it?
(Arasha scoffs) – Sorry, I have two kids to take care of. I don’t have time to worry about wrinkles, or if my outfit is perfect. She then hung up. Now my in-laws are pissed, and they have decided to
do Easter at their house, since sister-in-law now feels
too uncomfortable coming to our house.


And of course she will be making her ridiculous butter board. My husband agrees that
she needs to grow up, but thinks I should
have kept my mouth shut, and should apologize so
we can have a nice Easter. But I’m looking out for her. She is no longer a teenager
and it’s time to accept that. – Okay. – She is acting like 35 is the oldest of ages in this.
– Yeah. It’s time, you are now an old hermit. – Yeah.
– Hey. – And you must go live in the woods. – You’re gonna get wrinkles. And you need kids.
– How old is the OP? – Uh, 42. – I get it, like you
have other priorities. Sometimes the priorities
are not on yourself. But it sounds like OP let themselves go.


And they’re a little bit bitter that this person’s taking
care of themselves in the way that they want to
take care of themselves. – I would almost-
– She’s jealous, too. – I would almost argue
as I’ve gotten older, it’s like, oh, I’m getting older. I need to have a skincare routine. – Yeah. I need to work out.


– Yes.
– Like I need to stretch. I need to-
– Use it or lose it. – She’s actually acting her age. – She is me.
– Yeah. – She is me. I think my skincare routine
is probably five step. – Part of her is probably like,
I wished I’d have been doing those things seven years ago and I’m not. But it’s like, it’s never too late. It’s just strange the
examples she’s bringing up, it’s not like, oh she’s,
you know, doing TikTok – Dances.
– dances in front of everyone. – No.
– Which even that it’s like, you’re allowed to do whatever you want. – [Arasha] Totally. – But the examples are strange. – Yeah, yeah, yeah. – Judging someone and being like, “You need to stop waking
up and working out.” – She’s like literally taking
her like wellness habits and being like grow up and have kids.


– Yeah, there’s bad influences
from TikTok for sure. – I think also like another thing is like she’s getting angry
at her for trying new things, and like evolving and
changing as a person. Where it seems like her take is like, no, you should decide who you
are at 30 and never change. – [Arasha] Yeah. – This feels very much like projection. – Completely.
– That middle paragraph is psychotic. The one where she keeps saying she’s 35. – Yeah.
(Arasha laughs) – Like she’s 35. She’s 35. It feels like there’s
a lot of inner turmoil. It sounds, look, this is my, this is something I can assess
from this small little story.


It almost sounds like
she resents having kids. – Mm.
– Like it almost sounds like she’s upset at her life, and she’s trying to be
like, “You can’t be happy. I don’t want you to be happy.” And then she kind of talks
(beeps) about having, like, – She points out that she married. – I don’t time to do anything. – She’s married with no kids, right? She brings that up.
– Yeah, you’re married and you have no kids, it’s like okay. – Right, right.
– Like what is this? She’s trying to like justify like, “No, you actually failed, ’cause you don’t have kids like me. And I don’t have time to do all the fun things you’re
doing ’cause I have kids.” It’s like, you have two different lives.


It’s okay for you both to have
different kinds of happiness. – Yeah, I would bet
that that’s exactly it. She’s like insecure, and
she’s looking for validation that when she was 35 she was having kids. So she was like, “You
have to be doing that. You can’t be doing all
the cool, hip things that all the kids are doing, because I didn’t get to do that.” So if she could, I’m sure
she would take the option to go back and cook all these recipes, get up early and work out,
but clearly she didn’t- – Go to restaurants.


– Like, yeah, all that
sounds like really cool stuff that she’s taking off of TikTok. Despite it definitely
having its bad influences, she’s taking it from like
and educational standpoint, and actually really bettering her life. – Something I’ve noticed
as I’ve gotten older is that so much of like aging is like, it’s people’s concept of what
they need to be at that age.


And a lot of people, like… It was like in my mid to
late 20s when I was like, I was really having this
existential thing of like, well, I’m getting older, and like (beep) everything’s
gonna be different. It’s like, oh no, nothing really changes. Like, you’re still allowed
to do whatever you want. It’s our concept of like,
you can’t have fun anymore.


– [Arasha] True. – You can’t do that (beep). You can’t experiment and try new recipes, and stuff and have go on new adventures. You’re in your, you’re 35. – Yeah.
– You gotta stop. It’s like, no, you don’t have
to. Do whatever you want. – I do wanna say that that timeline thing is so interesting to think about. Because it’s just something
that is ultimately created. Sure, there’s like a window in which like, you know, you can actually have children. Like, I guess that that makes sense. But who made up the like
right age to get married? Who made up the right age to
have children and all of that? – You know what I actually think is the cringiest thing out of all of this, and it’s something I used to
do that I don’t do anymore, which is hating on social
platforms that you’re not on.


Like, it’s such an easy thing to do. And maybe it’s coming
from their FOMO of like, oh, that social platform I’m not on. Well, anyone who’s on that is cringey. – Yeah. – You guys are cringey. And the thing I’ve learned is that every social platform
has good and has bad. There are, like for instance, Reddit. There are great subreddits
that if you look at, you’re gonna have a great time, and there are subreddits
that will ruin your day. – Sure.
– Every day. – Well, and I mean like
culture is changing so quickly because of TikTok. If you’re just shunning TikTok and you’re seeing everything
change around you, that’s scary, maybe. Or you just don’t get it, and then you’re angry
because you don’t get it.


– Yeah.
– Yeah. And also TikTok is, yes. A majority of teenagers are using it, because, you know, it’s
any social platform that’s the most popular, teenagers
are gonna be mostly there. There are tons of old
people doing awesome (beep) on TikTok and they’re my favorites, man. – Yeah, yeah.
– Yeah. – At the basis of it, with a lot of things you could say this, like, just let people do what they want. – Yeah, man.
– Like, seriously? Why does it make you uncomfortable to watch somebody else thrive? It comes from a place of insecurity. So it’s just not helpful
to anybody around. – It’s not a vibe. – It’s the vibe.
– Insecurity isn’t a vibe. – Are you guys very
influenced by social media? I mean we are. All of us are
whether we realize it or not. – [Arasha] Yeah. – But like, are you blatantly influenced? Like if you get told directly to do something by social
media, do you go and do it? – You know what? Honestly, I would say so.


I wouldn’t say easily
influenced, but I’m influenced. Like restaurants for sure. I have had such great experiences. Like be people being like, “Oh, go check out this pasta place in LA.” And then I’ll go there, and I’ll be like, I am so glad that I discovered
this place through TikTok. – It’s literally the
purpose of social media. – You’re just sharing the greatness! – is communicate things like. – Exactly.
– Yeah. – On Instagram, I got served like an ad for this shirt, this T-shirt. And I was like, that
T-shirt’s really sick. And I bought it and I was
like really stoked about it. And then I went to this YouTuber event. And Ted Nivisen walks
up to me and he goes, “Oh, I see you’re
influenced by Instagram.” And I was like, (beep) I was
like, “Damn it!” (laughs) – They can’t know, they can’t know. – People could be influenced
by that shirt you’re wearing.


– Oh yeah!
– Whoa. – I was there, man,
A lot of great shirts. Great shirts that if you wear and I see you on the
street, I’ll be like, “Hey. You were influenced by us.” And Ted Nivisen won’t
say, “Oh, I see you’re a big loser that buys
things on Instagram.” – Yeah.
(Shayne laughs) He’ll buy this shirt,
and then you can get him. All these years.
– Yeah, that’s right. That’s how I’m gonna get him. Let’s move on here. Am I the asshole for accidentally ruining my girlfriend’s career? – Oh, let’s go.


– Okay, buddy. Hi, everyone, I’m in a
tough spot right now, and I’m not sure if
I’m the asshole or not. My girlfriend, 27, let’s call her Sarah, and I, 26, have been
together for three years. She’s always been passionate
about her job as a teacher and has worked really hard
to build up her career. However, a few weeks ago I
accidentally stumbled upon some photos of Sarah on Instagram that I had never seen before. There were pictures of her in
some very revealing clothing, and some of them were even nude. I was shocked and confronted her about it. And she told me that she used to be a lingerie model before
becoming a teacher. She said she stopped doing it because she didn’t want
it to affect her career. And she thought I knew about it already. I didn’t know how to react at first, but eventually I told a
few of my friends about it. One of my friends is a gossip and ended up telling someone who works at the school where Sarah teaches.


Long story short, the photos somehow got into the hands of the school board, and Sarah was fired for
unprofessional behavior. Sarah is devastated and blames
me for ruining her career. She says that I should
have kept my mouth shut, and that I betrayed her trust. I feel terrible about what happened, but I didn’t know that
it would lead to this. Am I the asshole for accidentally ruining
my girlfriend’s career? There’s an update. Hello, this has been a stressful day, but I do wanna provide an update. Firstly, Sarah and I are still together. I have taken full
responsibility for my actions, and I’m doing everything I
can to help her financially until she finds a new job. She would be on her own
if she decided to dump me, so the best I can do
is to help her for now.


Secondly, we are still considering moving to another state since I work remotely. It’s been a difficult decision, but we both feel that a fresh start in a new environment could
be beneficial for us. Lastly, I wanted to clarify
that the photos I stumbled upon were not on Sarah’s
main Instagram account, but rather an alt account that she had. While this doesn’t excuse my actions, I wanted to provide some
context to the situation.


Never thought the post would
blow up, but here we are. – So I wouldn’t say it was his fault. – Yeah. – And I think that’s, I
think that’s really cool that he’s willing to move states with her to, you know, start over. I think that’s pretty neat. – [Arasha] Yeah. – I think he stepped the freak up. And that friend sucks for telling somebody – Yeah.
– involved in the school. – There’s a quote in here that
is, that I think stands out.


She would be on her own
if she decided to dump me, does feel a little weird. – Yeah, I was also gonna
point out that line. Like it feels like he’s almost like, you need to stay with me,
because you have nothing. – Well, yeah she just got
fired and like she has no job, and she’s kind of screwed. – Like this one is not
as blatantly obvious as the first situations,
which are just like, you should know that
you’re being an asshole. With this one it feels
more of like, obviously, it seems clear like his intention was not to have her lose her job. But maybe his reaction led
to him making decisions that he wouldn’t have otherwise done if he was in a more rational mindset. Like sharing with your friends
if you’re having a problem with your relationship, like, you know, that’s fine I think, you
know, getting some advice. But with material that is
so sensitive if it gets out.


– Yeah.
– You know, that kind of stuff I’m sure had to be discussed
between the two of them. And breaching that trust had to be. – Okay, so that is true. So like if she works a job where having something out
there like that is dangerous, then yeah, he shouldn’t have told anybody. It should have been agreed upon that like, this is something that
has to stay under wraps, because this is my job.
– Right. – Yeah.
– Blah, blah, blah. And you know, I don’t know
if they had that discussion. – I think there’s some
information being left out. – [Ian] Yes. – What I really think is being left out is like-
– How did he find them? – I told a few of my friends about it.


– Yeah, he told the bros. – A few of my friends, and he already knew that one of his friends is a gossip, and ended up telling someone
who works at her school. I’m like, you knew these
connections were there. – Yeah.
– That’s true. – He’s either very dumb, or just like, I think
inconsiderate of her. – Yeah.
– Yeah. – My take on this is that he’s more of an asshole than this is appearing. – Right. – And that he’s leaving out information. – Totally, ’cause it’s the
whole manipulative part of it is that he is the one telling this story. So it’s approaching it from his truth. – Yeah, his point of view. – And the tricky thing
too with intention is, of course, that’s something
to consider when, you know, considering if the relationship
should stay together. But ultimately the impact is
what we’re looking at here, and she lost her job and
that’s a huge, huge thing. So it’s gotta be hard for
her to forgive him, I’m sure.


– I do think it’s really… My personal take is I think
that rule is really unfair. Like, you know. She was doing a legal job before this, and like the fact that, I don’t know, it just feels unfair that she should get fired.
– Maybe too, like she, if she came out with it beforehand, like maybe the school wouldn’t
have been as touchy about it. Maybe it because they heard
it from this outside source that they were like, “Oh, well if this person found it, the kids could find it.


Like anybody might be
able to get these photos.” And then it became more of a sensitive.
– I think this kind of thing happens a lot. – Yeah.
– Yeah, people- – I think it does happen a lot. – Especially, in the teaching realm. Like, you know, somebody’s like secret, like OnlyFans will come out. ‘Cause look, teachers
aren’t getting paid (beep). OnlyFans pays pretty well. – Yeah. – I mean, I don’t have
any issue with that. If they weren’t saying
like, “Hi, I’m Miss Wendy of blah, blah, blah,
and here’s my titties.” (staff members laugh) Or my dong, whatever.
Then I think it’s fine. It’s the parents that
are the (beep) weirdos that are going and finding these photos. – It sucks, ’cause it, and you know, this is a change that will take, I don’t know if it could
ever happen, like centuries. But it lends into shaming any, and this is such light, but shaming any form of sex work.


And being like, “You can’t work any respectable job.
– Totally. – Like you know, because
you’re like that.” And it’s like something she did years ago. – Also, that was just modeling. – I know.
– It’s not even sex work. – But I’m saying if it even
touches on that at all is like, it’s so, it is ridiculous. I do think it’s societally something that I hope changes eventually.


But like I said, that stuff
doesn’t change overnight. – Yeah. – Walking it back to the original thing. I’m also, just a little sus on how this guy came across these photos. ‘Cause he’s like, “I stumbled across, – Right.
– her secret.” And I’m like, “Did you, though?” – I think he’s a weirdo, personally. Yeah, comment, accidental is a stretch.


You can’t be so clueless
to know you opened up the can of worms that led to this. We have a teachers contract from 1923. They have to agree not to get married, not to keep company with men, to be at home between
the hours of 8:00 p.m and 6 a.m., unless they
have at school functions. Not to loiter in downtown
ice cream stores, not to leave town at anytime
without the permission of the chairman of the board of trustees, not to smoke cigarettes, not
to drink beer, wine or whiskey, not to ride in a carriage or automobile with any man except her brother or father. Not to dress in bright
colors, not to dye their hair, to wear at least two petticoats, not to wear dresses more than
two inches above the ankle, to keep the schoolroom clean. Damn, the teachers are
held to insane standards and paid absolutely nothing, it’s insane. – Wow.
– That’s crazy. – Asshole, moving on.
– Yeah. – Might as well, yeah. – Am I the asshole for bringing a raccoon to my sister’s wedding? – All right.


(everyone laughs) This is the vibe we needed. – Is this, okay. This is the “Guardians of the Galaxy III.” (everyone laughs) So this happened last weekend, and I’m still getting
angry texts from my family. Let me explain. I have a pet raccoon named Pebble. He is very friendly and well trained, and I love him like a son. He goes everywhere with me, and he has his own harness and leash.


He is also vaccinated and
has all the necessary papers. I was invited to my sister’s wedding, which was held at a fancy hotel. I asked her if I could bring
Pebble and she said no. – Asshole.
– She said it was inappropriate and disrespectful to bring a wild animal to
such an important event. She also said that some
of the guests might be allergic or scared of him. I was hurt by her response, but I didn’t wanna argue with her. I decided to respect her wishes and leave Pebble at home with a friend. However, on the day of the
wedding, my friend called me and said that he had an emergency and couldn’t take care
of Pebble, I panicked. I didn’t have anyone else
who could watch Pebble and I didn’t wanna leave
him alone in my apartment. I also didn’t want to
miss my sister’s wedding, so I decided to bring Pebble with me.


I thought it wouldn’t be a big deal. I put him in his harness and leash and put a bow tie on him to
make him look more formal. I also brought some treats and
toys to keep him entertained. I figured I could just sneak him in and keep him in a corner where
he wouldn’t bother anyone. Boy, was I wrong. As soon as I arrived at the hotel, people started noticing Pebble. Some of them thought he was
cute and wanted to pet him, but others were horrified and disgusted. They started whispering and
pointing at me and Pebble. Some of them even complained to the staff. My sister saw me and
Pebble and freaked out. She came over to me and
yelled at me for bringing him. She said I was selfish and irresponsible and that I should leave immediately. I tried to apologize and
explain the situation, but she wouldn’t listen. She told me to get out or
she would call security. She also said that I was
no longer her brother, and that she never wanted
to see me or Pebble again.


– Oo! – I was shocked and hurt by her reaction. I felt like she was overreacting
and being unreasonable. Pebble didn’t do anything wrong. He was just sitting quietly in
his harness looking adorable. He didn’t bite anyone, or make
a mess, or cause any trouble. I decided to leave with Pebble, but not before telling my sister that she was being a Bridezilla, and that she owed me an apology. I also told her that Pebble
was more family to me than she ever was.
(staff laughs) Now, my whole family is mad at me. They say I was rude and
disrespectful to my sister and that I should have
left Pebble at home, or found another solution. They say I should apologize to my sister and beg for her forgiveness, but I don’t think I did anything wrong.


I think my sister was being unfair and cruel to me and Pebble. I think she should apologize to me for treating me like dirt. So am I the asshole? – Yeah.
– I mean, he put Pebble in a bow tie. – Yeah, so like, I don’t
know. He’s in a bow tie. – He’s in a bow tie, it
should have been fine. No.
– I will admit, before I say anything,
if I was at a, anywhere and I saw a raccoon in a
bow tie, that’d make my day. – Yeah.
(everyone laughs) – That would make my day. – Oh yeah.
(everyone laughs) – I’d be so happy. – I would be stoked to see a pet raccoon in a bow tie at a wedding.


– I would be stoked, but he was told no. – Yes.
– And he did it. – Yeah.
– That makes you, I’m sorry. It makes you the asshole.
– Which is- – At a wedding, too.
– At a wedding. – If it was any other kind of event, it would be a little more like, all right. – [Arasha] Yes. – It’s the wedding and it’s like, and also he is downplaying so much like, “And I was told no. What’s the big deal that
I didn’t listen to you?” – And above all the bride said no.


Like the bride is his sister, and was like, “No, do
not ruin my special day.” And that is now something that like she’s gonna carry
For the rest of the time. Like, she’s always going to be like, “Oh, at my wedding, like,
my brother and I got into the biggest fight of our lives.” If they are still brother and
sister is what they consider. – Him saying like, she
was Pebbles more family to me than she ever was, is- – [Ian] That’s a red flag. – That’s a like, intense… Like he has to apologize for that.


That’s the worst thing that happened. – [Arasha] Yeah. – It sounds like this dude, like he has no self-awareness. – [Arasha] Yeah. – He probably spends too
much time just him and Pebble to where he is like lost the understanding of like, “Oh, that was wrong of me to do.” – Right, and he’s like,
“Oh, and I couldn’t possibly leave him at
home for a couple hours.” – Yeah, not an untrained raccoon. – Pebble does sound trained. – Right, but if you can’t trust a raccoon to be in your home, why? – Right.
– Yeah. But the sister’s reasonings were right. It’s like, it’s less that she didn’t say, “Pebbles gonna do some up (beep).” – Right. – She said, “Hey, people
might be allergic, or they might, people might freak out.” – [Arasha] Yeah! – And people might, so
that’s a very good reason.


And then he was like, “Ah, but screw it.” And like, dude, if he brought it and someone had a severe allergic reaction and then they had to leave. – Yeah. – That’s so (beep) up, like- – The truth is that he is lucky that Pebble did not bite anybody. That nobody necessarily was allergic, like so much bad could
have come out with it, and he risked that still. – He was selfish because
if he had said, “Hey, the sitter for Pebble
was, something happened. I’m sorry, I can’t go. – Yes.
– Yes. – I’m so sorry. Like,
I have to stay here.” She hopefully would’ve
been less upset about that. If she got mad at him and
disowned him for that, I’d be like, “Hey, like,
come on. He had no choice.” – [Arasha] Yeah. – I don’t know what the
deal is with raccoons if you can’t leave them alone or not. Like, I don’t have a raccoon. – They’ll just steal your stuff. – [Shayne] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. – They’re little bandits. – They’ll get on a spaceship, and go fly around and save the galaxy.


– Maybe it’s just me. I’m just frightened by
these critters, so I do- – Are you scared of raccoons? – Definitely, so, yeah. – Oh really?
– Yeah. – I think they’re adorable. – And I’m sure many people did. In another video I talked about opossum, and everyone was like,
“Opossum were so cute,” and I’m scared. – Opossums look freaky,
but they’re cute, still. – I’m horrified. I’m very scared. – Look, most, almost any
animal I’m down with, as I’ve said, chimpanzees.


If someone brought a chimpanzee to a wedding, I’m leaving that
wedding, even if it’s my own. – Oh yeah. – What if it’s the flower chimp? – I don’t care. I don’t
trust any chimpanzee. Gorillas, fine.
– Huh? – Gorillas are totally
fine. They’re great. If you respect a gorilla,
they’ll respect you. – I just, I didn’t grow
up with like any pets, so I just have a hard time trusting animals.
– I thought you were gonna say chimps. – I didn’t grow up, you
know, with pet chimpanzees. – No, I didn’t. My brother was a real person, so I dealt with.
(Shayne laughs) – I imagine boarding places
don’t accept raccoons. Like I imagine there was
no place to put a raccoon. Some comments here. Something tells me this
isn’t the first time pebble and this person showed up together where they weren’t supposed to be. I’m also having that vibe. That said, a raccoon in a
bow tie is adorable. Yeah. OP is an asshole, but he made me think of a raccoon wearing a bow tie.


So I cannot really be angry at him. I get why the sister would be, though. I think Pebble, you know, occasionally, it’s been a while since we’ve declared a legend in this show. Some characters you
come across are legends. I think Pebble is a legend. You know what I kind of imagine Pebble as? Is a little bit like baby Yoda. Like Grogu from-
(crosstalk) – Like they’re talking and
the raccoon’s just like. (everyone laughs) Just chilling. – I feel like he needs like a top hat to accompany the bow tie.
– Oh! – That’d be sick.
– If he’d had a top hat, the sister wouldn’t have been mad. – I bet.
– Right. She wouldn’t have seen him. – Probably just thought
it was like a little boy from the 1920s.
– Yeah. – Right.
– Anyways, moving on. – I’m really angry at him for that one. – Am I the asshole for
blowing up at my husband for sharing pics of our
daughter’s birthday celebration, resulting in my family
finding out about it? Ever since my brother passed away at the age of 17 on his birthday, my family decided to never
celebrate birthdays ever again.


– Oh, what the (beep)? – It was mom and dad’s decision, but because of how much the
family loved my brother, the extended family
decided to do the same, and stand in agreement with this decision. My husband would refuse
to follow this decision, and kept celebrating his birthday. Me and the family didn’t
say a thing about it, since he’s not blood family. But when I first got pregnant, the argument about celebrating our daughter’s birthdays occurred. My family advised me to just
not celebrate her birthday, since she’s a baby and
won’t even remember, anyway. I agreed, but my husband threw a fit, and insisted that we celebrate our daughter’s first birthday. I caved in eventually, but told him we’d have a
small, secret celebration, so that my family wouldn’t
find out, he agreed. The next day I got a call from my mom and she was so upset saying
that my word meant nothing, and that I have no respect
for my brother’s memory, nor the family.



I asked what she meant
and she told me she saw the birthday party pics my
husband posted on social media. I was too shocked to even argue. I hung up and went straight to my husband to confront him about it. He got defensive and said that he didn’t need my
permission to post pics, and that he wanted to show his family the birthday celebration pics, since I insisted we have
a small, secret party and exclude them.


I explained to him how
this made me look bad and a liar to my family, but he said they can get over
it and called my mom snobby. I blew up at him and we
had a huge fight about it. He started sulking later, and said, I ruined the memory of our daughter’s first birthday for him, and verbally abused him
with how I lashed out. But I solely did it out
of frustration knowing that what happened
caused a massive problem between me and my family. Now, he’s expecting an apology
from me. Am I the asshole? Whoa! – Is this how generational trauma happens? – Yeah.
– It sounds like it. – Like he died, so nobody, nobody gets
birthdays anymore forever! – Yeah.
– Yes. – What the (beep)? – Yeah, that’s intense.


And I understand like, you
know, if someone passes away on a birthday or Christmas,
I understand that like puts a shroud over that. But I think to declare a rule
that not only for yourselves, but anyone who comes into the family, and next generation. – It’s a little unfair. – That’s, I think that
is too far, personally. And I understand if the parents are like, “Hey, I’m very sorry. We can’t go to birthday parties. Like, we’re not gonna
go to birthday parties.


It’s just too hard for us.
We can’t celebrate with you. – Yeah.
– Because it’s too much.” That is different. They’re mad that they had
a celebration on their own, in their own house, on their own time. – Yeah. – That’s controlling behavior. And I think the wife’s, the
way she’s talking about this, makes it sound like she’s, they have, she has very controlling parents, and she’s afraid of her
parents, and it’s like- – Yeah, yeah.
– Yeah. – She’s clearly okay with
having a birthday party. The issue to me is her
grief is not being like, she’s not going, “I can’t
because my brother passed away on his birthday and it’s too hard for me.” That’s not what she’s
saying to her birthday. She’s going, “My parents can’t find out.” – Right.


– No, she wants to have this celebration. – Yeah.
– That’s so sad. – It is really sad. They’ve created this,
you’re right, this trauma that’s just kind of
carried on, and now this. Instead of like the memories
of the brother that passed. – Yeah, it’s honestly like
really (beep) up. Yeah. – They’ve made the grieving process more difficult and prolonged. – And it’s not even
like honoring the person that was lost either. – [Shayne] No! – It’s not even like on the day that that person was, that was lost.


– Yes!
– It’s almost like they feel like birthdays is the
reason that they lost them. So they’re like birthdays.
– I know. – There’s probably something there. – Birthdays will never be around anymore. – People grieve differently. I don’t have much experience with grief. I’ve been very fortunate in that way. But from what I know of, and from what I’ve seen from other people, I know that grief is completely
different for every person. So to be like, “You have to
grieve like how I’m grieving,” is so (beep) lame.
– Yeah. – The verdict was asshole. She added in the comments. To be frankly honest,
I don’t entirely agree with my parents on this decision, but seeing many family members willing to support and follow this decision, I figured it’d cause issues
if I don’t do the same. Also, I did agree that
we have a celebration.


This wasn’t the issue. The issue was with my
husband’s posting pics. My two siblings did get grief counseling. They were young when it happened. But me, my parents and
extended family didn’t. We used to attend church at the time, and spent time with the community there. Yeah, you know, you
need to get counseling. – You definitely need therapy. You definitely need to actually go through some actual psychological help with that.


Because it is debilitating. And of course, you’re going
to find some sort of outlet to help support yourself. Which in this case, is
banishing birthdays. – I mean, they’d have to
let up on this eventually, because someday, their
daughter’s gonna be five or six. And they’re gonna be like,
“No you can’t celebrate, because of someone you
never met passed away.” And she’s gonna have no
real feelings to that.


That’s not an experience of her life. She’s gonna grow up being like, “Oh, I’m not allowed to
have birthdays, because of-” – That’s death day. – Like yeah, what are you
doing? Like don’t do that. The point of a birthday is to celebrate. Like, it’s to celebrate life. – And specifically, too, with the husband. Like I feel like I want
to vouch for him there. Because like a lot of parents
when they do celebrate the first birthday, like yeah, sure, the baby won’t remember it. But I think it’s more
than just celebrating the baby reaching one year. It’s also just like, hey like
we did it for a whole year. We’ve been parents for a full year.


We’re celebrating bringing
our baby into this world. So it clearly means a lot
to the husband, as well. Which is why he was like, “I
want to post about my gratitude and show the world how happy
I am to have this baby.” – Right. – Because to him it’s not
about sadness and loss, and it might be for somebody else. But they’re trying to
just toss over their grief onto everybody’s birthday to somehow make it better for them.


– There’s comments here. You’re the asshole so hard. So any kids you have are
never allowed birthdays because your brother died? Your family all needs counseling. You’re the asshole and your
family, this is out of control. That is an insane thing to agree to concerning people who
weren’t even born at the time. Your children and husband
did not consent to this. It honestly sounds like
your family might need some therapy all around. It is sad someone died, but the living should not have to pay a price for it every year. Birthdays are about celebrating the life of the person born that day, not about the death of a
person born a different day. – Yeah. – I bet your brother would be appalled that this was his legacy. Telling everyone that their
life isn’t as important as his.


You do look bad and you are a liar. You should have stood up and said, “We are celebrating the
life of my daughter,” to your family. Go apologize to your husband. – It’s so hard to name
this family an asshole, because of what they are going through. And I’m sure that, again,
to them it makes sense. And that’s why she’s
originally on this page being like, “Am I wrong?” – [Shayne] Right. – So I think hopefully she’s
using other people’s words in some way to make sense of it. And actually reached the conclusion of the pain that they
are causing other people. – I agree with that. I think where people
typically in these stories become assholes is when
they try to control, or compel other people, you know? You’re allowed to handle things and do things however you want. – [Arasha] Totally. – When you start dictating other people, you’re almost always the asshole.


– Yeah, yeah. Just let
people do their thing. – Yeah. – Let people be comfortable. – And it sounds like this
person’s afraid to like – Definitely.
– go against their parents. – Yeah. Well, they don’t
know any better, you know? It’s what you’re taught. And they’ve only had these
people as examples for them. – All right, moving on. Am I the asshole for getting annoyed that my girlfriend makes such hot coffee? (Arasha laughs) – And we’re back ladies
and gentlemen, let’s go! – Let’s go!
– Yeah. – It’s silly time again. I think. Before we get into this, how hot do you guys like your coffee? – I pour at 205 degrees.


– I do about 204. – Yeah, yeah, that’s right. – Wow. – You don’t want it boiling, obviously. ‘Cause that’s gonna be bad on- – But I do sometimes have to
let it sit for a little bit. I’m a little baby. – Well this is a hot take, but I don’t really drink coffee. I’m not, I don’t really- – What about tea, do you? – Not really. – [Shayne] Do you do hot drinks? – Not really. I mean, you know, as a kid I
grew up like drinking chai. Like that’s what my mom sure
would always make at home. But I was never like really needed. I never really needed caffeine, so I haven’t carried it over into a- – Okay, flex. – Okay, you’re so (beep) cool. – Yeah, so I woke up like this. – That’s awesome, okay.


Am I the asshole for getting annoyed that my girlfriend makes such hot coffee? I, 32-year-old man, am a software dev, currently working remotely, while my girlfriend works as a sales rep, and doesn’t have the
option, so she goes to work. She doesn’t have that option remotely. I usually wake up at 7:00,
and start work at 7:30, while my girlfriend wakes up at 5:00. She usually gets a
morning walk, or yoga in, takes a shower, gets ready,
makes me coffee and breakfast, and then leaves for work at around 7:45.


The issue is that she makes
really boiling hot coffee, and I just can’t drink it at that hot. She has a much higher
heat tolerance than me. Her showers are like bathing
in the lava of Mount Doom. And I just think it’s unempathetic of her that she only considers her tolerance. I asked her before if
she could maybe make it at 5:00 or 6:00, and let it cool, since she wakes up so
much earlier than me. But she said she can
only make me breakfast and coffee later, because
she has to get ready.


I pointed out that it’s a little annoying that she doesn’t care about me enough to be a little flexible about her routine. And I told her that she doesn’t need to get her exercise in so rigidly. That she could maybe make my coffee and breakfast earlier, so
that it could cool down a bit. But when I said that she
got really pissed at me, and said I was super controlling. I am honestly failing to
see where I went wrong, because I only got a little annoyed, and I was very polite and levelheaded throughout the entire conversation. Because I just feel like bouts of anger are unproductive to
the discussion at hand. At the same time though, she ended up telling her best friend, who told me I was a huge jerk
for expecting my girlfriend to change her morning
routine to accommodate me.


But it’s merely a small ask
that shows she cares about me. – I literally like disassociated. (Shayne laughs) – It’s so funny that-
– That’s common. – Hearing all of these, I think this one, somehow makes me the
most like flabbergasted. – Oh, well, we’ve had these types before. It’s shocking how extremely
common it is for men to be like, “She needs to cook dinner sooner for me. She needs to make coffee sooner.” Like this is just such an
inherent thing that they, the idea of making their own coffee isn’t in the realm of possibility. – Yeah, that’s it. Like how does somebody
type those words out and actually think
(Shayne laughs) that that is okay? Like, am I the asshole for asking my wife to do whatever I want? Like is what I hear.
That is so ridiculous! – He did say girlfriend, so there’s a chance she
could get away from this.


– There’s no way she’s marrying- – She can escape. – There’s no way she’s marrying
that child of a person. – I don’t know why she tolerates
this in the first place. – I don’t understand, okay. Okay. So I make my coffee at 205 degrees, right? I, you know, do the pour
over and it goes in there. And then I pour like a
little bit into a mug, right, and then I keep the other bit warm. I have the little seal on it.


I have a little carafe, and
I put a little seal on it. And that coffee will go cold, – So fast.
– within like five minutes. It’s not possible for that coffee to not be like still hot. If he just leaves it in a
mug for like 10 minutes. – Yeah. There’s a comment. He wants the coffee to cool for two hours, before he’ll drink it? This is the dumbest post
I’ve read on this sub. He can’t make his own coffee. He can’t wait five minutes
for the coffee to cool, and he took this nonsense to Reddit.


Someone else has said this is a man who has never heard of ice. (laughs) – Yeah, or like if it really- – Or like putting it in the fridge! – Put it in the fridge.
– Seriously! There are so many easier solutions than everything that he is proposing. I hate that he was like, “Oh, like – She doesn’t need to workout.
– She’s so rigid about her workout routine.” ‘Cause I guarantee you in
another post he’s probably like, “My girlfriend needs to
change her workout routine, because she’s not hot.” Like, it is the exact same language that these men are using and
I don’t appreciate any of it.


– I can’t tell you how
common this (beep) is. I mean, look in one of
these Reddit’s story videos, a guy brought a cutting board. His wife was sick and in bed. He brought a cutting board to bed, – Nice.
– So she could cut vegetables. (Shayne laughs)
– I hope she took that knife. And I hope she put him
on the cutting board.


– She was like.
(Shayne laughs) – Here we go, next story. Am I the asshole for assuming my friend was keeping her partner away, because I didn’t like him when
actually he didn’t like me? I, a 38-year-old woman, have known Allie, who’s 40, for 15 years. We first met at work when we were single and the youngest people there. We became good friends and
socialized together and still do. Allie then met her partner, Matt, who she still is with years later. He does not share her interests. He is an avid football supporter, UK, and very anti the rival football team. Even when he doesn’t go
to watch matches live, he watches at the pub with male friends. He plays sports with his
friends. She’s a football widow. A football widow is when he,
during the football season, he’s so dedicated, it’s
like he’s dead to her. Like he’s gone.
– Oh, okay. – He’s gotta go with his mates. – He’s got be with his mates.
– To the pub.


– [Ian] To the pub. – It’s dead serious over there. Like we think NFL’s crazy, bro. She likes going to the
theater and to dinner. He’ll go to dinner with her, but doesn’t much enjoy the theater, unless it’s a serious play. She likes musicals, and she ends up going with female friends. She says she doesn’t mind,
they aren’t joined at the hip, and she has plenty of
friends and relatives who enjoy going to the theater with her and that she doesn’t
want to go to football. I wonder. I am known for
being brutally honest. When she introduced me to Matt, she asked my opinion and I gave it.


I didn’t really see them together. I didn’t like that he drinks and swears. He has a professional job
but isn’t very refined, unlike her, and I found him a
bit difficult to connect to. – It’s the most British thing- – I know. Oh, how’s it going now, Matt? – He’s not very refined. – At the time, she was
hurt but got over it, and generally just engineered
it, so I never really saw him. He was always busy when I
organized a party, et cetera. They now have two young boys and he looks after them when
she comes out with her friends.


To be honest, more recently,
my opinion of him has improved. He seems to be a really
good daddy to the boys, and they clearly adore him.
– Go to the daddy. – They’re also football mad. It took me longer to meet my SO, Edward, but I now have and we
have just got engaged. Allie and Matt both attended
our engagement party. Edward actually also likes football, and ended up getting on
really well with Matt. Later I asked Allie if she’d
be up for doing something as couples as Edward and Matt got on well.


She was non-committal. A few weeks later I tried
to arrange something and she accepted for
herself, but Matt was busy. I explained I wanted to do something with the four of us when he was free. She kept stalling. I pushed
it, maybe I shouldn’t have. And she said it wasn’t a good idea, because he and I didn’t get on. I said it was okay. I’d changed my opinion more
recently and Edward liked him. She looked surprised and
then awkwardly let me know it was because he didn’t really like me. She thought I knew. I
didn’t and I was upset. This was news. I asked her why. She was embarrassed, but said he found me
judgmental and too much. I don’t even know what that means. A few other examples, as well. I was hurt and told her I had
assumed she kept us apart, because I didn’t like
him, not the reverse.


She said that we didn’t get on, so what difference did it make? I’m beyond hurt and I did react badly, and told her some more truths about him. I regret this now and tried to apologize, but she won’t return my calls. – Wow, this might be the
first case in human history of Brits being open about their feelings. – Yeah.
(Shayne laughs) I really had to try to channel
Shayne reading that lie, you know, we didn’t get on. – We didn’t get on, right. – We didn’t get on.


– Yeah.
– Yeah. – And I’m so gutted.
– She’s like, too much. – So gutted, you know,
it’s still early day. – Well, she didn’t understand. She was like, too much, what? What does that mean?
(Ian laughs) – She’s a bit, she’s a bit much. – I’m too much what? – What am I too much of? – They weren’t cracking on. – They weren’t cracking on at first. – Interesting, so the verdict was asshole. You’re the asshole. Brutally honest is always
code for excuse to be an ass. And now, you’re butt hurt that you’re very own
behavior got flipped on you? And you doubled down when told so? Maybe this is the time for
some honest self reflection.


Someone else said, “Let
me get this straight. You said a bunch of incredible rude things to someone’s new partner.
(Ian laughs) Then one day decided
you like them actually, and didn’t realize that everything
you’ve ever done to them caused them to form an opinion of you? My girl, every person who
is not you in the world has a mind of their own, and
exists in the world outside of how they relate to your life. They all have deep inner worlds
just as complex as your own. Not everything is about you. Oh, and you’re the asshole.” – Yeah. – Yes, you want to take backsies. – Yeah.
– Yeah. And you know what? She did what a lot of people do, which ends up breaking friendships apart, which is sharing her opinion
where it was not asked.


– That’s true, that is very true. – This was a new partner. And a lot of the times
if you say something bad to a friend about their partner, what are you gonna do at their wedding? You know what I mean? ‘Cause then you’re awkwardly
there, like, “Congrats.” But clearly, you had said
bad things about them. – I thought at the
beginning that she asked. (crosstalk) When she introduced me to
Matt, she asked my opinion, and I gave it. – Oh, okay, okay.
– Yeah, yeah. And these are roles as like
good, long time friends to give our opinions on
a new significant other that comes into the fold
if you feel like, you know. You might not get on. Yeah, I mean it sounds
like maybe this person just is a more judgemental
person, in general. Maybe comes from a different, comes from like a different
kind of background, as this guy does. – Well, she never gave a good reason- – That’s what I say too, yeah. – He’s not refined. – He’s not refined, or like
that they like different things, which is okay.


– He’s just a lad, you know? – He’s just a lad. He likes his football.
– He’s just a lad. – If anything, I always
think it’s a great sign if somebody is super
passionate about something. And clearly, he felt
that way about football. So I think it’s okay. And it’s also, I think, a little jarring that she only was ready to accept him after her new partner, Edward- – I know, she’s like,
“Well, Edward like you, so okay I’ll like you.
– So okay, let’s be couple friends. – It does seem strange. It
does seem all over the place. – Yeah, and hopefully, her
opinion should have changed a little earlier along the way, before they ended up getting married, having two young boys. At some point I feel like
she would have been like, “Okay, clearly he’s got to be a good guy if I trust my friend
to make good judgment.” – Right, yeah, I mean,
I don’t really see like from the information that we have, I don’t see anyone being the asshole, or not being the asshole.


This is just like people
that just don’t get on. – I think where people are coming from that she’s the asshole,
and I do agree with this, is that she was totally fine with, I don’t want to hang out with him, because I don’t really like him. So I don’t want him around. When suddenly it was flipped and, “Oh.


He doesn’t want to hang out with me. What the (beep) how dare he?” – Yeah, yeah. – No, that’s not fair. If she was like, “Okay,
I’m cool with that. That’s fair, totally cool.” – [Arasha] Yeah. – ‘Cause the friend was even like, “Oh, I thought you guys
don’t get on, like whatever.” It’s not a big deal, it
doesn’t change anything. But she’s like, now, it’s
a personal insult to her. – And the friend was so clear. – Chill about it, yeah. The friend’s not like, she’s not gonna stop being her friend. She’s just like, “I’m sorry,
he’s not gonna be around.” Like, whatever.
– Yeah. – We have a comment here from OP. I got a lot more comments
here than I expected. I mean really a lot, and
I’ve been reflecting on them. So yes, I was brutally honest initially when my friend asked me what I thought. I thought she wanted me to be honest, I now get she probably didn’t.


She wanted me to say he was great, but I suppose I think
well, don’t ask me then. Anyways, I didn’t constantly
slag him when I saw her. And on the odd occasions I
did see him, we were polite. If she asked me my opinion, I gave it. I’m now thinking I should
have not done that. When she was honest with me, I lashed out, because well, I wasn’t expecting it. She’s had years to tell me how
he/they felt and never did.


Yes, I reacted badly and
really regret that now. So no, I don’t think that was okay. I was caught unawares and
have tried to apologize. Anyway, I posted this for some feedback, and certainly got it. I will do what I can to
make it right with them. Maybe I can, but who knows? Thanks for your involvement. Yeah. It’s also tough, she says lash out. I’m like, I’m curious what she said. Like that’s also makes you
more of an asshole, or not. – Well, if she was brutally
honest in the beginning, I’m sure that she didn’t hold back in the second conversation. I agree with that comment. Of
course, you should be honest. And again, like if she did ask like, “What do you think of him? Be honest.” There is a way to go about it to be like, “Honestly, like I’m not
so sure you guys mesh.” Rather than being like,
“He’s not refined,” or whatever you have to say about him.


– There’s also that teetering
thing of like people who are like, “I’m bold,
I’m just really honest.” It’s like, or are you an asshole? – Yeah.
– Yeah. – Are you a mean person? – You got to spare feelings.
– Yeah, whenever somebody says they’re blunt, it’s a little sus. – It’s tough, it’s tough. Is it important for you
guys that your partners, like past, future, to
mesh with your friends? – For me it is just because one
of the most important things that I believe in my life is when people that are important to me meet people that are important to me. And then we can all be
present in a space together, like that just brings me so much joy. – Totally. – I don’t know that I would
necessarily be stressed out if my partner didn’t get along
with a particular friend, because of course, that happens.


And having that understanding
is what will carry on for smooth interactions in the future. – [Shayne] Right. – But I mean, definitely it would be ideal if, everybody I loved
loved everybody I loved. – [Shayne] Totally. – Yeah, I don’t, need everybody
to be like best friends. But I think it’s definitely weird if like, you know, somebody
doesn’t get along with somebody and it’s like, what’s
wrong in this equation? ‘Cause I really like the
things about this person, and I really like the
things about this person. What’s going on here? If there’s like issues then I think that is a problem for me, for me. – It’d be curious and I, you know, depending on the situation, it would make me either question the relationship or the friend.


I’d be like, “Wait, hold on, like what’s going on, you know?
– Yeah, yeah. Well, in this case, the
friend who has the partner and the friend, like, I think she’s handling
everything so smoothly. With the couple interactions, she was like, “Matt’s
busy, but I’ll be there.” Like, she wasn’t like, oh,
I wish Matt could be there, or anything, she’s handling it on her own, which is, which I respect. – Here’s our last story. Am I the asshole for participating in my neighborhood’s Easter egg hunt that was meant for children? – (laughs) Hell yeah. – Legend. – I hope he dressed up like a little boy. With like a little spinny hat,
(Shayne laughs) and he’s like, “Oh, I’m
so excited for eggs!” And by little boy you mean
little raccoon with a bow tie and a top hat. – That too. – I thought this was gonna be a guy. I, 25-year-old woman
have always loved Easter. And my family would participate
in egg hunts every year as I was growing up.


I always love Easter candy, which makes the hunts
even more fun for me. I recently moved to a
new city with my partner, a 25-year-old man, and we saw that our neighborhood
association was throwing an Easter egg-travaganza. We thought this would
be a good opportunity to get more involved in the community, so we signed up to volunteer. I asked the president of the association if I could also sign up
for the Easter egg hunt due to my love for the holiday. And she said it would be fine. Turns out nobody above the age
of 10 had signed up, though, and I thought it should be okay, as there were like 70 kids participating, so my presence wasn’t super obvious.


A lot of the kids’ parents were
staring at me by this point, but I brushed it off. When the hunt began I
didn’t mean to go too crazy, but after I filled my
basket, then looked back, my path was marked by a
clear swath of eggless grass. – Yes. – Some of the kids definitely didn’t get as much candy as me, but
everyone seemed happy enough. As I made my way back
to my partner though, the parents were making comments that they knew I would overhear about how the egg hunt was for children. My partner suggested I
give back some of the eggs, and so I returned some to
the kids who were nearby until enough parents
seemed to be off my back. However, I didn’t want
to give every kid an egg, because that would take too long and I would basically be out.


Nobody else said anything before we left. But in the week since I’ve
seen some of the parents and they’ve been much colder to me. – Oh.
– Am I the asshole? – You know what I would say?
Should we all say it together? – What?
– One, two, three. – Legend.
– Legend. A little bit of a legend. Because this person is a
Danny McBride character. (laughs) I mean like, “I don’t care about these freaking kids! I’m gonna get some eggs!” – I love that she like
cleaned the floor with them. – Just wiped. – Just wrecked them. Look, she asked if it was
okay for her to do it, and they said yes! So then, what’s the big deal? – I would never in a
million years do this.


But if I’m ever at any
sort of event like this, if I’m ever watching like
a soccer game (laughs) with my like, seven to
nine-year-old nieces and nephews. I’ll like watch them
playing soccer and stuff. I definitely have the
thought of just like, if I was out there.
(everyone laughs) – I could just beat them down. – I would be scoring so
many points. (laughs) – Which is why I think the
act of her asking if she could is a little irrelevant to me. – [Ian] What do you mean? – Because you could score
on your nieces and nephews. You very much could. – I would never do it. But it would be so fun to dunk
on a bunch of 5-year-olds. That’d be so funny. To participate, there are
tons of parents who do that, who participate.
– Totally.


– But you don’t frigging
wreck the children. – Absolutely not.
– Why not? They got to learn that you can’t- – You don’t sweep the floor with them. – No, because they are
not gonna treat Easter the same way that she is, with love- – Easter’s (beep) anyway. It’s a holiday stolen from the Pagans. – But Easter candy is the best
holiday candy in existence. – Sure. – I will go to bat for that,
that Easter candy, next level. Cadbury Creme eggs, I (beep) love peeps. I know most people don’t agree with that.
– Any chocolate bunny. – This is what sucks. This is why she’s an
asshole in my opinion. – [Arasha] Yeah. – I love Easter candy. I can go to CVS and (beep) buy some. – Exactly. – These kids under 10 can’t
easily buy that candy. You get an excuse to eat a ton of candy.


– Hold on, ’cause I will actually contend that she paid for that candy. Because she said it’s her
neighborhood association. That’s a homeowner’s association. She’s paying out the
(beep) ass for nothing. (Shayne laughs) (beep) Homeowner’s
associations, eat that candy! She earned that candy. – Those kids live in that neighborhood and they didn’t get a choice but to live in that neighborhood.
– Those kids did not, those kids did not pay for that candy. She’s paying $500 a month. At the least, she can get
some free Easter candy. – No, no. Ian’s an asshole, too. (everyone laughs) – I love this story so much. This is like the funniest
(beep) on the planet to me. – I think what she should’ve done is maybe played a little
bit less competitively.


– Yeah, very much so. – But HOA fees are BS. – Yeah, I don’t like
homeowner’s associations, but don’t literally steal
candy from babies. (laughs) – Don’t steal candy from children. And again, I think it, she approached everything
correctly until then. Like she asked permission.
– Until she wrecked them. – She definitely had
enough cues to be like, “Okay, I’m definitely
the oldest person here.” She should have clocked that, and moved forward accordingly. – That is true. To be competitive about Easter
candy is kind of hilarious. – It’s really funny.
– And you know what? A total Redditer move. – And then again, let’s go
back to when she was like, “I didn’t want to give it to everybody, ’cause then I’d be out.” Are you serious?
(everyone laughs) – I can’t take the L! – Yeah.
(everyone laughs) I mean, at the very least
she taught those kids an important lesson, you know? They just got to get good. – Yeah, okay. – Or that they got to
stop 25-year-olds from entering into these things.
– But the point is you’re supposed to fight
your own weight class.


(laughs) Like they can’t
compete against a 25-year-old. Like they need to- – Ian’s like, “That’s the world.” – Sorry, dude.
– That’s the world, man. It’s not fair.
– Sorry, dude. – There’s some comments. Damn, how big was the basket OP was using? (Arasha and Ian laugh) Dude, I brought my four-year-old to a local brewery’s egg hunt, and once she got like 15 eggs we stopped, so the other kids would
be able to get some, too.


If my preschool child could
limit herself and share the joy, then a fully grown adult
should know better. – Absolutely.
– Yeah. – Go to an adult egg hunt,
or buy your own Easter candy. Wait a week and get all the candy you can handle for pennies. OP needs to grow up. That’s so true, man. – That’s so interesting.
– If you wait. If you wait ’til right after Easter, you can go and you can buy it all. – Yeah. – You can have it all, man. – I honestly, I didn’t even
think about it like that. If she was just another kid,
and like swiped up that much, even then we would be like, “Oh no, like you should share with everybody.” Like that is still the fundamental thing that we want to pull out of this.


– I think it just comes
back to the typically thing. The continuing theme with a lot of these is these people just lacking
so much self awareness. – Yeah, yeah.
– Yeah. – And be like, “Wait, I
got all the Easter candy, and everyone else’s children, okay.” – Right, right. – So there’s an edit that she wrote. She says, “Way more people responded to this than I expected.” That’s what they say every time.


– [Arasha] Whatever. – I now realize how bad I
dropped the ball on this one. Also, a lot of people are
questioning my social awareness, and now I am too. – (laughs) Yeah, yeah. – I’ve never diagnosed with
a personality disorder, but I have been diagnosed with ADHD. How can I repair my
relationships with my neighbors. I really don’t want to move, but now, I’m feeling pretty embarrassed. That is tough, that she now, if she now realizes, “I was
the asshole,” that sucks. That’s a tough one to come back from. – Most people never admit that, though. – Yeah. – Most people are like, – Yeah, she admitted it.
– “Look, you guys just don’t get it.” She’s like, “No, I guess,” like yeah. – That’s what makes it
funny to me, is that like, she just truly was in the zone.


(laughs) – [Ian] Yeah. – She was in the zone, man. – Look for other ways maybe to enjoy. Like be the Easter bunny,
and hand out all of these, if you love Easter so much. – I would have so much
more fun hiding the eggs. – [Arasha] Right. – Dude, ah, they would never find them. And then I would come back later and I would take them all. – Oh, yeah.
– Exactly. – That’s how she, that’s what she… She should have thought about that. – There you go, you should comment. – She could have had all the eggs. – You should comment
to your original post. – Wow, I actually think
out of all of these, she’s kind of a legend to me, like truly. – An unaware legend. – She was in the wrong, but
it’s pretty (beep) funny. – It’s funny. – I will admit, though,
if I was there in person, I would have been so mad. – Oh yeah, if it was your kid. – Even if it wasn’t my kid, I’d be like, “What are they doing?” (laughs) but it’d be so funny.


Like imagine that on
like an HBO comedy show. – Right. – It’s totally a Danny McBride. Like this is something that would happen in Eastbound & Down. – Yeah, he’d be like kicking kids. – Oh, yeah.
– And push them over. and stealing from their basket. – It’s a Will Ferrell move. – Yeah.
– Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. – I think what we need to do,
next Easter that rolls around Smosh needs to go to a
children’s Easter egg hunt, and just destroy them. – Just annihilate, we could sweep. – [Ian] Yeah. – Well, thank you both for being here. – Of course.
– This has been a lot of fun, a lot of really silly stuff. – Yeah. – And yeah, thank you guys for watching. Comment down below any themes, or subreddits that we should check out. – Mm-hm. – ‘Cause we want to cover more than just am I the asshole, if possible. We’ll be back next Saturday
with an episode where we’ll be doing best of Redditer updates.


Which are stories that get
updates months to years later, and they keep getting crazier. And we’re gonna try to predict them. It’s gonna be nuts, so
please tune in next Saturday. And we’ll see you guys later. – [Arasha] Woo! – Bye.
– Bye..

white wedding

Man Living a Double Life Murders Fiancée 2 Days Before Their Wedding?! The Murder of Molly Watson Wed, 05 Apr 2023 08:08:57 +0000

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  3. Murder trial begins for Florida man accused of killing girlfriend, daughter in 2018


(bright music) – Hello there every person, and also
welcome back to my channel. I am so pleased to have you below
with me for one more video. If you are new, welcome. So before we enter today” s instance, I simply intended to allow you guys know that this is actually gon na be the last time you see me, prior to I have a child. When this video goes up and I” m not precisely certain when I” m going to upload it, (bell dings) I will likely be either regarding to most likely to the medical facility, or in labor, or I could currently have my infant. If you wan na see where I”
m at with points as well as follow me for individual updates, you can follow my Instagram. That” s most likely where’I ‘ ll be updating one of the most. That” s Kendallraeonyt, I am likewise on TikTok and also Twitter. Don” t utilize them quite as much, however yep, when you ‘ re viewing this, I can be a mother. Can” t think it. I am so, so excited. I just desired to say thank you to everyone that has been so supportive of me during this maternity, have left me a lot of kind, encouraging comments.Have been comprehending of me having a little
little maternity mind, and also being so short of breath throughout recordings lately, doring.( huffs) And additionally to every person that has been so encouraging of me taking some time off, urging me to take even more pause, motivating me to take as long of a leave as I require, which I prepare to. I indicate, we” ll
see, I don ‘ t. have like an established time in mind. We ‘ ll simply see how I ‘ m doing. Yet throughout this time around you will see a couple pre-recorded videos. So it” s not like I ‘ ll be. completely off this network during this moment.
It ‘ s simply gon na be a lot. much less material than normal.
Oh, and also, before I. fail to remember, I intended to mention once again that I do have a 2nd. network here on YouTube, that is for individual stuff. I didn ‘ t use it for a long.
time, however when I located out I was having a baby, I wanted. to document my pregnancy.So I have been doing a series on that particular. If you wan na inspect it out’,.
it ‘ ll be connected below. But anyhow, allow ‘ s go in advance. as well as enter this case. This is truly wild. I recognize I say that for so numerous instances. This one is actually mind blowing,. the amount of weave and also simply exactly how this all. unravelled is astonishing. Allow” s simply jump right in. I wan na start by informing.
you concerning Molly Watson. So Molly Nicole Watson was.
born in Moberly, Missouri in December of 1982. She had another bro.
called Tim, and both of them were extremely close maturing.
and also throughout their lives. Molly was an extremely gritty.
and also active individual. She had a great deal of passion.
forever and also every little thing that she did. Her liked ones describe.
her as somebody that is just always authentically herself. Molly was her own special.
person and also she wasn” t worried to allow her individuality shine.Molly had Asperger ‘ s, yet.
this was never something that held her back whatsoever. It was something that she.
actually truly welcomed. It provided her a various.
sort of passion forever. She was an incredible buddy.
and also she never ever formed herself to harmonize others. She suched as to stand apart from the group. As well as one of her lots of interests.
was her YouTube channel.


– Hi everybody, it” s Molly. Today I am just kind of.
She called.
it like an once a week vlog which” s where she would certainly share. a great deal of her individual life, various elements of her life, share her skills and also her hobbies. – I figured I would certainly just.
(clears throat) So you kind of get to understand me.I am 34. I have 2 levels in psychology, a bachelor” s and’a master ‘ s. I ‘ m functioning on a third, not a. third, well, a’third degree, 2nd master ‘ s in counseling.
I am really a lot a hands on geek. I ‘ m a significant follower of things like Marvel and Disney for that issue. -And like she mentioned,.
Molly was a total nerd as well as proud of it. She liked video games, making.
costumes, making props for her cosplay. She likewise enjoyed pets. She had five felines and she truly delighted in reading and also singing. – ♪ Let your power luster, ♪ ♪ make the clock opposite, ♪ ♪ bring back what as soon as was mine. ♪ – [Kendall] As well as something.
that she really liked was nail gloss and also nail art.And she in fact started. her very own nail polish service at one factor called Luster Glow. She first got involved in the. entire nail gloss world as
a hobby when she fulfilled some. various other females online that suched as making nail polish too. She then made a decision to buy the. products that she would certainly require in order to make her. own, and simply type of let her creativity cut loose with it. As well as another reason she. was motivated to start her very own nail polish company is. due to the fact that traditional nail polish is commonly very expensive. It can be incredibly expensive. as well as she had lower prices than preferred brands. The name of her firm,. Beam Glow was motivated by two things. Initially, her love of sparkly things.And second, there was. actually a like maneuver in her favored video clip game and also. it ‘ s called the luster trigger.
Molly liked to match her. And her 2 favored. Molly ‘ s favored location to.
And also Molly was also unbelievably clever. She had two psychology. levels, a bachelor ‘
s and also was ultimately gon na go back and.
get a 2nd master” s level. So, clearly she was really intelligent. Molly was in her very early.
twenties when she initially got wed to her first hubby. Nonetheless, their relationship.
in fact finished after two years, they wound up getting a separation. But during that separation process,.
Molly ended up locating out that she was pregnant with.
their child and during her pregnancy, Molly actually.
reconnected with this woman that she went to preschool.
with as well as her name was Brownish-yellow Brady.And what ‘ s

amusing is the 2 of.
them in fact remembered not liking each various other when they.
were maturing, however something had transformed and also they were extremely.
warm of each various other as adults. So fond of each various other, that.
both of them finished up falling in love. And also Amber wound up assisting.
Molly increase her son, whose name is Declan, and also he.
was birthed with analytical palsy. As well as the initial few years of.
their connection was terrific. It was really caring as well as pleased. And while she and also Amber were.
dating, Molly ended up getting a job functioning in the.
Moberly Correctional Center. And she appeared to be.
actually happy with this task. However, a great deal of that happiness.
That” s where James Addie. He was a lieutenant policeman.
at Moberly Correctional. He had spent years working.
there, method before Molly to make this really essential role. Molly as well as James instantly.
made a connection. Therefore while they” re. starting their relationship, Molly is still in a connection. with Amber, and Brownish-yellow has no suggestion that this is going on.One time Molly and also James were.
in fact at a motel with each other, connecting and Brownish-yellow goes.
there as well as captures them. She actually tracked them down. She goes up to the motel.
door, knocks on it and also Molly answers the door, and.
James remains in the history obtaining clothed as well as leaving. So clearly this is when.
Molly and Brownish-yellow separate. Brownish-yellow was not pleased regarding this.
as well as dishonesty wasn” t really in Molly ‘ s personality normally,.
however there was something concerning James that simply attracted her in. It wasn” t long up until. both of them began officially dating.Now, James was older than. Molly, about 16 years older.
He was born upon the fourth of. July in 1965 in Missouri.
As well as he went into the Marine. Corp as a teenager as well as had been married numerous. As well as when James and also Molly became.
process was simply taking a very long time, which occasionally separation.
can take years and also years. And he said that one of the.
primary reasons it was taking as long was because they had.
2 children entailed, which does make it more complicated.They had a son and a.

child of their very own.
Currently Molly ‘ s family was a. little bit sus regarding this partnership from the start. All they understood concerning him is.
Everybody that saw the two.
They stated that they had never seen her so in love with somebody before.But like I stated, her. family was worried concerning the partnership and also they.
were very, just not sure regarding James. Especially her brother, Tim. Today He claimed he thought. that James was a con guy, who ‘ s just utilizing his sis for her cash. He claimed that Molly was paying. for every little thing that they did. He likewise declared that James.
just gave him negative feelings from the start. A few of the member of the family.
described him as being sort of a ghost that he wouldn ‘ t. appearance individuals in the eye when chatting to them.
And his character was simply. so various than Molly ‘ s. Yet at the exact same time they
saw. how pleased Molly’was which she was plainly really.
crazy with this guy. So they wished to sustain her.
Tim certainly had his. issues, however he felt like it wasn ‘ t his area to. interfere due to the fact that his sibling was so happy.
So Molly as well as James dated for 7 years. And after that finally in October of 2017, James told Molly that. his separation was final.Molly took this as an. chance to after that ask James, the love of her life to wed her. James stated yes, and Molly.
And extremely delighted to plan her wedding celebration. She also worked with a wedding celebration. As well as Molly was simply so, so.
excited for her wedding.She desired it to be. definitely ideal down to every little detail.
She was extremely involved.


in the whole process.
She even had 2 wedding event. outfits ‘ cuz she couldn ‘ t choose one.
– [Salesperson] I Remember. meeting her, she was so fired up. She desired a Disney motif. She was really pleasant, I. enjoyed collaborating with her.- [Kendall]
Every little thing was. going according to plan, she was really thrilled.
for their wedding celebration that was showing up in 2018
. However in Christmas of 2017. catastrophe struck James.
He told Molly that. You recognize, Molly recognized. James tells Molly that.
So currently it ‘ s simply days before. their wedding celebration and James needs to, comfort their kids and strategy. a funeral service for his ex-wife.
And they kind of via. You can in fact see in this.
“His ex-wife/ kids ‘ mother. “passed over the weekend break from “a cars and truck accident at Xmas,. so “he ‘ s everywhere, “assisting his youngsters via this. and also looking after things for “them in addition to the wedding event.” After that she reviews “times that. she can possibly satisfy with the wedding celebration coordinator to do.
their final walkthrough of everything. However, James was able to. draw it with each other and also informed her that he still wanted to relocate.
forward with the wedding event. To ensure that week he and Molly.
mosted likely to the Randolph Region Recorder of Acts as well as obtained. their marital relationship license.As much as Molly understood, she. was gon na be obtaining wed in simply a few days.


The process of obtaining a. marriage certificate isn ‘ t long, but it does require the couple. to generate a legitimate type of recognition and their. social safety card.
They should also authorize documentation,. The male who was.
helping them with their marriage license actually felt unclear by James. He felt like something was
off. Specifically when he had actually asked. James, if he had actually been wed previously, James had a weird reaction.The man stated, he seemed kind. of rattled by the concern and asked him, “why do. you need to know that?” And also James had been.


married before, obviously.
In fact he had actually been. wedded four times in the past, yet despite him acting. unusual regarding that concern, they proceeded with obtaining their certificate, and also he and also Molly
left that. day on April 25th with their marriage permit in hand. However things took an extremely different. switch on April 27th, 2018, only 2 days after getting.
their marital relationship license and two days prior to their wedding. So a guy called Glen.
McSparren was driving to his mom ‘ s house on the 27th. to go down off his daughter. And he was so exhausted that he.
drove via a faster way that led him with the crossway. of Route M and Highway 151. As well as it was extremely usual for
. him to take this shortcut. He had actually done it sometimes.
in the past, throughout this dirt road. And it was a rather desolate. area, however it wasn ‘ t uncommon for individuals to drive through. it from time to time. So on his way to hand over. his daughter, he saw what seemed two vehicles.And at initially he didn ‘ t think much of it. He did nevertheless quit, as well as. he consulted with a male that he recognized to be white. as well as older in age, he was just passing by as well as


he asked. this guy, if he required aid. He believed perhaps they were.
stuck or something like that. But he seemed to think.
every little thing was fine, and also he continued on his way.Only 30 mins later around. 10:00 PM, Glen goes down off his daughter and after that he drove. back through the grove as well as he noticed this moment that. there was just one car, yet he observed more than that. He additionally saw that there. was a body simply existing on the ground. He knew something was very,
. extremely incorrect immediately. He assumed that he or she.
can be deceased, and right away he calls 911. -[ Glen] There ‘ s a lady. pushing the ground.
– [911 operator] Okay. -[ Glen] I put on ‘ t understand what. the heck is going on here. – So they motivate him. to get outta the car and attempt to see if he or she is still to life. He obtains out as well as he can. tell that they ‘ re not.
So when cops arrived at. the scene, they began functioning to determine this person,.
after running the lorry ‘ s registration, they were.
able to determine that the body discovered was Molly Watson.
From their first records,.’they believed that Molly had been struck in the back. of the head, that there was some kind of candid pressure.
injury that killed her.And they knew as soon as possible.
that this was a murder.
However as soon as they were able to.


look further into her injuries, they actually found. that she had been fired once execution design in the back of the head. They assumed possibly this. might have been a robbery, yet they rapidly, kind of. ruled that out due to the fact that she was using her interaction ring. As well as if a person was burglarizing her
,. they would have taken that. They browsed her vehicle for any type of hints. As well as that ‘ s where they discovered. her marriage license remaining on the guest seat. So after hrs of collecting. evidence, a handful of police officers looked up James Addie ‘ s. address and mosted likely to his house to deliver the notification of death. By the time they obtained to. his house in Santa Fe, it was following 2:30 AM.
Currently undoubtedly providing a person,.
on the door, they were extremely surprised to see.
Melanie Addie at the door. James ‘ spouse of 23 years, that. And she was just as baffled as they were.She keeps in mind that they.
living there at the time. So as soon as cops type of.
clarified that she was, they brought James as well as.
And also at initial Melanie was really puzzled. She couldn ‘ t rather. She didn ‘ t totally understand that.
James had constantly told Melanie. that he had no tolerance for anyone that ripped off. and also simply thought it was the worst thing you might perhaps do. So Melanie was asked if she. recognized Molly, and she claimed, no. Ultimately they clarified
. to her that Molly was and also exactly how she was connected to her husband.She was absolutely shocked. She stated that her partner. had actually been resting in your home every


evening. He ‘ d constantly been with her.
at the end of the day. And he never appeared like he. was unhappy in their marital relationship, yet
it unexpectedly dawned on her. that sometimes he would certainly get off work at three and also he. wouldn ‘ t be house till 5.
Every time she would bring. She never ever thought
it was.
James had any type of odd behavior that day as well as she claimed,. As well as she went to bed prior to he got house. April 28th, the day before James and Molly were intended.
She goes up to the attic room.
secret partnership up there. As well as she was right. Up in the attic room she.
discovers numerous boxes that have Molly ‘ s name on them.
Transforms out numerous of Molly” s. items had actually been being kept in their home
. James took those trips each with a different tale. He informed her he was going to.
by some male pals to head to Mexico, which he.
initially turned down because he didn ‘ t wan na do without his better half. However Melanie in fact was the. one that urged him to take that journey to Mexico, with his buddies.
And recognized only currently that. he was really there with an additional lady, Molly Watson.And if that wasn ‘ t the worst. of it, it ends up James had actually taken Melanie on a vacation to.
Mexico simply months after he had appreciated that same.
getaway with Molly. Actually took her to.
the same restaurants, the same experiences.
He did it all again with. Melanie as well as acted like everything was great.
Clearly Melanie ‘ s child. The following day was her.
They finished up explaining. To her that her papa was taken
in for questioningHowever It wasn” t until after senior prom.

I imply, we” ll
see, I don ‘ t. have like a set time in mind. We ‘ ll just see exactly how I ‘ m doing. It” s not like I ‘ ll be. Molly ‘ s favorite area to. Various than Molly ‘ s.And clearly it was such
a surprising means to learn that her daddy had been
disloyalty on her mother for one, but was also taken into consideration a.
suspect in his mistress” s murder. And also what was specifically striking.
to her is she recognized Molly Watson. She had satisfied her in the past. So their little girl” s name is. Emma, as well as she was going to be mosting likely to
ComicCon. with a few of her close friends, a year earlier, as well as she needed an outfit. Her dad tells her, I know.
a person who makes outfits. So he actually drove Emma.
over to Molly” s house one day and also both of them rested. down as well as discussed what she wanted her costume to resemble. She had no idea that she.
was really satisfying her daddy” s girlfriend.So undoubtedly police desired. to wonder about Emma, when they figured out that she ‘ d actually fulfilled’Molly. She had some vital.
info concerning her papa” s alibi that evening. James had actually informed police that.
he had actually left his house around 7:00 PM that evening to meet.
up keeping that coworker, yet his good friend wasn” t residence,
so. he returned around 8:30 PM. Although Emma” s version of the.
tale is slightly different as well as doesn” t placed James getting. back residence till 10:00 PM.
She informed detectives that. her father did leave about 7:00, like
he claimed, but. that evening in specific, she needed to stay up a little. later on to end up some research, so she remained in the eating. space around 10:00 PM when he got residence. And she was certain that that was the time. He asked her what she” s still doing up. She discusses that she had.
to remain up a little later to do some homework. So he states, fine. And also he goes as well as does a load of.
Offers her a hug before he goes to bed. And also that was it for him for the night.So this means that James ‘ s. location were unaccounted for during the time of Molly ‘ s murder. Private investigators even called up.
And also this colleague did understand. James, however he claimed that they most definitely weren ‘ t. close friends as well as did not have plans’to
socialize that night. So it ‘ s actually beginning. to appear like, you understand, James is
entailed in Molly ‘ s murder. So private investigators are going. over all the evidence that they have attempting to formally connect him. And there were numerous. key pieces of evidence.
Both most essential. littles proof were one, a
tire track that was. located at the criminal activity scene.
And also two, a white tee. They brought in a professional.
track found at the criminal offense scene followed the right.
rear tire of James” s car. And also Emma identified the tee.
as belonging to her father.And she was particular about. that because she had in fact made that tee shirt for. him at institution one day
. The tee also examined. favorable for gunfire residue and DNA from Molly ‘ s blood. However, James ‘ s DNA was. not discovered on the’t-shirt or at the criminal offense scene at all. However district attorneys thought that. they had more than sufficient proof to charge James with. the murder of Molly Watson.
As well as so his test day was. set for April 26th, 2021.
So via their. examination, the
cops and the prosecuting lawyers believed that Molly was eliminated by James,.
when she learnt about his partner, that he was still.
wed to and who was still quite alive. In her opening declaration,.
the state prosecutor established the scene for the court. – On the evening of April 27th, 2018, a selection was made. The body of Molly Watson.
was discovered down a country, unpaved, messy, roadway in.
Monroe Region, Missouri by a passerby who was.
taking a faster way house from his mom” s house in the late evening. Molly had actually been shot when,.
call range in the back of her head, her engagement.
ring, still on her hand.


– [Kendall] After that she goes.
on to describe just how the police concerned discover her future husband” s identity. – While they were still on.
the scene, officers went and checked out Molly” s wedding. website, that they had the ability to see it still up online and.
located the name of her future husband, James Abby. As well as they triggered to notify.
test” s initial day was invested introducing the criminal offense as well as.
defining the partnership between James as well as Molly. The jury discovered how in love.
Molly was and just how excited she was to lastly marry her.
boyfriend of 7 years. Also the protection really leaned.
greatly on the concept that James and also Molly were quite crazy. That they had this actually.
enchanting connection. And they said that, “” Just how.
could he eliminate someone who he loved so much?”” Throughout the first day of test.
they additionally offered all of the proof that they had.
that verified James Addie was guilty of killing Molly Watson. You understand, the tire print,.
the tee as well as additionally some phone information that linked James to the crime.Evidence showed



that the. day prior to her murder, Molly made a number of online. look for Melanie ‘
s obituary. And when absolutely nothing showed up,. the authorities as well as district attorneys thought that she after that. faced James, and also he had to
decide, which. life did he intend to go after? ‘ Cuz he was plainly living ‘. 2 various lives.
And also much more crucial information. “driveSense,” which tracks your driving data and location. As well as information from this application.
house to the area where she was murdered.
Her phone also showed that. Melanie ‘ s funeral arrangements.He claimed, “The funeral.
is tomorrow, I like you.


” My nerves “are fired.
“I ‘ m getting ready to head to. “the airport terminal in St. Louis to “select individuals up for the funeral.” She said, “” I ‘ m sorry, sweet taste.” “I enjoy you so “so much. “” Is that why you were getting. ill earlier? Are you okay? “Talk to me please.” However simply one day previously “, she.” wasn ‘ t able to find anything
regarding Melanie ‘ s death or cars and truck. mishap for that’issue.
However, Molly was an. very relying on person. She had actually been provided no. indicator that her fiance was lying to her. And also even if she did, her. enjoyed ones thought that she might have looked past this. as a result of how deeply she looked after him.
The tire print was a. big part of the test. -[ District attorney] An excellent tire print, in the damp soil,.( clock ticking) just feet from Molly ‘
s body. The best rear tire of James Addie ‘ s car was recognized as the. source of the tire print, discovered just feet from Molly ‘ s body. -[ Kendall] They generated.


the expert that compared the tire tracks with James ‘ s. automobile, as well as he bore witness the contrast as well as his evaluation. was that they were a match.
This is a.
chart that I had made after my comparisonsContrasts during my comparisonsContrasts As well as it just kind of lists out.
the primaries through 11 and also they correspond between the.
tire as well as the impact. So on the left side you.
see the number, top left you see number one, as well as.
what” s circled on the tire represents the number.
one on the impression itself. As well as after that it just went.
via one through 11. – [District attorney] So you have. 11 locations of specific qualities? – [Tire Professional] Yes. – Is that, in your.
training as well as experience, is that a whole lot? – [Tire Professional] It” s adequate enough for a recognition. – As well as what final thought did.
My verdict.
was that certain tire made that specific perception.


– And also if the tire print wasn” t. sufficient, a search of James” s house revealed that his automobile.
It ‘ s noticeable
that he had. The 2nd day of test.
additionally had a great deal of various testaments. In enhancement to the experts who indicated, a number of others took the stand. When Glen took the stand,.
he discussed exactly how he came across Molly” s body. -[ Glen] To take my daughter. to my mother ‘ s, and also I mosted likely to take the faster way. through the creek as we were both tired.
As well as we bumped into a pair of. fronts lights down by the creek. As well as then I might tell
there. was an additional vehicle encountering far from me. – [District attorney] So the.
automobile drives in the direction of you. At some point, does it stop,.
and also the individual gets out? – Yeah, he jumped out like.
come to the end of the door, but I couldn” t get, with all. the glow and whatever, I was having a tough time seeing. And that” s when I chewed out him. I asked “to said, “Hey,
is. somebody stuck down there?”” And also he stated, “” I don” t. know where they” re at.

“” It” s gon na be a while”.” -[ District attorney] And also you. keep claiming he, this person was a man?- Yeah. -[ Prosecutor
] Okay, can. you tell us anything else concerning what that person resembled?- [Glen] Well, he appeared to look older. I couldn” t obtain a
actually a. 100 % clear take a look at him, and afterwards judging by his voice.
He sounded older. One more essential.
piece of testimony originated from the guy at Randolph.
Area Recorder of Deeds. Remember exactly how he had actually gotten.
strange vibes from James that day? Exactly how James didn” t wan na respond to. any type of concerns about his previous marriage? He clearly was worried that.
they would certainly bring up that he was still wed to a person. However, in truth, there.
is no database to have actually confirmed his present marital standing. So when James claimed he was.
not wed at the time he as well as Molly went into the.
workplace, there weren” t any type of concerns.


– Would certainly you have the ability to.
confirm if someone was currently wed? – Never. – Okay, there”
s no. statewide marriage data source? – No. – Or nationwide marriage.
database or anything? – No. – You count on the parties to.
accurately represent them? – Yes, which” s why I ask. them if it” s a real state.- Naturally, the defense did.
their best to attempt to cast question over the court that.
James was in charge of the murder. For instance, James” s lawyer. claimed that he paid off a $ 4,000 equilibrium they carried.
something associated to their wedding event the day that she passed away. They said, if he was.
intending to eliminate Molly, why would he invest money on their wedding event? Although the prosecution.
was able to argue that this was plainly to throw individuals.
off his aroma, that it was to make it look like he didn” t. have this plan in advance of time.And Melanie additionally affirmed. and it was extremely emotional. As well as in her testament, she. responded to lots of inquiries including regarding her automobile mishap. Which she plainly was not. ever before in an automobile accident
. She was never on life support. And also she was plainly still alive.- Were you in a terrible. auto accident a few months
after that separation date in October. of 2017 around Christmas or New
Year ‘ s?- No.- And is it’fair to state. you did not die in April of 2018? -That ‘ s correct. – She also chatted about. locating every little thing in the attic room that day as well as just how she. recognized her partner had been having this whole, deep. connection behind her back for 7 years.- [District attorney] As well as what. remained in that loft space location?- [
Melanie] I discovered some. boxes of things that had come from Molly.I found a locked breast.


that when I opened it, had
a photo cd.- And also Melanie maintains that. she was unaware that her other half was having an affair,. but claims that she absolutely thought her husband. was qualified of murder.
As well as James came to be very. psychological in court when it was time for his little girl to take the stand. Emma rose there, strolled. with the occasions of the evening that everything.
occurred, and also exactly how she recognized that her papa came house at 10:00. – That night dad stated he.
was gon na go fulfill a pal. As well as he left, and I think.
a pair of hrs later, mommy went to bed and also I was.
still up doing homework at around 10:00 PM, and also that” s. when, that ‘ s around the time that dad got home. He asked me what I was still doing up. As well as I just informed him I. was kipping down homework, as well as he left.
And after that a little after. that I ended up and also got up as well as went to go brush

my teeth.While I was brushing my.
teeth he involved the bathroom and just stood at the doorway,.
and also then strolled back out. – When you were in the.
shower room that evening, exactly how did your dad act while.
he was waiting for you? – He looked simply actually.
impatient, concerning it. I don” t know.- And also do you keep in mind if.
your dad did any type of laundry that evening? – Yes, it was when I walked.
out of the shower room and with the eating area, I.
heard the cleaning equipment going.


– And also did you scent anything? – Yes, I scented bleach. – It was also essential that.
she was able to testify that she had actually made that shirt for her papa, specifically since his DNA wasn” t on it.- There was a contest in.
my graphic style class that we needed to go to, as well as we.
had to publish specific designs on the tee a certain way.And everyone in the class. did theirs properly.
I ‘ m the only one who messed up very poor. – So I understand that” s my shirt. Detectives.
are usually able to make use of a bullet discovered in a target.
to identify the owner of the murder weapon, the bullet.
that was discovered in Molly was drastically damaged on impact. There was one record out.
there that claims that there was an attempt to match the.
bullet with the 22 caliber rounds found at James” s home,. yet it was certainly not their toughest method to.
link him to the crime.And there were 2 inmates. that James had actually been remaining in jail with, that he had. informed he existed, in prison, because he had actually put somebody. encounter down in a ditch. And although James pleaded. not guilty, he never ever said that these two inmates fees. versus him were incorrect.
So on April 29th, 2021,. which is really actually 3 years after they were. intended to get married back in 2018,
James. Addie was condemned of very first degree murder and also. armed criminal action.- [
Judge] Decision checked out as. complies with, as to count one.
We, the court discover the.
defendant, James Addie, guilty of murder in the.
initially degree as sent in guideline number 6. Judgment reads as follows as to count two. We, the jury discover the.
defendant, James Addie, guilty of armed wrongdoer.
activity as submitted in direction, number eight. – [Kendall] James returned.
for his court sentencing on July 29th, 2021. The sufferer impact declarations.
from Molly” s bro and also child were exceptionally psychological, and.
I simply wan na state.
Molly was my ideal pal and sibling that I will certainly never ever see again.This beast took her from. My papa had actually been taking care. The tension from that took.
his life in September of 2020 of a heart attack.
The distress and tension. of everything has actually taken a toll on everybody.- [Prosecutor] A letter from Declan. Today, I was asked to compose this letter, and I wasn ‘ t sure what to state until currently. You took one of the most. essential people in my life, away from me.
She was an impressive, wise,. and attractive person.
As well as sure, she wasn ‘ t a perfect person, however no one is perfect. And she wasn” t a
excellent. mama, but being a mama isn ‘ t concerning being ideal.
It ‘ s about making good. And I think she only ever. As well as you couldn ‘ t be a. little bit sincere with her or any individual for that issue.
As well as in the end,. James Addie was offered a life sentence without the.
possibility of parole. – I thus sentence you to.
life jail time without the opportunity of parole.
– [Kendall] As well as in spite of.


his sentence, of training course, James tried to appeal his. sentence claiming that he required a retrial since his. lawyer was insufficient in his depiction. Simply an incredibly frustrating instance. Exactly how these people live double.
lives, have 2 different relationships going at as soon as.
without the other understanding, boggles the mind to me and also.
to take such radical action in the end, to leave.
it all, leading her right up till the wedding celebration and after that.
eliminating her two days before, it” s simply unimaginable.I really feel so badly for both of. his youngsters, for Melanie, for Molly” s family. It simply is so unneeded. Molly was so satisfied. She was, so near.
having this desire wedding event. And also she was such a great.
person who just happened to drop for the incorrect individual. I truly wan na hear your.
ideas on this set. Of training course, let me recognize.
listed below what you think, yet that is it for me today, guys. I hope you located this.
as intriguing as I did.That is gon na be it for me for a while. Every little thing you” ll see.
from me (switches clicking) in the following number of weeks.
( bell dings) to month or longer will certainly be pre-recorded. I will be back recording.
once more after I have my baby in most likely September, but yep. Up until then, you can keep up to.
date with me on social media sites. I wish you guys are all having a good day. Stay safe available,.
and I will see you quickly. (gentle songs).

And that was it for him for the night.So this indicates that James ‘ s. whereabouts were unaccounted for during the time of Molly ‘ s murder. James ‘ s DNA was.( clock ticking) just feet from Molly ‘
s body. The appropriate rear tire of James Addie ‘ s vehicle was determined as the. – Okay, there”
s no.

white wedding

Marriage Counseling For Christians Wed, 26 Oct 2022 05:48:05 +0000

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Not every marriage is perfect, even a Christian one. Christian marriage counseling is a therapeutic strategy that many Christian couples embark on because of relationship woes. The bible teaches against divorce and in order for some Christians to keep their marriage going, they may need to try something new. The purpose of this spiritual counseling is to help Christian couples in troubled relationships learn to understand each other and God in a better way.

Christians can be influenced by a world surrounding them which is riddled with divorce. Divorce rates for the average couple in this country are at an amazing level of about 50%, that’s right 50%! One out of every two marriages fail and the rate is climbing!

Christian marriage counseling takes place through a number of different outlets. Many couples may simply participate in their home church which may offer counseling advice (if their pastor is certified for counseling). A great benefit to choosing your own church pastor is that it allows you to have a more personal, one-on-one relationship with your counselor, as well as an increased comfort level because you are already familiar with that person. Another really great factor is that it usually does not cost a thing.

Outside of going to your own church to seek marriage advice, many Christian couples turn to the online world of therapeutic solutions. The Internet is full of Christian marriage counseling websites that offer solutions to many common marital problems. This can provide a great option for those who may be located a great distance away from their church and want the convenience of counseling in their own home. This can save on time and money for the cost of gas. The Internet Christian marriage counseling services will also allow you to work around your own schedule instead of someone else’s, which is a big time saver.

The third most accepted way to approach Christian marriage counseling is to seek out a trained professional, who is also a Christian, in the field of marriage, relationships and/or family disputes. You can start by looking in your own church denominations around your community, the phone book, and even the Internet can locate the various locations of Christian marriage counseling specialists which might best suit your needs.

One great benefit of using Christian marriage counseling is that it may be a way to help couples incorporate their faith into their life as a whole. Most Christian counselors are well versed in the Bible and, as such, may be able to teach how to implement the biblical principles that can help promote a healthy, happy, spiritually based marriage. With the help of a Christian marriage counselor, couples can help build a stronger spiritual backbone through the study of the Bible, which is considered of vital importance. By doing so, a Christian couple may be able to strengthen their faith which may, in turn, help improve and strengthen the quality and bonds of their marriage.

Christian marriage counseling is not just for Christians alone. Any couple that is having difficulties in their marital pursuits may be able to benefit from the help of a Christian marriage counselor. Most Christian counselors are more than happy to help others in need. All you have to do is ask.

For many Christians, the help of a Christian marriage counselor is a great option, especially because it is free and readily accessible, either through their own church, a local community church or the Internet. They are attracted by the Christian methods of incorporating biblical principles, faith and a greater level of spirituality into their lives which may ultimately help alleviate problems and greatly reduce possibility of divorce. In short, they want a faith based help which will help them find greater joy in their marriage relationship.
