Choosing our wedding venue in Bali

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you can make this decision on my own there is so 
much stress hey guys welcome back to my Channel   today we're going to wedding venue shopping so 
it's been a few months since I got proposed to and   we're starting to plan for the wedding a little 
bit and the first step of planning a wedding is   to choose the location and to book it also because 
you know usually it gets booked up pretty fast so   today I'm actually in Bali and I'm gonna be going 
to a few different hotels to check out venues and   I'm very excited about it so I'm actually doing a 
destination wedding so for those of you guys who   are new I'm actually from Singapore I've always 
wanted to have a bali wedding so yeah I'm gonna   bring you guys and check out the few different 
locations I have in mind and I think we're going   to support it from Jesus we are actually at the 
first location right now it's alila ulawatu it's   actually the hotel that my fiance proposed to be 
at so this first location has sentimental value   and I'm very excited to check out the place 
again because this place is huge which is a   big result and that they were having more like a 
detailed tour and I'm very excited to bring you   guys with me so let's go check out the things also 
um it's my first time getting married clearly and   hopefully the last I have no idea how to plan a 
wedding and let alone a destination wedding so   wish me luck you guys let's figure it out together 
so this was a place where I got proposed to it   might look very different now because they're 
actually having a wedding today so it's great   it's perfect for me to check out you know what 
could be done with the space this was where the   helicopter landed when I got proposed to and the 
tent is enormous and I love that they're putting   you know these type of plants thing up there it 
Blends in totally with the place and whoa you can   also do this over here very interesting right 
over here was where the sign will you marry me   Grace over here and it's overlooking this really 
beautiful ocean well I'm actually seeing a lot of it's a little bit hot also so I think I have 
to check like what season what which months are   better to book this location because I don't want 
my guests to be really hot I want everyone to have   a really good time that's the most important thing 
for me please check with the hotel if they have   you know slots in that month because like I said 
usually for weddings you have to book the place   one year in advance but actually I don't even have 
one year anymore I've been very very busy so yeah   I'm getting stressed what do you guys think about 
this spot hmm I'm gonna get all of your opinions   because yeah I don't want to make this decision 
on my own it's so much stress so yeah I will   really value your opinions please do share with me 
what you guys think so Mr groom what do you think   I'm gonna say So currently I just checked with the 
guy and every month is full already except August   damn it so we're done with this first venue we 
don't really have to see it too much because you   know we are quite familiar with the place having 
been that we've stayed here and we're going on to   our second location right now it is I have no idea 
whether it's nearby what but it's called Ayana and   this was the one that actually like striked me 
the most like online when I saw the picture I   was like completely mesmerized but I want to see 
whether you know it looks very nice in real life   also or am I getting catfished so let's go check 
it out so we're heading to Ayana right now it is   32 minutes away and I don't think I've said it 
yet but I'm hoping to find a venue that when I   first see I'm like wow I really want to have my 
wedding here so let's hope that we find it today   I'll show you guys more information about the 
prices and the packages at the end so stay tuned so this is Ayana and I think it's a very very big 
Resort I've never been here before so   I'm very excited to see the thing about 
like results is that there's actually   multiple places that you can have the 
wedding in and also there's a natural   wedding happening today so again we 
get to see the potential of what we   can really make and what we can create with 
the space let's go crash someone's wedding foreign area so we're gonna check it out right 
now and there's someone bringing us on   this tour so he's just explaining a little 
bit about what you can do with the space so they are setting up for tonight's wedding and 
they also have the 10th going with this really   beautiful plant on top getting some inspiration 
I really like this table set up and it's not   even completed yet so I'm pretty sure it's going 
to be pretty crazy but I do like this place so   far there is a lot of like places to work with 
just one thing for me is that there isn't much   of a view over here like it's not overwhelming 
and I really like this lawn area where we can   actually make it into a cocktail area so before 
the ceremony or the dinner starts we can have   our guests chill over here and make some like 
fun activities there is also this bridge where   you can actually walk underneath and it leads to 
the spot that I've been most excited about so this   was the spot I had in mind you guys this was the 
one I saw online and let's see whether it's very   nice in real life also wow beautiful beautiful 
actually it looks really nice oh my gosh guys I   really do like it it was not a catfish because 
it really looks very beautiful in real life so pretty so this is our second location like 
I said we're not gonna you know decide so fast   because we want to keep our options open so yeah 
but I really do like this place so we're gonna   put a stamp right here actually I don't know what 
that means now I'm checking out this guy Paris so   this is also another place where you can have your 
ceremony and it looks so special like so Heavenly   and check out the view it's super super pretty 
I think this is definitely a very special spot   by checking out the third spot in this 
same Resort and the next one is a chapel   we're gonna check out the chapel right now so this is the temple and the same hotel and 
I'm thinking no not really feeling it I think   it's a little bit too small but there are 
things like there's like a long downstairs   this place actually pretty nice just at the 
moment they're like sport for choice and   there are people are like below the chapel 
right now and there's this beautiful room next up we're going to kampinski and this is 
actually one of my favorite hotels in Bali and   when I stayed over here I really had one of the 
best times and I always ask my friends to come   to Kempinski so I'm so so excited to see this 
one I already know how it looks like it looks   very very Grand check out the lobby the lobby 
is perhaps the most grand lobbies I've ever seen this is the lobby   if you guys are here you'll realize that even 
like every piece of material that they choose is so crazy everything makeup affection is insane 
now we're overlooking the entire Resort there   are rooms on the sides and there's a really 
big pool in the middle and a beach in the   front we're actually overlooking from the lobby 
the lobby is right on top of the cliff and you   can actually have your wedding ceremony right 
at the beach which is all the way in the front   of the resort so this one can actually be used 
for the Tea Ceremony so for our Chinese culture   you do have tea ceremonies before the wedding 
and I think this is actually a perfect spot   for it this is a view from the chapel so 
that's a chapel and the view is the ocean apparently there's like this underground um water 
aquarium dining thing I haven't been there before   all right so now we are going another 
buggy tour to check out this hotel so   there's also another wedding going 
on off the street so we're gonna   crash another wedding today we are Wedding 
Crashers this is the presidential suite and   finally we're checking out the chapel 
we can't go in today so I'm gonna show   you guys some pictures of how it looks 
like inside the iconic Kempinski Chapel foreign also the lawn is right beside where it's   overlooking the beach and this is 
where the main dinner will be at so so nice you guys and it's overlooking the 
ocean over there important to me that it's   not very hot right so I don't realize that 
actually this this location is very cooling   I don't know why it's just not cooling and I 
don't think it's very hot I'm literally still   wearing this and I'm gonna test the sun okay 
so I'm gonna stand in the Sun for a duration   and let's see whether I start sweating hello 
thank you so I'll see you guys in a while oh my gosh I'm very happy to say that it's not 
very hot let's go but as you can see they're   still setting up the wedding and I hope my gosh 
you guys I literally say the same thing about   the previous place but you know yeah we're just 
seeing and look at all the flowers there's so   much that goes behind setting up a wedding it's 
insane look at the pretty brown I think they're   taking some behind the scenes pictures looking 
stunning not to forget the groom also between   dashu this is is the third hotel I think 
that we are visiting today there's so much alrighty so just pulling you guys 
aside for a little chat because   I'm so excited about this place 
and I really do like it actually   I'm getting excited when I'm feeling cool I feel 
happy it's good vibes alrighty guys so we're done   with this hotel and we're going to check out 
the next place which is Ritz Carlton it's right   beside so let's go we are at our fifth hotel for 
today honestly this is very very pretty it's like   a girl's dream because everything is purple 
pinkish it's actually not a wedding this is   a 60th birthday 960.

If I'm able to pop off like 
this it'll be amazing can we talk about how these   aunties are dressed they look beautiful shout out 
to my guests when you guys come these look amazing you saw that one monkey went to do a side 
check and now he's asking them to come and   follow him oh no no he's climbing on the proms 
oh we're still gonna go check out their Chapel   because the picture online looks amazing and I've 
always wanted to know how it looks like over here so this is the pretty Chapel that I saw online I 
think um in my opinion this is one of the nicest   chapels in Bali and you can also have like a 
ceremony at the beach the site looks very nice so surreal so we are at Conrad right now and I've never 
been here before so my first impression is   that it's pretty okay nothing too special about 
this place it's not really um taking my breath   away or anything I especially because you know 
we've been to so many different places already   and we're really just fought for choice 
at this point in time so you know there   is no story but it kind of reminds me of the 
Wonder bits it's overlooking like the beach but I don't know I'm just talking about next 
up we're checking out Mulia Maria is quite   a popular destination actually so I'm really 
excited to check it out it's my first time here First Impressions is that 
this place is super Grand it   is huge one of the biggest results here definitely so this place is very nice it's incredibly Grand 
because there are cow makers so if you realize   everything is tiled this place looks really 
Exquisite but I'm not sure about the color   scheme because there's a lot of blue going on 
around here and I don't know yet so yeah I will   just see how but it looks really nice so far 
so that's all the hotels we're gonna be seeing   today and we're gonna start choosing which one 
we're going to go with for the actual wedding I   decided to not go with red Mulia and also Conrad 
for Conrad I wasn't feeling it and for it it was   so beautiful in the picture and in real life 
but I decided that you know I didn't get that   super crazy feeling of excitement when I saw it 
so I decided to eliminate that and as for Mulia   I decided to not go with it because of the blue 
color theme and I think that will clash with my   decorations that I have in mind so yeah now let's 
get into deciding which ones we are going for the   First on our list is alila ulawatu this place 
has sentimental value because it's where I got   proposed to however it's actually very very 
pricey so I'm kind of thinking about it it is   very expensive however I really see the potential 
in this area look at all these beautiful wedding   in sports that you can actually do so yeah let's 
move on to the next on our list Rihanna was the   place and I was most excited to see because of 
this spot that really took my breath away I was   so excited that it is not a catfish location 
and it looks as good as the photos however one   thing is that the hotel actually is quite like old 
it's not the newest hotel and that is quite a big   factor on my list so yeah that is one thing I'm 
gonna be considering about and moving on to the   last location last but not least it is camping 
ski Kaminsky has always been one of my favorite   hotels and honestly I can't find a single bad 
thing to say about camping skidam Vibes are   amazing looks amazing and it is definitely not 
the cheapest also however I really do love this   place and honestly I'm getting excited thinking 
about this one so yeah make sure to comment down   below which one is your favorite and which one I 
should have my wedding and I'll also head over to   my community post and vote for your favorite 
one I'll see you guys in the next video bye

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