this is not the photo they expected to take when they set out to plan their dream destination wedding they had him at gunpoint and they're saying we're gonna kill you destination weddings are growing in popularity Meghan Markel had one when she married her first husband an estimated 350,000 take place each year there's even a romantic comedy being released next month called destination wedding starring Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder's and going to the destination wedding Las Vegas is the most popular destination in fact seven out of ten destination weddings take place in the continental USA brides and grooms love them because of the thrill of adventure and surprisingly they tend to be less expensive than weddings at home despite the cost of travel Jennifer and Frank Musab ki were scouting breathtaking wedding locations in Mexico they were anticipating a fun experience exploring the potential venues then an hour outside Mexico City they were ambushed were in the center lane cars are going and we get hit from behind Frank showed me what happened when he got out to inspect the damage four or five guys bum-rush me I see a gun and they pinned me up on the hook on the back of the car and they're just on top of me and then I feel a gun go to my head they were thrown into the backseat of their rental car any time he spoke they would push him or hit him with the gun to hit him upside the head with the gun they were driven to a remote location told they were going to be held for ransom I was wearing sneakers they took a shoelace off one of the sneakers and with the shoelace they bound my hand in front of me so I was I was like this crunched over with with my hands bound Jennifer you were concerned at one point that they were going to sexually assault you what would happen they tried three different times but I fought him off they broke Jennifer's nose when she tried to grab a gun I'm wrestling the two guys for the gun my hand was like cement on it and finally one of the guys punched me in the face and they they got control of the gun back Jennifer and Frank made a run for it and by some miracle scape their kidnappers this photo was taken at a local police station right after their Dash for freedom that was the end of their destination wedding plans they decided to get married right here at home in my Anne [Applause] [Music] you [Music]