Do Engagement Rings Go on the Left Hand? | CarterCast Clip

JOSH: Question #1 from the Google AutoFill responses: Do engagement rings go on the left hand? CARTER: Yes. JOSH: Do engagement rings go on the left hand? Sorry, what was that again? CARTER: Yes. JOSH: Okay. Why? CARTER: Thank you. Good show. JOSH: Alright everybody that's it. Wrap it up. But why? Why do we wear it on the left hand, do you know? CARTER: The ancients believed that there was an artery in your left ring finger that was connected to your heart. So if you wore a piece of jewelry there… It wasn't always diamonds, could've just been a gold band. It could've been a ruby. Could've been anything that adorned that finger. But they viewed that as a way of connecting the hearts between the two people who were in love. JOSH: Ahhhh. CARTER: I think that turned out to not be true. I don't know, I'm not a medical doctor..

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