Elvish Inspired Wedding and Engagement Rings from Jens Hansen

My father was Jens Hansen, And he was regarded as
one of the founders of the artisan jewellery movement in
New Zealand His grandfather was a blacksmith, and metal working has been in our
family for a long time. Jens passed his love of crafting
precious things to his family. It was a desire to forge treasures that could become heirlooms. Fifty years ago he founded this
studio here in Nelson and today our family is still
here creating beautiful jewellery. In New Zealand we have a tradition of
pushing the boundaries A tradition of hands on creativity, and inspired innovation. When Peter Jackson was looking
for a master craftsman to create the One Ring,
it was my father he called. And so the world’s most famous ring
was forged right here in our workshop and today we offer that
legacy to you. Honouring the unique shape of
the movie ring. We handcraft authentic, customised
elvish wedding and engagement rings. You choose the type of gold and
we’ll create a ring that embodies your love story. You can even add a diamond
or another precious gem. What ever you choose,
wherever you are the in world, our craftspeople are with you
every step of the way We’ll translate your words
into flowing elvish script, creating the perfect symbol
of love that will last forever.

Each ring is handcrafted and
original, made to be worn for
generations to come. It’s an elegant philosophy and it rewards our customers
with a beauty that transcends time That’s the legacy of my father,
Jens Hansen, the Ringmaker..

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