FINALLY Sharing My *FINE JEWELRY* Collection!

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– Well, hello everyone. Today, I'm sharing my
fine jewelry collection. And this is such a highly requested video. I wasn't sure if I would
ever actually film it, just because I really,
really don't want this to come across the wrong way, like I'm bragging and like
this is all I care about, and (babbles), like it's… And I think people… Truly, I do think people think I lie about (chuckles) the clothes that I wear, because I very much mix high end, as far as like my jewelry, with extremely low end, affordable clothes like Amazon, Walmart. I'm rocking a $12 bag right now. Like I love designer bags, but then sometimes I just find a good one. And it's easy, and
that's just what I wear. I know there's so many people
out there that are curious about the details of my pieces, and whether or not they're
worth it, how they've held up, just, I don't know. I'm gonna share everything with you guys.

Please, please, don't
take this as I'm bragging, but this is the point of
YouTube, you know what I mean? Like sharing things. So let's just get right
into the very first thing, which is rings. So I'm just gonna jump right in. I'm just gonna jump right in with the first Cartier ring I ever got, which is this yellow gold ring. It is a LOVE ring, and it does have the three diamonds. So you can get them in tons
of different configurations. I did get the diamonds just to make it a little bit different. I forget the sizing. I'll tell you all the sizing details with my bracelets a little bit later, just because that is very, very specific if you wanna stack things. But obviously you just have
to try on different rings to see what you think would be best.

So I got that first, loved it to pieces. I love how it's on my middle finger. And then I love that so much. I then moved on to the silver ring, which is actually a LOVE wedding band. And as you can see, it is a
lot smaller and a lot thinner. And I do think it looks
really good stacked together. And I do wanna point
out that for the ring, this particular ring, and
any silver piece, really, when it comes to Cartier, I would recommend getting
at least one diamond. So I do have one diamond in this ring, and that's because if they add a diamond, it does become rhodium plated.

So it's white gold, but
it is rhodium plated. Now, if you just get the, you know, the LOVE
bracelet or the LOVE ring and then there's no
diamonds in the white gold, it's going to look very,
very gray and kind of faint. It doesn't look as luxurious
and it doesn't pop as much. So I tried on both and the
sales associate was like, "You really should get
the one with the diamond.

It just lasts better. It looks better." And I immediately could
tell a huge difference. So I did do that, and I just absolutely love
these stacked together. Now, as far as wear and
tear for these rings, you can definitely tell that there are tiny
little scratches on them. But it's completely… Like, you don't even notice it unless you're really going in there and like holding it up against the light. I think they still look great. I would absolutely repurchase
over and over and over again. I'm sure at some point in my life, maybe I'll buy another Cartier ring. But let's move on to the next one, which is another Cartier ring, it's the Juste un Clou nail
ring, again in yellow gold. I have it here on my pointer finger. And this is the one that I have some definite,
you know, pros and cons.

I love how it's just different. Not as many people have the ring. Like the love collection is very, you know, it's noticeable. People are very aware of it. I have always loved it. I feel like I loved it even before it was popular to love it. But the nail collection, I also love. I think it's very different. It's a little bit edgy, but it's again very noticeable. And I think it's very comfortable. I think people sometimes think that the nail head might
like really dig into you and be very uncomfortable, but I don't get that at all. So I do love the way it looks, and I think it would also be a nice ring that you could stack with others. But here's the negative, and this is so bizarre, and I've asked Cartier
sales associates about it.

They have no idea. But it, in the last year or two, has started to turn my finger black. What? Like, that to me, I didn't realize that fine jewelry like real gold would ever do that to somebody. So I started noticing it maybe
like a year and a half ago. If I, like, move the ring a little bit, or it, like, shifts a bit, you can see how my finger is dark. And then it'll like wipe right off. But it's kind of embarrassing in a way when people are looking at my nails or they're looking at my rings, and it almost looks like the ring is fake.

(chuckles) It's absolutely not fake. I've taken it to the sales
associate like I said, and they're just like, "We have no idea. They've polished it." And then I started Googling, and it does turn out that
there's certain compositions of different, you know, types of gold that will react to the skin. But it's odd to me that it took maybe like three or four
years for it to happen. And it's only this ring, because some other people have told me that I must, you know,
have some like deficiency in my body or something. I definitely don't have an
iron deficiency, I know that. I have tons of other
gold all over my body, and nothing reacts at all.

It's only this ring. So that kind of makes me
feel like there is something in this particular gold
makeup or something that my body does react to. If you go back in my previous videos, I just actually haven't
worn it in quite some time. And then I saw it in my jewelry box, and I was like, "I love it." So I've been putting it back on in the last two months. And it's… Yeah, it's turning my finger again.

So I don't know what to think about this, but all of my other
pieces have been great. Next, let's move on to my diamond ring, which is my engagement ring. I will spare you all of the details, but we did recently,
around Christmas time, upgrade the diamond. And I did share a lot of the
details in that Christmas like what I got for Christmas video. But I am gonna share all
of the details again, just because it is like one of my favorite
pieces of all time. And I'm so happy with the upgrade. So it is a round diamond and
I kept the original setting, and I still have my
original wedding bands. So it's all just white gold. And then it is a round diamond, and I'll go over like the four Cs.

So it is just under four carats. So it's like 3.9 something. And that's just because I really
wanted a four-carat diamond but once you hit like four point whatever, the price skyrockets, it's just kind of like
goes in chunks by carat. So I was so happy I found one
that was like 3.9 whatever. I honestly forget what it is. But it's like… It basically looks like
a four-carat diamond. And then it is a triple excellent cut, which is absolutely what you want when you are getting a round diamond. The diamond I had before that wasn't, and it was like really good color, and it was a pretty diamond, but honestly, it looked a bit cloudy, and it's just because it wasn't
the triple excellent cut. I feel like out of all of
the four Cs of the diamond, it's the cut with the round diamond.

That is absolutely number one. That is what you wanna pay attention to, because it will make
the diamond look whiter. It will make the diamond sparkle more. It just looks so crisp. It's beautiful. So then it is an H color, which I know some people are like, "It's not colorless." Well, yeah, I compared an E, an F, a G, an H, an I. Like, I did all… I compared so much, and I
could not tell a difference between this H color and
a D, truly in the store. I really couldn't. And again, that is because
of the triple excellent cut. It just makes it look
so bright and sparkly. So I did get that. Again, if I would've gone
for the colorless diamond, it just would have gone up by like, maybe like 30, 40, $50,000. And that's not an exaggeration. It's insane. And then as far as the… I think the last C is like the, is the clarity? I don't know.

I guess like a VS… No, VS1. It's like Very Slightly Included… VS1 or VS2. It's something like… It's Very Slightly Included. So you can't see any
inclusions to the eyes. It's like you really have to like zoom in and get some magnifications. So anyway, that is my
diamond, and I just… I love it, I love it. Oh, and last thing about the diamond. This is a natural diamond and
not a lab created diamond. And I am not against either, like, whatever this is, you know. Ethically sourced, like it's all good. And I kind of went… I kind of like researched it a little bit. And lab, it's a real… Like, lab diamonds are real diamonds. It's just they don't
hold their value as much. So that's why we went this route. The last fine jewelry ring I have, before we move onto the bracelets, is this Tiffany's T ring, which if you've been
following me for a while, you kind of maybe
remember me unboxing this, I was so excited.

It's a gift from Josh. And I just never wear it. I do not like it for one reason. So it is a white gold piece, and it does have diamonds
on either side of, it's like a T on either end. And it's beautiful. I love the way it looks. However, it is the most
annoying ring to wear, because it gets hooked on everything, because it is open in the center. You wouldn't think it would. Like, even when I put it on right now, I really like the way it looks, but that open space, it
gets snagged on clothes. It gets snagged… It just gets snagged all the time. And one time, it was so bad that it kind of like twisted the ring, like, the ring pulled open. So I put it back. It still honestly looks a little bit… It looks a little bit off to me, which is why I haven't sold it. I'm just keeping it in at my jewelry box, but it isn't something
that I would recommend. Okay, let's move on to the bracelets, which are probably my favorite pieces.

I love bracelets, but bracelets, you never have to take off. And that's the beauty of fine jewelry. I know some people have a routine and they take everything off every night. I never take any of this off, ever. But let's just get started with the very first
Cartier piece I ever got. It's what got me started with just loving the brand in general. But it's this LOVE bracelet. The original LOVE bracelet. All of these bracelets, by
the way, are the regular size, none of them are the mini. But this is the first piece I ever got. I got it maybe like
seven or eight years ago, and Josh just surprised me with it. We went to this fancy
restaurant for an anniversary, and he whipped out the red bag, and I was just, like, floored. I was so excited. I cannot even tell you how excited I was. I had wanted this LOVE
bracelet for so many years long before it was popular to,
you know, want this bracelet. But it is just…

It's in yellow gold. No diamonds. It's just the classic original bracelet. And as far as wear and tear, it definitely has some small scratches, but I think, again, it
is held up beautifully. And as far as sizing,
this is very important if you ever want to stack LOVE bracelets with the Juste un Clou nail bracelets. So this is a size 16, which at the time of Josh purchasing this, that was the smallest size he could get. And he knew that I have the tiniest wrist. So he got a size 16, and it fits great. But since then they have
started making size 15, thankfully, because if you ever
wanna stack a nail bracelet with the LOVE bracelet, you need to go down in size for the Juste un Clou nail bracelet.

So years later, he surprised
me with this bracelet, which I knew I wanted, but I just had never bought it for myself. I guess he paid attention when we were, you know, shopping for them, 'cause every once in a while
we would go to like a city. We don't have Cartier in Pittsburgh, but we would go to like
New York or maybe Vegas, and I would try it on. And he remembers that the
sales associate was like, "You really should size down,
because it's a lot bigger, and so if you get the same size, it will kind of go over
top the LOVE bracelet and really scratch it up." So he bought this for me.

It's a size 15, fits perfectly,
looks great stack together. And he did kind of splurge
on the diamond version where there's diamonds on the
nail head and the nail tip. I, if I were to buy it myself, I was probably just gonna
get the regular one, because it is quite a big
price jump with the diamonds. But now that he… Since he did that, like, I am so thankful he did that, I love it so much. I think it is such a beautiful accent. I love looking at this. So that was my stack for quite some time. And then some of you may remember, a lot of you probably had no idea, but I did buy the white
gold LOVE bracelet, because I kind of have always
wanted like a stack of three. To me, like, three's like a good number. I feel like two's, like… I don't know. Even it's decorating. Like, an odd number,
three is just like good.

So I've always wanted three bracelets. So I bought a white gold love
bracelet to go on my wrist. And I thought I would love it, because I love mixing my metals. Like, see, I mix yellow and
white gold all the time. So I put it on my wrist, and I actually started filming a video, I wore it for maybe 45 minutes max, and I was watching the video
back on the back of the camera, and I hated the way it looked on my wrist.

I hated it. It was so weird. I did order it. Like I didn't try it on in the store. I was kinda like banking on me liking it. I immediately took it
off, and I sent it back, and I don't know why I didn't like it. I did get the ones with diamonds in, like, every other screw hole, and it was rhodium plated. It was beautiful. I just didn't like the way it looked. So fast forward to now. Here we are. As you can see, I do
have the LOVE bracelet, but it's the pave version. I never did it an unboxing with it. This is again something
that Josh surprised me with. Because I kind of always had
this long withstanding goal, (chuckles) and I'm not gonna
tell you what the goal is, but if I ever kind of met this life goal, I was gonna buy myself
this LOVE pave bracelet. I never thought that I would.

I thought it was like a dream. Like I honestly thought
it would be ridiculous that I would never reach it. And I did at the end of last year. So Josh was like, "Okay, go buy the bracelet, do it. What are you waiting for? You never thought you would do this. You did it." And I just couldn't, because the price. I don't even wanna talk about it. It's just insane. He surprised me with it. He's just… Yeah, he ordered it. He surprised me with it, and (sighs) I love it. So he's just amazing. He just thought I deserved it. And again, I didn't unbox it.

I didn't… And now I'm sharing it with you now. So there's gonna be people saying that, "Here you are. You're
just bragging about it" But there's not that many videos about this particular LOVE
pave bracelet on here. So I did get a size 16 or
he got a size 16 for me, because that's, you know,
what the other one was. So it stacks beautifully. I put it in the middle. Here, I kind of like
played around with it. I feel like this is just
what I like the best. And you'll notice that
it is quite a bit thicker than the original, like,
regular LOVE bracelet. And that's just because there are diamonds all the way around it. So it's just set the diamonds, it does just need to be thicker. So definitely for the first
like two or three days, I was like, "Whoa, this is heavy." But now I don't ever think about it. And it is just one of my most, truly, prized possessions. I absolutely love it. I'm so thankful for it.

Let me know though, (sighs) if there's any questions that you guys have that I didn't address. Put it down below in the comment section. We have a small little,
like, Rolex collection. Again, I've never unboxed anything, but I just know that so many
people are interested in this. Let me know if you would
want to see that video. If not, I don't care. I don't care. But let me know. And I will see you in my next video. Bye!.

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