Friends: Joey Loses Ross’ Wedding Ring (Season 4 Clip) | TBS

I don't know what I'm gonna do. I called the company
that sent her and they don't care. Then I called 911
and they yelled at me. If this isn't an emergency!
then what is? – Hey, guys.
– Hey. I just wanted to thank you
again for last night. What a great party. And the guys
from work had a blast. And you know,
one of them had never been to a bachelor party before Yeah, another one had been
to a party before, so.. So, uh, hey,
that wedding ring, huh? – Man, that is nice.
– Yeah, right? Yeah, I was thinkin'
I might pick one of those
babies up for myself. Where might
one get one of those? That ring? When my grandmother
first came to this country that ring and the clothes
on her back were all she had with her. So you might say
that the ring is irreplaceable Oh, absolutely. It's been in
my family for generations. And every bride who's
worn it has lived a long and happy life So you might say
it's a magic ring.

Yeah, the stripper stole it. M-my ring?
My-my wedding ring? The-the stripper
stole my wedding ring? How-how could this happen? Well I think it all
started when you said "Hey, Joey, why don't
you be my best man!" Alright, alright, fine,
I'm go-gonna call the cops Dude, I-I screwed up.
You don't have to turn me in. – Not on you, on the stripper.
– Oh, yeah, I already did. They said they'd
look into it right after they solve all the murders. Okay, well, then, we'll
the company that sent her Well, I did that too.

They wouldn't give me her
real name or her number. They said if I bothered them
again, they'd call the police I said, "You talk to the police you tell them
I'm missin' a ring." So, what, Joey,
what are you telling me? That there's nothing we can do? 'How could this happen?' Look, Ross, I am so, so, sorry. Well, what if we
just called her used a fake name and
had her come to my office? Oh, that sounds like fun,
but we got a ring to find!.

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