Guessing 1 vs 5 Star Amazon WEDDING DRESSES?!

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today we thought it would be really fun to try on wedding dresses and play a game of guessing one through five star amazon ratings could you guys see me getting married yeah if this came off oh my god it's going to be a four minutes i was gonna go with five it is a what's up you guys and welcome back to cover stars perfect transition drew dorsey if you guys know if you watch the channel you do know we love weddings but more specifically we love trying on wedding dresses but today's episode and the wedding dresses are a little bit different tell them why janae you ran out of air didn't you today's episode is super different because we're not just trying on wedding dresses hello been there done that like at least 47 times if ever i felt like a disney princess it is right now stunning oh it's so good today we thought it would be really fun to try on wedding dresses and play a game of guessing one through five star amazon ratings i mean and for wedding dresses this is going to be hard and also fun fact jackie's never even played this before i haven't okay jenny so since it's the first time let me map out the rules so we're gonna be trying on six different dresses they are rated one through five by users who people we don't know so it's just like buy people's own experiences okay but we have to guess what these people rated so not how we would personally raise it but how other people would like it i think they did it but since there's only five stars and six dresses then obviously you know that one of those dresses is a duplicate so we can't just use process of elimination but um not only is this your coordination into uh this type of video you picked the right one or maybe you shouldn't have picked this one because there's a there's a twist this time y'all you know how at weddings when like the bride and groom were like hey we're married and then they take the golden cake and they smash it each other's faces whoever wins gets to smash cake in the loser's faces you can tell i'm so excited about it there is no like looking out for each other because this isn't like a cheap versus deep or something guessing amazon one through five star ratings is like we're all in it for ourselves guys i love cake i don't like cake on my face i would take cake anywhere else on my body if we somehow manage by some miracle to all tie after six rounds then we get the luxury of throwing cake and bridget's face oh i love that but honestly like good luck because i don't know how it's gonna happen i'm just so there's no cheating unfortunately we all have to yell out our guys at the same exact time the same exact time i get cake in my face somebody better record it so i can use it for content we are in the strapless mermaid dress and listen closely when i say come here this dress is 75.

what seventy-five dollars that's crazy that is that's crazy it's incredible that's that's insane it's not it's not like fantastic but like it's not bad none of us look bad in this no and the thing is lace is so expensive i would think that somebody bought a thousand dollar dress well she made you look so pretty oh you could you guys see me getting married yeah i think the quality is great for 75 dollars so i'm assuming the photo looks pretty close to this and just from the feel of it the cups are nice they're not in a weird place yeah the lace feels really nice or like nice enough for 75 the corset detail is nice because i feel like it will fit a variety of people 100 percent you can tailor it also look at the train how tall are you jackie um i have thick heels on but yeah i'm five eight jackie it looks like you're the back of you looks like a heart let me see jackie should have come down the aisle like this what are you doing using your telekinesis she's telling us we need to get this right because i feel like what i'm thinking is like too good and i know so okay hold on let me just pray really quick one two three four oh sh five oh my god it's gonna be a four [Music] oh you know what kendrick said he said be humble no that's a lot of damage what is there to say other than we're wearing a bodycon dress from amazon that is 36.

Um and this looks nothing like the picture on amazon so that tells me a little bit that it's gonna be a lower rating if the actual material in real life didn't say that enough uh we are young no one can tell us we're wrong i don't know what she does in that video she doesn't like this yeah the idea of this like i don't really care you know i don't need a traditional wedding like a cool bride yeah but also this is so cheap yeah 36 bucks if this came off okay lauren a bunch of like threads [Music] wow lauren this is great this is hideous the bottom makes it for me i think without the bottom it's like something about the bottom just makes it like it's like a afterthought they were like how do we make people buy this off amazon got it fake tool at the bottom yeah it's but it is fake tool this isn't tool this is like a it's hard i don't know what that is but dare i say i don't feel like it's like the bottom of the bottom rating i feel like there are people out there that be like oh my god i love it there is definitely one that's worse than this i don't do you guys get anxiety when you play this game yeah it's really stressful i have two numbers in my head i think i have a number in my head too but i think it's incorrect yeah same whatever guardian angels what is it [Music] oh my god no freaking away virgin that just scared the hell out of me was gonna say i was gonna say two i was gonna say to you i was not even close to three god is blessing you god knew jesus hey all right so for this round we are in a off the shoulder lace gown ish it is forty dollars and i did check it does not come with twenty five dollars therefore it is not worth it to me that's funny thank you 40 bucks for this is pretty good uh-uh this material this is made out of paper yeah it's not good it's not no it gives you no shape i feel like i'm gonna like change up my strategy and just like throw out numbers do it literally read my mind right now jackie's looking trying to look into my brain just think about think about it this is not forgiving material this is not forgiving material at all but i think some people would be happy about this i have no it gives me nothing and your ass that we just tried on was worse than this and i got a three but again specifically looking for a short dress yeah this is looking for if you typed an off the shoulder wedding gown you know how many different ones are gonna come up for this i'm getting nervous now because i mean i feel like my number has to be wrong because there's no way i'm gonna get it right a third time that's how i feel all right hold on just wait one oh god i guess we've gotten two three two four it was in my head do i get that point no first of all what second of all i was not gonna say four so this is a four people like this dress because you guys were like no one likes i was like no people like this dress why that's what i wanted i'm telling you i hate this game never invite me back ever i don't like to lose this is the solid stretch gown and it's one of those situations where it ranges on price depending on the size so like it's anywhere from like forty dollars like 118.

It's complicated that helps us zero percent yeah i mean but also apparently like a wide range of the sizes are sold out i do think this is a really nice dress i think i would like it if it fit me i think the material is good and if you're looking for like a simple white solid dress again i'm thinking a beach wedding a foresty wedding you guys are just wearing the wrong size too big i have to look at you because yours is fitting ears like on you stunning stunning do a 360. it's yeah yeah that's what it's supposed to be like also like the material the quality like don't you guys feel like this is really nice it's a nice material it goes down long enough this is beach bohemian 100 yeah the last one was like getting murdered like the squirrels you know when i saw this i thought that this was going to be a very lola reading but now sing it on sinead i'm like oh but this is this is the thing though jackie with this game sometimes when you really like something or you think it looks really good amazon people come out of the woodworks and they're like we hate it even worse is when you're holding literal trash in your hand it somehow has a five star yeah my heart i'm starting to get nervous i i honestly i know nothing anymore i heard that cake is so good for your skin it's not it's not and i already have a zit i can't handle another one bridgette two three five this people that you people are wrong you people are wrong you're wrong you know what and i kept it to myself i kept it to myself she turned around see-through saw her underwear i was like you know what and then there's like no ribbing and it doesn't fit any of us really good well it fits her good but see-through i was like um yeah but if we had the right size it would fill us and also who wears underwear with a white dress anyway that is so wrong you know what if this is the one i don't want to be right this is like halftime at the super bowl and you don't know who's gonna win you know the winner and team could just keep on winning or the losing team could just do a hail mary this is true that's good great job drew but i think in a beautiful world we will all tie sorry bridgette this dress is again off of amazon it is a 119 and i want i say this part right here is really nice it's the best i think we've seen thus far yeah i agree well not the best we've seen this far but it's like well made i think maybe i don't know anything about wedding dresses what i mean is visually compared to all the other dresses this to me aside from the the mermaid one looks the more like wedding ass for a decent price the boobs is a hot mess cause this what's that that's not my boobs yeah i don't understand this cup i don't know whose boobs are oblong shaped but i don't know i don't know if this is good for any boob also i just don't understand the whole like i was gonna be a sweetheart neckline and then all of a sudden i decided to put this lace on top of it thing and then with that that's not my boot that was my nip and i'm like very close to my period i think the bottom is is really nice like i think it feels like a good amount of fabric like this is like i spent hundred dollars on this fabric you know i don't know what to do oh my god i had to did oh my god jesus told you a number again you're no you're going to get this wrong right no i'm not don't say that now you're making me oh no i'm telling you what's going to happen you're trying to trip me up with the number that i have in my head because telling me now the number in my head have to stick with it because of what you said universe told me you're gonna get this round right and it told me nothing else okay i'm sticking with my number then i don't know what my number is though that's not the information i wanted one two three two that's wrong this stress is a two ah no way no way oh my god thank you i really thought you were going to be right i don't know what are you laughing about you're out of the game girl i got that right yeah you have one way she has three she [Applause] this is this is tyranny all right so obviously at this point there's one round left and drew is already the winner all right um she has gotten three correct and we cannot catch up jack and i each have one so we're gonna do this round for fun for funsies yeah so we know this one's the duplicate so what do you guys think i actually think it kind of looks kind of expensive it does what is this like why why i just out of curiosity why it's very 20.

It's right it's so 20s it's so 20. i almost don't hate it dude it looks really good on you amazing i wouldn't say on that but thank you if it was like form fitted it'd be better but i think the fact that it's not for fit is the 20s part you know that it's just like a straight line i think it looks really good on mostly i think i think it looks good on me i think this is a i think this is like one of the best qualities that we actually tried on today as far as the detailing i think this is good i think i know does it look like the picture it actually looks better than a picture really oh okay then one two three five this is a tour there you go can't even be excited yeah you can't be excited don't celebrate listen at least at least hey this is something it's something yeah jackie is mad jackie is competitive look i still guess wrong even in the last round and that was for my dignity first place second place [Music] let me just this is just delicious goodness cake wait you come closer just a little bit i'm so why do i feel like i'm like closer i'm gonna count i'm gonna count down close your eyes it's gonna go one close rationing it's gonna go one it's gonna go [Laughter] damn that's good is it i'm gonna try oh man you guys are such good sports thank you for letting me put cake in your face you guys what other stuff do you want to see us try to guess the ratings for let us know in the comment section below also let us know if you won in the comment section below if you were playing along i don't think anything's gonna be linked in the description maybe like our dignity click right over there to watch even more

white wedding

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