How to clean your Engagement Ring, Wedding Bands at Home – By Bonnie Jewelry

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Hi Everyone! Welcome back to my channel, this 
is Bonnie with By Bonnie Jewelry, where I talk   about all things diamonds! So today I'm going 
to show you how to clean your diamond jewelry,   engagement ring, wedding ring…anything that's 
diamonds, I'm going to teach you how to clean it   with household items! You can do this at home 
or you can do this when you're traveling   in a hotel…just make sure to stay away from 
the sink! Okay, let's get started! We have   a hair dryer, any hair dryer will do, we have 
2 cups for water, a towel, a soft toothbrush 2 types of soap…so I have the Dawn dish soap 
and then a foam soap and another padded area to   work with here! You can tell this is dirty, kinda 
has lotion all over it…hairspray, makeup…Right now   the first step would be if you're using dawn 
soap at home, we'll put a little bit of soap there and then we'll start with putting some water mixing it…okay the thing to remember here is 
to not be too hard or rough with the piece!   because obviously you've 
got those diamonds all over…

This is, you know diamond all over the basket 
and on the band, so you want to be really gentle!   I also brought foam soap, which is another really 
good way that I like… before, so what I do is   I like to..oh there you go… either squeeze it onto 
the toothbrush or onto the ring whichever you want   and what I'd like to do if you don't have foam 
soap you can do the dawn soap too…I like to just   gently scrub the ring, very gently as 
you can see…M'm doing it like, really soft! again super soft, super gentle…you can 
put it in there and most of the time   you can leave it in there for a few hours 
or depending if how much time you have   usually when I'm in a rush, I don't even 
have time to let it sit for that long so…

Then I'm also going to do my since my 
wedding band too since I'm at it…   this I'm kind of a little bit rougher because 
the diamonds are larger and they're set and   they're pretty good, so still gentle but just 
try to get the brush in there pretty good!  So after this, take away make sure you 
you're working with a soft, padded   surface! So now I'm gonna put… there's already 
water, but I'll put some more clean water   in here, I'm gonna do is…I'll rinse it and sit 
so you can see it's already getting pretty clean   there, that's it…use my hand too and 
sit…so kind of dry it a little bit Okay, you can also use one of these cloth 
thing, I try to mimic a high pressure steamer   that I have at work but I don't have it when I'm 
traveling or at home…so make sure if you really   steady hands and again not near the sink 
and padded area…so what I do with this hair dryer, is that I make sure, you have to 
have something soft, like this toothbrush or   soft rubber bottom, that you put in the 
center of the ring so when you do blow dry it   you don't…the ring doesn't go flying! Okay, 
so let me move this ring out of the way…   So what I like to do and why I like 
to do this is because it gets   kind of like the water marks off of the diamond…
so here we go! so I think it's on the highest…

Okay, so what I do is… take it really close, high heat… Voila…. It's a little hot! Be careful! 
But now it's perfect and voila… Super clean, super sparkly…Okay that's it for today 
guys! if you enjoyed my video make sure you like it,  subscribe to my channel, follow me on Instagram 
@bybonniejewelry and I'll talk to you soon! Bye….

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