How to Get Affordable Engagement Rings & What are Diamond Alternatives

Today, we're going to discuss
how you can get a $20,000 ring for at least $3,000 or less. Okay? You might be thinking,
"That's impossible". But I'm going to tell you something; it's totally doable,
and in fact, it's fabulous. So, if a diamond is a girl's best friend, then gemstones are your sister,
that knows things. Yeah. And so the number one thing that will make
the biggest difference for people. And so there's people
that want a bigger stone, and then I'm also going to say
this is for people that want maybe a very elaborate design. The number one thing that can help you is to consider an alternative
to a diamond to a center stone.

And we're going to just highlight
the top three that our clients
seem to like the most. So today we're going to highlight
white topaz, white sapphire, and moissanite. Moissanite, we often like to think
of the clients that seem to like moissanite
are often like the romanticist. There's just a lot of warm colors. It's the closest thing to a diamond
that is not a diamond, that's a gemstone.

Moissanite is mostly a manmade stone.
It is found in nature, but it's found such small quantities
that it's not actually mined. But when you take a look at a moissanite
and a diamond, to most people, it'll look very similar in the way
that they shine and sparkle. One of the things that do make moissanite
a little bit interesting too, is that it will show off more colors
to a degree in terms of how it reflects than you'll find in a diamond. And I find that a lot of my clients will
actually love moissanite because it takes on a very dreamy element. You can see red, blue, purple, yellow,
orange, all spectruming out of the stone in a way that you wouldn't see
out of a diamond. And so why moissanite's a fantastic stone
is definitely for the center stone or maybe you have a big stone, a big look where there's larger stones
on the side as well. Moissanaite is a fantastic option
to get you an awesome look, but it'll save you a lot of money that you can maybe put
into the ring itself.

So typically this ring, if you're looking
at this ring in a diamond, you're easily looking at maybe,
like $10-$15,000 out of pocket. Done with a moissanite, however,
which is what you are seeing right now, it's going to be done between
$2-3,000. It's an amazing look, and you're not going to be spending
anywhere near like 5, 6 times more. If moissanite is the romanticist,
then white topaz, is the modernist. Out of all these stones,
it is definitely the most pure. You're going to be able to see
very internally into the stone, and it's completely transparent. White topaz is a very interesting stone. It's one of the ones that most people
have not seen or considered. And one of the things we have been finding
is that the more people see it, and we do a blind test
where we show multiple stones without saying which ones they are, there's more and more people picking
white topaz over let's say even moissanite or white sapphire or whatnot.

Where white topaz is also fantastic
is you can get a very large stone for a very reasonable price. Like, for example, if it's
a $20,000 mined diamond, you can get the equivalent maybe in,
like 2, 300 dollars in a white topaz. Where white topaz is really great
is for people, especially if there are some designs
where let's face it, it really doesn't look good
without a stone of a certain minimum size. And if it's a really elaborate stone
where the design is going to take up let's say $2,500 of the budget
of a $3,000 dollars budget, it's an awesome way to bring everything
back together. White Sapphire.
The individualist. Out of all these three stones
that we've been presenting today, white sapphire is actually
the only one that is truly white. It has a sparkle, but you are going to see
a lot more white coming out of the stone, as opposed to the moissanite
or even the white topaz.

Now, blue sapphire is probably
your most popular, but white sapphire
makes an excellent choice. And one of the key things
about white sapphire as well is; it's not only the whitest
of all three stones, along with moissanite,
it's the hardest. And that's also something that we want
to point out with the stones that we're giving you guys here.
They're very hard. And that's important because we're not
covering something like a [inaudible 00:04:37]
or a cubic zicornia because they look
really brand new, but they're soft. They chip easily.
So we're essentially choosing stones that are very durable.

Now, white sapphire… If you have
a $20,000 ring in an engager ring, then in that white sapphire
you could still expect to be maybe in that $3,000 range
and get that same look. So here's what we usually find
is that take a handcrafted, high quality piece
set with lab growns, maybe an alternative stone,
it's going to look a lot better than a mass produced ring that just has
diamonds in it for diamonds' sake. If you see them side by side,
I can guarantee you, for most people, they're going to be astounded by the ring
with an alternative, and that's going to have
a much better presence, than a ring that just has diamonds
for diamonds' sake. So don't take our word for it.
Here's what we suggest, is: take a look at what your budget
will allow with your dream ring, with an alternative gemstone. For the purest in you,
you know what? Compare it against what you could expect to get
with a real diamond. And we say, look at that,
and you'll figure out for yourself, which one makes more sense for you.

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