Jewelry Experts Guess The Cost Of Diamond Engagement Rings

rose-gold channel-set round diamonds on the sides I got it clean it looks clean I felt the pressure there is a small inclusion in the center there's also one I call around 3 o'clock you said you bought at them all right so yeah you know they bump it up there [Music] hi I'm Peter I am with in terms of diamonds I'm the appraiser and I have been in the business for over 30 years hi my name is Lisa I'm a diamond appraiser and I'm here on BuzzFeed to try to guess what the value of the diamond engagement ring is I'm Jessica and I'm here to get my engagement ring appraised that's a pretty cool looking box it's from Doctor Who it's a TV show oh my gosh don't you be Michael Oh first I'm looking to see the metal type I'm kind of feeling the weight of it as well Oh rose gold channel set round diamonds on the sides it looks like it's gold right or rose gold so I'm looking my loop right here and seeing that it's 14k yeah and I see that there is a center diamond right there and I'm gonna look at it real quick I can also use a millimeter gauge but to me it looks maybe around 4 5 milliliters about yeah about four millimeters right there maybe half a carat so carat is is wait and suddenly sigh exactly under this lighting conditions we're also looking to see if it is going to be how white the stone is color starts off at D it goes down to Z Z color now maybe a more yellow more brown color okay and a D color diamond would be all white I got it clean it looks clean I felt the pressure it's like somebody going into my house and then I have a messy house I got it clean the color is really high so I'm they're actually gonna give it a really good rating I'm gonna say it's gonna be an e color which is okay D and then I'm Asian I like good grades it's a really good grade you said you bought at them alright so yeah no they bump it up there I know but I think you got a good deal your ring is between $3,500 to $5,000 I'm gonna say about 2500 that sounds like a lot I don't think he paid that much she got a really good deal when I asked him recently he was like I don't know probably like $800 but I think he probably paid around like 1500 that's great that's a very good deal you got a very good deal thank you I'd like the Box more no I'm kidding don't put that in there yeah I like that I just like the he proposed like the ring is attached to a nice guy so I was like cool hi Lisa my name is Julie nice to meet you I have a ring for you to appraise I've never got it appraised before this is the ring that my husband proposed to me anyway I'm happy to be here and take a look at your ring dad I can tell and looking at this right now it looks like it's a beautiful halo ring with a large diamond in the center nice classic halo setting and we got oh it's eternity so the diamonds go all the way around I really like that they cleaned it like five years it looks beautiful so I am taking a look and I see that there there is a small inclusion in the center there's also one I call around three o'clock this was had to be custom made for you this is eternity it's round diamond and it's bright I am also gonna give this a si about an SI two rating because of the inclusions right in the center and there's one off to the side inclusions mean inclusion means is they like a flaw of course if you have less inclusions to better the stone and it's totally normal everything has natural stone generally have inclusions on it very little inclusion so I'm just gonna say what is this about karat 10-karat a quarter maybe I'm not sure I'll show you this truly but it has it was about eight almost eight millimeter so up seven point nine which is about eight millimeters in terms of the size an eight millimeter diamond right here is going to be oh sure you around two carats or eight millimeters is 2 carats the diamonds around it make it look really big and that's what we like right so 125 let's see so what I'm doing is I'm writing down the price of what I what the center stone would approximately be and also the value of the ring the beautiful diamond ring I put it $12,000 probably about 6,000 for this oh good lord I know he did not pay us and got a really big I think I anticipated maybe around $5,000 at most even that sounded like a bizarrely expensive hefty price tag it looks really good on you too thank you I love it hi Lisa I'm Betsy that's nice so I'd kinda have a little bit of a unique ring here the diamond that you see was actually my husband's grandmother's diamond and that ring what that diamond was passed down to her from her aunt so not exactly sure how old the diamond is but it's pretty old it's a family diamond it's yes it's a family heirloom how many emeralds that you see are my mother's that's beautiful so we actually used stones from our families and designed a ring together so it has a lot of sentimental meeting really a lot of sentimental which makes things a lot of things priceless I'm gonna take a look and see what the material values is for you so I do see firsthand that it's a round diamond and I see the two emeralds on the side it looks like it's yellow gold as you said it's an older diamond and I can see that as well this diamond has what we call a very large a q lid which is a kind of like a hole at the bottom of the diamond it's not a bad thing it just kind of comment for a older diamond to have a Kuehl it looks pretty white and shiny it's clean and this time it also has some clarity imperfections in it as well but that is normal it is round and a little bit out of shape but it looks pretty clean it's an old European cut so yeah you can tell it's really old so I'm lost you're gonna do is I'm gonna take a look quick met millimeter measurement right here Betsy and you can see right now it's about five millimeters or five millimeter diamond it's going to be around 46 points so about a half a carat yeah yeah that sounds about accurate three quarters of a carat maybe maybe three quarters of a carat let's see and then I would say it's about a J color and then the color of the diamond looks pretty good I see a little bit of color to it but also the yellow gold might be giving a little bit of color I'm gonna give it an H color which is kind of a moderate good color I would estimate that this your diamond ring $4,500 let's say this is about 1500 Wow no way yes I do know how much my husband spent on it okay I never knew exactly how much it would be worth and he spent five hundred $80 on it she's got a great deal yeah really really good yeah get those family stones thank you on the setting it's really nice and sweet yeah love wearing it every day yeah okay keep it [Music]

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