Jovi and Yara Shop For Wedding Rings | 90 Day Fiancé

Good afternoon. How are you doing?
– Very well. I'm Steve Fish.
– I'm Jovi. Nice to meet you. Jovi. So we're getting married
in less than 24 hours, and we need rings.
– Terrific. Wow. [LAUGHTER] So what are you looking for? [LAUGHTER] $10 billion? [LAUGHTER] Look, you got the wrong guy. Why are you blaming me? There's two people who
planned this wedding. It's not just all on me. It's your fault too that
none of this is scheduled. Yes, it is. Usually, actually, a
woman plans the wedding. [MUSIC PLAYING] What about something
like this this? What do you think of this one? That looks like the
most expensive one. I wasn't planning
on paying $1,200. But whatever ring
you're going to buy, during this ceremony,
that means something. That's important. I don't understand why Jovi
wants to do this cheap ring. A cheap ring to me means
the wedding means nothing.

The meaning behind the ring
is, I don't know if he gets it. He needs to understand that ring
he's going to put on her finger should stay there forever. How much does that one cost? $1,000 If that'll make you
happy then you can have it. A ring for me is not important. It's not something I
put much thought into. I already bought her
an engagement ring. I don't want to buy
another expensive ring, but, after last
night, I'm trying to do everything in my power to
make sure that she stays happy.

Onto Jovi. Let's find me one. I'll be two minutes. This one is titanium. Hell yeah.
This is my ring. It fits me too. I don't even feel like we're
getting married tomorrow. Are you ready? [MUSIC PLAYING] I can show you the
meteorite rings too, but if you want that one. I'm going to
roll with this one. Let's do it.
– You're good with that one? OK.
– We've got to get moving. Yeah. [MUSIC PLAYING].

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