Lost Wedding Ring Prank on Husband for 24 hour Challenge! (bad Idea) Matt and Rebecca

– Hey Zam fam, right now
we are about to prank Matt. – So we were about to do a pool challenge outside in our backyard, but then it started pouring rain, so Daniel and I came up with a prank to do on Matt while we're here inside. This is gonna be so good! So Matt is outside right now, and what we're going to do, is we're gonna get him to
take off his wedding ring and we're gonna prank
him to make him think he lost his wedding ring. – Oh my gosh. Well how are you going
to get the ring off? – What I told him, is
that I was going to do a slime food versus real food challenge, since we couldn't do the
pool challenge outside.

– Okay, okay. – Right?
– Yeah. – So I have the supplies set up here, but I told him I needed to prep. So I'm gonna make really messy slime, and then he's gonna come in, I'm gonna ask him to help me, but really, it's going to be
so he'll take off his ring, 'cause he will never mix slime
with his wedding ring on. He always takes it off. – Good idea. – Okay, so that's where you're
going to come in, Daniel. – Okay. – Okay, when he takes it off, I'm going to give you a cue, like glitter or something, okay? – Glitter, okay.

Glitter, I'll remember glitter. – Glitter, and you're gonna take the ring, and you're gonna hide it in one of the drawers over here, okay? – Over here, drawer, okay. Okay great.
– Yeah, somewhere over here – He's not gonna notice, and we're just going to
have to see how he reacts. – Wow. – Yeah, because he is not
going to want to admit to me that he lost his wedding ring, right? – Yeah, you're right! This is so good! So Zam fam, smash the thumbs up button if you guys like pranks, if you think this is going to work, and comment down below how you
think Matt is going to react.

Do you think he's going
to tell us the truth? – I don't know, he might
get real mad, I don't know. – I don't know, I'm excited
though, so let's do this! – Woo! – Okay, so I'm going to
start with a ton of glue. I'm going to put hardly
any contact solution. – [Daniel] Oh, so what
does that do to the slime? – So that like makes it stick together. – [Daniel] Oh, too sticky. – Yeah, this is like a D.I.Y video. Usually you'd need to put a lot, I'm only going to put like this. – [Daniel] Just a little. – Yeah, I'm gonna dump the rest of it out so it's pretty empty. So there's like barely
any left in here now. Definitely not enough to make good slime. – [Daniel] Yeah. – Okay so let me grab a
spoon, I'm going to have two.

I start mixing this up. Oh my gosh, I am nervous! – [Daniel] You're nervous?
– Yeah! – [Daniel] You don't
think it's gonna work? – I don't know, I hope it does! Let's see, we have some activator. Let me add a little shaving cream. We'll make some fluffy– oh no! But again you guys, this is gonna be a slime fail on purpose to get Matt to take off his wedding ring. – [Daniel] Right. – So that we can do the actual prank. – [Daniel] Pretty good. – Okay, let's do this. Also you guys, know I
set up hidden cameras so we can get more of his reaction. So right now he just thinks
that we're just making a video. You guys, this is really bad slime. There's a little left, and
I'm trying to use it all. – [Matt] It is coming down outside! – [Daniel] Yeah, raining hard, huh? – So rain. – [Matt] I just did so much
work in the garage, guys. – [Rebecca] Okay but Matt,
I'm prepping this stuff. I know you're doing like the real food, but I need help with this slime.

Can you help me, my hands are like this. – What happened? This looks more like glue than like slime. – I know Matt, I'm trying to– Can you help me fix it? We need to get going, we need to film. – Gag reflex. – [Daniel] Oh, you're getting sick? Uh oh. – There's hardly any
left of this, let me see. – [Matt] Okay hold on, hold up, let me see if I can help you out. – This should be enough. I don't know, I don't know
why this slime isn't working.

– Well, you already
put your hands in there and that's the first problem – I know.
– [Daniel] Oh my god. – Oh! Why is it so glue-y? Wait, okay. – Matt. – Rebecca, why don't you head
over to the sink, I'll fix it. – No, no, I'm going to, I can fix it. – There's not that much more
contact solution in here. – I know, I know.
– [Daniel] Oh. – Oh Daniel, that glitter, can you grab that glitter? – [Daniel] Oh the glitter! – Yeah. – [Daniel] The glitter's over there right? – [Rebecca] No the other glitter. – [Daniel] Oh the other glitter. Yeah, yeah, right, right. The other glitter. – Daniel can you get some
more contact solution? – [Daniel] Oh! What? – There's more in the garage.

– [Daniel] Oh, yeah – I'll keep on mixing this. – Okay. – [Daniel] Let me just
set the camera down. – Yeah we're good, we're good, Daniel. – [Daniel] Okay. – Okay. – [Daniel] Okay, I'll be back. – Okay so there's no contact– Maybe, maybe some shaving cream, Matt. – Okay – Shaving cream, we were
going to make fluffy slime – Yeah, for sure. – Okay, this should help it, right? We need a lot though. – We need more contact solution. – I know, so we're going to do it what– – Hold on Beck, Beck.
– What? – It's garbage day. – What, what?
– It's garbage day. – Okay – I almost, I forgot to
take out the garbage. – Okay, well it's fine.
– Hold on, hold on. – It's fine it can wait, right? Oh they're here? – No, no like they're here.

– Okay, okay grab the garbage. – Whoa yeah.
– Seriously? – It is full.
– The garbage is full – Hold on, I got to get out of here. – Okay, hurry! – I know, I know, I know. – Okay but you're supposed
to help me with this. – I'll get this, I'll be right back okay? – Okay. Okay Zam fam so he's taking
out the garbage right now but his ring is off, Daniel got it. I'm so exited, Daniel has it. This is working out perfectly so far.

But seriously this is terrible slime, we definitely need contact solution. Now all we need to do is get him to notice that his ring is– You got the garbage out? – Yep, got the garbage out. – Okay, so do you want to– – Hey did you see? – What? – Nothing, nothing. – Did I see what? – Slimes looking good. – Wait, did I see what though? – I forgot something in
the back room I'll be back. – What? – I'll be back.
– Okay. – [Matt] You're doing a good job Beck! – I thought I set down my
ring, but I can't find it. I've never lost my wedding ring. I always set it down 'cause I
don't wanna lose it in slime, but maybe I put it in here. Did you guys see that? Comment down below if you saw
it or if I did set it down, I thought I did.

Where's my wedding ring? Yeah sometimes I just set it right here, maybe its in the draw? Nope. What do I do, what do I do, what do I do? This isn't good. I don't know what to do right now. I'm gonna search for it in
the usual spots right now, if I can't find it I'm
gonna make something. I just can't tell Rebecca. Do you guys think I should tell her? She can't know that I
lost my wedding ring! – Hey.
– Daniel. – Yeah hi. – It worked out perfectly.
– Oh yeah? – He just came in he noticed,
– I got the solution – but he wouldn't tell me.

He's in the back room
looking for his ring. – Oh he wouldn't tell you? – No he didn't! – He was like, I have
to go to the back room. So this is working out perfect. – That is so funny, okay great. – Do you have the ring? I'm going to wash my hands. – Yeah I put it right– – Where, the drawer? – No, no, no, no, no. He asked me a question and I freaked out and threw it in this bag,
where did this bag go? – What do you mean?
– This bag.

Hey wait! You put it in the– – [Daniel] There was a bag right here. – You were supposed to
put it in the drawer, you didn't put it in the drawer? – [Daniel] I know because he, I didn't want to open the drawer. – He just took that out to the garbage! – [Daniel] What! – He took garbage out, he said the garbage man was here, he took the garbage and that was garbage. – [Daniel] I heard the
truck when I was outside, it'd already passed by. – Okay we need to go,
come on, come on, come on! – [Daniel] Your hands, your hands! – I know! – [Daniel] Okay, go, go, go, go, go, go! – Daniel I am soft.

– [Daniel] Oh my gosh my shoe, I lost my shoe hold on. What happened
– Daniel! They came already. – [Daniel] It's empty, they came already. – Okay, come here, come here, come here. I'm gonna wash my hands. The garbage men came, they dump it somewhere around here. – [Daniel] Oh it's close by? – We need to get to that location. What kind of bag was it? – [Daniel] It was just a white bag, like a to-go food bag. – A to-go food bag, okay, so we're going to try
and figure out an excuse to get over there and then
we have to dumpster dive, we have to find the ring.
– [Daniel] Oh my god! – This is a prank gone wrong if we don't find the ring.
– [Daniel] I'm so sorry. – No, no, no, it's okay we'll get it, we'll get the ring back. Let's wash our hands and then we gotta make
an excuse to leave, okay? – [Daniel] Okay let's go! – [Rebecca] Hey, uh, hey Matt – Hey, hey! – We are, we're really hungry right now, so we are going to go grab food.

– Yeah you guys should get out of here. You guys should definitely
go and get some food. – Okay, yeah so do you want anything? – Just normal stuff,
sandwich, salad, anything. You guys going?
– Yep, yeah, we're– – How long you guys going to be gone for? – [Daniel] I dunno 45, an hour. – Take your time, take your time guys. – Oh can I, can I use your Tesla? Is that cool? – Yeah, keys are over there. – Okay yeah, okay cool. Yep well be back, we'll be back soon. – Okay, good luck guys! – Okay, keys, Tesla.

– Daniel. Okay we're trying to find a
small piece of metal right. – [Daniel] Yeah? – So what do you think we should use? A metal detector! – [Daniel] Oh right!
– Remember? The metal detector that
we have in the garage. – [Daniel] Yeah you've used it to like find that buried safe. – Yes exactly, Matt's used it. – [Daniel] Okay – Hold on let me see if it's here. – [Daniel] Okay. – Here, here, here, here, here. – [Daniel] You got it? – Yeah, yeah, yeah.
– [Daniel] Okay great. – Okay, let's get in the Tesla. I'm gonna put this in
the back okay Daniel? – [Daniel] Okay, whoa! – Whoa! – [Daniel] Whoa, did you do that? – The keys are in my pocket. Okay, get in we don't– – [Daniel] Okay.

– Let's go.
– [Daniel] All right, hurry! Do you know how to drive?
– No! – [Daniel] You don't know how to drive it? – I haven't driven it
yet, Matt hasn't let me. – [Daniel] Oh! Oh no.
– I'm surprised he let me. – [Daniel] Okay, okay.
– Okay. – [Daniel] How do you know how to do that? – I just looked, it said like– oh no, now we're in neutral – [Daniel] What? Oh no, no! – Oh I have to press
the brake pedal, okay. – [Daniel] Just don't go forward. – Okay I'm going back, I'm going back. – [Daniel] Okay great, great, great. – Okay we have to get there. I'm gonna hurry. – [Daniel] Can you put in
like coordinates or anything, or are you just gonna drive? – I think I know where it is, it's like on the way I think I've seen it.

– [Daniel] Doesn't this
thing supposed to go fast? – I mean, I don't know Daniel! I don't want to crash the Tesla! – [Daniel] Make it go fast! – [Rebecca] No!
– [Daniel] No, okay. – No, no, no.
– [Daniel] Okay stop. – 10 is my max. – [Daniel] 10! – I mean, okay. – [Daniel] You're going
to go 10 miles per hour? – I don't know but we need
to get Matt's ring back, that's what–
– [Daniel] Yeah you're right. – That's what, that's what
I'm more worried about. – [Daniel] Yeah I'm so sorry I lost the– Rebecca!
– Daniel! Daniel I'm not even pressing hard! – Okay Daniel, it's up here. – [Daniel] Right here? We're here. Oh, trash site! Hold on, hold on.

– [Rebecca] I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just, I'm not used
to driving a Tesla. – [Daniel] Trash site! – So this is it, how do I turn it off? – [Daniel] Why's the button going off? – I don't know, I don't know! I mean I got it to park. – [Daniel] Okay good,
good, good, good, yeah. I feel better, I feel
better about that but, how do we get out of the car – I don't know! – [Daniel] Are we locked in again? – Open. – [Daniel] Oh there you go. – Okay come on, let's get out. I don't know, passenger. – [Daniel] Oh okay, oh
thank you, thank you. Okay, okay, lets get out! – So you said it was like a white bag? Something like this? – [Daniel] No, not a big trash bag more just like a takeout bag. There are a lot of places here Daniel.

These bags are all really big! Tell me if you see one that looks like it. – [Daniel] All big. – [Rebecca] Are you sure,
do you see something? – [Daniel] Maybe the
truck didn't come here? I don't know! – It has to Daniel! We have to get the ring back. – [Daniel] Okay, maybe over there? – Daniel, we have to find it!
– [Daniel] I know, I know. Wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait. – [Rebecca] What, what? – [Daniel] Right under here.
– You think it's there? – [Daniel] This kinda looks like it, it kinda looks like the bag I threw it in. – Okay
– [Daniel] I think, yeah. – I'm going in.
– [Daniel] You're going in? – I'm going in.
– [Daniel] No way! – You said this like bag right here? – [Daniel] It's down underneath here.

– [Rebecca] Underneath! – [Daniel] Kind of, yeah! – Oh my gosh, I am getting in a dumpster. – [Daniel] Oh my gosh – For Matt's wedding ring. Oh my gosh if he knew we
were doing this right now. Oh my gosh! – [Daniel] Do you think
he's freaking out right now? – I don't know, I don't know. Daniel no, it's– look, look, look, that's not it, look. – [Daniel] Oh no! – That looks just like a garbage bag. – [Daniel] Oh I'm sorry. – There's bugs, there's bug! – [Daniel] Get out, get
out, get out, get out! – I just went dumpster diving. – [Daniel] Oh my god! Okay well, Rebecca like
what are we gonna do? – I don't know! – [Daniel] The metal detector,
we forgot about that. – Oh we can use that so I don't
have to dumpster dive, okay. – All right, they are both gone, I need to figure out where this ring is.

Where did I put it? Is it, oh my gosh, oh oh oh! No I wouldn't have put it in there. No, washer. That only leaves one
place in here to clear. The dryer. Comment down below if you
think its gonna be in here. Also, I'm going to give
you guys a challenge. While I'm looking for this ring, I want you guys to turn on notifications, give me a thumbs up and
subscribe to this channel. Do all of that before I
find the ring in here, okay. Come on! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Where's it at? It's not in there, it's not in there. All right, if you did that in that time say, Matt found the ring. Maybe it's back here? Here's Rebecca's backpack, no. Okay, maybe it's in laundry, laundry. I lost my wedding ring. Flapjack help me find it, where's it at? No, it's not time to eat dinner. In the shower? No, no. All right, so it's not in
the house it looks like, it's not in the back room, it's not in the laundry. I think I need to go make a new ring, I have no other choice I have
to make a brand new ring.

– [Daniel] Open. Oh whoa! – It worked, it worked, okay. – [Daniel] What did you do? – I don't know, you said open. Let's turn this on. Zam fam, smash the thumbs up button, give us good luck so that we
can find Matt's wedding ring. So let me test out my– – [Daniel] Whoa whoa, it's
closing, it's closing. Well you were already kind of in that one, you going to go in there again? – Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa is something there? – [Daniel] Whoa, something in there? – But this doesn't even look
like the bag right Daniel? – [Daniel] No, not at all. – Okay, we definitely did not have this. This isn't our bag, that's not ours. – Okay, gross, gross, gross, okay.

– That's not. Okay, lets keep looking. More? Oh no. – [Daniel] What if it's just– No! Oh no, oh no!
– [Daniel] Wait. – [Rebecca] But that doesn't
look like the bag either right? – [Daniel] Not at all, it's too big. – [Rebecca] Okay. – [Daniel] Yeah there's nothing in there. Maybe it's just like cans,
people's cans I don't know. – You're right Daniel, look. – [Daniel] Yeah, I think you should– – [Rebecca] Look!
– [Daniel] Oh look! – [Rebecca] There's a can right there. – [Daniel] You're right, it's just cans.

– Daniel this is going
to take forever, like. – [Daniel] I know, and
people aren't recycling. – If we can't find his ring right now, we can always replace the ring, right? – [Daniel] Up here? – He wouldn't know. – [Daniel] He wouldn't? – No, I picked the ring
like we can just figure out, we can get a ring that looks
like it and he'll never know.

– Well where are you gonna
go up here in Big Bear? – Dude, okay you're right, there's not really that
many jewelry stores but there's K-Mart. – K-Mart, we're gonna go
to K-Mart to find the ring? – I mean we have to, we have
to make it look like it, it;s just like a black ring, I think we could find something. – Okay, okay
– It's worth a shot, okay? – It's worth a shot, okay.

Okay, we're heading to
K-Mart to get a wedding ring! – Okay lets go! Rebecca! – I'm sorry! – [Daniel] Jeez, we're in a parking lot! Okay, careful, careful, careful, okay. – Okay! K-Mart here we come! Okay Daniel, we need to hurry. Matt's gonna be like,
why don't you have food! – [Daniel] I know, oh yeah we
still have to get lunch right! – Yeah. I think jewelry's right here. Okay good, they have Jewelry. – [Daniel] Okay, see
anything that looks like his? – [Rebecca] It might
be all we have Daniel, we might just have to get a woman's ring. – [Daniel] Wait so you
say it's like, it's dark? – Yeah it's dark, so maybe
like that Marvel ring. Like a superhero ring, maybe
I tell him I upgraded it? – [Daniel] To a superhero ring? – Okay, I don't know, I just. – [Daniel] Maybe, but maybe not. Anything in there? – Okay, I mean, not really and the rings in these
cases are really expensive. – [Daniel] Well, but we
gotta replace it right? – I know, but I don't want like a, an expensive fake ring.

I only want an expensive real ring. – [Daniel] Okay, Rebecca. – What? – [Daniel] You might just have
to tell him what happened. I don't know if you can get away with it. Like if you can't find
something that matches it here. – You're right. – [Daniel] We're just gonna
have to go and tell him. – I guess we're gonna have
to go back and let Matt know that we lost his wedding
ring accidentally, and that we were doing a
prank, and it went wrong. – How do you think he's gonna react? I feel really, really bad.
– He's gonna be mad. He's gonna be mad at me but
I can't lie to my husband, so I think we have to do it. It sounded like a good
idea to just replace it, but if he did that to
me I'd be really mad.

– Okay, gotta come clean.
– Okay. – We just gotta tell him – All right, all right
let's get back to the car let's get back to him. – [Daniel] Okay. Oh wow, this car is really cool. – [Rebecca] All right, all right Daniel. – [Daniel] Close this door – Let's get in. Okay Daniel, we need to figure out how we're gonna tell Matt this. We need to come up with a plan. – I got what you're looking for.

– Is that Matt's ring? – How do you have Matt's ring? – I warned you guys to
not sign the contract. – The contract, but no, no, no. We signed a contract from the GMI and that means everything's done, like all of the game master stuff. – Once you're in you cannot get out. It's only just beginning. – What? – It's just the beginning, see. – What's just the beginning, no? – They're watching,
they're always watching. – They? – I can't be seen, talk to Rocky. – Talk to Rocky, but? – They, who's they?
– What's up with rocky? – What is going on? – They're gone, they're gone! – We need to talk to Matt and
just figure out what that is. And that Quadrant hasn't
done a face reveal, all the other ones did, something doesn't make sense. – Somethings wrong, yeah
something's not making sense, it's not adding up. – Okay, let's go. – Let's go, let's get out of here. – A ring is just a symbol of your love.

I can make a new one, still means the same exact thing. Okay, silver tape, silver tape! It looks like that's what
I'm going to have to use to make this ring, guys. This isn't a permanent solution, but it's going to kind of
get me through everything, until I can get a new ring. This is just silver tape. This actually might work! I'm just gonna fold it, folding. Folding again, folding one last time. Add some stickiness, put it around here. I think I made it. This looks pretty good
guys, this is not bad.

I made a brand new D.I.Y ring. If you want to make a ring, just get the metal tape I guess! All right, now just wait for
Rebecca and Daniel to get back. And I'm getting food too so,
it's actually kind of cool. Guys, maybe I should just tell
Rebecca and just be honest. – [Rebecca] Matt! hey, Matt. – [Matt] Hey! Where's the lunch? – [Daniel] Oh yeah!
– I'm so hungry. – So about that Matt, we were going to actually prank you, by pretending to have you
lose your wedding ring. But Daniel accidentally
put it in a garbage bag and it got taken to the dumpster. – [Daniel] When you took out the trash. – So we ended up actually losing it. – What? – Yeah so, okay, but no,
no, no, no, no, it's good. We got it back, but there
was a Quadrant in the Tesla. – What? – The Quadrant was saying
that we shouldn't trust them, we shouldn't of signed the contract. – No – And they're watching, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what they said. – Seriously? – Yeah, like we thought it was done, and they said, no it's only just begun.

– Can we even trust the Quadrant at all? – [Daniel] The Quadrant had your ring! – What!
– [Daniel] Yeah! – How? – Matt, we told you. – But no, how did they get the ring? – Matt we just explained the prank we're not really sure how they got it, but we were pranking you. – Wait, so you guys pranked me? – Yeah, Matt but here. – [Daniel] Sorry, it didn't go as planned. – Wait, what's on your ring? – All right guys, thank you so
much for watching this video.

– [Daniel And Rebecca] What? – That's not your ring, I– – Big shout out right here to you guys in the game master network that scored 100% on the
last game master quiz. – Wait, but– If you want to get a shout
out in the next video, go to thegamemasternetwork.com, take the quiz, you never know,
you might get a shout out. – Wait what is that? – Also don't forget to like, subscribe and turn on notifications. – Wait Matt what, what is that? And make sure to watch
this video right here, Rebecca spent 24 hours in a mermaid. We were mermen for a little
bit too, it was pretty cool.

– Wait, I almost forgot, Daniel. The last thing they said, they said we need to talk to Rocky. – [Daniel] Right! – Is Rocky in trouble?.

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