Man Pawned His Brother’s Wife’s Wedding Ring | Part 1

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brother come to stay with you? >> Beginning of January, when my mother kicked him out of the — where he was living with my mother. So it was the beginning of January. >> Judge Judy: Why did she kick him out? Do you know? >> Because he got caught with marijuana. And he was throwing parties, because she's a paramedic. So she would come home. There were marijuana and… >> Judge Judy: How come your mother threw you out? >> Because I was coming home late, and she didn't…

>> Judge Judy: How old are you? >> I'm 18. >> Judge Judy: Did you graduate from high school? >> Yes, ma'am. >> Judge Judy: When? >> 2016. >> Judge Judy: Did he graduate from high school? >> No, ma'am. >> Judge Judy: No. Did you graduate from high school? >> Yes, I did. >> Judge Judy: Did you take a GED, or did you graduate on time? >> I graduated from alternative high school, which I got an [ Indistinct ] high school diploma.

>> Judge Judy: When your mother told you to leave in January, your brother took you in? >> Yes, ma'am. >> Judge Judy: Okay. This is what this case is about, Mr. Safadi. Your wife was in some sort of an accident? >> No, I was. >> Judge Judy: You were. >> Yes, ma'am. >> Judge Judy: What kind of an accident? >> Motorcycle accident. >> Judge Judy: You were riding a motorcycle? >> Yes. >> Judge Judy: You look like an intelligent person. You're the sole provider of your family, and you have a young child? >> Yes, ma'am, and one on the way. >> Judge Judy: And one on the way? >> Yes, ma'am. >> Judge Judy: Great. Take the bus. >> Judge Judy: So you're in the motorcycle accident.

You were in the hospital. Somebody else was watching your little boy. Your wife was staying with you in the hospital. This was in what month? >> May. >> Judge Judy: You came home from the hospital after three days, and what did you find, Mr. Safadi? >> My brother was laying on the couch, and I walked — the first thing I walked into was a dog [bleep] on the floor.

And then, everything was in disarray, the rooms. I walked out into my garage. My bike was spray-painted. I walked downstairs. My mirror in my basement was spray-painted. My back room window was cracked. Also, my wife's wedding ring was stolen. My brother admitted that he went and pawned it or sold it. >> Judge Judy: Okay. Did you take photographs of any of the damages? >> Yes, ma'am. >> Judge Judy: I'd like to see them. >> I have them right there. Oh, I meant — I forgot to mention my TV was broken, too.

>> Judge Judy: Who had the dog? >> Not me. >> Judge Judy: Who did? >> I don't know. >> Judge Judy: What is this a picture of? >> Oh, that's a air generator that was broke. I have — there's a top piece on top of the air generator. That was on top. That was in the garage also as well. >> Judge Judy: There was a bit of a mess here. Did you have a party? >> No, I did not. >> Judge Judy: Any people over? >> No. I came home one morning, and I see… >> Judge Judy: Came home one morning from where? >> My friend's house.

>> Judge Judy: Which friend? >> Jacob. >> Judge Judy: On what date? >> I want to say it was May 2nd. And I walked in, and the whole house was trashed. I called Awni when he was at the hospital. He told me not to worry about it, that there are people after him but not after me, to not worry about it. And that when him and his wife came home, he decided to make his whole story different because I don't think he wanted his wife to know for the people that was after him. >> Judge Judy: Did you pawn his wife's wedding band? >> Yes, I did because he stole my phone. >> Judge Judy: Okay, shh. So the answer is "yes"? >> Yes. >> Judge Judy: When did you pawn, on what date? >> I'm not positive on the date.

>> Judge Judy: Well, let's go. Was he in the hospital on the day you pawned it? >> Uh, yes, I believe. Because he… >> Judge Judy: So that… >> It was — it was actually after the hospital, because he stole my phone. >> Judge Judy: Just a second. Let's make sure. He came home from the hospital on May 5th. And is what you're telling me that it was after May 5th that you stole his wife's wedding band and pawned it? >> It might have been before. I… >> Judge Judy: That's it. If it was before, then we're in a whole different — do you understand… >> Yes. >> Judge Judy: …how difficult this is going to be for you? >> Yes. >> Judge Judy: Good. When did you steal the ring? >> I can't remember the exact date.

>> Judge Judy: Before or after your brother went to the hospital? >> Before. >> Judge Judy: Better! After you stole the ring, where did you take it? >> To the pawn shop on 10 Mile and Van Dyke in Warren. >> Judge Judy: How much did you get for it? >> $900. >> Judge Judy: Was this two days before he was in the hospital, three days before he was in the hospital or while he was in the hospital? >> While he was in the hospital.

>> Judge Judy: Better!.

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