Mann Aangan Episode 6 | 24th February 2023 (English Subtitles) | ARY Digital

Sister! Sister please don't give up! Areeba requested her mother so much! You know that these days are important for me. My time is being wasted. Take some notes from your friends and start preparing! This means that you won't help me too? Rimsha! You have grown up now. You are not a child. You have to understand. Anymore fuss will lead to a big fight, and I don't want that.

A fight is needed. Sister! If a person wants to live a life according to their wish, they need to take a stand for it. Even if a fight takes place. Sure! Get ready tomorrow. I'll drop you off at the college. I'll not just drop you, but I'll pick you up too! How will you manage this all? You attend your university too, and your office timing is so different. I'll have to manage! It's not such a big deal even if I miss a class. Your education is important! And Saqlain has an issue because he thinks negative, and that's why he is creating a fuss! We should not give him a chance to create an issue for us.

You are right! But I just hope that Saqlain doesn't create any other problem. Go! Bring me a cup of coffee. Sure! Sure! If aunt and Mahnoor are requesting so much then Rimsha can attend her college. But after that I'm not responsible. Mahnoor is responsible! If anything bad happens later! I don't want anyone coming to me while crying. I wanted to visit you guys but you know that I alone have a house to handle, and now that Ashir is not here so I have look after the matters of outside too. You are so lucky that your son in law handles everything for you. I don't force him to do any work of mine because how will he handle so much. Will he handle his house, his office or your house? You are right! I've never left my house because Saqlain has handled all the matters of house so well.

Obviously! Saqlain handles the burden. Why do you need to leave the house! Aunty! We also want that Saqlain doesn't handle our burden and we don't stress him out from our side. Actually he likes to handle the problems of others himself! Mahnoor! Someone caring decides to handle others problem. When a person has close relations, it's important to look after the relations and solve their problems. The world might blame me for not taking care of my in laws just like my family. Sure! But I think you should not worry about what the world says.

Or we might not take a breath on our own tomorrow. Darling! Pass her the juice Areeba! Here! Drink it. Did you see how Mahnoor misbehaved with me in front of aunt? I don't know what's her problem with me. I also didn't like her behavior. I didn't react due to aunts presence. That's why I stopped interfering in the decision of Rimsha's college. If Mahnoor still feels like scolding me in front of everyone, then absolutely I feel like she wants the hold of the property of all you sisters. You should not worry about her. Her opinions have no importance until mother's presence. I won't let her succeed with her wish in any case. I know her mental capacity really well. She cannot handle such matters. It's just a matter of some months. You should tolerate. She'll get married in some time. She'll be busy with her household so she won't interfere in your matters. We'll see. I didn't realize that Mahnoor is so arrogant. She doesn't respect her surroundings! She speaks whatever she has to say. Why? Did she say something to you? No! But she was taunting Saqlain.

Really! What were you guys talking about? I was complimenting Saqlain that he cares for the both houses so regularly. But Mahnoor decided to act ungrateful and started saying that Saqlain does everything with his will. Think it yourself! Is it really possible that he is willingly taking the burden off of their hands? Why would I know? There might be some good for him. We don't know the details. Whatever! When you get married to Mahnoor, try to keep her in some limits. I don't want her to do the same here. Sure! I'll keep her in limits.

Fine? Leave others! I called you to ask about your health. What about my health? I cannot live without you son. Comeback quickly! I just want you to comeback and I want to see you in person. Everything will be fine. Goodbye! I'll talk to you later. Here! Eat some sweets. I mean Saqlain is enjoying! He buys a new car every year. We just get to eat the sweets! We don't even have a bicycle. Every other day we have to use a taxi. What will we do with a car? Who'll drive? We don't need it as it'll just get rusted outside. I'll drive! Your eldest daughter Mahnoor will drive too! We'll both drive. No need to! There are so many problems.

Will Saqlain handle the burden of this too? Sure! He'll happily take responsibility of this too, and after that his relatives will taunt us that he takes our all responsibilities. His relatives are related to you too. And the way you were talking in front of your mother in law! I could judge her face easily that she didn't appreciate it. It's obvious that if I scolded her nephew in front of her, She wouldn't appreciate it. Did you like what she said to you? I'm used to ignoring such stuff. If your father was still around, it would've been the opposite. You can see that Saqlain handles the burden of this house. If someone said something, then what's the point of feeling bad? Saqlain just likes to hear the compliments. I mean Areeba was enough, but now his aunt is here to interfere too.

You keep quite! Be thankful that he didn't deny my request of letting you go to the college. Be careful Rimsha! I don't want to hear a problem. You should not repeat what happened before, understood? Saqlain I've invited you and Areeba because there are only 2 months left in Mahnoor's wedding. These 2 months will pass in just a bit and we have to start with Mahnoor's shopping. Don't worry aunt! I've talked to Ashir and aunt myself. Ashir is reluctant in taking dowry. You know that my aunt already has everything and Ashir is her only son. She might have everything but I won't depart my daughter empty handed from this house, right! I'll send her with whatever I'm capable of. Her father left her so much. As you wish! At least sit down. Sit! Sit down Areeba! If you've a list, then do give it to me. Furniture or whatever it is. I'll order it. Mahnoor will order it herself! Actually she is the one who'll use it so she decided to choose it herself.

You can join her too. That's fine! Saqlain! I want you to hand over the two shops of Mahnoor to her. What do you mean? What's the need of handing over the shops to Mahnoor? I've handed over the share of Areeba too! Now that Mahnoor is getting married, so I want to hand over the share to her too! That's fine but what about you guys. I can manage! There are two more shops and also a house on rent. Rimsha and I can easily manage.

I don't want to keep the shares as they are a burden to me! God has already blessed me so I want you to hand over Mahnoor her share. Mahnoor has already got more than her share. You remember that when you got Areeba married to me. She was not even properly educated! I got her privately educated and a degree. And you know about the bills of Mahnoor's education every year! Sure son! But getting them educated is our duty! What's the link of property with it? Mother! If Saqlain is saying that we'll give Mahnoor her share later.

What's the big deal? Her share isn't going anywhere. It's her property and she'll get it. You've started the same argument by calling us today. We should start getting things sorted for her wedding. What will she choose? What will be the expense for it? It's obvious that he has to handle it. It's fine Areeba! If aunt wants it her way. I can get the papers ready for her. The property can get evaluated and you can give Mahnoor her share! No! We can handle this later. We should worry about her wedding right now. It's not that a person can follow orders so simply. We'll see it later. I didn't know that you called us so urgently to talk about this. I'll get you some tea! Here! See this mother. I wanted to tell you about it before but I was worried that it might affect Areeba's relation. It would've hurt you too but I wanted to expose the reality because Saqlain would've damaged Areeba and us later because we were blindly trusting him.

You did well by telling me all this. Whatever Saqlain did for us! I hope it's better for us. Better for us? What's better for us in it? If this all was for us then why didn't we get informed? Some days before he just told that we have to pay tax but its tax free. What's more good in it that he didn't even let us worry about it and handled it himself! Tax would've been taken from us, not him. Hand me over the papers! Mother! Listen to me carefully Mahnoor! Not all the matters get solved emotionally. You have to use your brain too! These millions don't matter to me. Relations matter to me the most! I want that my daughter stays happy with her husband! I don't care about this money. You don't care but I do! For so many years, Saqlain is enjoying our money and we cannot even ask him about it. You can see that how cleverly he rejected from giving me my share of the shops because..

If you want the property! I can give it to you. I was thinking of giving your share of shops to you, but Mahnoor after this you won't interfere in any matter of this house. Mother! You are wrong about me. If I'm willing on saving something. It's for you and Rimsha! I don't want anything from this house! I don't want a dowry too. You've done so much for me. You've educated me and never stopped me from doing anything but always helped me and supported.

Why would I want more from you? Rimsha! Hurry up. It's already so late. Everything is here. Darling! Mahnoor I've talked to Areeba on phone also! She'll come in the evening with Saqlain! She'll take you with her on shopping for your wedding. Sure! But what about my shopping? I also have to buy somethings for her wedding. Let Mahnoor go right now! She has to buy things according to her choice! We still have to arrange the budget for her wedding. Mother I told you already that I don't want dowry. I don't like this foolish stuff. I told you already that you have gave me everything I needed. Darling! Ashir and her mother will feel bad. What will people say about it? How will you justify yourself? No need to justify. People can say whatever they want. I cannot decide my future on their sayings. What did Saqlain say? That Ashir already has everything! What's the need of taking same stuff to the house again.

Give that money in charity. We'll go now as we are getting late! Come quick! You are always late. Goodbye! Goodbye! You visited after so long Saqlain! Yes aunt! I was busy. It's obvious that you are busy with your sister in law's wedding. How will you visit me. Tell me what's going on in your family in laws? Nothing interesting! Mahnoor is busy with her exams and aunt and Areeba go for some shopping! Aren't they collecting Mahnoor's dowry? No! Mahnoor has denied from the dowry. You know that she doesn't like such stuff and does everything according to her wish! It's good that she denied! I was thinking that where would we store the stuff that she'll bring? My house is already full. You know that Ashir isn't a boy who can sleep on bed that's been brought by her wife. Do one thing! Tell your mother in law to give cash instead of the dowry. That cash will be used by her daughter later.

Sure! I'll convey your message to her. If you have any other demand, do tell me! I'll convey it too. I'm not demanding. I'm just suggesting this for the problem of the dowry. I wanted to ask that will they give Mahnoor's share before her marriage or after her marriage! Which share? The same share that Areeba got! Nothings hidden from me Saqlain! I know that you got a share of 2 shops from your family in law.

Aunt! I didn't demand those shops. It was the handed over to Areeba as her share. Whatever it was! they did good. It's good because after parents pass away. Siblings do fight over the property later, so it's good to hand over everything while you're alive! I also wanted to ask that will Mahnoor's share be equal to Areeba's share? 2 shops like her. Actually you know that Ashir will comeback here. It'll take him sometime to settle. You also know that business is better than a job. 2 shops will help him. He can start a good business in those shops and you know that it's also for Mahnoor! Think about it! Let me grab something for you to eat. Wait! I decided to get Mahnoor married to Ashir so that I can take the share! I believed that they won't be in a greed for something more but they have the eyes on her share. They want the dowry's budget instead, and now properties share too. They only want her because of her property. I should think about it or I might even get myself in a bad circumstance. Who? Greetings! My name is Wasay.

I'm here to meet Mahnoor. I work at her office. Is she home? She is here! Come in. Wow! So many clothes. Did you bring something for me? Calm down! You'll get everything too! But first we'll get done with Mahnoor's arrangement, then it'll be your turn. Bring this and that! I know that I'm the youngest and you'll excuse me at the end that there's no money left, so I'll have to wear Mahnoor's dresses. Mother! I'm telling you that I won't wear any old clothes and I want four new dresses.

Four dresses! You'll get them! Madam! Somebody came from Mahnoor's office. He has to talk to her about something important. You can look. Greetings aunt! Greetings! Who are you son? What's the important talk that you're gonna have with Mahnoor? Mahnoor has left the office! Aunt I'm Wasay! Hey! What are you doing here? Mahnoor! I've come to meet you. I've called you so many times! You haven't received my phone calls? And now your number is busy too! What's all this Mahnoor. You said that.. Listen! She's engaged and getting married next month. So you shouldn't talk to her or meet her. It's better that you leave quick. Leave! Wait Arooba! Let me talk. But Mahnoor.. Please! I promise that this won't happen again. Please let me talk. Why did you come here? You shouldn't have. You saw that because of you, my mother and sisters are worried. Let me call Saqlain! Arooba wait! Mahnoor is talking! What is she talking about mother? This boy thinks that the house is full of ladies and I can force myself on them if I threat them.

Let me teach him a lesson! Saqlain will be enough for him. What happened? Did you really think of him as a gangster who'll threat Mahnoor? He loves Mahnoor so he'll try to talk to her. Stay quite! What will he try? He is here to stop Mahnoor's marriage. Don't say that! Mother! I'm right. Mahnoor is almost married to Ashir. It's not easy to break the relation. I'm right! Let Saqlain come. He'll talk to this guy face to face or something bad might happen later. Mahnoor! Tell them that I'm not here to create a problem for you.

I'm just here to talk to you. Why did you come to talk to me? We cannot talk. I still love you Mahnoor! Love is still trying to find a place. Wasay please! I think you are forgetting that I'm almost married. Mahnoor! I cannot live without you! You decided to leave me so easily. I'm still standing at a point where you left me. Exactly at the same point! It's been so long. I'm just waiting that a day will come when you'll be mine. Forget about it! I won't ever comeback to you. I've moved on with my life and I want the same for you! I thought the same but I couldn't because your love has trapped me. Mahnoor! What's the point of these talks now! You should have taken the decision before. I did take the decision to marry you! Mahnoor trust me. I don't want the approval of my parents! Trust me once. That's the problem! I trust you! But I cannot affirm with you because my mother and sisters are my whole world.

You know that my mother never stopped me from marrying you! She was just worried! I could see it in her eyes. I still remember that she said that Mahnoor, before taking any such action, do think about your sisters. Don't take any such action that your sisters cannot face the world. You still think that I would let my mother down in these circumstances and give people a chance to hurt my mother? This won't happen! So please go from here and never comeback in my life again. If we accidentally meet each other at someplace, then treat me as a stranger. I've moved on! And I don't want to go back.

I'm just requesting you to leave! Wasay would never comeback! He would never interfere in my life again. I promise! How did he dare to? He came directly to our door. Did you meet him after your engagement too? It might be something like that! It's been some months since her engagement. He still came here. This means that he really felt comfortable. I didn't meet him at all! I told you mother that I went to leave that job. Wasay had already left that job. I have no relation with him. He was calling me since a long time and i didn't pick his calls. That's why he came to talk to me directly. You should have received his calls.

If you had talked to him, he would've never came here. Why should I talk to him when I don't have any relation with him? You all should know that there's nothing going on between me and Wasay currently. I'm getting scared by just thinking that if Ashir and aunt find out about it. What will happen?.

white wedding

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