NEW WEDDING RING MODELS with Jewelry Lathe (#BulunmazMechanical)

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Hi everyone. I am Cemal Bulunmaz your jewelry professional and you are here on. Bulunmaz youtube chanel in this video series. I'm introducing you different options different attachments of our bestseller late machine. And in this exact video, I will show you how you can make designs with our lathe machine. Because I need to be creative. I need to make different designs. I just brought Mustafa our wedding
ring, professional. his much more professional than me in wedding ring production. So he will make different models for you. Let's start start start. We are starting with a diamond tool. We will make first around ring. This is a model making option. But that's we are preparing the ring.

It's very easy. Mustafa is doing this work for 20 years, but don't worry when you buy our lethe machine Mustafa or our other technicians with teach you how to use our lathe machine and you can also make such pitiful models. So the surface is ready. Now, we continue with the models. We will use magic wheel. That's the medium size magic wheel. let's go You see? I created the round shape ring first, and I'm covering magic wheel with a different special design. Here we go. So I covered with a background design
with magic wheel, with Magic wheel is a product with diamond powder on it. It's plated Diamond powder.

So it gives a finishing. Now we continue with the Diamond Tool. I want to show you by the way. Let me stop it little before a second, here. You see the magic wheel effect. So after this, I will continue to put a Diamond Tool, which tool how many? 1.5 concave tool. I will, Mustafa will make the side
of the ring. So my ring it looks like a semi finished product. As you can see after 1.5 millimeter concave tool, it will be covered all around and it will be a finished product. Here you see the tool and we are changing. Okay, you can put. We are changing here. You see the attachment,
you take out with a screw and you put with a screw. It's really easy. Ladies and gentlemen, we are shooting a real-time video. So you can understand how fast it's and how easy it is to produce with. Our bulunmaz lathe machine. Let's get a close Look again. here we completed one side of our ring then he's changing to the other side. And you can see.

How we make. The both sides of our ring. Now, we will make the last cut. We will make a line. On the ring. You see everything is real time. We are taking out tool We are putting the tool. You see all the process. It's already two three minutes, I
guess. So 0.5 millimeter Convex tool it's already 3 minute and in 3 minute. We made a entire ring. It's ready to be sold after rhodium plating or you can sell it right over. Here we go with the other side. That's a simple model, but it's
pretty popular. In Europe, Eastern Europe. Even Latin America and United States. It's not so fancy, but it's a running
model, here. It's finish. I want to show you something. Okay, we go to next model. Here is the model finish. As as you know, we are we are plated. We have covered with magic wheel be
used 1.5 millimeter concave tool for the side and we finished it with three lines with 0.5 millimeter Covex tool We also have a CNC machines here, you
can you see our one of best seller Ring Maker for exist CNC machine here.

You see our most advanced bangle Master multi-axis 12 axis CNC We also have CNC machines. We have all kinds of technology for wedding ring production, but that's the lathe machine. It's our easiest fastest and cheapest machine. Speak English. Okey Start, second model. We are using it again. Magic wheel, but this time we didn't make a round ring. We are making a flat ring. we cover the surface of our ring in a few seconds. And we continue here, you can see the
result. What is next one millimeter covex? 1 millimeter Covex tool that's a popular tool for wedding ring maker. Here we go.

We just cut. We just make basic cut. He's taking out to Tool now. now, he's using again, 1.5 millimeter concave tool don't forget,
1.5 millimeter concave tool is mostly used for a side, cutting off turnings, and then he will finish the
sides and go with the last patch of that ring One side finished. And the other side is, In a few
minutes, he completed Mustafa. You are very fast. And last touch will be degree tool, I
guess three millimeter 130. It's another popular size 3
millimeter 130 tool. We will make a diamond cut on it and
finish the model. you see all the process, how to Fix
an arm, fix the tool. I can even see myself in the shine. So, we are finishing the left and right side of the covex parts and it's finished, here. You see our next model. we use again, magic wheel the diamond
plated tool in the center. Then we made one millimeter Convex tool then we completed side.

Drop the convex And this part with three millimeter 130. We will make you three model today. That was the second one. I'm keeping done the last Model what
you will make? This one, we will use our last Model, Magic wheel. It's a thin grid. The first one. The first one was medium. And that's soft one We have three sides. Three types of Magic wheel. Here you go. And again, I'm covering, we are
covering the ring. That's all you see. It's a little bit softer. We have a soft medium and hard grid,
hard grid He's pretty hard. It has a big size diamonds. soft one and medium one is medium one has really little diamonds on it. So he is now fixing the Diamond Tool He's fixing 2 millimeter flat tool and
he will make the sides of the Ring left side. And right side, when you order, our bulunmaz lathe machine, we give you a brief information about which tools you use.

We have, I can say 15 to 20 most
important tool you have to use. We will recommend you all of them. If you remember the other tool, I used one point five millimeter concave tool but here I'm using two millimeter 180 flat concave tool for the same place left side and right side of the Ring, it's done. And now we are completing our model with a line tool. What means line tool. It says a line. So how many lines? 5 lines, two millimeters size and five lines on it and we will Complete the model with that. Here you go, here. You see the lines? I mean, so, that's Size of this model
is 2 millimeter. And there are five lines on it. Finish? last touch. if you want to known more about our bulunmaz lathe machine. just have a look at our you tube chanel we have many more video about it. 0.5 millemeter convex tool that is alot touch just to finish side of my lining tool. you will see the difference it's really small difference but you will se how it change the around of the ring.

my ring is ready in a few minute we use magic wheel again in the center I use 2 millimeter flat tool on the side here. my lining tool in the center
and here we completed 0.5 millemeter convex tool Mustafa thank you very much. you are best wedding ring professional. he was better than me. Mustafa is better than me. he have 20 year experience in industry he manufacturing wedding band, for how many ? 20 plus years so here I want to have a close look again. 3 rings we made in less than 3 minute each. keep watching our video, we shoot many video with difference ring technic. let's go home, ok. thank you very much for watching video if you have any question. you can always write on the comment below. if you like our video don't forget to subscribe. our youtube chanel thank you very much..

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