Nicole & Chris Get MARRIED! – Married at First Sight (S16, E2) | Lifetime

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– I'm Mark.
– Chris. Nice to meet you.
– Chris. Good luck.
[INAUDIBLE] I said your name
would be Chris. I'm Nicole.
– Oh, did you really? I said your name would be
Nicole, I swear to God. NICOLE: No, you didn't.
– I swear to God. Yeah, I did.
– Yes, he did. [CHUCKLES] Well, it's nice to meet you. You look very handsome. You look very beautiful. Thank you, thank you. Chris? Yes? Nicole's family and
friends want you to know that Nicole is a motormouth. [LAUGHS] OFFICIANT: She loves to talk. While she can be a
handful at times, you'll quickly learn that
she's a handful of kindness, selflessness, and generosity. One time, she even surprised
her mother with a stripper. [LAUGHS] Our advice is to keep
Nicole on her toes, give her lots of affection,
and she will be forever yours. Nicole, Chris's family and
friends want you to know Chris is as loyal as they come.

He is kind, gentle,
affectionate, and caring. Chris thoughtfully weighs pros
and cons of every decision but also tends to
overthink things. He needs someone that can
match his emotional level but can also put him in
his place when needed. Oh, I'm the girl for that. Don't you worry. OFFICIANT: Chris is
secretly a talker, so be prepared to hear
some of the same story more than once because
when he gets going, he's like a wind-up
doll that never stops. NICOLE: Oh, my god. No one's ever going to
want to be around us. We're never going to shut up. CHRIS: Yeah, I know. It's true. Nicole, will you take Chris to
be your lawful wedded husband? Will you love him, comfort
him, honor him, and keep him as long as you both shall live? I do.

will you take Nicole to be your lawful wedded wife? Will you love her and comfort
her, honor and keep her as long as you both shall live? I do. If you do–
CHRIS: I jumped the gun. Sorry.
Sorry. Go ahead. Finish. If you do, please say "I do." I do. I do. Nicole, take Chris's
hand and repeat after me. With this ring– NICOLE: With this ring– OFFICIANT: –I wed you, Chris– NICOLE: –I wed you, Chris. With this ring,
I wed you, Nicole. –for today, for tomorrow
and all the years to come. Please wear it as a
sign of my commitment. And a notice to the entire
world that I am your wife. –that I am your husband. OFFICIANT: Chris, you
may now kiss your bride! [CHEERING] [APPLAUSE] [MUSIC PLAYING] Ladies and gentlemen,
it is my pleasure to introduce to you for the
very first time as husband and wife, Nicole and Chris! (SINGING) Say it.
Yeah, do it. Go on.
Say yes. Come on. Say. [INAUDIBLE] Come on. Say..

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