Piano Bar Terrace Wedding Venue at Majestic Elegance Costa Mujeres

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here at the majestic elegance Costa mujeres 
this area is the piano bar lounge so it's right   outside the piano bar right off of the lobby 
this can be used for a private cocktail hour   a private reception they're actually using 
it as well for wedding ceremonies if you're   interested in that because it is overlooking 
the entire resort you do get beautiful views   of the ocean and the Cancun hotel zone in the 
background the hotel just opened yesterday so   please excuse the construction noise but 
this here is the lounge off of the piano   bar reception capacity is about 40 people if 
you want to dance floor and lounge furniture   cocktail hour you can fit more than that and 
ceremonies as well let us know if you have   any questions all our weddings live from 
the majestic elegance and custom O'Hara's

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