Top 5 Historical Wedding Venues in Portugal | Venue Edit

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hello everyone happy wedding Wednesday and today we're going to be talking about the best historical wedding venues in Portugal so I have a roundup of all of my favorite historical wedding venues in Portugal that I'll know you'll love if you're a fan of Portugal and the Portuguese culture so we're gonna get straight into this but before we begin why don't you click that subscribe button for more wedding tips every single wedding Wednesday and let's get into it the first historical wedding venue we're going to talk about is the Posada stowed to or British and as you've probably seen on my youtube channel before I love a V dish I filmed my inspiration is everywhere video here and it is just one of the most enchanting places in Portugal is characterized by these huge castle walls that engulfs the entire town and it was built by the Romans and remodeled in the 14th century so this is a very very very old building and luckily you can get married there you can get married in the castle walls with the most gorgeous view over a Buddha so it's one of my favorites the capacity is between 55 and 120 people for seated dinner and between 30 and 150 for a standing reception there is accommodation on sites but not very much but there are other hotels and B&Bs in the area there is also in-house catering for your guests the second historical wedding venue we're going to talk about is Montserrat Palace and if you have been to sintra it is one of the most magical towns because of its real fairytale like quality the architecture and bright pink color of this building shows Howells summery and regal it really is has some gorgeous spacious light rooms for the ceremony as its set in the natural reserve of sintra it also has the ruins of an old chapel and this is a very popular place for elopement so if you're looking for an elopement spot this could be the one it has a capacity of up to 70 people seated dinner there isn't any accommodation on-site but there are plenty of accessible options in Sintra and this birthday also have in-house catering the third historical wedding venue that we're going to talk about is was either do Viana do Castelo this is another one that is owned by the posada de portugal group and this is located in the north of the country in fuzzy Porto is probably one of the most popular wedding venues in all of Portugal and with very good reason it has the most gorgeous view over porto and is also home to over fifty rooms which means that you can hire the entire venue out exclusively which means that your guests can all stay there overnight before your wedding and after your wedding if you so choose Porto also has some of the best nightlife in Portugal so this means well after your wedding reception you can party the night away in porto itself the capacity is 120 people seated there is a conversation on sites with over 50 rooms available for hire and that is in-house catering the full sister cook wedding venue we're going to talk about is food the cruise and this is located in East Java which is a region of the leash poeta suburb it's very high-end there and has some really gorgeous beaches Fort de Cruz is located on one of those beaches called tamales and this way it gives you the best of both worlds it has this historical grandure but also has these coastline view so you can mix in a beach wedding with also having a historical castle wedding really really gorgeous place I highly recommend it capacity is a hundred and ten seated guests inside and 250 seated guests outside she's you have the flexibility of both there is no accommodation on site for there are nearby hotels in Lisbon that are really easy accessible there is also in house catering the final historical wedding venue in Portugal that we're going to talk about I've spoken about before which is pasado convent of Dario Lucia I mentioned this one in my best wedding venues in the allant Asia so I'm not going to go on about it for too too long you should check out that video if you want to learn a bit more about it but I really like this one because of its Chapel which has original 14th century blue as layered tiling which is just so so stunning it's just one of the most beautiful chapels in Portugal the capacity is a hundred and eighty people inside and 300 people outside standing reception as a Posada there is accommodation on-site there is also in-house catering and that's it that is a little roundup of the five best historical wedding venues in Portugal let me know which is your favorite of these five and if you have any questions and do let me know in the comments below but for now I'm Olivia from newlyweds your millennial wedding planner and if you like this video give it a like subscribe and I will see you next week bye

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