Wedding & Engagement Rings : Engagement Ring Jewelry Stores

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There are a lot of things to consider when
you make the decision to buy an engagement ring. My name is David Kruger and I'm with
Kruger's Diamond Jewelers in downtown Austin, Texas. One of the things is the store you
choose because, my goodness, there's lots of stores in malls and independent stores.
There are big chain stores, so it's important to make your buying decision which store or
which type of store you are going to go to. Going to an independent jeweler is going to
be probably for most people a different experience than going to a mall jewelry store or a large
megastore. There are megastores now that have thousands of engagement rings and that's going
to be a different experience. There are places online that you can go and read reviews about
different jewelry stores. That's a good source of information. Ask your friends where they
bought their engagement ring.

Ask them about the value they received. Ask them about the
service they received. Ask them about the after sale service. Ask them about the attitude
and energy of the salesforce. Ask them about what kind of support they have; if they have
an in-store jeweler or do they have to send their jewelry repairs out adding to the delay
in getting a ring re-sized or polished or getting a diamond reset. All these things
are considerations and it's worth doing a little bit of ground work before you get out
and hit the streets to buy you an engagement ring. My name's David Kruger and I'm with
Kruger's Diamond Jewelers in downtown Austin, Texas..

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