10 Questions to ask when BUYING WEDDING RINGS

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[Music] congratulations you've probably recently got engaged or maybe engaged for a while and are now planning the most important day of your lives I got married nearly ten years ago now my wedding ring in fact is very personalized to me as a message from my father-in-law that he wrote and I everyone commented on it every day if you have a platinum engagement ring then it's more than likely that you're going to need to choose the platinum wedding ring it really is what you do for a living and how like you're used to having a ring on your finger Platinum is a very heavy metal but also very hard-wearing so if you'd prefer something lighter but hard wearing you could go for palladium but that's a slightly grayer color to the Platinum color itself if you're not someone that wears it very often then gold might be more suitable for you or if you're gonna consider wearing on a chain when you're doing your job you need to consider how the chain may wear the metal itself we really don't recommend silver as a ring that you would wear every day of your life and something that you're going to need to really consider if silver is important to you we talk about comfort fit so it's slightly domed inside but there may be certain depths to it or thicker which would make it the piece heavier itself we do still see these shapes which is just a flat band inside but not very often anymore if you have an unusual shape staying like a marquise steep stone it's going to be almost impossible to fit a wedding band perfectly next so often these days you will see engaging rings that are made and described as Wed fit so they have been really thought about but not always the case so you may need to have a section cut out of the wedding band or the band shape to fit around your engagement ring all of which we do in our workshop in Kingston you may want to be considering a plain band itself or a textural finish to the surface whether it's been have slightly hammered or brushed those are all things that you will need to take into account with all of them I would always stress you've also got to consider how is that going to look for next your engagement now the fun part are you going to put diamonds into your ring with guys as well this is a serious consideration now whether you want to have a single stone drilled into the pipe to a plane band or whether you want to have a few stones scattered along the surface of it we do also see people out now choosing square shape so princess cut diamonds to go in the band itself my favourite consideration now is whether you go for a diamond eternity band over a traditional plane wedding band and that is becoming the case often so my wife in fact has a full eternity band that goes all the way around the consideration here is how the Bakke the stones are going to be and you don't want them to be too wharfing that stain in your engagement ring but also the setting that they're in so you may have a claw setting which would match perhaps the style of your engagement ring or rub over setting with it there's metal around the edges of it or a channel setting we're all set in a life it could be a message or in a fun name you have for each other or even the date that you got married so no one ever forgets but inquiry we're starting to see people put diamonds or even gemstones on the inside of the ring so the stay may be touching their skin that's important to them there's a secret thing that may be a personal message between each other our master craftsman sorrel has been with us for nearly 20 years and he has designed many imperfect wedding rings to suit people so we can always arrange a personal consultation with you in one of our stores to see maybe you're getting married next week or maybe you're getting married next month or next year if it's next week it's really going to be important that we choose something that we have in stock something that perhaps that we can alter in size because the likelihood is we're not going to be able to get something made for you that quickly but we would often recommend giving at least three to four months to make sure that we get everything right that we get chance to check the sizes when they come in see if fingers have changed in size it's all over that period to make sure you have the peace of mind you have to peak the wedding ring ready for your big day we have a wedding-ring guarantee that is industry-leading to make sure that you can wear your ring with real peace of mind for many years to come we do ask that you bring it back to us every six months so that we can check it's okay but also give it a clean and polish and also perhaps reminisce on that big day from a few years ago please do email me at edward barrels code at UK click subscribe to never miss a barrels video

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