4. Beyond the Horizon| The 2001 Gujarat Earthquake | A Story of Struggle and Restoration

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26 January 2001. Gujarat suffered a devastating earthquake. Measuring 7.7 on the Richter scale, it completely wrecked Bhuj and the surrounding areas. Residing in Bochasan, His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj began to contact various places across Gujarat in order to assess the destruction. It was difficult to contact Bhuj at the time, but being concerned, Swamishri was persistent in his efforts and finally found a solution. Not only that, in the first phase of the disaster relief work, he opened up relief kitchens to satisfy the hunger of thousands. From the very next morning, Swamishri began to efficiently execute concrete steps regarding the relief efforts. In the second phase, he immediately dispatched dedicated swamis of the organization to Bhuj in order to engage in the relief work.

For the third phase, Swamishri sent relief materials along with the swamis to Bhuj. Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s compassion gifted new life to the hundreds of thousands that were struggling against the devastation. Swamishri passionately planned the initiation of relief
kitchens and transport of swamis and materials to Bhuj. He prayed for the victims, conducted yagnas for the peaceful fate of those who passed away. And for the afflicted, he created a tin-tent city for temporary accomodation. Let us witness how this story unfolds. Today was a golden day for the people of Bhuj. From the moment the earthquake struck, Swamishri’s mind was residing in the neighborhoods and streets of Bhuj. But today, after much insistence, he personally visited Bhuj. On his very first day in Bhuj, community leaders applauded Swamishri’s humanitarism. To benefit mankind at this senior age, if there’s someone who can be this active, it’s Pramukh Swami Maharaj. Seeing him, young people like myself are embarrassed that if Swamishri can accomplish so much at this age, then how can we sit idle? These swamis and volunteers have worked day and night going door to door caring for all of the villagers.

This divine work included the 25 km surrounding Bhachau district where they went to each farm to ask how we were doing. On 26/1/2001, after the earthquake struck at 8.45, 9.00, there was prasad of khichadi at twelve o’clock. We didn’t know, Swami, that our village would be affected to this extent in this calamity. We didn’t even know these swamis, and they are doing what our own brothers couldn’t do. These swamis who we don’t even know, who we have no
relation, who we’ve never had the chance to meet in our life, fleets of these swamis arrived and wiped our tears, filled our stomachs, and put a roof above our heads.

Swami, this community will never forget this. You have upheld humanity. We have seen mandirs. We used to believe that performing arti, eating sanctified food, and doing Rama-dhun was the only work of mandirs. But you have enlightened us that the real work [of mandirs] is to save humanity. And the tears you have wiped of ours, the solace you have provided, and the courage you have given us. We are unable to imagine what would have happened if Pramukh Swami’s mandir wasn’t here, if Pramukh Swami’s relief kitchens weren’t running here, and if these roofs [above our heads] weren’t there.

Who would have taken care of us? You have given our community comfort and taught us how to live with dignity. You rescued us from a pit of despair and this community will never forget this. After everyone in the assembly conveyed their gratitude,
Pramukh Swami Maharaj expressed his heartfelt sentiments. The organization has upheld its duty, that at a time like this each person should be helped. This is our Indian culture, as Viveksagar Swami explained. In the same way, Bhagwan Swaminarayan has also helped people regardless of whether it was night, day, morning, early, or late.

Whenever, whatever difficulties occurred, he held people’s hands, supported them, provided them comfort, served them, and gave them blessings. So this seva is of the same tradition, and this organization has served in this way. Young and old, swamis, devotees, and youth all stood ready as per the message of Bhagwan Swaminarayan. And this message is very firm in their lives, so they have come running to help at this time. What they have done, was only to please God. In this suffering, we have experienced that God helps us in all ways. During such a crisis when there is no one, God takes care of us. On such occasions, we realize that we don’t have anyone.

At that moment who would come? But God inspires me and every one of you. And it’s due to that inspiration, these swamis have come to you. Many other such organizations have also come. Numerous people came to donate their things to you. In short, I mean to tell you that this is God. We may feel that, ‘Where is God?’ In this situation, even though we haven’t asked for help, written a letter, or made a phone call, yet people came running to us to help. Understand that this is God. This is God’s work. God is within. So in this way, our faith in God should increase. ‘Where is God?’, ‘Where is God looking?’ — We believe such things. But, God is present and he sees everything. God looks upon us during these time. And it was during these times that we realized. Through this incident, we realized our faith in God, and I pray that it may increase further. May you all experience prosperity — this is the only wish, this is the pure intention that may God give the strength so your life becomes prosperous, your family becomes prosperous, you become successful in your business and endeavors, good sentiments prevail in the nation, we are able to serve the nation, serve society, and along with that, also serve God.

Swamishri’s heart was full of compassion. He went out to inspect the temporary housing units and schools that had been erected until permanent facilities could be constructed. When Swami came to Bhuj, he was eager to meet everyone, and was even eager to see the tin city. But Swami had a fever. So we told Swami that instead of going everywhere, the residents will all come here to meet you. Yet, Swami was firm. ‘I want to go [no matter what].’ He knew that when all items had been destroyed in the earthquake, it was necessary to provide not only a house, but also household items. In the first phase, he distributed basic necessities, easing the way for people to settle in the tin-tent city.

Due to the tragedy of this earthquake, people had become homeless. People built temporary tents on the streets, on the roads, on the footpaths… But how long can people stay in this condition? Therefore in the tin city, people were provided with everything from needles to brooms, storage safes, food rations, gas so people could directly live there with their families. They didn’t even have to take matchboxes or matches with them. So everything was given in the kit and organized very well. And a big challenge was resolved. In addition, there was also a novel thought. It is rare for swamis or people to have this thought. What about small children? Those who lost their parents, or whose parents are alive but they don’t have anything. They need toys. This was also considered. They made toys available for small children. This type of vision can only be executed by Pramukh Swami Maharaj. Swaminarayan sanstha was one of the few which provided toilets to the people in the temporary shelter. I had this difficulty with my leg, it was broken.

All of my possessions and property were gone, and everything was destroyed. You couldn’t find anything from anyone. There was not even any food. Not even water to drink. I didn’t even have the strength to stand. I couldn’t even speak. So much had happened. At that time, it seemed as if my life was over. I doubted if I would ever be able to walk again. I didn’t believe that I would be able to walk. All arrangements were made here by Dev[charan] Swami in the Tin City for us, dining and all. We didn’t have anything. Not even one or two vessels that we could use. They helped us in every way, totally. As if they built a [new] home for us. Pramukh Swami Maharaj himself came to Tin City. Jay Swaminarayan… Jay Swaminarayan… Jay Swaminarayan. Maharaj will resolve everything. Everything will become well. Do bhajan. God will bring happiness. Do bhajan while sitting, do darshan of God. What’s your name? Ramdas. He placed his hand on my head and said, ‘You won’t face any great difficulties in your life.

Not one will come. And you will surely walk. Not just walk, you will run.’ He gave me such blessings. Bapa persevered to the ultimate extent. I had the greate fortune to witness this. When we would see Bapa, our battery would be charged for the entire day. Children are the future of society. Swamishri’s mind raced to care for the future. He came to inspect the schools which had been set up in the tin-tent city. In this situation, the BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha and His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj were worried. So they sent swamis to Anjar. They undertook efforts to immediately restore the education system. They set up temporary schools. These temporary schools were established to prevent the psychological effects of the earthquake on the children.

Efforts were implemented so they could resume their education and become active again. And so the education system was revived. So, I was posted there as a special relief commissioner overall in charge of the city of Bhuj. That was an occasion where I was provided an opportunity to work very closely and intensely with the BAPS organization. During this kind of crisis my experience in government in 35 years is that not many institutions, NGOs come forward. Even if they come forward, they provide very very lip service; very limited rudimentary services. When it comes to BAPS at that point of time, BAPS had a very detailed plan. In fact, Pramukh Maharaj used to work on minute details, used to work out the level of activities, the extent of activities, what are the content of the program which they were implementing in the city. Swamishri accepted the invitation of the Collector of Bhuj, Shri Anilbhai Mukim, and arrived at his office. And I humbly requested Pramukh Swami Maharaj to come to inaugurate it. And he readily accepted it. And he came there and spent so much of time, so much of warmth he had.

He visited every corner of that house and we all felt so blessed at that time. I have no words to express that. After visiting the Collector’s office, Swamishri arrived at the Swaminarayan Mandir in Bhuj. Bhagwan Swaminarayan himself had created this mandir. Swamishri emotionally told the swamis of the mandir, “If you need any type of assistance, then let us know without hesitation.” These words did not come from his mouth, they came from his heart. Try to preserve that which was sanctified by Maharaj. We will do it there. The mandir will remain there. It will happen here but the mandir will remain there for sure. Preserve that which was sanctified by Maharaj. Preserve that which was sanctified by Maharaj. That's good. His each and every step was a testament to his concern for society. To the fullest extent, Swamishri had showered his care and concern on the residents of Bhuj. But the climax was that even though Swamishri was ill, he still traveled everywhere. Moreover, Swamishri visited the entire city to gain a better understanding of the devastation and plan additional relief services.

Both his heart and hands would rush to help the victims he saw enroute. Amongst this, he would also give necessary suggestions to the relief organizers. But at the same, he organized a long term plan so that all these people would get back on their feet, start working again, earn their daily bread, and forget the agony of the earthquake. Pramukh Swami Maharaj had the thought that instead of teaching people new trades, [let them continue] with the traditional work they used to do.

If someone is working as a carpenter, if someone is working as a lumberjack, if someone is working as a cobbler, or if someone is working as a leather craftsman, then we should provide them with the necessary tools. With the thought of restoring their livelihoods, he opened shops and supplied goods and tools. He thought about all of this, but also built homes to stabilize and revitalize society. This was not a small task as it had to be done for thousands upon thousands. For months, until permanent accommodations could be provided, temporary residences were organized. He reassured group after group of people, brought them all back into the flow of social life, eliminated the complexes that had arisen, and stabilized society. These were not small and straightforward principles. Yet, he carefully thought about each and every one of these principles. The upliftment he did while considering human psychology, that is unique. It is unprecedented in history. Swamishri’s immense compassion reached every section of society. This was particulary apparent even in this occasion. He made an insighful suggestion to the relief organizers — a suggestion that reveals his concern and care for everyone. Minaben Bhavsar, one of our prominent female devotees, Nitaben Shah, and one other volunteer from Vankaner, whose name has slipped my mind, these ladies, three to four of them, were requested to accompany them (the female victims) and to find out what the females require.

So Janakbhai Dave discussed this with Swamishri and through our coordinator, Kiranbhai Pithwa. Swamishri asked us to hold a meeting for the women involved in this project. And in this meeting, Minaben Bhavsar and I became involved in the Bhuj project. And particularly within its four districts: Bhachau, Anjar, Rapar, and Bhuj. When these four districts faced the biggest challenges, the organization undertook huge projects there. Swamishri’s compassion did not remain limited to Bhuj, but it also reached beyond its boundaries to the surrounding areas. His care reached all the way to the country’s border and its nearby villages.

In this way, his flow of compassion transcended geographical and societal differences and moved many. And at that time, the situation here was very dire. It was a terrible situation. There were no businesses or anything. At that time we wondered, ‘When will we get back on our feet?’ Firstly, we have nothing to eat, nothing to drink, no utensils,and everyone else had left. So all these organizations came. Pramukh Swami’s organization also came. That organization assisted us here in our town of Bhirandiyara. And after my coming here, they built 77 houses in our Vata residential area. Even in our Harijian residential area, 85 to 86 homes were built. And many people’s homes had fallen, so they built bunga-styled housing for us in Kolivas. Pramukh Swami Maharaj thought of making bungas for us. But how can we get them back on their feet? Now they can’t just remain idle like this, because they will need to eat. So he thought of giving them the means to earn their bread and get them back on their feet.

Bapa’s message was very clear. Anything you do, do. But at the end of the day the livelihood opportunities for the people should get increased. Therefore, the BAPS did (restored) many villages nearby and all that — not [just the city of] Bhuj, many villages also. They provided activities so thousands of families were helped for increasing their livelihood. One important component was economic rehabilitation. It is basically support for women. The places where their jobs had become unavailable, suitable jobs were given according to their talent and existing skillset. This could sustain their lives in the long term.

The Swaminarayan Sanstha gave a lot. They gave someone a donkey cart, someone a bicycle, gave someone a puncture repair shop, gave someone a cabin for his business. They gave someone 2,000 to 5,000 rupees in cash so they could purchase 2,000 to 5,000 rupees of inventory. Flour mills, all those machines, etc. and provided everything. After the earthquake, when we came to the Swaminarayan Mandir, the swamis supported us a lot. Our food and drink, rations were delivered to our homes. For the third time, within two months, they delivered [rations]. And secondly, they also provided rations for our cattle and provided us with support. The biggest task, I clearly remember, was supporting the livestock Most people kept livestock. So for that, a big project of purchasing buffaloes was undertaken. Now purchasing buffaloes was a very new concept for all of us. And its transportation was also a big problem. But only by the grace of Swamishri, this project was completed. When we purchased the buffoloes and provided them, at that time, there was much excitement in the villages. Even today, I still remember the sight of the village women leading their buffaloes home.

We Ahirs keep dairy cattle. So, buffaloes were provided. 87 houses were built. And each house was provided with a buffalo. We were given one buffalo. Now everyone is so prosperous that from that one buffalo, everyone probably has 8-10 buffaloes. Their children and family members received a significant means of sustenance. The extra milk [from the buffaloes] was to be sold by the women in the city. But where could they sell it in the city? So, a community comittee was formed. We purchased steel cans for them. All the extra milk would be collected in them and we had collaborated with a few restaurants in Bhuj. The person who we gave a chhakdo rickshaw to, they would transport the milk using the rickshaw into the city area.

The profit that was gained would then be distributed amongst the group of women who had given the milk. Some of the women would even make ghee and penda from the [extra milk]. And the rickshaw driver would spend the rest of his time earning his living by driving the rickshaw. So in this way, this big project of distributing buffaloes was implemented. Simply providing cows and buffaloes was not enough; so, they provided medical insurance for three years, and the organization appointed a veterinary doctor in order to care for the cattle and address any health problem that would arise. And as a result of this, even after twenty years, where there was only one buffalo, there are now five, ten buffaloes per house in our village, thanks to Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s organization. For our carpentry work, they gave us the tools, the iron, and the wood we needed. I was given a chhakado rickshaw because I used to drive a rickshaw.

I said, give me a marquee, so I can provide a marquee rental business. It will be good in this area. A parcel was delivered to my house. We opened it and that’s what it was. Thank you very much. In the business of handmade products, especially in the rural areas, they make footwear, Kutchi footwear with special embroidery. So, we provided the machine and kit to make them. As a result, those who used to make one or two pairs a day began making fifteen to twenty pairs. They were given a significant means for their livelihood. They also won an award for this. We are Muslims. They (the organization) did not have any distinctions. Where do we go for our children? Where do they studty? There were no facilities for them.

Then they built a school for us. Even until now, Pramukh Swami’s school continues to run. There was a scarcity of domestic flour machines. We used to take flour from here to Khavda. So, we requested a flour machine and they gave it to us. It is still running today. When there was a drought, they provided food for cattle. What you call a handloom and leatherwork. Those machines are a bit expensive. Two or three personally needed these machines and requested that if we are given them then we can work.

This work was our tradition, but we weren’t in a position to afford it. There are two to three leather machines. Even today, the leather and handloom work continue. Those same people continue the work here today. Pramukh Swami Maharaj sent artisans to teach us how to make handicrafts. They stayed at our house for a month. There was one of us from each village — Mota Misariyada, Hodku, Jamkunriya, Bhirandiyara. In those villages, three artisans were sent to teach us handicrafts. They provided the materials too. Even the necessary materials were provided. The ones that we would mess up would be at their cost. Not ours. We were taught. Even today there are four or five artisans who are still doing Bhujodi work. 15, 20, 25 families received such assistance. The rest were either farming or rearing animals. Within a year, two years, three years, the whole village was up and running. This work was a blessing. I saw Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s compassion all the way until the end.

Us possessing hundreds of thousands of rupees is a lot. But we have become that prosperous. [We] have opened up a personal handicraft shop. They helped a lot. As a result, people are back on their feet today and have progressed. So many are standing on their feet today. They may not be present, or unable to articulate how we have been able to stand on our feet. But I will personally explain. From the chhakado rikshaw, I paid for my three kids’ education, set mobile shops for all three kids. Now I have two Shift cars, two Bullets, one motorcycle, one Bolero car, and I still have that chhakado rickshaw. That one chhakado rickshaw created my entire livelihood. Pramukh Swami held my hand, and I got back up on my feet. Today I have 200 units. We have food thanks to God’s grace. We have cars, a JCB, and a tractor. We have God’s mercy, we’re happy, and we eat with contentment. Thank you so much Pramukh Swami… Thank you, thank you, thank you… Today Kutch is restored and India is known throughout the world thanks to the important work done by Pramukh Swami’s BAPS organization.

In all of the areas they worked, they worked for the long term, in an excellent manner, and stationed volunteers to do so. I salute the contributions of the BAPS in this. And Pramukh Swamiji used to monitor it on a day to day
basis. So Pramukh Swamiji was a visionary. He was a dedicated person. And he had a compassion for every section of the society, every section of society — no caste, no religion, no color. He had never looked at it. He was beyond all these narrow aspects of what we come across today. Now the construction project for the victims’ permanent housing was set in motion. Meetings were held face-to-face with Bapa. We decided that we should adopt certain villages and build them anew. We decided that we should build about 15 villages which were completely destroyed. To rebuild completely anew. And I must tell one thing. Even if you get money, implementing the project is not easy. It is very difficult. And in difficult areas you cannot do through contractors and all that. You need good institutions who are commited. Like Bapa's Swaminarayan Sanstha, BAPS.

There are also other good organizations. They were involved in a big way. A survey was initiated in all of the villages. Pujya Brahmavihari Swami, Vedagna Swami, Devcharan Swami all visited many villages and met with their residents. Their wishes were also known and then a shortlist of villages was made. The government also had a policy that if a new residential area was to be made, those individuals would have to surrender their old land. That dilemma continued. Despite this, it was decided Mr. B.V. Doshi, an internationally recognized architect of India, came to meet Swami Bapa. He assigned Yatinbhai the responsibility, that his team will come for this work and will be involved in this project.

Swamishri's compassion expanded even further. With his inspiration, the organization took responsibility I clearly remember that the villages which were chosen were all in remote areas. There was a village called Devisar. I remember it was 12 km from the main road and there wasn’t even a dirt path to get there. I would be thinking where is this village? Where is this swamiji taking us? When we reached the settlement after a 12 km drive, we were amazed that these swamis have reached everywhere. Because of our spiritual network, we were able to reach people that no others had reached yet. The villages which were selected for rehabilitation were not close or convenient. But, those villages that really needed help, were found and reached. My first impression was positive that this was truly remarkable. You couldn’t even imagine because it was a desert, so how could there be a settlement? The areas were chosen in this manner.

We went to Swami with the village map and said Swami, we have chosen these villages. These many houses will be built, and we have planned this way. Swamishri said that you have done the planning, but I don’t want to build barrack style houses in a line. If the houses are made like that, then they will feel that I have received a house during reliefwork of an earthquake. They should have an individual house, a well-built house. Built in a way so that it provides them satisfaction. Plan with that perspective. Second, there was a participatory approach to the planning. First, we would go there and hold meetings. The presence of swamis served as a bridge. We would speak with the people. Swami also thought about their way of living. He thought about their culture. He sent everyone home to home to conduct a survey what is their culture, what do they like, what kind of house is it, what are the doors of their houses like, what is their way of living.

In Kutch, they don’t build bathrooms inside the house. They make them separate. So Swami said to make them separate otherwise no one will use the bathrooms you’ve made. Swami said the kitchen should be on the side, separate, because they burn wood causing smoke. That too was separate.
It’s a part of the house, but it’s constructed separately. In this way, Swami thought about their way of life as well as their culture. They’d inspect each and every house. They’d survey a diverse range of society: ‘Where do you live? Show us your house.’ At least 50 people’s opinion must have been taken for the houses. The organization studied each individual, took their personal suggestions, and then built the houses. [Swami said] if you go to the new site, our village culture is such that, there should also be an open source of water. So, make a reservoir too. Swami instructed us to build such ideal villages. The swamis too… Swami constantly encouraged us. Swami asked us how will you dig to create the reservoir? I said, Swami we’ll bring tractors and start digging.

Swami said no, not like that. You should start construction on the homes first and then dig the reservoir when it comes to filling the plinth of the house. This way the soil excavated in making the reservoir can be used for the plinth. These discussions took place with Bapa; and Swami Bapa said that although these people are experiencing difficulties because of the earthquake, but they are not going to live like this forever. Maybe not today, but in the future, these people will be well off and if they want to move forward and expand, then how will they do it? Extension of their property should be considered. Consider that too. So, Swami Bapa gave this pivotal instruction. And at the same time, Swami Bapa said that look, these are farmers, they are in the village, so they will also keep cattle and everything.

The space should accommodate this. Consider all of these facilities and then move forward. And when we went back with the revised plans, Swami asked us, what is our tendency? In villages, people are used to living in open areas. So, make communal grounds. So, we made various communal areas. Swami was going into so much detail that we wondered, "How is Swami thinking?" We also considered who wants to live near each other. Swami said that before building the houses, first decide who will reside in which area, and then start construction. And the maps of each village were designed in such a way that if there was a plot, we’d consider who would you live next to? One group might not get along well with another group or might not favour them. Some may want to live in the West. Some may want to live in the East. So, everyone chose their own neighbour, revealed their preference… One cluster [of homes] may be of seven, another of twelve or five.

So only after thorough discussions with the villagers was the concept of neighbors implemented. Then its amenities. This was another highlight of these villages. They weren’t just built as emergency housing. In order to create a lifelong, generational society, and a society based on values, for this each village required education. For that, we provided schools. Their water supply system was taken into consideration, including a system for drainage. Roads were also considered. A place for the village council was also planned. Children were considered. Even mandirs where people can offer prayers were thought of. Because with all of this [infrastructure] you also need
culture you also need culture, values and education for the village to flourish. There would be a courtyard between each cluster. That way if someone wants to hold their daughter’s wedding, there's a place for it.

Events can be hosted there and children can play there. There were roads, sidewalks, and gardens. That is how technical arrangements were — the planning site, amenities, homes, and other elements. The foundation was planned in such a way that future growth was possible. Construction was reinforced since this area was close to the epicenter. At that time, Zone 5 or other such standards had not yet been established. Yet, Himanshubhai, a structural engineer from England, was an expert in the field so he analyzed the plans to ensure that they were earthquake-proof.

With this consideration we built strong houses that surpassed the requirements that the government later released regarding the minimum incorporation of steel. Swamishri made it clear that this work should be completed as soon as possible. Whenever there were meetings with Swamishri, he would always ask, ‘When will the work be completed? When will people come to live?’ Bill Clinton arrived to meet Pramukh Swamiji Maharaj. We had arranged a meeting in Akshardham. By 4 April, we already started work in three villages. At that time the houses weren’t ready, but we had photos showing the manner in which they would be built. So before meeting Pramukh Swamiji, they would come through the corridor where Swami had instructed the creation of an exhibition with photos. These photos showed our working style. Bill Clinton came with his convoy. And Mike Patel, know as 'Mikey', was with him.

They passed through. We shook hands and then we explained that we started work in three villages, and we are planning to implement this style of work in about 10 villages. He (Bill Clinton) stopped and shouted to Mike, “Mikey, this is the way we want to go about it. I like this approach.” It was essential for this months-long construction work, to be completed punctually, effectively and systematically. Because this challenging path was full of thorns. Because they were remote places. Even the villages were remote. There were no convenient roads. Also the infrastructure was non-existent, so water wasn’t available. Even if you want to work, construction is very difficult without water. Even in the minds of people, some would accept, some wouldn’t. There were a lot of such issues. And wherever we started building, even to deliver the materials and tools became a big challenge.

Construction of houses wasn’t happening in one area. An entire village was being built and everything had to be delivered to all four sides Because all of the work was happening at once, there was also a challenge regarding the contractors. It was difficult to find quality construction workers. We had to carry forward the work even in the midst of financial difficulties. Many would fall ill where they were working. If there is no village, no shop, then what can those people do? The circumstances were difficult, but those who joined this seva provided good support; whether they be youths, devotees, or even local people. Otherwise all this would not have been possible. We also had to plant trees at each place. But even in these difficult circumstances, Swami Bapa’s instruction was to complete this work as soon as possible, so the people could go to live there as early as possible. We had to run to the government.

We had to get permission from Gandhinagar, then get permission from the collector in Bhuj, then we had to work there at the site. And for all of the other arrangements… Pujya Brahmaprakash Swami made a lot of effort to ensure the government’s arrangements. Our engineer told me, “Swami, you won’t be able to go without a stick.” I said, “Why would I need to take a stick right now?” He explained that once it gets dark, snakes come out. I asked how many snakes are there? He told me that snakes come out every day. Snakes come out from under our bedding. We pitched tents yesterday evening and when we raised the tents in the morning, scorpions came out from below. Like in all other… Like everyone says, ‘A hundred challenges in one good deed.’ There were unfortunately so many obstacles.

So many problems would occur. [Sometimes] we wouldn’t find the officers. Sometimes, we would visit the rural areas and it would take a long time just to gather 5, 10, 15 women and
convince them [and find out] what exactly they needed for their livelihood. It was very important to know that. So, this was also a big challenge. We did not understand the Kutchi language that they spoke. So sometimes a Kutchi-speaking local volunteer would join
us. Or the men who knew [Kutchi and] Gujarati would translate
for us. So, traveling like this was one thing, but there were often power outages inside the local office. So, it was very difficult to work. We would encounter so many complications and issues that you would think, ‘I don’t want to do this anymore, just do whatever you want.’ We would truly run out of patience. It would be frustrating. Swami would say, “No, not like this.

We should work with cool heads. Until the work is completed, stay focused on the task at hand.” This showed us a truly unique quality of Pramukh Swami Maharaj; that whatever he did, was from the heart. There was only one goal. Despite obstacles, we would experience that Swami Bapa was always by our side. Swami Bapa would also regularly contact us. At 10.30 PM, a phone call from him would have come for sure. He would ask about the progress and guide us through any obstacles we were facing. We were given work with a target. Almost more than 4,000 houses were to be built. 500 school rooms were to be built. Societies were to be created. Like this, work was ongoing at more than 85 sites. When I saw sadhus doing such work there, I was very surprised. It was the first time I had seen sadhus involved in
construction work. They were involved in arranging things. I myself saw them working there. I casually spoke with a sadhu there and he told me that all of this is from the inspiration of Pramukh Swami Every morning, Akshaymuni Swami and I would wake up and run in two different directions.

We would make 300 kilometer trips every day. Each site had the need for cement, sand, gravel, etc. and we had to deliver these requirements. Along with this, we had to think ahead about how to fit the tiles, which tiles to fit, and such. This is used to go on constantly. In one year, I alone travelled 150,000 kilometers within the Kutch region. Akshaymuni Swami’s [travel distance] is different. But his (Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s) guidance was constant. And Swami would constantly add new aspects that you should do this, this, this. Swami said, plant 10 trees per house. And that too fruit trees which would be useful to them. Swami said, after you plant the trees, care for them for one year. Pramukh Swami Maharaj thought a lot about this. There was a retired agriculture official named Kikani Sir. Along with him, we brought as many of the other officials whom we were in contact with to this village. And we conducted seminars in this village. Information on drip irrigation, horticulture, kitchen
gardening, and animal care was systematically explained to the farmers. It was explained so well that today, many of them have become very [financially] strong and prosperous by incorporating horticulture and drip irrigation.

Various seminars were conducted. We conducted meetings within the villages and helped them understand [farming techniques]. The farmers also agreed with these techniques. In that area, they planted mangoes, lemons, chiku, coconuts,
etc. and the farmers became well-versed with modern agricultural techniques. So along with the earthquake relief work, Swamishri took on the initiative of improving society and agriculture. In addition to this, in the new towns and homes that BAPS Sanstha built, the courtyard space or the backyard had a kitchen garden for vegetables to be grown right at home.

So, seeds for vine-grown vegetables: okra, chillies, tomatoes, guar, black-eyed peas were also provided. In this way, housewives grew these vegetables during their spare time. When we would check on the women every month, we could see various levels of progress. This project, the kitchen garden project, was very successful. Sure, we were given homes, but in addition Pramukh Swami Maharaj thought a lot about how the people of each village could live happily. Such that, he even arranged for cowsheds to be made. Today, we are all content because of the availability of chaas, milk and yogurt. Swamishri now extended the circle of relief to include the soldiers serving on the frontier. This compassion was felt by innumerable soldiers. [These are areas that] had been restricted from ordinary civilians for years. But, their primary facilities, such as houses, offices, their work-related buildings, were built according to their needs.

These [soldiers] are our nation’s youth, serving on the country’s borders, so we should serve them as well whether or not people noticed them. According to Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s instructions, we built necessary buildings for them. And they were willing to help us because we were deployed in the operational areas in those days. And they helped us in many ways in giving us not only guidance but helping us to construct bungas. We are really grateful to BAPS for what they did during that period. Swamishri was able to envision the fundamental role schools play in the progress of children. As a result, he undertook the reconstruction of 49 schools during the creation of these new villages. His interest shown in this work and the suggestions he made were truly remarkable. Numerous schools were destroyed. Everything was completely destroyed during the earthquake in Kutch. At that time, the people of Kutch, the officials, everyone was worried as to how to restore education and when will this be done.

When this matter was brought up, Swami Bapa said that we should also take on the work of rebuilding schools. In that way, schools were surveyed, along with the accompanying necessities. Regardless of the previous school’s standards and that it had fallen down, but now that it was being newly constructed, it was Swami Bapa’s instruction that it should have the full facilities. In Anjar, we had been allocated a school. We went with our whole team for the rebuilding of this school in Anjar. We were inspecting everything to see where and how much to do, how many students were there. At that time, some women from that area came running to us and asked us, “What are you going to do?” I said that we are going to make the school that was here.

They requested, “Don’t make a school here.” I told her, “Ma’am, but there was a school here before. We are building it in the same place where it was before. We aren’t going to make the building ten storeys. We will do it according to how many students were here before.” She said, “But don’t build it here.” I said, “But for what reason shouldn’t we build it here?” She answered, “Listen. We are in the central district of the city of Anjar. All of our bathrooms are broken, so we come here at night for that purpose. If you start building a school here, then where will we go?” I become lost in thought because it was a valid point.

Where would they go? So, I immediately went to the Anjar Municipal Party. The officer of the Anjar Municipal Party at that time was so good that he told me, “Janakbhai, I have heard the name of BAPS, so don’t worry one bit. We will give you the ideal land for the school that the government has asked you to build.” I asked, “Sir, where is it?” He replied, “It is three to four kilometers away.” I went three to four kilometers to inspect the location. It was a really nice location. I became very happy. I got a phone call from Bapa at night. He asked, “What did you do today?” I told Swami about what happened. He then inquired, “So what did you do?” He then inquired, “So what did you do?” I told Swami that we went to the Anjar Municipal Party and they gave us a very good plot of land. The land is flat and fenced with wire. Bapa said, “Who will go there? Will the children who reside there travel that far? How far is it?” I said that it’s three to four kilometers away.

Bapa said, “Will they travel three, four kilometers?” I said that Anjar isn’t that big of a city that one cannot go three to four kilometers. Surely, they can go. [Then Bapa said,] “Ask everyone. Ask them tomorrow and tell me what they say.” I went the next day and asked all of the women. Not one woman said yes. [They said that], we won’t send our children that far. So, I got a phone call from Bapa at night and he asked about what happened. I explained what happened and that they are refusing to send their kids that far. Bapa said, “I knew this 100%. They will definitely not send their kids. At our expense, make them the necessary bathrooms.” So, we built bathrooms for them.

And we constructed a school in the same location where the school had fallen. Its name is President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam School. We went to that school after exactly 15 years, and its teachers and all are so happy, so pleased. More than 95% of the teachers and students are Muslim. He (Pramukh Swami) had no ego in his mind. Pramukh Swamiji was such a person that he wouldn’t differentiate between who was lesser or greater. Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, etc. he never differentiated between religions whatsoever. In times of hardships when people had lost their homes, Swamiji performed everyone’s seva in a unique manner. When that school was built and the day it was opened, I still remember those days. When it was opened, sons and daughters came to study with their backpacks. The smile I saw on their faces, on the faces of the children, on the faces of their parents, the feeling of satisfaction, and the gratefulness they had towards Pramukh Swami. I feel that only an eminent personality like Swamishri could do such work. I had the great fortune to go to Kutch.

In one of the most remote villages in Khavda. I met kind of a senior member of a village. He is Muslim. And he described to me a deep level of relationality, of attachment to a guru Pramukh Swami Maharaj. Whether or not one is a satsangi, and it is that kind of connection that people felt to Pramukh Swami Maharaj. That is really outstanding. All of us from our society, about five to ten of us, went to meet Swami Bapa. He asked us, “What help do you need?” [I said] Bapa, we run a school. [But] the Rabari community [annually] migrate away so where will these kids study? So please build a [residential] school. So Bapji said we will make a school for you. We built their [residential] school in the location that Swamishri was shown.

Our respected Education Minister, Anandiben Patel, visited Kutch. She called a meeting of officers in Bhuj. At that time, the number of students had decreased everywhere. [She asked] Why is Anjar the only place where attendance has increased? I was serving as the head officer at that time, and I was present at this meeting. So, I explained, “Look, through Bapa’s guidance, we were able to build schools and revive the education system. There is no drop here, none at all. All the exams have been conducted as per the rules.

Efforts have been made to keep the students actively involved, and new [educational] resources have been facilitated.” Such strong buildings were built, that even today, people remember the work that was done. With Swami, the first place I remember that he took us was the village of Khavda. Each and every house was destroyed. We went by foot to the village. And then decided in my mind that we should definitely do something for this village. And then subsequently, Brahmavihari Swami took us to different villages throughout the day. Because there were not even funds to build Khavda. Therefore, the people of U.A.E. and Hyderabad’s Eenadu Group. The funds of both were gathered and the village of Khavda was built by BAPS. The construction of this building was so strong that when renovations need to be made, no contractors are ready to take responsibility for its demolition. They say you’ll have to demolish it yourself. We can perform construction but we won’t take the demolition contract because the construction is too strong. Because it is designed so strongly, that even if an earthquake occurs and the building may fall horizontally, even horizontal, it would still remain intact; it wouldn’t break or crack.

That was the strength of the construction. At that time BAPS adopted the village of Ukhadmora. It was in scheme 1 with the government of Gujarat. At that time, Ukhadmora was built. All the houses were built. Mr. T. Chino, the chairman of the Asian Development Bank, came. I was guiding him. I took him to one house. The first thing he did inside, he must be a 70 plus person at that time, Mr. T. Chino, he caught hold of the window, and banged it three four times. [To see] if it comes off the hinges or not. It didn’t come off the hinges so he became happy. Then he held the door and banged it hard two three times. [To see] if it comes off the hinges, if it breaks or not. That didn’t happen either. He went around the house. He liked the flooring. On the edge of those steps, he thrusted his shoes. The edge of the steps, whether they break or not. That didn’t break either. He was very surprised and said, “We would never expect such good quality of construction in a rehabilitation project.

We never had this expectation.” There he said, “We must take a decision that ADB joins.” So the point is that the restoration work that Pramukh Swami Maharaj did, he did it with such love. During this seva, the residents of Bhuj witnessed a brilliant example of Swamishri’s generosity… Swamishri called from London and asked what was going on and asked for reports related to Bhuj including the where, how and what of these matters.

At that time, I told Swamishri that, “Bapa, right now, two schools in Anjar have been completed along with their opening ceremonies. The last one, which is a government school, has had its ground-breaking ceremony completed. Once that school is complete, all of our school projects will be finished. Swamishri asked about everything relating to the schools including the progress of the work. So, I reported to Swamishri that the steel has come, the grit has come, the cement has come, and the municipality has passed the plans. Swamishri subtly asked, “If we let another organization build this school, would that be okay?” Then, I countered, “Bapa everything has already been purchased and we have all of the permissions. But it was Swamishri’s wish because there [in London] another organization’s swamis had met Swamishri and told him that, “We want to build this school.” So, I told Swamishri, the locals wish for our organization to build this school. At that time Swamishri responded saying, “Whether we build it or they build it, it’s all the same.

So, what would be the issue in giving it to them?” Then I immediately said, “Okay, we will do as you wish.” When this conversation finished, after an hour, the swamis of that organization came to meet us. At that time, I gave them a list of the costs that had been incurred showing that these are the expenses for the certification passing, the materials, and for the construction which had been completed.

So, they immediately sent us a check and took over the responsibility for the entire school, and began working on it. After a week, Swamishri phoned me again and asked, “What happened with the school? Did we give them the project?” I told him that, “Yes Swami, as per your instruction, everything has been handed over. Whatever costs were incurred we gave them a bill and they sent us a check. Straight away Swamishri explained, whether that organization builds it or we build it, there is no difference.

I countered saying, “Bapa, that’s true, that’s why we handed everything over.” He told me, “That’s not what I meant. It’s not appropriate for us to take a payment from them. So, return that payment back to them. Regardless of what we spent, understand that we’re building it. If they do all the construction of the entire school and our name is not associated with it then we shouldn’t worry. But the essential thing for us is that a good school is made. And so Swamishri had the payment returned and said we cannot not take this money. In this manner, Swamishri would supervise everything. The rehabilitation [of schools] wherever they have selected. One of [the schools] was 100% completed [by BAPS] without getting any publicity or any propaganda. Swamishri performed these relief services with genuine intentions and pure sentiments.

Hence, this service was of such a high standard that even the visiting dignitaries, could not help being impressed by Swamishri. They felt immense gratitude and admiration for him. By fusing spirituality and service, the Akshar-Purushottam Swaminarayan Sampraday has undertaken a tremendous effort to reinvigorate a sense of duty in the new generation. This is a seva-yagna in which countless youths have sacrificed their energy and time. We wholly believe that this seva-yagna will catalyze a critical resurgence. And every leader used to come and say oh, BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha is doing [it], [so] it must be the best. That should be our sample. The quality aspect of it. Officers would be taken to our villages and shown around. So, the [villages] became like a role model. And after the villages were completed, our village, Narayan Nagar, was bestowed with the Ideal Village Award by the President.

After the earthquake, Pramukh Swami held your finger; and whosoever finger Pramukh Swami holds, he crosses the ocean of sansar. He is holding your finger. But Pramukh Swami has given the people of Gujarat a new life, a new strength. To bear the burden of the distressed, to do something that relieves the afflicted from their pain, to live by being an ocean of compassion, we are experiencing these remarkable sentiments [through Swamishri]. For this project, Pramukh Swami Maharaj emphazied to Dr.

Janakbhai Dave that women are the foundation of values and culture as well as prosperity in the home. A home that has women nurturing these values, those will be preserved for seven generations. So when [you] give a home, put the first name of the household under the family’s female member. Because by doing so, a feeling of their personal home will be invoked. In regards to the design of the house, Pramukh Swami Maharaj emphasized that be sure to do it in such a way that it is convenient for the women. This is because housewives spend most of their time in the homes. [Swami said] so that smoke is averted from their eyes provide them with smokeless stoves. Be sure to provide them with cows and buffalos. Because the earnings acquired from them (the animals) stays with the women. And one of the most significant acts was that Swami Bapa emphazied that both sons and daughters receive equal educational opportunities because the building of schools was also a component of this project.

Schools were built to facilitate the education of both sons and daughters. Through this project, Pramukh Swami Maharaj empowered women to such a high position [in society]. We can see this from his suggestions. Through constant coordination with the [Indian] government, we can say that in Japan, where the Kyoto earthquake occurred, even after seven years, the rehabilitation work that could not be completed there was completed here in its entirety within about two years. The swamis and devotees of our Bochasanwasi Akshar-Purushottam [Organization] performed notable work. And for the development of Gujarat, among the great personalities that have significantly contributed, among them Pramukh Swami’s name will never be forgotten for centuries to come. Pramukh Swami was a person so natural, so simple, so down to earth, so easy to communicate with and he could understand what one wants to express and immediately respond to one’s requirement.

And his understanding of issues, his depth of his understanding. You know a person need not have so much of information, [that] is not important. But that wisdom and depth is important. He was a person who had that wisdom and who had that basic understanding and he was always connected with the ground realities. Pujya Pramukh Swamiji — I had a very special opportunity to be with him a number of times. And believe me, even today the mala he has given to me, everyday morning either 4 o’clock or 5 o’clock I do one mala in his name. Because he built that institute which served humanity in an unconditional and unparalleled way in the most difficult situation which we can’t imagine. Because I have witnessed all that. So, I bow my head and me and my family and even the whole Gujarat or humanity to BAPS and whoever has rendered these services. What was the sentiment behind the seva that Pramukh Swami Maharaj used to perform? That God resides in the hearts of everyone.

Whoever it may be. But he saw God within them. In this way he continuously performed seva for about 95 years. His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s life was entwined with humility. He has done numerous distinguishing works in this world. Even upon doing these works, Pramukh Swami Maharaj used to say that we are not doing anything. Day and night this work was continuing and in the midst of this work not one day had he forgotten God, forgotten bhakti and his daily devotional practices. Not the slightest bit. On 7 October 2002, Swamishri returned to Bhuj once again. On this day, he returned as a form of Vishwakarma for countless people. The renovation of 11 villages and 4 societies adopted by by the organization was now complete and was inaugurated by the hands of Swamishri. We have received the assistance from many, and we are very grateful to them for their assistance.

The donors who are sitting here, other donors who are unable to be present and have noble sentiments, for them we pray today that God gives them the strength so that within times of crisis like these they are able to help and perform good service. In tremendous efforts like these when we attain everyone’s help, then performing work becomes easier. Accordingly, this work has become a success through the help of everyone. We are grateful to all of them. Whatever we have been given is due to God’s wish. Only God has done this work. And God is the inspirer of everyone. Because of him this work has been done. The inauguration ceremony that has taken place, may everyone attain happiness and bliss. Through this inauguration ceremony, Swamishri created a festive atmosphere. On this joyous occasion, the hearts of everyone rejoiced. Everyone humbly paid their respects to Swamishri. I once again offer my humble respects at the feet of Pramukh Swami. You have served Gujarat. You have wiped the tears of the earthquake victims. You held their hands to help them get back onto their feet.

You patiently brought them forward: you gave them shelter, you gave them a home. You renewed their faith. For this noble seva, the fifty million citizens of Gujarat are wholly and eternally indebted to you. Swamishri was a proficient multi-tasker. During this time span, he achieved a multitude of grand feats. Pramukh Swami Maharaj undertook many hardships for the sake of this relief work. Only Swamishri is able to show this much compassion; for us it’s incomprehensible. [He had] no selfish intention, not the slightest selfish intention. No desire to influence or be worshiped. [He gave] only with selflessness and only for the sake of benefiting others. He accomplished all of this with pure, heartfelt intent.

Even today, Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s service and advancement of society continues. The thought that ‘only we are doing this,’ doesn’t exist in my life and has never existed. Because, from even before, it was always there there to do what guru Shastriji Maharaj says, to do what Jogi Maharaj says. And to have faith in them and do only what they say. When we believe ourselves to be the doers, then we feel burdened..

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