Man Rented Out Wedding Chapel He Didn’t Own | Part 2

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owned the premises. >> Yes. He did. >> Judge Judy: Okay. Other than your word, do you have any proof of that? >> It says, "Under new ownership." >> Judge Judy: May I see it? >> With his name. >> And his number on it. >> Judge Judy: Well, these are very nice things that you had printed out with your cellphone number on it. "Under new ownership. The Grand Chapel." >> Mm-hmm. >> Judge Judy: But that's a lie. >> It really wasn't. >> Judge Judy: No, it is a lie. You don't own it. You didn't own it when you printed these things. You don't own it now.

And you clearly gave it to them. They didn't steal it out of your attaché case. >> No. We did. We gave it to them. >> Judge Judy: Okay. However — >> Judge Judy: I don't want to hear a "however." Now, you loved the venue. >> I did. >> Judge Judy: So, why didn't you have your wedding there? >> Because my fiancé and I definitely had cold feet when we drove by the building, saw a neon sign on the door. We went up to the sign, read it, which we also have a picture of. >> Judge Judy: I'd like to see the sign. >> And it stated that the building had closed, and the reasoning was that there was a boiler that wasn't working. >> Judge Judy: Just a second. Okay. So, this is what you saw. >> Correct. >> Judge Judy: And you saw this February 7, 2015. >> Yes. >> Judge Judy: And your wedding was scheduled for a month later.

>> Correct. >> Judge Judy: Okay. So, that got you worried. >> Very disheartening. >> Judge Judy: That got you worried, so… Building has no heat. And they don't have enough money to put in heat. So they're doing fundraisers. They did a mystery dinner theater, but that didn't raise enough money. They're going to try to do another fundraiser, but they don't have a venue yet. In order to get something — >> Your Honor, we were not responsible for paying for those repairs or for the heat. >> Judge Judy: I don't care. There was no heat in the building! >> There was heat in the building. >> Judge Judy: In Kansas! >> There was heat in the building. >> Judge Judy: Please. >> And we did get heat in the building. >> Judge Judy: Oh, please. Mr. Elliott, Mr. Elliott, Mr. Elliott, why in the world would you… I mean, are you a businessman? Clearly, you have some money.

You have to have some money, because otherwise you wouldn't be in negotiations with Ron Smith to buy this historic building. So why in the world would you put yourself in the position of not returning their $3,400? They didn't have the wedding there. There was good reason why they weren't sending out invitations to a building that at that point, a month before the wedding, didn't have heat! So, if I had any brains — and clearly, these people have brains — I would say to myself, "I've got to find an alternative venue for my wedding and not risk coming to March 14 and having people have to wear their mukluks and their boots to the wedding." >> I had b– >> Judge Judy: So why wouldn't you just return their $3,400?ree boiler in the facility after that was printed up, and we did get heat in the building.

Ron was working with me, and we did get the boiler fixed, and we did have heat — >> Judge Judy: Show me! >> Your Honor — >> Judge Judy: Just a second! Show me. >> That the boiler worked? >> Judge Judy: No, show me the paid bill for the repair of the boiler that either you paid or Ron paid. Show me the paid bill. >> I don't have that.

>> Judge Judy: $3,400 — judgment for the plaintiff. We're done!.

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