when you're choosing a diamonds you're looking for the 4 C's which are cut color clarity and carat so the first thing we're going to look at cut which is the shape of the stone so the first one is round very popular brilliant car perfect diamond the next one which is quite popular is the emerald-cut which is quite nice long facets and then you've got the princess cut which you square Pulliam it's not a brilliant cut but square then we've got the pear-shaped which is very popular again like a teardrop so we've got the Marquise which is sort of a oval sort of with a pointed end on it and also got the the arch shape clarity is Emin inclusions or marks you're pitting in the stone starting from flawless stone all the way down to imperfect always suggest you get the kiri stone you can for your budget color of barman's is rated on a scale starting from clear all the way down to vivid intense at either end of the scale these are the most expensive and the most rarest stones as you work your way in the colors get less desirable and less expensive character is the size of the stone the bigger you go the more expensive it's going to get but also you can trade off on the 4 C's so you might want a bigger stone but sort of compromise on your color a little bit more or you might want to go for the V color flawless which you might get a smaller stone for your budget
A guide to engagement rings: carat, cut, colour and clarity