and she was like this is so
extra too i was like look honey what's in her life wow he's giving what is it wow
she did it like that is beautiful that is so nice yes yeah and i'll keep going to cookies
so you can see okay this one oh cute yeah so once it's all together yeah okay oh my god yeah i ain't disappointed
now yeah that's all in there is this like um no it's mine though it's fine okay she's getting ready the welcome sign is when i need someone
to go there for me please where is that um either cvs walmart because i have
all the photos okay look at this let me just show y'all hold on hold on you ain't
seen none yeah baby you ain't seen nothing yet let me let me just say something
real quick let me show you my how to hold this i need to focus
hold on let me show you on my face okay yo anything my skin is absolutely beautiful okay look
just look at this beautiful bathroom lord have grace first did she bring the cookies that's what i need
you to do please go downstairs in the kitchen the cookies the desserts all
the desserts the lady brought make sure there's cookies yeah
they're cookies it's in the little oh is for our this one okay let me take a picture
she don't know how she wants want that to be she doesn't know how she
wants it yeah it's heavy man her was crying yes really gorgeous okay so this table right okay with chairs okay you got your
phone no i'm gonna call you okay myself it shows this thing can focus y'all can see
okay let me get in the sun like you know just just don't oh my god just absolutely
gorgeous who you know got a ring like this oh okay nobody okay okay her you see it in the sun you see
him shining you you seeing no no fake over here baby it's all real don't ever don't ever play
yeah you see it it's just so gorgeous oh yeah i know that's right clean them tables
yeah okay as you should as you should okay i just can't get enough of this oh my god she's gonna be like what the hell was
she talking about in these videos oh okay is um what is hi how are you this is my cousin hey thank you is where's the party uh up every single time is make them um and that is what gets me look up more colorful i brought those things
downstairs i put on air okay you yeah yeah usually the
things we need is about like 10-15 minutes max okay that was fun
yeah the more we have the more better is oh and then the other door is exiting yeah just to be like just keep
scheduling everybody on time 20 years um yeah and there's some desserts down here yes right but you want to be
able to see the eye okay okay okay no all right the next 30 um okay hey somebody came into the center to go do it so
we're working for them she can go figure it out what happened um we're talking about nothing
where's the table numbers uh those things literally just no those are the names okay i i
brought them the actual the big ones yeah is that the table numbers the big ones the
big ones don't have those floors it's like the postcards i think it's yeah that's just the primer yeah honestly so far yourself okay pray for my name is so um oh oh sorry i'm here is thank you um no not yet oh no that's fine doesn't work right me crazy foreign oh i got hairpins on wi-fi okay okay here we go did okay are you good are you sure do
you guys want to wear the suits oh thank you you're is hey you picked the perfect day the sun is shining
perfect everything hold on we got to open it up black girl in luxury like this okay it's beautiful oh yeah oh my gosh one more time one two three look at each other beautiful up looking at all the possibilities at the bottom right here oh my god there's the big jars you got the video too oh oh foreign foreign yeah perfect there you go just like that beautiful beautiful okay you're gonna just bring one arm
for me one the other arm there you go just the red light right there yeah beautiful
look over that shoulder there you go beautiful stay right there for me perfect okay counter three and look at me okay beautiful look at me perfect perfect
you can stand up and come towards me now you can walk towards this edge that's all right okay are you good good perfect
look back at me from right there perfect the other side on your ring side
yeah beautiful stay right there back at me beautiful look back at me beautiful
stay right there perfect okay there you go three look at me in a count of
three beautiful one two three smile beautiful one two three we're gonna laugh akiki one more time one two three look
at each other as you're doing so okay and you're just having fun you
don't have to look at the camera you're being yourselves turning up as girls yeah gotta be gotta be lighted louder
than the music on the phone one two three perfect okay one two three let's go one more time one two three look
at each other as you're doing so okay and you're just having fun you
don't have to look at the camera you beat yourselves turning
up as girls yeah beautiful gotta be gotta be louder than
louder than the music on the phone oh and there should be like a white tag and just look over your shoulder
yeah there you go stay there beautiful no no keep looking
at over your shoulders nakano three are you gonna look at me
okay and the count of three gonna look at on that me first what the count of three you're gonna look over your shoulder okay can
the count of three look at me one two three beautiful there you go stay there one two three beautiful okay
perfect stay right there so try your best we're going to do it one
more time don't blink your eyes too much i get it okay the count of three okay
let me have you back yes yes sir look did it go away what did you put it on oh no i'm
with my friends right what she's putting no not right now yeah yeah yeah look that way there
you go iconically look at me beautiful look at me here bring your hands up flick your hair
there you go beautiful stay right there perfect beautiful okay stay right there yeah beautiful stay
right there look that way yep beautiful one more time stay there imma have you both come out then come out
more a little bit more yeah yeah there you go beautiful there you go grab it flip it you want a video or something i don't know one two three beautiful okay we're
gonna do one more time close your eyes one two three okay one two three i mean look
at me ladies start fanning down one two three so i'm going to ask you a lot of times because i
realized and you know me it's all about honesty you get distracted a lot yeah i understand i ask
you if you need something that just means that i believe so yeah but it's um okay you ready for us yeah okay there's a roof too wait we can post the
pictures right here she said we could pose okay oh if don't get to keep is is i know beautiful baby is hey with the power vested in me and by
the state of california before god family and friends i now pronounce you wed as
husband and wife you may now kiss your bride introducing mr and mrs william age french one more time um want you to marry me i love you so much i is for the uh congratulations let's buy something is crazy okay come here there's no more okay oh how much it's all right um all right thank you dude look at the camera when i'm walking out here okay this is keep your head this lighting is perfect i was waiting in there i
was like out of the shower so you can enjoy this experience oh is we have folks from all over from washington
florida georgia houston so we have the east the north south and the west so let's
all sit down relax and enjoy the moments we're here to support our son and our
daughter grandson granddaughter amit and so now we have a lot of young people in the audience
young in a sense we have 50 older mistakes but this evening it's about this generation
and this is how they want to be picked so and let's allow them to respect them and
i'm sure both both sides of my family are proud of their achievements and their
accomplishments so far in life but it's their moments okay so they may
do things a little different from how we did 10 years ago from how our parents did 30
years ago but it's always a little bit of love so let's respect that dj dj tools are these here
for this evening this dj tools tunes like itunes oh again it's not about us this evening it's
about them so i'm going to take a backseat nice okay mona lisa okay here wanna lisa
she wants mona lisa it's his job okay okay all right ladies and gentlemen
the first two of the broader party we have this imagine job and mr henry french oh me foreign oh foreign oh oh okay more in it to go and the next two we
have is fatima who's the daughter of and then we have mr cartier me is oh me okay okay i see everyone sending money
to the bridesmaid rooms okay you ready me oh please oh okay we're almost so we have one more and then the
groom and the bride we have one more if you want if you want to have a [ __ ] [ __ ] okay yes of course i got it i got it i got it yes
yes i got it i got it i got it okay the next poop the t-h-e-e french cousins okay so i started a war room they
wanted me to make sure i got it clear so they said that's that right thc
does another cheap friend's cousin cousins no they need to know who they are they need to
know who they are they have names we have marilyn josephine and the lucky man scotty foreign um yes the first french yes oh oh okay let's give them some time to okay oh one yes oh i'm gonna okay is uh uh so is no yeah you