Baby Baji Episode 23 | 14th June 2023 (English Subtitles) | ARY Digital Drama

Yes what? See what he did? Why wear'' t you show him some manners? He'' s a kid. Chidren make mistakes. This is why I ' m versus you. You can not take care of one. Our mother in regulation still thinks that she'' ll see exactly how you people live and if she understands you, she'' ll go on with this interaction or else call it off. She must be misinterpreted. If Azra is saying she didn'' t state anything, she hasn ' t. We don ' t require people to confirm it. Yes. You need to teach him this. He'' s supporting for others here. I told you previously too. Don'' t placed the tiniest of points on the net. No one needs to recognize what is taking place in our lives. Mama, I made a blunder. Allow it go now. You know exactly how upset Child is. Did she claim something regarding me? Yes.She was asking why didn ' t you inform me as well.'Mother, everybody decided we will certainly not inform anything in your home. Can you conceal something from Azra. Do you know exactly how she embarrassed Infant before every person? Saman I didn ' t expect this from you. If Azra'had actually said something, she ought to have called me and informed me. They informed Wasif. It would have stayed between us ladies. Mom, Azra didn ' t do an advantage. Did you ask her?'She plainly stated no. In fact she informed me to call them there and also then so that she, really misbehave with them and after that they ' d be disturbed and also the wedding event would be off. I think we just have one service. What is that? Obtain Wasif wed to Azra ' s cousin. These battles will certainly never ever end and Azra will never allow this marital relationship occur. How can she quit the wedding? Wasif ' s daddy has clearly said, the wedding will occur after Eid. After that don ' t delay it. Call then and also obtain a day to make sure that they ' ll go to tranquility that whatever Azra claimed was her very own doing.Did you complete your buying? I was thinking I

' d go with you. Farhat, Wasif ' s mommy called. She desires a day for the wedding. First you claimed they were just having the engagement for the benefit of it. Currently where did this originated from? Mazhar you adhere to the factor. I informed you whatever Azra stated. Now tell me what should I tell her? I will talk with my sibling and afterwards I ' ll inform you. She will inform me when she can involve Pakistan and afterwards we ' ll repair the day. Dad, ask aunt to come here on the first flight. Certain. Come. Whatever you claim. Just put on ' t be upset. Wasif you'ought to begin pertaining to the shop now.You require to recognize exactly how

points work. See, you ' re getting married. You need to be accountable. When you earn only after that you ' ll be able to feed your spouse. Yes, dad. We'' re scheduling a brand-new shop. You require to find out to function business. The store goes to an excellent area. You have no more justifications Wasif. First you stated it was your last semester as well as since will be done too. Bro Naseer just wait till the wedding, after that I'' ll begin coming. See father, he has one more reason. He ' ll have an additional reason one he'' s wed. You ' re planning for both of them and they don ' t plan to be at the store. And also even if you turn over the store to them, they'' ll do absolutely nothing as well as hand it over to the salesmen. Its not similar to this brother Naseer. The day I'' ll sign up with, the shop will certainly earn

just profits.I need Wasif ' s answer. I ' ll exist after the wedding event. See dear, whatever I can provide for my youngsters, I did. This storage facility and also the store, it has Jamal as well as Naseer'' s tough work. I ' m not compeling you to be at the shop. I allowed you to research so, that you can examine and utilize your education to update business. We have various other shopowners that get orders on the computer system, what do you state that? On the internet orders, dad.Yes online orders. You must get those also. Daddy I ' ll suggest, you ought to delay the suggestion of a new store. First let both of them be at this shop. They will learn and understand, then you can get them a new store. This is right. When should we come then? You come out with me first. Hello? I ' ve been calling you given that long. Why didn ' t you pick up? I was with dad.'He ' s obtaining a new purchase Waleed as well as I.We were reviewing that.

But tell me did your family members go over the wedding celebration date. Yes, dad is talking with my aunt in Canada right currently. Lets see when can she come. We have begun getting ready for the wedding too? Actually? Naturally. Thats why we were discussing the brand-new shop. I will certainly have a new store once I obtain wed. Oh, so every one of you siblings have separate shops? No. Naseer and also Jamal sit with father and also he ' s obtaining a brand-new one for Waleed and also I.'So the revenues from this store will be your own as well as Waleed ' s? No.Dad has all the earning. We obtain pocket cash as high as we need.

As well as when I ' m married, I ' ll get even more spending money but I ' ll need to go to the warehouse and also store everyday. Alright. It is so. I'wear ' t comprehend what to do. There ' s Wasif. Yes. So, have you prepared for the examinations? Nearly done however some'of it is left. Wasif I put on ' t comprehend phase 3 and 4. Please aid me. You need to have come a little earlier. I ' m drained pipes examining for as long. I'' m worn out. Even I ' m not in the state of mind.'Will you study in the evening? Should I involve you? Begin, you ' ll be examining in the evening. Let me come. Alright. Come. As well as who'' ll explain me? I ' ll take you on telephone call. I will not be able to prepare. Don ' t fear. We ' ll take you on-call. If you ' re done, lets research. Below Mazhar. Did you speak to your

sis? No. I called but I couldn ' t speak with her.But yes I spoke to Raza, He said they would certainly not have the ability to come to Pakistan and I might repair the wedding event on any kind of date. But your sister was stating she would certainly pertain to Pakistan also if Raza didn'' t obtain an off. She isn ' t feeling well. She was hospitalized for 3 days. What? Is everything alright? The medical professionals are stating she requires a bypass and also they have actually restricted her to travel. So what did he claim? What would certainly he say? I was angry, I asked him why didn'' t he told me earlier? He claimed he didn'' t desire to stress me so he didn ' t inform me. However he stated, that we ought to come to Canada. My sister misses us quite, she'' ll feel better if we'' re around. But when did she get ill? I talked with her last month. Mazhar what are you thinking? I'' m at a loss. I wear'' t comprehend. I ' m thinking we ought to obtain Farhat married soon.

We ' ll get a neighboring date.And then after she ' s wed, we must immediately go'to Canada. I wear ' t feel my sis is doing well. I really feel Raza is hiding something from me. Its important that we go. As quickly as we can. Don ' t fear. Every little thing will be alright. As God wills. Are you not delighted regarding the shop? What is the issue? I wear'' t wish to operate at a shop. I can get a good task in any type of international. Then inform mom and also father that they must obtain you wed as soon as you work. They told your in laws that we have our very own company and you don'' t need a job.I ' ll try to operate at the buy a couple of days. Alright. Pay attention, Ali is concerning study with me. Don'' t state the wedding before him. Why? No one in my class understands I'' m obtaining wed.'Why didn ' t you tell? Will your friends not come and also dance at your wedding? We have our examinations and also every person will ask for a treat. You'' re sufficient to dance alone. You'' re dead-on regarding this. It is how it is. The tea is excellent. I'' ve heard your papa is buying a new shop. So the information has actually reached you. Whether people blurt out to me or not, the news reaches me. Tell me where is getting a lot money for a brand-new store? Your mom invests with a lot care that the financial resources aren'' t great now he ' s getting a new shop. We ' re selling the land on freeway. Oh God. That land is very expensive. Its a corner story. Why is selling that? We'' re selling the land to acquire

the shop.Oh. You need to commend my foresightedness. When you got the land I informed you to purchase it in your name or else somebody else would certainly take it. Now see just how you shed it. I'' m asking you, why do we need a new shop when we have one currently? What is incorrect with you? Daddy require to work out Waleed as well as Wasif. After that ask Wasif as well as Waleed to work on the shop and conserve money and after that get a new shop when they have enough.This isn ' t fair. My husband'is the one who made and got the land as well as now that land is being marketed for others. Azra I ' m not father ' s just youngster. Wasif as well as Waleed are his children as well. He has to consider them as well. This is what I'' m trying to describe. Think about your youngsters also. This land should have for their future. However you provided it to your siblings. What will your children do? And an additional thing? The heaps of precious jewelry that your mother has? Will she take whatever to her grave? Its not her age to put on all that fashion jewelry neither she provides it to any of her daughter in legislations. Tell her to sell it for her kids. Why are they using up all your money? Alright. I'' m sleeping. Wake me up in the morning. Are you alright? Thank God. Is your mother alright? Yes she'' s fine. She asks about you as well as misses you as well. See I last fulfilled her on your'sibling ' s wedding.I didn'' t obtain a possibility after that. Bring her over some day. Yes I'' ll absolutely bring her. Actually you and also your household and especially your mommy, everyone will attend Wasif'' s wedding celebration. What? Are you obtaining Wasif married? Yes. Didn'' t you have sugary foods for his interaction? Wasif didn'' t you get desserts for your close friends? Sugary foods? Didn ' t I tell you to call prior to you came? You come inside I'' ll inform

you.Mom send out for tea. Come, I'' ll inform you. Yet … Asma, dear installed water for tea. Listen to me. What took place? I'' ll inform you myself. There'' s one scamp and also after that there'' s an also bigger one. And afterwards its you, Wasif. You'' re marrying and also you didn'' t inform me. I didn ' t inform anyone. Nobody? I'' m nobody for you? Please tranquil down.Your mother informed me otherwise you would have never allow me know. I didn ' t tell any individual as well as please you don ' t inform any person in class'too. You ' re getting married, whats there to conceal about it? There is something to hide. You recognize Rameen. I didn ' t inform as a result of her. Oh. So you ' re truly so scared of Rameen? I ' m not terrified yet you recognize how she is. She called my sister in legislation earlier. If she did something and also involved my wedding celebration, what will I do after that? I will certainly shed face before my whole household as well as the area as well.I was assuming if she really concerns your wedding, how will you react.

Don ' t laugh. I ' m not kidding. I swear, Rameen is a healthy match for you. A person who loves you truly as well as you ' re so scared of her. Thats a very first for me. This isn ' t love or nor I ' m afraid of her. She ' s simply persistent'. I ' m not joking. I'' m major. For God'' s benefit don ' t tell anyone concerning my wedding. Once the examinations more than, this chapter will be shut. Alright. Kick back. I won'' t inform any individual however I ' ll most definitely concerned your wedding. I'' ll see just how you come.How will I not come? Your mom welcomed me. I will certainly not allow you come. Hey there. Hello there. Exactly how are you Waleed? Absolutely penalty. You inform me. Where were you? I remained in the bathroom. You were arguing so loudly I can hear it inside. So, lets have a suit. We'' ll study later on. Waleed go. Allow us study. I didn'' t also welcome you. I ' m just joking. Come, allows study. We have a study globe cup now. Allows research, my dear bridegroom. Laugh initially. As much as you desire. Study. Initially I inform you my troubles, after that you laugh as well as joke concerning it. You'' re marrying … Did you write Usman Sherwani'' s name? I ' ve composed it. How numerous times will you ask? Currently tell me do you desire to invite him with family or solo? Yes. With family. Whenever we got a card from them, it is always with family. Azra write down the names of your relatives that you wish to welcome at the reception. What do you imply for the function? Will you not welcome them for the wedding? No we'' ll just take a minimal individuals to the wedding.Listen to me mama,

if you wish to invite my family, invite them for the wedding and function both. Don'' t get me dishonored. Hello there. Hi. I was waiting on you. Allows go. We'' ll welcome the community after that. Releases. Whats the welcome for? We ' re having an obtain with each other for Wasif'' s wedding celebration. Did you ask the reciter ahead? Yes. And also when she located out it was your residence, she was so delighted I can not inform you. Did you call the one that can be found in Naseer'' s wedding celebration also? Yes, the very same. No mommy. For God'' s benefit. Don ' t call her.

Everyone had a headache.She afraid everybody of the horrors of the tomb. Individuals consumed four cups of tea each whining that she provided a headache and also I died making tea. If you wish to hold a churchgoers, I'' m below. I'' ll do that. I ' ve been doing it because I was a youngster. Please trust me. Alright. Go on. Alright yet you ' ll get me a dress as well as blossom garlands as well. Alright we'' ll obtain you some. So should I inform the lady no after that? Yes. Do it promptly. No requirement to bring her right here. Suppose you'' ll lose compensation there? Do you take compensation from her? God forbid have some embarassment. What are you stating? Will I get a commission for a churchgoers? Your dear pal Gulshan Ara does this effectively. She is marketing such expensive garments in the entire area, I can not inform you. Don'' t you say anything to my buddy. Have you ever before used something good? Just how would certainly you know the top quality of a great gown? Come. We'' ll obtain late or else. Allows go and also inform every person. Tell Gulshan Ara as well since if I go, I'' ll return in four residence. Alright.Come along.

What does she consider herself? She intends to welcome them for the reception only. I'' ll invite them both days. Allows see who quits me. Dad. Papa? What is it papa? I have not even left your house and also you'' re already distressed? Dear consider it on your own. You place'' t even left yet and I'' m so dismayed. When you leave, what will occur after that? Daddy if you chat like this. I'' ll terminate the wedding event. No, wear ' t cancel the wedding event. We can not manage you in this home anymore. We desire you to visit your residence. Actually? You can not see me below anymore? Then why are you sobbing? You'' ll miss me extremely a lot, isn ' t it? We can refrain anything yet miss out on you.Daughters are like sparrows. They fly as quickly as they get wings. Today I ' m not flying anywhere. You ' re flying off to Canada. Its until now away. Precious, the situations require it. We assume something and also another thing occurs. I ' ll miss your auntie quite on your wedding celebration.'Do something papa. Bring her along when you return and also we ' ll have a grand obtain with each other right here after that. Alright? May you live long. Currently enough of this. Say goodbye to dancing. But we have one even more efficiency. No. We need to exercise for the sings as well. Now occurred. Come. Azra? Azra? Oh, I thought I ' d hear you outside when you sing however you ' re here hiding in your space. Why aren ' t you outside and singing? Inform me. As if'my own blood is obtaining wed that I should dance and also sing? Do you understand all the females from the area are chatting outside. They ' re stating Infant ' s elder child in regulation doesn ' t do a thing. Otherwise in regular days just show on your own busy'throughout the wedding so individuals recognize you ' re doing whatever. However we are doing whatever? Jamal is birthing costs for the wedding and also I ' m doing every little thing around. But individuals will certainly not get a'discovery for that.You ' ll have to inform them. Do you recognize? As it is when you people get

divided in the future, these people will speak for you. You ' re extremely farsighted. I assumed you were foolish. You ' re very wise.'Had I not utilized my brain I would certainly be living with my in legislations still. Currently come and also reveal on your own. People will see you and also you ' ll remain in the video as well. Be sensible. Now consider me, see just how I am there for every little thing. Come on currently. Do I look alright? By God you look terrific. Oh below. Offer this to a person. Below, take this along. You are playing such pathetic drum. I ' m the eldest little girl in law as well as my sibling in legislation is getting married.Now come along. Currently I will certainly sing stunning tracks for my whole family.

Wow this was wonderful. I allow my papa in law go because he ' s not right here. Which one should I use tonight? However didn ' t we currently determine. Yet that didn ' t match me when'I wore it. Tell me from these 2. Wear this. See she also told you the very same one I did and yet you always doubt me.Are you particular regarding this set? Yes.

Should I write it down for you? Why are you so inflamed? What occurred? Azra wishes to dance with Jamal on the wedding. Even Jamal has concurred and she desires me and also Saman to help them practise. No. Why should I do this? I will not make her technique. She didn'' t intend to be a part of anything earlier. Why currently? Since her brother danced with his partner in his brother in regulation'' s wedding event. Now she desires to do this. She wishes to tease Asma. I assume you should also dance with Naseer. Naseer as well as dance with me. Will you do it? If you do it, I'' ll make him concur. Pay attention. Exactly how was your paper? I'' ll get 95%for certain. 95 %. What are you? You ' re marrying as well as getting a 95%? The amount of times have I informed you to not discuss my wedding event yet you keep on doing it.Alright.

Don'' t be distressed. Sorry. Simply inform me when to find tonight? When will the feature start? Come around 8pm. And if I don'' t response, coordinate with Waleed. Alright however what was the rush? You must have waited on the exams to finish. In fact my in laws have to go to Canada as well as my family members remains in a thrill as well. Hmm. Alright I'' m weary, I ' m going residence. Sure. You go on. Wasif where are you going? I'' m going residence. That will discuss me both continuing to be questions for the test tomorrow? Rameen I can not discuss you anything right now. I'' m going residence. Please. Rameen allowed Wasif go, he'' s obtaining late. I'' ll clarify to you. You put on'' t know it yourself.Please describe me

. Alright involved the canteen fast. I ' ll discuss you.'Okay.

If Azra is stating she didn'' t claim anything, she hasn ' t. As well as when I ' m wed, I ' ll get more pocket cash however I ' ll have to go to the warehouse as well as shop everyday. Your mother invests with so much care that the finances aren'' t excellent but now he ' s getting a brand-new shop. For God'' s purpose wear ' t tell anyone concerning my wedding event. They ' re claiming Child ' s older child in law doesn ' t do a point.

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