Carrot Cake Wedding Cake / Lightly Frosted 💮 Fresh Flowers 🍰 Cakes with Lorelie

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Welcome to Cakes with Lorelie. 
Today you're going to see how   to make this beautiful semi-naked 
wedding cake with fresh flowers. Subscribe and ring the bell if you want to 
see more baking and cake decorating videos. Start with a 14 or 16 inch foam board. 
a 12 inch this is a 12 inch carrot cake.  Sticky side goes down and then you 
pipe a ring of buttercream around .  The filling is a lemon cream cheese and the link 
is below. And then the next layer goes on. The   cakes are nice and cold so that's going to help 
to set up the buttercream and the cream cheese.

Repeat that for the next layer. And then the top layer goes on. Make sure 
everything's nice and straight. In this case   I'm going to freeze the cake again but you could 
refrigerate it at this point. It depends on how   long you're going to be holding it for. If you 
find yourself needing extra help click on over   to my website, go to the guide page and buy the 
guide. You'll get some extra handholding from me   and you can check out the testimonials while 
you're there. This one here is by Dot Barad.   Look at those delicious cake slices.

Click on 
over now. Pause the video and go check it out.  So now we're back to our cake. Now we're into 
the center tier and it's basically just the   same thing. We're going to repeat that for the 
center and for the top tier. This particular tier   actually needs to be trimmed so I will do 
that later. And then here's the six inch topper. This cake is delicious and it's in my 
book. Links are below for all of that. We're going to finish the cake now. This is a semi 
naked wedding cake. So for that cake you want to   put a thick layer on top but on the sides you 
want to go very light. Now I did do a layer of   cream cheese first because it adds extra flavor.
and then I'm going to do the buttercream over it. And then scrape it down just enough to 
show a little bit of that beautiful crust. You can use a cake pan for this.

I usually do but 
I just kind of grabbed this because it was just   the perfect size. And I'm making a mark there so I 
can know where to put the straws. This cake being   frozen makes it very difficult to put the straws 
in so you might need to do a dowel first and make   the holes and then put the straws in, or whatever 
dowels you happen to be using. I like to use straws. And then just repeat for all cakes. The top 
part of the cake I will probably come in later   and smooth out a little bit more even though 
you're not going to see much of that because   the layers are going to be on top of it.

I mean 
the tiers. So the tiers are each individual cake   and the layers are within the cake. I'm 
marking this one with an 8 inch pan. Same thing. You want to use a dowel 
that's been sharpened to make holes   and then put your dowel rods in. 
Dowels can be wooden or plastic. Finishing off that top tier. This cake 
is going to have fresh flowers on it   and it's for a backyard wedding. Going to get some flowers! Trim them up.

of the stems that might get in the water I   take those off. I've got two buckets 
here. Small one for the little pieces   and the big one for the big pieces. So you 
want to make sure to clip off the ends   so it makes this fresh again so it can suck up 
the water. I'm going to do the same thing with this one. So pretty. So the flowers are in the basement already prepped.   You can put them in a cool spot like this 
and they'll be fine overnight. If you need   to keep them for more than one night you 
might want to keep them in the fridge. So that's going to be pretty. Cake is in here. 12 , 9 , 6
all ready for tomorrow.   And a brief tutorial on how to put the cake 
together. You can use parchment paper in between.   Touch up the cake a little bit.

In this case I'm putting buttercream down 
first and then the parchment paper. Remember   the straws are already in the cake. A sharpened 
wooden dowel goes right through the center.   Give that a little bit of a 
twirl or a twist as you put it in.   Go all the way down into the foam board below. 
That will help to keep the cake in place.  This is wax paper and buttercream 
on top. Usually we put the flowers on at the   venue however in this case we're doing 
the flowers before we drop off the cake.  This is for a home wedding and the cake 
is going to be put into their kitchen   until it's time to bring it out later on in 
the evening. It's really hot and humid today   so the cake really needs to 
stay inside as long as possible.   It was hot and humid, the cake was moist, we 
had really a lot of hills to go up and down ,  we were a little nervous, but literally it was 
only a 10-minute drive and guess what? We made it! .

white wedding

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