Double Wedding Rings promo video

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good morning i hope the sound will work i have 
a little microphone on but i'm outside and i   don't usually do the recording outside i want to 
show off my oh wait we've already seen this one   this is double wedding rings you might have 
seen it came out a couple months before it came out a while ago i don't know   and it has been updated so i want to show it off 
but i thought i would explain again what you get   this is a square i mean you can see that this is 
a square if you do interlocking version from the   bottom up you'll make it this big and you make 
a square the pattern is written in a way that   if you wanted to you don't stop here and you 
repeat it you can make it as big as you want   and you can make it as tall as you want you 
just do the repeats both the interlocking   and the mosaic version are written in 
that manner so you can make a square   or you can make a blanket right but wait there's 
more i have now updated the pattern so both   techniques oh sorry about my hair it's a little 
windy i mean it's saskatchewan it's always windy   now you can do it from the center out oh it kind 
of looks the same except the color changes right   so this is the mosaic one i had hoped 
that by going outside i could show it   in the camera and be like big enough but my 
cord from the microphone only reaches so far   so you can see they are like the same they're the same pattern only this one has 
been done back and forth from the bottom up   then i had to put an envelope border to cover up 
all those tails this one is from the center out   going round and round and round around making it 
as big as you want again the repeats are written   in a way that you can just keep going you can stop 
if you run out of yarn you can stop if you decide   you want a baby size a lap size you know you go as 
big as you want the interlocking version it's the   same thing out round and round and round but the 
interlocking version on the back looks cool too   so this is the wrong side still looks 
pretty awesome if i do say so myself   and there you have it we're ready to rock and 
roll i don't know if i rock and roll that much but   i have tutorials for both 
techniques interlocking and mosaic   bottom up and center out so that's four tutorials 
this pattern is now going to have four patterns   all in one so you get to pick which file 
download them try out the tutorials it   doesn't work try a different technique no 
good thanks for watching hope you enjoy

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