Every Indian Wedding | Ft. Tena Jaiin | The Paayal Jain

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Oye. What? You are eating ‘Tikki’. I am the only one, thinking of
ideas to steal the groom’s shoes. Just look at you. I am not able to stand in my skirt, and
you are hoping around like a butterfly. Aunt’s younger son Tonu, has
already hidden it in the car’s boot. Don’t worry, I have seen it myself. Bro in law, skimped us cheaply
during the ‘Neem Jhadai’.

Now I want accept
anything less than Rs.5000. After-all he has so many sister in laws. Its rightfully yours. You are his main sister-in-law. Why are you eating now? We all will eat together
at the wedding dinner. Till then the food will turn cold. Snacks get over. And I can’t miss
eating the ‘Pav Bhaji’. The charade of feeding the couple. Please eat the ‘Dahi Bhalle’,
bro in law. Eat while looking into the camera. Sister the ‘Gulab
Jamuns’ are for you. I can’t fill my stomach. I need my backups. You are right. Groom’s family is from Canada. I can’t understand their English
accent. I’ll get bored. And his younger brother. Flowers for you,
beautiful just like you. He keeps speaking rubbish. He is a big flirt. And you were like, ‘No thank you,
I am allergic to flowers.

Though you were holding marigolds in your hands. Yet said, I am allergic to flowers. Fine, I have a solution
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And then you’ll forget.

So, it has a reminder too. Just spend 10 minutes
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Link is given in the description.
Download the app. Let’s go, uncle is heading here. He will ask,
what’s going on in our life. Did you complete your graduation?
What was your score? When are you getting married?
Let’s escape from here. Come on, lets have fried
puffed pastry water balls. What? GolGappa. Will have pancakes too. Let’s go. Not from here, but from right above.

From there?
Then it will be Rs.5000 for one hand. What are you saying?
Mom had fixed it at Rs.4000 with you. Wedding is a once in a life time
thing, so Henna has to be awesome. Draw it very minutely and fill
it up. Don’t make it shoddy. You haven’t even got
an assistant along. I want the henna in
Rajasthani style. I want the groom in one palm
and the bride in another. The name Rajesh should be
hidden in the mehndi design. Calm down, let me draw. You can write Raju. I am feeling itchy. Just a minute. I am hungry too. Mom, give me food. Please feed me,
before he makes the mehndi designs. He is doing it wonderfully. Listen, apply on me first. I have to go home and cook too. It won’t take too long on me.

Move aside dear. Okay apply on her first,
she is my neighbor. Usha aunty, you get it done. Here dear. It has to have a strong color. Should be dark in color. What should I apply after it’s done? Mixture of lemon and sugar? People also apply lime. Or pickle oil? Apply either Vicks or mustard oil. It will give a dark color. Okay. That’s a beautiful design. Mom, please pass the pickles. Please wait a minute, sis in law. Let me rest. The dancing has tired me. You are yet not done with the henna? Aunty is still with him. She praised him a lot,
so he is applying leisurely. When will he apply on me?
I even want a tattoo made here. First let the bride’s get done. I have to apply on my legs too. Show me your bridal outfit.

Aunty you are sitting on my bridal outfit. Please move a bit. Sure, take it. My in-law’s choice. I had to agree. And the bangles? My uncle is supposed to gift me. I hope it is stylish. Okay show me your jewelry. I am most excited to see that. Mom has kept it in her vault.
It’s of pure gold. So many people are at home.
Can’t keep it lying around. She withdrew her fixed
deposit and got it made. After all it’s her only
daughter’s wedding. Hope you have finished your packing. Keep your favorite
sarees hidden below. It’s one of our customs. The mother-in-law and her daughter can
choose their favorite sarees from your bag. But my sis in law was a smartie.

So, she hid the good ones below. And placed the horrible ones above. What? Now I’ll repack it. What gift have you got for me? Wait. I’ll show you. Look at this. You can use this, hand bag
at all the functions after the wedding. What happened? I thought you would
gift me a sexy nighty. You have absolutely disappointed me. Wish you would have told me. I didn’t know it was
my responsibility. Your mother would have told you,
what has to be done. During the first night. What is she talking? Let’s go and dance. My backing is paining after bowing
to everybody at the engagement party. Draw a good design for
my granddaughter too. You just drew a fish for her. Poor girl was crying. Draw something else
on the other hand.

And not the same. I’ll get my daughter in law too.
Draw for her too. Okay better we dance, she isn’t going
to let the bride apply mehndi today. Let's go. Sis in law, I am coming too. First you disconnect. Why should I be the first one? Okay bye finally. Hang up. Okay will disconnect together. 1 2 3. You didn’t disconnect. You were saying good bye,
since half an hour. The wedding is in 20 days. Modern
kids don’t have any patience at all.

You are always stuck to the phone. Son in law has gifted
you a new phone too. Mom, it’s called an iPhone. You always said, I would get all the
freedom, after the wedding with my husband. I’ll have to talk, if he calls me. I can’t upset him. Oh my, she is already in their team. Okay help me in
the kitchen to cook the curry. Or your mom in law will taunt,
that I haven’t taught you anything. Mom, I just had
my gold facial done today. How will it give glow,
if I work in the kitchen? Okay let it be. Keep sitting. Gave me a bill of 25,000. Wonder what you do at
the parlor every day? Learn how to drape a saree, that
will help you after the wedding.

Mom. It’s called the bridal package. It includes, bleach, facial, body
polishing, manicure, pedicure etc. Namaste aunty. So finally, you are here. Before 10 days. Had asked you to
come a month before. Aren’t you, her friend? Manage all her jobs now. Sure. Give me green color. I am wearing green
at the engagement. This will look good. Did you get that done? Oh God, it hurt me a lot. But the parlor lady insisted,
that I should get a bikini wax done. It’s a part of the package. Young college girls get it done too. It’s your, wedding. Of course, it is necessary. So then, did it pain? They could hear me scream
outside the parlor.

When are you going to
get the Rebonding done? It’s very important. It’s your first wedding. Are you mad? Will do it tomorrow. First, I have to take permission
from Vivekji over the phone. First time he will see me with
straight hair on the engagement. Oh, Vivekji. And, he is calling. Hello, bro in law Vivek. She is troubling you. Hello. She is Tina. Okay. Here. He wants to talk to you. Yes, bro in law. At times you can talk to me too. After the wedding Paayal
will always be with you. Better you pamper me from now. I will be one, conducting the ceremony
of Neem Jhadai, and of stealing shoes. I will take a large amount from you. Give me the phone, harassing him. Yes, nothing much,
arranging the bangles. Updating everything. Shut up. Talk to you later. Crazy girl. Was arranging the bangles. Has the groom's family arrived? Yes.

We all are waiting since
an hour in front of the ribbon. Bro in law and his friends are not
allowing the baraat to move ahead. They are going to dance
for a life time today. They all must be drunk. Has the Nagin dance begun? Waiting with makeup for 4 hours now. Father was worried that we would still be at the beauty
parlor, when the baraat comes. Sonakshi Bhatt has done my makeup. She took three hours to do it. She had to,
after all I paid her 60,000. Exactly like Anushka Sharma. Oh. But it doesn’t look
like Anushka Sharma types. But it’s looking good. You are looking
the most beautiful bride. I am tired sitting here. And I am famished too. I’ll murder Shashank. I won’t marry him.

Let him
dance alone in the Baraat. Enough. He is your husband. Once you are married, control him. Get some snacks. Panner Tikka. Tikki from Chat item. There must be Chinese too. Manchurian, Chow Mein, and Golgappa. You seem to be starving since ages. Yes. Mom forced me to shed off weight
from 55 to 45, so that I could marry. Now I am getting married. I’ll eat to my heart’s content. Oh, your earring is loose.

She is from Shashank’s family. Namaste. Wow, you are so pretty. White as milk. May you be saved, from the evil eye. No aunty. Her makeup will get spoiled. I have heard you have
a beautiful voice. Let me hear you too. She wants to hear me sing? I can only thing of
Disco Diwane now. Let me sing something classical. Enough dear.
I am getting emotional. Okay bye. Who was she? I don’t know,
maybe maternal or paternal aunt. Someone from Shashank's family. She is nothing compared
to my daughter-in-law Look at her nose.
So long. Must be stubborn. Couple doesn’t match at all. But maybe she is good for their son. Oh, let me join
the line for Golgappa. Or it will get crowded. I am very worried;
I don’t feel like crying.

It’s not compulsory to cry. But I am tensed,
that I might burst out laughing, Instead of crying during the Bidai. I feel like laughing when
I see someone crying. I guess your food has come. Come in. Bride, come to get
your pictures clicked. It took such an effort to get dressed,
then might as well click snaps. You can eat my food.

Do I have to make such poses? Yes, pose well, keep a smiling face. Okay. Hi. Namaste. You’ll get me caught
on the wedding day. We both will be in trouble,
if any of our relative saw us. Don’t worry. We will give the excuse, that uncle asked
us to fetch the sweet boxes from the car. Good idea. Bro Vicky has asked to go
in a pair and get settled. If we all go together,
the elders will get suspicious.

Bro Vicky,
is the biggest fixer of the family. Come on, open the boot. Add the coke. Do you even know how to make a peg? Don’t drink much.
We are girls after all. Mom is desperately trying
to find a groom for me. Good, if you do get one. He should be a rich guy. Who will doubt us? We are from the groom’s side. You are right. They are
treating us so respectfully. Did you eat anything?
Should I serve you some desserts? How did you like the décor? Awesome hospitality. Real fun will be during
the circular vows. Please have some dry fruits. Will have super fun pulling
the legs of the bride’s family. I feel sleepy during the vows. I can stay awake by having coffee.

Anyways the wedding
coffee is my favorite. I want to dance. Bride's side is Punjabi. All of them are so enthusiastic. Haven’t left an inch
empty on the dance floor. Leave it, we can get
our picture clicked on the stage. Let everyone know, that we participated
in everything at the wedding. Hey look there. The girl with the orange lehenga
is from the bride’s side. Isn’t she carrying brother’s shoes? Call Vicky. Inform him, the bride’s
family have got the shoes. Brother Vicky. Chuck the steps of
the dance performance. We are doomed here. Hurry up and meet us there. Hey guys. We hope you must have related
a lot with this wedding video.

And enjoyed a lot. And if you did enjoy. Then let us know your favorite part,
at the comment section. Like and share our video. Also, guys. There is a link of
Duolingo in the description, download it for free. Certainly, subscribe to the channel. Bye bye..

white wedding

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