Kızılcık Şerbeti 13. Bölüm

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[generic music] -[thriller soundtrack]
-How are you going to get divorced? What happened? Did he beat you? No darling. Mom, what tattoo? Nature, if there is such a thing
and you are hiding it from me, we will really change the cones. I will go and wash that house on Fatih's head. No dear, is there any such thing? Besides, no one can raise their hand to me,
I'll beat him. Good for my daughter. Well, baby,
then why are you trying to get a divorce with two babies in your belly? -[the thriller continues]
-Girl, say something. Mom, okay. Don't go too far.
It's already in very bad shape. OK, I'm sorry. So, I was worried if you were subjected to physical violence
. Come on baby, come
on dear, tell me, come on baby.

[thriller continues] Because of the wallpaper. How? What do you say Nature? We did not understand. What is he saying? It says wallpaper. What does it mean Nature? There's the wallpaper we chose with you. -Yes.
-Event was. [thriller continues] It's haram. It's a sin. Understand– I don't understand. Wall– Is wallpaper haram? I do not understand whether the paint is halal or whitewash. There's the drawing of the mother pig.

What have I done? What have I done? How could I not stand up straight? How
could I let my daughter ruin her life like this? Because of me! All because of me! No, baby, don't blame yourself.
Don't get excited, please. Do you see, my dear nature? Look, that's what I was trying to tell you
from the very beginning. What did I say to you?
I said that you and Fatih are not from the same world. I said this wouldn't work. You got mad at me, what did you say? You said you're not marrying his family.
Here you go! Good morning son. Didn't nature take off? -Nature is gone.
-[thriller music] Where did he go? I saw it too when I was leaving in the morning but…

Son, what's going on? So he left the house? No, he must have gone to the market or something. -It's gone a lot.
-[thriller continues] We had an argument. Maybe he went to his mother. What do you mean son? Don't you know where your wife is
? I hope not, son. You were like doves yesterday. I guess he said let's go home separately. The wallpaper of the baby room has been ripped off. [emotional thriller music] Who could have ripped it? The master probably didn't like what he was doing. Did you do it? [emotional thriller music continues] -Mom?
-Woman? Nilay? -Well…
-[tension music] We entered the room once, and there were pictures of wicked pigs on the walls.

They were looking at us, Dad. -What?
-Astaghfurullah for repentance, repentance, repentance. They chose it with his mother. Mr. Abdullah, we tore up the wallpapers with Nilay last night so that I don't get angry when you see it . Mom, I wish you'd let me know. We saw it in the morning, we were shocked. And why are you tearing the wallpaper?
Are you out of your mind? There were huge pigs. They were looking at us, Dad.

How is he doing? Like three letters? What are you talking about? There is a voice coming out of every head,
they are all ridiculous. [thriller continues] Now Nature went for it? Son, if you had told us that it was wrong. I told you. He didn't understand either. We argued. Is this how this is handled, Ms. Pembe? Congratulations to you. You go too, get your wife, come. These things cannot be done by shouting and calling. We explain why, we talk. This
is what happens when everyone does their own thing. Now extract the rice stone. I'm going to the company. It never crossed my mind that Fatih could cause a problem from something like this . What do you expect, my dear, from this family, from
this man? Why are you waiting? I will say one thing alone.

I mean, there are pigs on the wallpaper or something, these are ridiculous. [tension music] I swear I didn't like Fatih at all. Moreover, he ripped the wallpaper. How? I was already shocked when I entered the room.
Doomsday came after that. Do not be sad, my dear. With this family, with this man, with this mentality,
a lifetime would not pass. Baby, well, this girl is pregnant. Babies are huge. I mean, even their gender is clear. What should we do, mom? There is nothing to do.
We look after those children as our eyes. You pray that they don't
try to make children look like them. -Are you really going to divorce?
-She's going to get divorced, Grass. I will divorce. [thriller continues] Oh! I was also late for school.
I have to go now. Don't worry about me, okay? We'll talk in the evening.
I'm already here now.

Nature, don't go soft, okay? What does removing wallpaper mean? Where do we live, for God's sake?
What is this holding? Come on baby. You go to your school. We'll talk again in the evening, calmly. I'm a resident mom.
Look, what I said came out one by one. Now I'm going to go to school.
Let's get a lawyer, okay? Ok. Come on Grass, you walk too.
You missed the shuttle, come with me. [Sonmez] Well… [tension music ends] Kıvılcım, Kıvılcım
, come inside with me for a while. -I will want something from you.
-Tell me, mom. [thriller music] Need something, mom? Yes, it should.

Some tolerance is needed. -Mom, please, don't start.
-You're right, all the way. -What Fatih did is unacceptable, but…
-There is no reason for this. The girl is pregnant. Moreover, she still loves her husband very much. He left the house in a fit of anger,
but may want to come back. If you force him to get divorced, the
child will be left in a mess. God bless.
Stress is a scary thing for babies. Well then, let's pray he does
n't give up on the divorce. I need to leave. Grass, come on! Son, what will it be like? -I do not know.
-[tension music] How do you not know, son?
My father said go get your wife. Fatih, say something. Let me tell you my sister, I don't know.

Ay son, will you kill me? I think Fatih is right. Nature could not keep up either.
What is this rebellion? Okay girl, okay. Do not come between husband and wife. Then don't come in either, mom. Let them do whatever they want
, right? La towel! Son, there are two children in the middle,
make up your mind now. Ah Fatih, we told you at the beginning that
this will not work.

Yes, Fatih, you didn't listen. Okay, enough.
Do not go to the child. Besides, even if they wanted to,
my father wouldn't let me. There is no such thing as divorce in our family. Look, even my uncle can't get a divorce yet. Exactly. You talk to Nature.
Do you go to your door now, what do you do, everyone will be here at the dinner table. I know Doğa, mother. This event will not stay like this, it will grow.
We will discuss. Let him grow, but come, grow here. What do you mean go away like that? We don't know, it's like he's gone.
There's no way she'll be a mother. Good morning Omar. Good morning bro, welcome. Oo, I see you
're walking around with your coffee now, huh? -Thank you, Ekrem.
– Enjoy your meal, Mr. Abdullah. You're bored again, bro. I hope it's good. We will see whether it is no or evil, Omer. Nature has left the house. [thriller music] What? Again,
they had a fight over something ridiculous. He went to his mother.

So what's the matter? Wallpaper for the baby's room. Do you see what we talked about? Or
do I have to deal with them? No, there was a pig on the wall and he was
looking at our bride, but nonsense. -Patience or peace.
-[emotional thriller music] I swear I shrugged it off. I mean, my stomach was stripped. Do not eat or drink in Pink Lady,
you go, remove the wallpaper.

I'm sorry, bro.
Look at the things you're dealing with. -I'm laughing, but…
-No, it's just laughable. This time, the "Wow your mother,
my mother" conversation. Take a fight. Now he will tell his mother. Kıvılcım Hanım is already
looking for a place to get angry. -We got burned.
-Anyway, brother, they're young, they'll fix it.

I wish it hadn't happened to you,
but it's done. Nature is a good girl, I love her, but since the day she came, her
troubles are not over, my son. Let yourself be restrained now,
my dear. His mother is
already looking for a place to make a scene. There is no peace left. Don't worry bro.
Fatih somehow wins the heart of Nature. -There is no way to get divorced.
-No dear, what divorce? Where is she getting divorced with two kids? We don't have that kind of divorce. Everyone will stay
at home with their children. -I am out of this concept of family alone.
-[emotional tension music continues] Heh, you were missing, you come too, Omer. I speeded up this divorce thing, brother, for
your information. You put your head in this, son,
what can I say? Come on, you have valid reasons,
what happens to them? [tension music] [phone rings] Sir? Nature, where are you? Sir? I did not understand.

I mean where? Do you realize how upset my parents were
? Sorry, what are they upset about? What's it going to be, for you to walk out of the house. Fatih, did I leave because it blows my mind? You must have forgotten what happened. Nature, for God's sake,
why are we prolonging this issue? Ok, there was a mistake. We put another wallpaper
, okay, done.

What are we talking about? It's not about wallpaper, Fatih. It's about your words to me, your
insults to my mother, your family's conservatism. That is, their intolerance to even a drawing on the wallpaper
. [the thriller continues] I don't want to raise my children in such an environment
. What do you want to say? I… I want a divorce. Do you want a divorce? [emotional music] Nature, nonsense.
I'll come and pick you up, we'll talk at home. Don't come, Fatih, you'll stay at the door. My decision is final. I am here now. I will never go back there. We'll talk to you in court, too. What a– Nature! My son. Have you gone yet? [emotional music ends] No mom, I'm going out now. What happened to you? Your face is white. -Did you talk to Doğa?
-[emotional suspense music] Huh, I turned it off now. Good. When is it coming?
Will you go and get it? Mommy, I don't know.

I need to leave. No, son, tell me accordingly.
I'll tidy the room, tidy it up. I don't know, mommy.
I'm going out, we'll talk later, okay? -Okay, son.
-Have a nice day. Good bye. My God, this girl will get on with
it. O Lord,
give this girl wisdom. -Do they all go to the hotel now?
-Yeah yeah. But I should still call this Apo and
confirm. -[call tone]
-[phone rings] [joyful music] Here you go, Ms. Alev? Hello Mr. Abdullah, how are you? Thank you, I'm fine. Thank you.
How are you? We're fine too, thanks. Now our preparations for circumcision are
almost finished. We'll be moving supplies soon.
There's nothing wrong with the hotel, is there? No, no, someone will meet you there.

If you still have a problem,
you call me right away. OK thanks.
We'll communicate then. – See you soon.
-Bye bye. [joyful music ends] Okay? -Yes, someone will meet us there.
-Oh, how impressive. The man's hotel, anyway,
someone will welcome us. It was
n't good for you to leave Nursema, you know? You've become such a demoralizing thing. -Well, okay, don't bring it up.
-If you want to exaggerate. Anyone who sees it thinks that you were left for another man at the wedding table. Also, there's a job in that business,
let me tell you. I will solve it. I don't know what meal they prepared, look, I had a hard time not asking that day
. Flame, don't look, please. I was going to say,
"Girl, no?" I would say. "You are a fiancee, there is a Hope,
what's going on?" I would say so. -I swear I won't talk to you.
-[emotional music] Okay, I didn't ask anyway, no more.

But I looked at it, it was very demoralized. He was devastated when he heard that the exhibition was cancelled
. If the moon
noticed that you blocked it, I'm guessing that she is in a vegetative state right now
. She's going to get married soon,
so she's not too surprised. Anyway, okay, let's go if we're ready. Okay okay. Topic closed, I didn't say anything. I get it, it's not that simple. Fatih's face was strange. Mom, why are you so upset?
You did the right thing. Repent, repent. He's got pigs all over the room
. It will make us sin too. Only sedition is more sinful than a pig. -Let's not forget that either.
-Oh, I swear, yes, it's very true. Nature is tempting Fatih, we understand that. [tension music] I'm telling you Nilay. For me? I– What did I do now, sister?
Should I not comment? For God's sake, hold on girls.
I swear my head was like a cauldron.

I swear I have a pain in my head, from the root of my neck to my eyes
. What would I do if Fatih said "Mom, my wife left the house because of you" one day
? You should have thought of it before you banded together and ripped the wallpaper
. I told my mother not to disassemble it but… When did you say girl?
You showed me the pigs. Yes, but the idea of ​​tearing it up was yours, mom. Didn't you say to remove it before my father sees it? I swear I'm bad. Get up Nursema, let's go.
Let's talk to nature. What will we talk about? Let's find the break,
take your heart, I don't know. Why do you take heart?
As if he will divorce Fatih. Nilay, wait, stop! -Then it will hit us, but is it a lie?
-[joyful music] Get up, get up, come on, get up. Get up. -Good. Can I come too mom?
-Sit down, sit down, it's not crowded. You did well, you came by, my dear Fatma. I was going to call you anyway. I had business in the mall next door, I thought I'd stop by.

-I'm on my mind, do you have any news from Ömer?
-I mean, of course not. Before I got over the shock of Ömer, I
started the day with the shock of Doğa. He came home in the morning, decided to divorce. -What?
-[emotional music] I'm not surprised, neither should you.
Well, that's what would happen in the end anyway. Moon! Well, what happened to that wonderful love? Puff! Sure, over time the whole thing really started to slap everyone in the face
. So what happened? I hope it's not cheating. Oh no dear.
That's the [ __ ] of marrying into a conservative family. So what will happen? They will divorce Fatma.
This is what it should be. Ay Kıvılcım, the babies haven't arrived yet. Fatma, I
have to think about my daughter. So every child is born with his own destiny.

don't want my daughter to lead an unhappy life for her children. What shall we do? Together, we will grow together, there
is nothing we can do. I mean, of course, I'm very sorry. Fatma, I am sad,
I am also very sad, believe me, but life does not pass with shame, sin and haram. No one will try to discipline anyone. At her mother, right? I texted, yes. Does he know our future? I didn't say anything, but he's guessing. Let's stop for a chocolate or something on the way from here. Ok. Nursema, what's wrong with you? You're not smiling again, girl, what happened? [tension music] The exhibition has been cancelled. AA! Well, good luck, good girl. What happened mom? Are you very upset? Well, it's good now.
Hani curve has found the right one. Shh, Grass.
What did you do, have you thought about your Ceylan job? Aa, but you underestimate me.

Anyone who sees it will
think that you gave your years to this job or something. What if you have practical intelligence, you
don't have to give your years. The plan is very simple.
When you meet the girl you will say that you are very stuck and need urgent money. But make a little cry like this. [joyful music] Do you realize what you're saying,
cry or something? My name is Metehan Ünal,
it doesn't suit me, no. Hey, we saw Metehan Ünal. What if I hadn't warned you, the girl would have robbed you
. What are you talking about? It is also true. Okay, I'd like to borrow money without crying. -Isn't it?
-Okay, ask. Ask, however you want
, but look, ask. Girl, don't ask me to borrow money anyway, it will
take longer because it's on your feet . Look at me, let him not lend me money or something
, we would be disgraced. No, trust me. Does that girl also have money to borrow money from you? Hey
, let's bet if you want, that's separate. Well okay. I will listen to you this time.

You're on the right track. Nature, now you listen to me carefully. You know your mother.
Your mother is an impulsive and angular woman. For him,
there is either black or white in life. Hey, so was I when I was her age. But baby, a home is not easy to build. What did it take for a wallpaper, girl? -Grandma, it's not just him.
-[emotional music] Fatih… …insulted my mother. -[thriller music]
-How so? But I didn't tell my mother. Do not even think about it! The fight that started because of the pig
suddenly turned into your mother, my mother. I wish it wasn't like that. I think so too. Oh, grandma, she called my mom ugly. -Conqueror?
-Yes, Fatih. I couldn't believe it either. In other words,
it was as if a different person came out of the man. Look, man , the person who comes out of it at times like this is his true identity. I never liked Fatih, at all. Me too. I think he will be with me, he will be
angry with his family, but where? All of a sudden he started yelling at me and scolding me
like that.

[doorbell rings] [tension music continues] Have a nice day. -Welcome.
-Selamun aleykum. Here you go. Miss Pink? Definitely Nursema said. Thanks girl. [Pink] Selamunaleykum. Welcome. -Welcome.
– We found it pleasant, we found it pleasant. Let's eat sweet, talk sweet girl. Thanks. Here you are, welcome.
Here, let me take it like this. -How are you, Mrs. Sonmez?
-My dear Nursema, you sit there too, baby. -Thanks.
-Thank you very much, thank you very much. [the thriller continues] -What do you drink?
-No, my daughter, thank you. Let's not buy anything. My dear, everyone is so sad. Especially Fatih, devastated. Disagreements happen between husband and wife like this in marriage , right? Did you tear the wallpaper? [thriller music] Well… Now girl, that's how it happened. Pork is forbidden in our religion. I didn't say I want to keep pigs at home either
. -I wish it wasn't like that.
-Oh, I wish, I wish. You did not want to, but I did not want to send you without tea.
We also have cake with it.

Why did you bother? Thanks. -[Sonmez] Thank you.
-Is it possible? Enjoy your meal. Uncle, are you available? Come on, Fatih. [tension music] I 'm available. sit down. No uncle, I can't stay still,
what sitting? I can see it. I know about the events, don't worry. I guessed. That's why I came. Nature wants a divorce. Fatih, what's going on with you? [tension music continues] Oh uncle, when we got married for the first time, I said, "This is my family, handle it". No no! Noah says,
not prophet, uncle. It's all Nature's fault, right? No. her mother. His mother brings him to the
filling. Mashallah. A woman grows everywhere from where she sits. Fatih, I think you are sailing in the wrong
waters. Tell me. No no. I know. He
didn't want us to get married at first either. Now, Nature has chosen a wallpaper,
it seems to encourage it. So Nature has to keep up with you in everything but you don't have to keep up with
it, do I understand right? Oh uncle, for God's sake.
Am I not keeping up? I'm doing my best.

My faith weakened from being stuck between my parents and
Nature. Well, then it's over. -There's nothing to talk.
-How is it not? How will I tell my father
that Doga wants to divorce me? -[emotional music]
-Fatih, that's the real problem. You don't want to leave Doga because you couldn't tell your father or because you love her? If it's your father,
I'll take care of it, don't worry. Yes, I am waiting for an answer from you. [emotional music continues] You can't spend your life with someone you don't love. Uncle, what's not to like? I would give my life for Nature. Well, then? What you're
going to do is go and win your wife's heart. Baby, look, you're pregnant. She has two babies in her belly.

What if they are affected by these negativities? What do we do then? Pink mommy, I wish you
'd thought of this from the start. [thriller music] Nature, obviously everyone is very upset. You know, everyone has
red lines too. Well, okay.
If it's logical, why not? I think the children should settle this issue
among themselves. The other kind will branch out a lot. We no longer have
anything to talk about between us. [tension music continues] So you've come this far, you've taken a
lot of trouble, but my decision is final. I want to leave. Girl, what are you saying? Nature… …don't. Let the young people
talk among themselves. Let's not interfere. Everyone is so angry.
Let the nerves calm down a bit. Alright. Let's get up then. We are waiting for you again, Pink Lady. Sure, hopefully, we'll wait too. My girl. -Have a good day.
-Thank you Nursema. Yes, Fatih.
I listened to everything in detail. But you are wrong. After all, you broke your wife's heart. -You spoke badly to him.
-[Thriller music] Okay uncle, he's
acting silly even though he knows about my family.

Nature may not know everything, Fatih. So she has to know the sensitivity of everyone in the house,
girl? -[emotional music]
-Admit it. Look, you grew up in a different culture. Nature grew up in a completely different culture. You come from so many different places. And despite everything, this girl chose to
push her family aside and come to you, to be with you, right? Well uncle.

What should I do? I love Nature very much. I want a life with him. But
I can't deal with these differences anymore. I am really tired. You will find a middle ground, Fatih. Nature wants to go in every fight. So if he stays today, he
will leave tomorrow for another reason. [emotional music continues] Marriage, relationship
, whatever you call it. This
does not mean to give up in the slightest incident like this. I think you should talk to Doğa. Why does
this girl want to go in the slightest incident? Why is that? Go ask him. Have a talk. Did you ever talk? I will talk. Let me clear my head, uncle, I will talk.

Uncle, it occurred to me. You know, your relationship with Kıvılcım Hanım is good. I say, when you have time,
should you just talk? [emotional music continues] I 'll talk, that's your business. Fatihçi, this is your marriage. The subject interests you.
I think you should talk to your wife. Talk, you can't handle
it, then the adults come into play. Don't worry. OK uncle. Isn't this place a little big for the circumcision of three people
? I don't understand, I think so too.

No, it's okay,
our decorations won't show. -So that–
-Hi, how are you? -Abdullah Bey, welcome.
-Thank you. Oh, Mr. Abdullah,
you didn't say you were coming. After talking to you on the phone, he
didn't feel comfortable. I said let's go, I
wanted to see with my own eyes that everything is fine. I swear you are super, very merciful. But we did not understand something. Isn't this place a little too big? Ditto. Abdullah Bey, if you want,
we can move to a smaller hall. I mean, the family wo
n't be that invited anyway. There is no need because
three more of our children will be circumcised next to these children. -They just fit.
-[joyful music] How so? It is customary with us
, even if you are having your own child circumcised, you must also take
care of those in need around you.

It is good. In other words, thanks to you, these children will also be
circumcised. What did we do, Mr. Abdullah?
Mainly because of you. Let it be, who is the cause, it is necessary to look at him. I swear I won't know that much detail. I don't know what I can do right now other than to thank you from the bottom of my heart
. [joyful music continues] Exactly, Mr. Abdullah, I
swear you did a great job. -God bless you.
-[emotional music] -Thank you very much.
-You're welcome. Nursema, what are we going to do? Say something. You should have thought of him before you took off the wallpaper with Nilay,
mom. [tension music] You were wrong when you were right. As always. Love, Nursema. So this is the
thing to do on a day like this to me? When was I
wrong when I was right? Always mom. Look what you 've done lately, out of fear of my father

Stripping wallpaper,
locking me in rooms. Let your ears hear what comes out of your mouth,
Nursema. In other words,
something happened to all of you when you saw Nature. Look at me, I'm not like Kıvılcım Hanım. We know him very well, mother, don't worry. I couldn't understand it before, but now I understand it very well. What do you understand girl, what do you understand? [thriller continues] You always scared us with my dad. But you were always in charge of the house. [emotional music] The bride has left the house,
you are philosophizing. Nature has upset everyone's balance. Actually, it'd be great if he stayed at his mother's house
, but here's my grandchildren. I have a son in between. Good luck with. Thank. I talked to Ceylan. Coming out of school. Heh, great. So our
plan has just started working, right? Then…
You taught me that move too. [joyful music] -What are you studying?
-As far as I can see, the robotics club has worked.

That's right, sir. We saw that it
didn't work , we said that we would go to NASA together while we started robotics. From there, there's Mars, Jupiter.
We will see, we are victims of fate. It's good to see you like this. Class starts soon. You will not go to the
cafe, you will go to class, fix that tie. Gather your hair too, Çimen.
Don't make me say the same thing over and over. Come on, to class, come on! [joyful music continues] -I'll say something. Is it like this at home?
-Exit. No dear, worse. Ah be sister, ah be sister. It
turns out that you were throwing away from him, that's it. -I couldn't solve it.
-Good Morning. Let's go, how many minutes do we have? Ms. Kübra, welcome.
How nice to see you. -Thank you.
-[emotional music] -How are you?
-Thanks. Here you go. Kıvılcım Hanım, I can't help but say.

If someone came to me when we first met and told me that
we would be like this, I would never believe it, I would laugh. So I can't lie, neither can I. Kübra, by the way, thank you very much
for warning us about Pelin . You did such an important thing… What do you mean, Ms. Kıvılcım? So if I've been of little
help, I'm happy. Ms. Kübra, frankly, I pondered this issue
a bit after you. I aim to organize a seminar that will be attended by people who have been bullied on different subjects at school and who are uncomfortable with their appearance .

So let's say I rolled up my sleeves on this. Mashallah, how beautiful. But I
want to do this with you. If
you agree, work with us on this project. Lovingly. So if there's any work to be done for the good of our children – I'm in.
-Thank you so much. [thriller music] So? Your payment is late again. Yes, but we will
deal with it very soon, Mr. Hasan. When? Coming soon, imminent. -But things don't go that way.
-How is it progressing? That is, you pay your debt with
interest. Topic is closing. Mr. Hasan, we say that if we
change the date of the installment? It's possible. [the thriller continues] Shall I delete your interest too? heh. I swear it will be very helpful. Write, my son, write, we delete the interest. -Let me give you a house on top of it, huh?

Say what? Is it the house? What house? Write, my son, write. We give at home. Mustafa is joking, joking. Brother, are you business or order? What breed are you? Mr. Hasan, we don't actually trade with high interest rates
, and my father gets angry. We love it. This is our thing. Mustafa, why do you say my father is angry?
Take it back now. -My father is not angry.
-Mustafa, God bless you. So, when is the payment coming? So in a few days.
What if we did it like this, we gave you what we have? It's not a piecemeal business. You are counting the first installment of your debt with interest
, and the issue is closed. You will never see this face again. Mustafa, let's count. Mustafa! -We'll count.
– Tomorrow is the last day. According to that. Look, we're putting it around this, okay? -Like this one.
-Uh huh, I'll handle it. Ms. Alev, take it easy. I was going to ask if you need anything.

Not for now, thanks. By the way, we couldn't talk about the doctor job,
he's from the hospital, right? Sir? What doctor? Children will be circumcised. Oh, yes, I talked to the circumciser. -[joyful music]
-Is he circumcised? What does it mean? In other words, sir,
it is called the person who performs the circumcision procedure. -Do you mean the doctor?
-No, no, circumciser. Wait a minute, I don't understand right now. Alev is a circumciser. Not a doctor? So something like that. Or are you crazy? Huh, let's say
I'm going to have appendicitis surgery. Someone comes and says to me,
"I'm not a surgeon, but I'm something else, something like that." Is there such a thing? Let's make a wreath saying "Anchor's pride"
, it will be done.

So you insist that the doctor come
? Well, it's a hassle. Alev, the circumciser should come, nothing will happen. No.
What if something happens to one of the children? God bless. No no.
Doctor look more confident, be sure. – All right, sir.
-Thanks. [joyful music continues] Aa, look at the man. No, call the vet. My daughter is
circumcised by all Anatolian circumcisers. But this is not Anatolia. Anyway, come on.
Let's check these out one last time.

[phone rings] Sir Ekrem? Abdullah Bey, I am at the hotel now. We talked to Ms. Alev about the circumcision issue,
but she did not accept it. -[joyful music]
-How did he not accept it? This is the circumcision wedding, my son. Sir, the doctor says he should come, he says to
be a circumciser. I guess
he doesn't even know what a circumciser is. I'm sorry,
but I didn't explain in detail. Ekrem,
let it be as Alev Hanım wishes. Well, sir, I'll speak right away then. Ok.

What is this place, Metehan?
Why did we come here now? Don't ask my love.
I had a big fight with my dad yesterday. He took my credit card from me.
I swear he took my pocket money. Well, I was able to bring it here with
what I had in my pocket, what should I do? -[joyful music]
-What about now? You must win your father's heart immediately. I say we had a very bad argument, Ceylan,
why should I take your heart? He spoke heavily this time, I'm going to trip. But how will Metehan be without money? You are here my darling. We said we 'd be there for each other in good times and bad
, right? You lend me some money.
I'll manage. What? What what baby? You lend me some money,
I'll give it to you later.

Besides, things will get better in a few months between me and my father. A few months? Okay, two months, be clear. But you're two months away, I'm sorry. Are you kidding me, Metehan? No, why? Can't lovers lend money to each other? -He can't, dear.
-Pardon? I
gave you about 17,000 if I remember correctly. Look, look, you never forget. Who are you trying to stutter, huh? And we thought you were a man. Unfortunately, this is my shape. If you eat. What. Hey, I'm like you…

[joyful music continues] That's it. -I told you, but what did I tell you?
-[joyful music ends] Okay, you were right again. The operation is ok. Well, at least buy me a tea, coffee
, something. It's a shame, of course. Since we got rid of the ready bloodsucker, I can set the
table if you want. Oralet, kiwi. Uh, no, it's not that much gear.
It's okay if you don't get in that much air.

[joyful music] Sorry. Coming. -What happened?
– The child is awake. We're going to hook someone else up
now. Just
find someone dumb next time. Is nature still sleeping? She looks very tired, mom. I mean, when I see him like this, I
'm going to strangle Fatih. [emotional music] Today, Pembe Hanım and Nursema stopped by. So they can come here without shame? Good thing, they didn't find sins and
break them.

Girl, one of us has
to be constructive. Be you mommy,
I didn't find my daughter on the street. Nature was
quite right to Pembe Hanım today. Well, it makes sense. Kindness to an extent.
The woman should not try to look for me. Or I'll break everyone's heart. Look, honey, they're going to erode this door
even more. Tell me. Well, Nature
doesn't seem to be approaching these days, though. Our
nerves of steel must be strong against what will happen. We must be prepared. Get them ready, mom. [emotional music continues] [door opens] It's me, open your eyes.
I know you're not sleeping. Close the door. [emotional music ends] How have you been? Bad.

Nature, I'm going to say something,
but don't get me wrong. What if you were going to be a bed mattress like this,
why did you come home? I had to. Fatih told me such things… [emotional music] He didn't kick me out of a house. We are so good when we are alone, we are so happy that I can't tell you.

But when his family gets involved, then
we become such a disagreement. So it doesn't. Do not be sad. Look, when you get sad, I get sad more. I can't believe how we got to this point. I can't believe all that I've been through. [emotional music continues] However, it all
started so well. Then I'm going to work from here, guys. -Ok darling. Let's take it easy.
-Thank. I can only send you the notes tomorrow.
Is it okay? -Exit.
-Imperishable. -Ok.
-Where are you going? Either a friend will come,
we are going to Etiler. Nature, if you want, we can throw you too. The moon will be very good.
Now I won't wait for a taxi for forty hours. -Ok. Then I kiss you, see you.
-See you later. Heh, my friend came too.

[emotional music] Fatih, brother,
can we send my friend Doğa to Etiler too? Of course, here you go. Hello. Hello, greetings. Hello. I'm Fatih. Nature, me too, I'm glad. [emotional music ends] Are you in the same section? Nature is two grades lower than me,
but we share grades and stuff. I understand. [joyful music] Sorry. Sorry. I was immersed for a moment. What are you doing?
You're not an alcoholic, are you? I do not use alcohol.

I hope. Pardon. Do I owe you a lie? Oh… I'm sorry, I'm sorry. -Are you doing it on purpose?
-Why would I do it on purpose? [joyful music continues] Can you take me down somewhere,
somewhere on the right? I want to go home in one piece. I said I'd drop it off to Etiler while I was getting on, I'll drop it off
there. The safety of my passengers is essential to me.

-Isn't it, assistant?
-Yes. Huh, we saw it. Twice we came back from the dead. No, we fell off the cliff. -[joyful music ends]
-Can I get off, please? Well, 10 minutes left. It's possible. I do not want. I
could be spending the last 10 minutes of my life in the car you drive. And tomorrow is the first day of my internship,
can I tell you? What a chin, bro. -[emotional music]
-Excuse me? Did you say what chin you have? I'll pull out those teeth of yours,
then you'll see the jaw. It's possible. Where exactly are you disassembling? -Can you download me? Please.
-I will download it. I'm glad. Good. Thank you. You're welcome. Do you know where he does his internship? I'm here, sir. [emotional music continues] -I have to answer my phone. I'm coming.
-Uh huh, okay.

It would be your general cleaning, right? [Fatih] Actually,
I came to have my teeth removed, but… …cleaning is also possible. It's possible. Let's remove your teeth, I think. Let's disassemble. [emotional music ends] Look, I believe. Everything will be alright. -[emotional music]
-Really. [knock on door] Your voice is out of breath. We were just kidding. -Did you rest?
-Good, good, like a butt. Come. I know you are very sad, Doga. I understand you, I agree. But sometimes one has to be unhappy now in order to be happy in the future
. [emotional music rises] Let me see that. Whatever happens to you in this world,
know that I am always by your side. Don't forget that, okay? Got it, ok. Goodbye mom. I love you both. By Allah, we have a problem with this girl
, Abdullah Bey. I mean, this girl is a fan around me because she is my mommy, my mommy, ah, she went to her mother's house, she was
cut into a lion there.

Give me an answer
, a roll of an eye, if you see. God is God. Let them not get divorced or something. Don't be ridiculous, Pembe Hanım Ay, I think it's not divorced anyway. And the heads of this girl are not heads either. [thriller music] I look her grandmother in the eye, she says, "First, let the young people talk among themselves." Well, you're the grandmother. My dear, bring your grandchild before you. Take your ear and send it to her husband's house. What would
you do if Nursema got married and came here crying? I will do exactly what I said. What did it mean to leave the house like that? Ay Nursema should get married first so she has to
leave the house. Repentance astaghfurullah. I will call this Esma once in a while. It's good to see him so often. By Allah, Pembe Hanım, you are feared.

In other words, there are 40 foxes in your head, and the tails of 40 do
not touch each other. I think of my children.
No one should be sure. Talk to Fatih. In other words, if they get divorced,
we will never see our grandchildren again. After that, I will die. So, to spite us, they name one of them Alexander and the other
one Katya. [emotional music] From there they send it to the Vatican. -I don't know.
-Tawba astaghfurullah. Oh, I'm tired. I don't have the patience anymore. -To where?
-To prayer. Is there permission? -May Allah accept it.
-Tawba astaghfurullah. What do you say? They tear the piggy wallpaper.
I don't get it wrong, right now? So can you think? Girl, don't fuel each other

-Let them get divorced right away.
-I think so too. Guys,
do you think divorce is easy? Yes mommy. As a divorced person
, it's easy. I mean, is life like this? Is it worth going through so much pain? No, dogs are not allowed in, no, pig is a sin.
No, a male doctor cannot look. What is this? They are not animal lovers. Guys, it
was a mistake for them to get married all over again, but it happened.
There are two unborn babies in the middle. Apo is not like that. -[emotional music]
-She's the Pink holder. The moon is ok. Down with Apo! When the moon hears the name of the man,
something happens to you. Sure. Something happens to us when we hear the man's name come out of your mouth
! I can't deal with either of you.

I'm going to take care of my bedridden nephew who is suffering from love. Let's go. Even if he doesn't mess with her even more because I'm going
to fix it. Oh, how should I know, mother? [door clicks] [door opens] But what's done to you is yeto,
really enough. Flame… According to what I heard, a
decoration fatwa was issued. Don't ask. I've been blown out of my mind. Oh, what shall we do?
You loved someone who is not suitable for you, you took the measurement of your height.

You tried, it didn't work. But Alev, I am very sad. -[emotional music]
-Well, it's normal, you're right. But do you know? Look, you
did the right thing by coming here. Look, if you swallowed that too, then they'd be on top of you. What is Fatih doing now? Whatever he does, I think he's devastated too. He's definitely getting scolding from his mother and father
. I wish I hadn't agreed to live with them in the first
place. You couldn't marry then. It would be nice if you weren't pregnant from the start.

Thank you, Alev.
You give me such good morale. [emotional music ends] Don't look at it, these are full blown moves.
I swear, you took care of your aunt. I don't believe you. I mean, you made me laugh even in this state. You cried a lot, laugh a little already. Look at me, what am I going to ask you? Who is this Nursema marrying? -Who?
-Nursema. She was engaged. No, no such thing. Who told you this? -AA.
-[joyful music] Girl, isn't Nursema getting married? No girl, what marriage? Either her mother says you stayed at home and
eats the girl. That is poor Nursema. His mother ruined his life. What are you saying? Well, that's very good news. Is it good news that Nursema's life was ruined by her mother
? Yes that's right. Come, let me kiss you. Now you wait a minute, okay? Keep crying some more if you want.
I will come right away. Okay? I'm coming, I'm coming right now. -I'm on my way to a house.
-What happened? What else?
Nursema has stayed at home, at home! What did he say now? I think he said "Nursema has stayed at home".

Aa, why is he so happy? He himself stayed at home. Gee. -[emotional music]
-[phone rings] Hello? Nature… Are you okay? I'm fine. I am here. I am in front of your house.
Come on, please come and let's talk, Nature. Fatih, we have nothing to talk about. Nature, do I not remember that much? We will have children. Please, let's talk in. Hey, if you say do n't go down… …I'll go up. Get the news. Ok. Okay I'm coming. -[call tone]
-[emotional music] Hey, Hope, where are you? Okay, now you're quitting the job.
You're coming to me right now. No, I can't explain over the phone. Run, come here, quickly, it's urgent. [sings in
tune] Nursema stayed at home, Nursema stayed at home What's going on, Nature? Well… Fatih is here and he wants to talk. [emotional music] So, will they make up? What should I know, Çimen?
I can't trust Nature either. [emotional music] How are you? I'm comfortable. So at least
I'm in a house where my every move is not judged.

[emotional music ends] Nature, come on, let's go somewhere and talk. -[emotional music]
-No need Fatih. I have nothing to talk to you for a long
time anymore. I don't believe it. Where did the subject come from? We said let's make a baby room,
my wife left the house. Fatih, this is the point you don't understand,
you know? This last thing we experienced was the last straw for me. So you've already made up your mind to go
? It
would be more accurate to say that I resisted to stay. Don't cut us off for little things like that
, Nature. Fatih, such things
may be very small for you, but they are vital issues for me. [emotional music continues] Besides, you have no respect for me. You didn't leave what you didn't tell my mother. You probably think what I'm going through is very easy.

What am I living Nature. Do you know how many things I don't reflect on you? I don't open my mouth just so you don't get upset,
Nature. Is this the way you didn't open your mouth? Our family has a structure. This is how it came, this is how it will go. It doesn't change, it doesn't change.
My family doesn't change. So you thought I'd change too? [tension music] Fatih, I can't do it in a house with such a mentality
. I can't live. You… I love you so much. I love you
very much, but it bothers me that you think like your family. It didn't at first. It does now. Really? There is no end to this, Fatih. I
cannot do more in a house where everything is forbidden and sinful. It's very difficult from now on. I can't do it. [tension music continues] Sometimes… Sometimes love just was n't enough. [emotional music] Can you take a look at me? Is this how our love ends? Then go before your mom and dad.

Say, "My wife is unhappy in this house. She ca
n't." Say, "We're going to go home separately". What happened Fatih? Nature doesn't. Nature doesn't. You know best that this will not happen
. My mom lived with my grandparents. It's your mother's problem, Fatih. [emotional music continues] So what do you say now? Do you want to leave me? [emotional music continues] Yes. I am hurting my babies every day like this
. They are my baby too. Then you
would be more careful with the mother of your children. [emotional music rises] Good evening to you. Nilay, don't turn around now. I got dizzy. Mustafa, the boat will be gone.
We have to do something. Let's do it well, but we can't even balance the money.
What are we gonna do? If you ask Fatih? Impossible. The boy has opened a new business now. If I say I'm in trouble,
he tries to sell everything he has and throw it away.

Well, sell it, what will it be? I said no.
I can't do that to my brother. Forget it. -Then I'll call my brother.
-Heh, call your brother. He found us these men.
Let it be a tool, maybe it will help. Heh, exactly. [tension music] Come on uncle, play it.
You're going to be okay with your head soon anyway. Aha! That's it.

[phone rings] -Hello?
-My dear Nilay, I am at a very important meeting with friends, should I call you later? What is it, girl? We are playing a game. -Or from the starter game. Listen to me.
-What happened again? What about that guy called Hasan,
he wants to buy the boat from us. -Oh really?
-What, come on? I say the boat will be gone. That's the boat, it goes. One goes, the other comes.
Is it a problem for Mustafa? Tell your father to get a new one. It's a fault of anyone who asks you for something.
Shut it down.

Come on, come on. What's up? Either I took our brother-in-law to Hasan for money
and they are calling from him. You got the commission. I guess. Is this a charity? No, son? What are you struggling with? Is it a girl thing? [joyful music] Yeah, daddy, it's a girl thing. Have you fallen in love? If only. Worse yet. Dad, I got screwed. Is this the girl you were talking about? Grass warned me, it warned me a lot, but I have a donkey, I swear I didn't listen. As if I didn't warn you. I guess you cleared things up with Çimen, huh? When did you start thinking of him? No, we've been pretty good lately.

We even hooked it up. Well, glad to hear that. Well, anyway. This is the girl I mentioned as Ceylan
to you. Head cut off. On top of the 17,000 lira I spent, I now
look like I'm going to drink a glass of cold water. Dad, I swear I'm stupid.
I'm sorry. How about you cut a little bit of my allowance from week to week like this? -A little bit.
-We'll see. At least it's something to notice early. Thank you very much Cimen for me. She's a very visionary girl, congratulations. -I do.
-[joyful music ends] What were they doing? With whom? Grass, Spark.

Are you talking? [emotional music] Aren't you talking to Kıvılcım Hoca? No, we are talking dear. Just
because of the workload, we couldn't come across that way at this time. That's why I'm asking,
not out of curiosity. If you say so… They're good too. They are
working on a seminar meminer at school this time.

There is chaos. Other than that, there is nothing different. I understand. [doorbell rings] Heh, where have you been? I cracked. -Come.
-What's going on? Sit down, listen to me. Come. Look, if you're running off with Apo or something,
don't mess with me. What about Apo?
Nursema has stayed at home, at home! [emotional music] Flame, did you really
call me for this at this hour? Look,
I'm really not in a position to handle your unstable jokes! Either you fall victim to Alev, victim.
Sit down, I'm telling.

Look, Nature has left the house.
They will probably get divorced with Fatih. -What?
-You'll feel sorry for him later. It's not about that now. I couldn't stand it. I said I'm
going to be natural, I said this is Nursema, I said who is she getting married to. I asked. Flame, I said don't ask, I said don't. So what did he answer? [emotional music continues] What did he say? He said with no one. -How?
-Pretty. Pinky shook and shook you. Flame, look, you're not kidding, are you? Uh uh. What if this Pink Black Angel came out?
An incredible woman. [emotional music ends] Are we sure? We are overconfident,
and that is what we are most sure of.

[emotional music] I don't believe it. What did I think of your daughter? No, I went and blocked him. Well, you were going to listen to me. Well, now let it go.
Just open the girl's block and call. Alev, look , if this woman has done such a thing, she definitely
thinks that there is something between us and Nursema. Get out, I can't call right now. I've already shamed her so much. Oh brother, oh. What is this?
What am I going to do? What will I do? Ugh! Rejoice, rejoice in a whistle.
We got some happy news here. What did you say to Doğa?
You shouldn't have said anything. Of course I didn't say anything.
Your girl is already on top of her spirits. I asked as if I was wondering myself.

[emotional music continues] Flame, what are we going to do? So if I tell Nursema
that I thought about you like that now, she wo n't look at me again. Of course, Alev thought about that too, don't
worry. Such was the luck. There is no other way than destiny. [emotional music] Lord… …give me what's best for me. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Amine. [phone rings] -[emotional music ends]
-I hope so. Why is this calling? [clears throat] [joyful music] Hello? Nursema, what's up? thank you. Joyful? What is it? I am fine too. I called to congratulate you. What greeting? You're engaged, you're getting married. Who is engaged, me? You you. You're engaged, you're getting married,
so I called to congratulate you.

I'm so glad. I'm not engaged. Aa, ee, Umut told me so. Is it hope? How? How so, what did he say? There is no one in my life. Where did Hope hear from? I really do not know him, my dear. But I mean marriage. Marriage captivity. Even if
you have to marry, I think you should marry the one you love. -[joyful music continues]
-Well… Anyway, there must have been a misunderstanding.
I kiss you then my dear. Talking. Good evening. [joyful music continues] Let Pink think about the rest,
I dropped the bomb, I swear. Selamun aleykum. -[thriller music]
-What are you doing here again? I made kete, I made katmer.
Look, my mom has some of the pastry, too.

You cannot enter. What's happening? That woman is here, isn't she? -Look, I'll call the police and raid the house.
-I wish you did. It works for me. In this way, your son sleeping inside
will see your true face. Leman, this is my house.
You can't get in with your head like that. I came to see my son. This is not the place to see your son. We are getting divorced,
understand this now, accept it! [thriller continues] All because of that woman. Good morning, Bus. Good morning teacher. I
hope you are doing the work I gave you. [emotional music] Did you find out who was messing with Pelin
? So we're on the trail, sir, we'll find it. Let's see, good for you.
In any case, Pelin will come to school today. I will talk to him too.

By the way, there is an important seminar today.
I'm waiting for you all. -Of course, we'll come, sir.
-Let's take it easy. [Nursema inner voice] Hope me
so I mean obstacles. [emotional music] He thought I was engaged
and lied to him. Well, where did this talk come from? Could it be my mother? No, he won't do that much. But he tried to
shut me up in the rooms because I had a tea with Umut. [emotional music continues] If I ask now, he'll lock me up at home again. Ugh! [phone rings] – Sir Fatih?
-Uncle, I talked to Doğa yesterday. What is he saying? She wants to leave. [emotional music] Okay. Do
n't go too far on Nature now, will you? Uncle, did
you talk to Ms. Kıvılcım? I haven't spoken yet.
I told you to wait a bit.

Uncle, what should we wait for, for God's sake? Nature does not come home,
my parents keep asking every day. My wife is pregnant there,
I'm on her mind. My God… O Fatih, calm down a bit. What matters is the love between you. If this is strong, no one can separate you. You just do something to please Nature
. I'm a thinker too. The important thing is to talk to Kıvılcım at the
right time. But you knew the woman very well. We'll talk at the company, okay? Ok uncle, thank you, see you. [emotional music rises] What happened girl? Not at all, I see. [tension music] What's going on Nursema? What is wrong with you? Please don't say anything that will bother
me Nursema, I swear I'm not well at all. Don't worry, I won't bother you. What's wrong with you, what's going on? That exhibition has been cancelled.

-He didn't look for hope. Alev didn't say anything either. Did you have a problem? What could have happened?
So what kind of problem will it be? I do not know that. I want to go and have
a talk with this gallery today. No, I don't think you ever– No, don't mix it up. Well… Because these
are not the right people for us anyway. Look, it's talk. If you want an exhibition, my child,
I will talk to your father. [thriller continues] Exit. Not necessary. Mom, I lost my enthusiasm. -Where are you going?
-To my room. We will have breakfast. I am not hungry. Patience. Yes, our dear students,
today I will have two very special guests, and they will tell us with their experiences
how meaningless external appearance is, how our prejudices harm us, and that loving yourself as you
are is one of the most important elements of happiness .

I invite Ms. Semra Çetinkaya to speak on the stage. [emotional music] Here you go. Thank you. Dear teachers, dear students, as you can see,
I am sitting in a wheelchair. It's a traffic accident. My name is Semra Cetinkaya. I am the President of the Spinal Cord Paralysis Association of Turkey
. I want to take you back much earlier, not the moment of the accident and what I experienced afterwards. Years ago, when I went to school , they used to make fun of me as a stork, a pole, because I was tall, I was one-eighty tall. I would take that very seriously too. I would sit in a corner and cry.

I used to pray a lot
, "My God, if we cut off these knees. If I were a woman of 1.50 cm"
. My prayer has been granted. The first thing my teacher said to me after the accident
was "Semra,
you won't be able to walk anymore." I was so devastated that I had such a hard time that
when I sat in my first chair, I immediately asked for a tape measure. The people were surprised and the people next to me said, "So what tape measure?" "Bring me a tape measure
and measure my height," I said.

When they measured my
height, I was exactly 1.50 tall woman. Please
consider everything very carefully when you pray, will you? They can come back to you. So
please love every meaning you are, every moment, everything you experience. Your school, your family, your neighbor, your
flower, your pet, because when you lose something,
it's very, very hard to come back. I wish you all a barrier-free life. [emotional music continues] Good morning. Good morning. Where are you girl? -Sorry, dad.
-[tension music] I got a little headache but I had no appetite. Yes, Fatih Efendi, I didn't say anything yesterday, but tell me, where is the
bride? Dad stays at his mother's house. -We know him, where is he now?
– He said he went to his mother's house, Dad. -Son, you stop.
-[emotional music] Yes Fatih Efendi? He listens a little, dad, he will come. Repentance astaghfurullah. Son, what did we do to this girl? Did we torture? I went to your door yesterday.
I got your heart. If he realizes that you are not sincere, it means.

[thriller music] -What did you say?
-Do you love Nature very much, mother? Let's talk facts while she's not here. What? What are you talking like? Do you hear what comes out of your mouth? You have your mother in front of you, my daughter, your mother. Why is everyone
lying to each other in this house? [emotional thriller music] You don't like Nature.

You didn't want it from the very beginning. Your only concern is Fatih
and your future grandchildren. Oh, sorry. Your only concern is
keeping your house in order. You're compromising because we'll be sitting at the table with one missing person
. What's wrong with you girl? I
can't stand the hypocrisy in this house anymore, Dad. You will not disrespect your mother. Go and apologize now, and I don't want that kind of rudeness at this table ever again.

And you settle the matter between you and your wife
right away. [thriller music] -Okay dad.
-Something happened to everyone. Repentance astaghfurullah. Father, when Nature left
the house, the flag of rebellion was raised in this house. [tension music rises] But look, you see, right? How resident are we? My Lord, with what are you testing me
, O Lord of the world? O my God, to whom I am a victim. What kind of test is this, my Lord?
What kind of test? Yes, now I invite Mr. Cüneyt Vardar to the
stage to give his speech. [emotional music] Hello friends. I'm Cüneyt Vardar. Guys, I 've always been a fat person all my life, you know? Therefore, during my school days,
thanks to my friends, they always remembered having fun
as making fun of me. Believe me, the size of this mockery started to increase gradually unless I spoke out to them. This caused me to turn in on myself. I didn't go out on the street, slept at home all the time, always ate, but over time,
I realized that I was doing myself a disservice, friends. In other words, I was actually rewarding my friends who made fun of me by not
warning them and not making a sound towards them.

So as you can see, I did not have such a pleasant childhood
and youth years. But over the years, I have had successes. After these successes, it
turned out that my physical appearance did not mean much to anyone anymore. That's when I
really wanted to lose weight myself. By the way, don't look at me like this. I'm still on a diet,
let me tell you that. But my advice to you is to save
the days you are in as good memories not only for yourself but also for others
. Thank you very much for listening to me. -Thank you, thank you.
-[emotional music continues] Thank you very much to Cüneyt Bey.
Now let's do some questions and answers. -My dear Buse. Buse Mert.
-[emotional music ends] Sir sir? Frankly, I'm curious about your opinion on the matter
. For example, do you make
fun of a friend's appearance? [emotional music] No, I won't, I won't, teacher. No, it shouldn't be done. You shouldn't do it either, because bullying
is a very serious crime, guys.

It is
a heavy attack on one's personality and self, and no one has the
right to do such a thing to anyone. -Isn't it, Buse?
-Yes, sir, you are right. You can sit. Thanks. [emotional music ends] Now, from now on, we
will form a section in our school against such incidents, guys. -[emotional music]
-If anyone is bullying or speaking badly, you will
come and complain to this section when you witness it. And I'm the beginning of this section, my dear Buse,
I choose you. From now on, my dear Buse,
you and your friends will be one heart against malicious speech and bullying. I wish you success in advance. [emotional music continues] Don't go too far, my dear.
Obviously, they're nervous these days.

Honey, is it something to do? Along with the bride. What, the exhibition has been cancelled. Let his exhibition sink to the ground. Don't you want him too? Okay, go no further. [thriller music] She's a young girl too. He has
n't strayed from what you said his whole life. Of course it won't. Who will come out? I know his problem. What is it? Let's get this married. You listen to me, Mr. Abdullah. Then we are very sad. Is there something you're hiding from me? No, nothing.
There is no such thing as Kat.

All right, don't go too far.
Take it from the bottom, my dear. He was upset too. He's already regretted.
He will come a little later and apologize. Hopefully. I'm going. Do not eat each other. heh. Look at me, did you
unblock Nursema? I removed it and still no sound. What if I call? No, no. Then it becomes
clear that we have spoken before. -What if he never calls?
-[emotional music] -He'll call, just be patient.
-Okay, okay, come on, I'll listen to you.

Let's go.
We have a world of business at the hotel. OK, come on. [emotional music continues] So it didn't come and take my heart. Hayat, where is Nursema? -It's out, sister.
-Where did it go? -He did not say anything.
-[emotional music] Okay. Hasbinallah and nimel deputy. Once again, you take the first step. Even if you are disabled, you send
a message. [sighs] [exhales] Come on, bismillah. [sighs] [sighs] -Yeah, okay.
-God! What happened? What are you shouting? [emotional music ends] Nursema sent a message. -[emotional music]
-What did I tell you? Open it, read it now. "Good day, Hope. I don't know if my message will reach you. I'm writing in case you read it. Please
don't believe anything until you hear it from my mouth. You are valuable to me." Their good days are not over.

Alev, I urgently
need to talk to Nursema. OK, text me right away then. [emotional music continues] The big guy has turned into a teenager. [emotional music continues] [message voice] Oh, please don't be offended. [Hope voice over] Nursema,
I think we should meet face to face and talk. Of course, if it's okay with you. Only today we have a circumcision business. If I text you tomorrow, can
we talk on the beach? [emotional music continues] Thank you. The bride left, everyone was surprised. heh. -[emotional music]
-[phone rings] Sir? Kıvılcım Hanım, have a good day.

Hello Pink lady, good day to you too. What happened to these children? Touched by evil eye. Kıvılcım Hanım, I wish we two mothers get together and
talk today, but… Of course, Pembe Hanım, we can talk. I will have my lunch break in half an hour
. If you want,
we can meet at a cafe near the school. Hey, I'm so happy. -See you there then.
-See you. [emotional music] [emotional music continues] I used to tolerate Metehan in the past
, but I won't
anymore because this has gotten out of hand, Can. I think this happened after I saw Kıvılcım. So seeing you together triggered it. He tried to get in but couldn't.
-[tension music] Oh, now this psychopath shouldn't
try to go near Kıvılcım, huh? Does he know who Kıvılcım is? He doesn't know or
he's following us all, you know.

He followed me
, he goes, he will follow him too. Do not worry.
I'm going to take all of this to court. So my only fear is that Metehan won't
know about you when I get this mentally unstable report or something . Metehan is unknown to me, understanding boy.
I will explain everything to him. After all, he knows
how his mother is. Is there any sound from Kıvılcım? If you divorce us as soon as possible,
there will definitely be a sound. Can, do whatever you can, for
God's sake finish it, I'm fed up! I am aware, I am aware. Did you ever call? So I didn't call, how should I call? I'm waiting for it to cool down a bit. It's too difficult for me. So I can't call, understand?
What am I going to call? You are quite right. [sighs] [doorbell rings] Sonmez Sultan must have arrived. I'll look. Ok. Then
I go inside to do the ironing.

Ok. [emotional music] Hello. -Hello.
-Can I come? Come. These are for you too. Thank. Are you okay? I'm fine thanks. Late. [emotional music] Late. Nature, when will you be home? Hasn't this thing gone too far now? I'm aware, yes. I made a mistake, sorry.
Maybe I overreacted , but– Fatih, what did we talk about last night? What are you saying now? OK honey. Tell me,
what can I do to make you happy? What can I do to get on your nerves?
Tell me, let me do it. Look, Fatih, it's not about getting angry. Everyone can argue,
this is a perfectly normal situation. I have no objection to that. Well, then? Come, let's solve this among ourselves
, let's settle it. Is there anything between us, Fatih? Or has it ever happened? -What about when I come to that house?
-[tension music] We'll be happy for a day or two, we'll be fine.

Then, on the third day,
an event will occur independently of us and we will run into each other again. But
not if you are so prejudiced. This is not prejudice. It's been like this since the day we got married. I will keep up with you,
but I upset myself the most so that no one would be upset. I can't do it anymore, Fatih. And I won't. I'm trying to be constructive
, to change things. But you've already made your decision. Whatever I talk about is useless. Maybe you're a little late, Fatih. Nature, are you serious? [thriller continues] Can you really tell me that?
While pregnant. Don't you think about your children too? Fatih, I think of them the most. I'm here because I've already thought about it. I want my children to grow up in peace, not in an environment of fights and noise
. Look, Nature, this is irreversible. Well, it didn't happen when you begged, do you want to try it by throwing it away
? We can talk– We can't talk!
Are you aware of this? You have conditioned yourself not to reconcile, Nature.

Sure, you found the ambiance you were looking for here. Everyone is entitled to whatever. Sometimes we even talk about how
bigoted we are, right? Fatih, don't be ridiculous, what does it have to do with it? I think you're confusing it with your own family. I know very well who is what,
Doga, don't worry. You stay here,
keep coming to the filling. You'll soon hate me too. No one brought me to fill me up,
Fatih! [phone rings] You can't escape, Kıvılcım. Hello? -[emotional music]
-Spark, hello. Hello. I waited for you to calm down a bit to call you
. We have things to talk about. What will we talk about? Spark, please.
Let me express myself. Let's get together,
I have something to tell you. I mean, you didn't even look at me at dinner.

I was going to call you later,
but I didn't dare. There's nothing to explain, Omer.
Everything is very clear. Spark, nothing is
as you know it. Really. Please, let's get together,
let me explain everything to you, let me explain. [emotional music continues] Believe me
, I need neither talk nor explanation. Please don't worry about it either
, will you? I don't want to meet or talk. Alright. -Sorry to disturb you.
-Goodbye. [emotional music continues] [breathes] [joyful music] [fun music] Abdullah Bey, God bless you. From our sentence. Yes, really,
we can't thank you enough. Oh, please. This circumcision wedding was your idea. Aa, okay.
You have allocated your hotel. Many more children have been circumcised because of you. By God, I choose you as the hero of this year
. Your trust. The decorations are beautiful by the way. Huh, do you like it? I'm so glad.
Let our real babies be born, I will show at the hospital,
you see it. Hopefully. May Allah grant us all the
opportunity to see those days. Yes. I can't stand the moon. -Apo–
-[joyful music] Oh sorry.

call you Apo when you are not. But in a good way,
not in a bad way. -Anyways. Mr. Abdullah.
-Here, it's me. I know that the relationship between Doga and Fatih is
broken. As you know, Nature is with my sister. Ms. Alev, both sides
need to make concessions. If the person who makes concessions is
Pembe Hanım, there will be no problem. [Hope clears his throat] [joyful music ends] Look, none of us are stupid. We
know that we come from different family structures.

But if someone is always upset because someone is bored at home
and is fed by these events , it doesn't work, so can I tell you? [emotional music] Ms. Alev,
I understand you mean Ms. Pink when you say one. But Mrs. Pembe is the best mother in the world. He doesn't want his children to get hurt. We already agree on that. But… The problem is that he only thinks of his own children.

It should not be forgotten that Nature is also someone's child. I have to go to a company. Alright. Thank you for everything then. You're welcome. Good luck to you. -Sir, God bless you.
-Astagfurullah. -Good day, Mr. Abdullah.
-Good day. [emotional music continues] Ms. Kıvılcım, we are all very sad. I lost my sleep. Let's get these kids together
and make things right. So don't break their order. Everyone was devastated,
I'm sure you are too. So, frankly, I've never been miserable,
Ms. Pembe. I mean, on the
contrary, I was happier when my daughter came home. At least he did not live an unhappy life in order to be a family and not to disturb the order in that house
. [emotional music] Of course,
children's happiness is essential for us too. I mean, I suffered a lot too, but I endured so that my children would not be upset.

Miss Pink,
don't get me wrong, please. But… Well… I mean, we have very different ideas about motherhood, as in every other subject . For you, motherhood means not to disturb the order
and to endure the pain no matter what. Well, of course it is. Because it's so easy to walk away. No, the hard thing is to walk away. To establish a new order, to
stand alone. Easy to stay. It's even easier to call it a sacrifice. So to sum up, Ms. Pembe, a mother should think of herself first if her children are in question
. So if I am
well, I can take good care of my children. Do you want Doğa and Fatih to
divorce? Of course I would
n't, but if they're unhappy, there's nothing they can do. Pink lady, please, I'll say it again,
don't get me wrong, but
tearing the wallpaper in the nursery… So this is– This
is something I've heard for the first time in my life and I'm shocked. [tension music] I made it, Kıvılcım Hanım.

I mean, my intention was not bad,
especially I never wanted to upset Doğa. -But I don't know, when I see it like that…
-[tension music ends] What if Mr. Abdullah gets angry… So I didn't want a problem. Why are you so afraid of Abdullah Bey? -Do you see violence?
-[emotional music] So, is Abdullah Bey
a man who beats and swears with his hands up? No dear, is there any such thing? I mean, none of us had
a flick.

You can't even hear a bad word from his mouth
. Then what is there to be so afraid of? I mean,
what happens in that house when Mr. Abdullah gets angry? Kıvılcım Hanım,
of course, the layout of each house is different. I
don't want any unrest at home either. I don't want any fight or noise. Didn't it occur to you that Fatih and Doğa might fight while
you were removing the wallpapers? Or let's say you thought. Well… You said how could he shut up and
not speak? Honey, is there anything like that? So Nature is considered my daughter.
I value him very much. It happened in such a moment of heedlessness. Well, I
actually wanted to correct it later, but after they discussed it… Believe me, I can't be angry with you.
I mean, I'm not angry, Mrs. Pembe, but this is where our differences come into play. Yes like that. But there are babies, too. Or you have to think about them too, right? [emotional music continues] So from now on,
it's Fatih with Doğa.

Of course, I want them to be happy and
well, but I do n't want to influence their decision. You
say that the children should handle it among themselves. There is nothing to do. What follows is beyond us. I want my daughter to be happy. I
don't want her to be a woman who is oppressed for her children. What can i say? Good luck then. [thriller music] Wow, wow, wow, wow. And aleykum salam. We were going to meet with Abdullah Ünal. -Who shall we say?
– Hasan Canalan from Canalan Factoring. [the thriller continues] -[
clicks on the door] -Come. Come on, Ekrem. Mr. Abdullah… …we have a problem. What happened? [tension music continues] What's going on Ekrem? Sir, we investigated the boat thing. Mustafa Bey did not sell to the person he said. -Who did he sell it to?
– He did it on Ms.

Nilay. What? The person they borrowed from
is waiting at the door right now. He wants his money. He's also borrowed money. My God, give me
patience, my Lord. Who is it? factoring company. From the usurer? May God punish them.
Where is Mustafa? Out of company, sir. Call now, let him take his wife,
come here. Wait at that door and
pay the man's debt. -Do not do business with my son again.
-Yes, sir. My God, do not test anyone with his child, my
Lord. [thriller continues] Oh! By Allah, Kayhan Bey, I'm sorry. It
occurred to me at the last moment that there was a meeting today.

Will there ever be such a thing, for
God's sake, my son? The men will come soon. Fatihçim is a great tourism company.
Tour areas will direct us, but of
course they want to meet the big boss. Ok. What do you do now, you know?
Search for nature. Let him come after the meeting
, let's have a nice meal, huh? Don't you know? -I don't know why?
-[Thriller music] Nature went to her mother's house. What? [stutters] Did he go to his mother's house? what are you saying son? God, where did this come from? [stutters] So what happened? Why is that? We argued.

No, it can't be, is there such a thing?
Gee. Well, argue, what will it be? I think so too, but here it is. Ok. Look, Fatih, I'm
going to take care of this as your father, okay? You never bother. If necessary,
I will go, I will pull Nature's ear! Please, don't go too far.
It's pretty sensitive right now. What about a pregnant woman
leaving her home? New custom to old village.

Gee! Sit at your husband's knee! Anyway, calm down. God is God. Be well, son,
okay? I got your back. What is leaving home? Oh boy, she's pregnant,
hormones are Mormons, you know boy, so do you. [thriller music] Let's see. Dad, what happened? Your hand is blind! Or did you
swear to humiliate me? No dad, is that okay? Estagfurullah. It already happened! [tension music] I couldn't look at Ekrem's face. The past
says to me, creditors are waiting at the door. I
have never borrowed money from anyone in my life. I lived for my reputation! Either you asked me for a job,
you said "Daddy, I'll take care of it".

I said come on, don't let the boy's heart break.
Is that what you're going to handle? Dad, we thought we'd
get the boat ourselves. Fatih bought a hotel, you didn't make a sound. If Fatih had put loan sharks after me, I
would have made such a noise to him that you would have heard it from the house! [emotional music] -Daddy, we're sorry, we'll handle it.
-What would you handle? What will you handle? What have you done so far
that you will handle this? [emotional music continues] If you were a normal man,
I would kick you out of the house but I can't even do that! You'll cause me more trouble! Go, of course, go. What are you waiting for? You can go too, girl. Well dad. Why can't I come? I never understood him.

Or the place has turned into a fire.
Fatih is going away. You came across me,
what are you saying, for God's sake, Ecem? Oh, how nice. You're going to be
seeing your ex-wife for various reasons all the time, and I'll just sit here like a turkey and
wait for you, huh? Sit then. Go have
a cup of tea in a cafe, Ecem. -[thriller music]
-But I'm going to say something. For God's sake, tie that head up. Look, you'll meet again,
let me tell you, huh. Kayhan, look, I'm serious. When will we get married? So you don't think this engagement thing
has gone too far? No, my life is progressing normally.
So what? I want to get married now! And how nice, we have a hotel now.
We also have our beautiful wedding here. Well, okay, we'll do it. You just want it. But first, let me save Fatih from the
hands of our feminists. After that,
I'll make you the king of the wedding. [Nilay] Mom. I'm looking for Mustafa, I can't reach him.
-[Thriller music] How so? I'm looking, it doesn't open.
Did something happen to you? Moon girl, will you kill me?
God bless.

Why would something happen to you? I had an argument with my father over work. [exclamation of surprise] Why, what happened? I don't know either, but my Mustafa
didn't run away from home, mom. Repentance astaghfurullah.
Girl, what are you saying? My father spoke very harshly. -[Conqueror] Mother.
-Moon! [tension music continues] There is no Ay Mustafa, he doesn't answer his phone. What do you mean? My father was very angry with Mustafa.
I'm looking, it doesn't open. I tried to catch it when I was leaving the company, I
couldn't. -He didn't throw himself off the bridge.
-Moon! What are you saying? Aunt, wait for God's sake, please.
Mom, calm down, it's okay. -Nothing, I'm calling now.
-God, take my life! -I am searching.
-Take my life and save me! Doesn't it turn on? [female operator] The person
you are calling is currently unavailable. -Closed.
-Ay, did he throw himself off the bridge? -Ya Nilay, shut up, gosh!
-Don't do it, aunt! Aunt, what's going on?
Can you tell me calmly? We bought the boat, we thought
we would surprise you.

-Then the loan sharks surprised my father. -[tension music rises]
-Oh. Are they usurers? Are there loan sharks after my son? -Moon.
-Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. -My son– God.
– They recite Fatiha behind my husband. Okay mom, I'll handle it. Life sister. Life sister! -Take care of my mother, I'll be right back.
-Find him. Bring. Pour it girl, pour it. Pour it out, girl. Moon. If my father hears, it will be more on my brother. [emotional music] Brother, where are you? I walked a little.

Everyone died out of curiosity. My mother fell ill inside. My sister is reading the hi,
can you believe it? Why don't you answer your phones bro? I didn't want it, Fatih. Oh man. You okay? [sighs] I'm not Fatih. I couldn't do it again. Come on bro. [emotional music rises] Get it. Let it be, it will happen. Don't mind it. My father was very angry this time,
it's not like that.

OK, you're a girl. Let go now, don't think about it. I talk to my father. No, don't talk. Do you know what it is? I know bro. Nilay told me. Why
don't you come to me and go to the moneylender? Is it okay son? You just bought a hotel, you've
already spent your money. You'd be in trouble for me now if I told you

Brother, my life is sacrificed for you, what are you saying? [emotional music] Anyway, come on, come in. People died of curiosity.
Everyone got mad inside. Ok. -Ok.
-I have a problem with what to shoot. I had a problem with what to shoot. Mom, get up. my brother. -Moon!
-Mustafa! -I'm Mustafa.
-Moon. Mustafa. Moon son. Ay Mustafa, my son,
where are you? Will you kill me, my child?
Why don't you inform? -I'm Mustafa.
-I was in a bad mood, I walked a little. My child,
we were dying while you were walking.

[Nursema] Okay. Oh… Kıvılcım, the boy came
, you know how he cries? How he cries, "Dad,
make a fuss between us". My heart is broken, you know Spark? Let my two eyes fall in front of me,
I cried hard. You will throw these lies to Nature, Kayhan,
not to me. You must have mixed it up. -[joyful music]
-So you can't talk, Kıvılcım.

Where is this boy?
Didn't you say your father came? He's coming, wait. Heh, my girl, my angel face,
my olive eyes, my dear. My love, what happened to you? No one can upset my daughter.
I will never allow this! What nonsense is this? Late girl, late. Slow baby, sit down. Heh, come, get this. -Slow girl.
-[joyful music ends] My daughter, Fatih has arrived. Two eyes, two fountains. How is it today? Of course today. She's devastated, my child. If you see a child, you will be distraught. Look, don't do it like that, baby. Your children are on the way.
Just think about them, my daughter. I don't know, dad. I just want some time alone
, really. Stay home alone, girl. The best solitude is solitude in
crowds. -Look at your father.
-[joyful music] Kayhan, okay, don't insist.
Let nature decide for itself. Is raising two kids easy, baby? Yes, it's not easy at all, you're right. Spark, are you
on the day to hate me again? No,
you don't need a specific day for this. Do not look at your mother, my daughter. Don't look at your mother.
Look, your husband is in the hands of the trap.

He travels with top models,
you watch from afar, my dear. -What?
– Kayhan, that's enough. You're kidding right now. If you're done with what you have to say, you can go.
We'll sit down to dinner, come on. I'm telling the truth, baby. I'm telling the truth.
Your husband is rich, trillions. Will they leave that boy alone? Mannequins eat the money while you take
care of the two kids.

If he eats, I would say a lot. Mustafa, don't worry, this too shall pass. I can't remember what my father said, even though it passes. -[emotional music]
-He said he would kick you out of the house. I heard. -But he said it out of anger.
-His anger is on me anyway. He didn't like me. She won't like it either. I was not his dream boy.
No matter what I do it's gone. Or does he not like it at all? Is there such a thing? It's happening. Even the way he looks at me is different. It's all
because of that dirty bastard named Hassan. Come on, apologize to your father. It sulks for a day or two, then it goes away. Ok. Shake it up, come on. -Dad, my brother is very upset.
-What a pity. Let me go, let me take your heart. My son is a crazy person.
What did I say when I started this job? [tension music] I said
he can't do it, I said he'd mess it up.

What did you say? "I'm the guarantor father, let my brother do it." -Yes, I said, Dad.
-Is that your voucher? For the first time in 40 years, a
loan shark came to my company. I did this with my teeth and nails. [Abdullah]
You disgraced me to three-penny men! [Fatih] You are right, father. You are quite right. But my brother also panicked.
When he panicked, he made mistake after mistake. Then he won't be doing things like this!
It won't go! [emotional music] He doesn't know himself either. He's not saying I'm incompetent, I'm incompetent. [emotional music] Mustafa? Pack your things, we're leaving this house. -Are we kicked out of the house?
-We're not fired, we're leaving. To where? We are not wanted in this house, we are not loved.
It is enough.

Mustafa, are
you rebelling against your father? -I'm removing it.
-I was very excited. -We won't go hungry, will we?
-We won't stay, nothing will happen. -We'll go and stay at your brother's house for a few days.
-You thought well. They beg to come home after Nature, let them beg us too, oh man! My lion husband. Gather your things.
We will leave this house before anyone wakes up in the morning. You know, darling, that I'm asking you to decide without being influenced by what anyone else is saying
, right? Did you talk to Fatih? He came today, but we don't talk much. So they're getting divorced. Exactly. Are you sure Nature? Huh, I'm sure. -We talked to Mrs. Pembe today.
-[emotional music] What does it say? I have no patience for that woman. He's a demon trying to look so good.
-Flame… He says they should make peace. He says he is sad.

What else will he say? Huh, so he says I'll go back home,
and everything will be as before? Because her husband is angry. That's the thing with that woman. My husband is playing everyone around under the guise of getting angry
. The man is like cotton,
he is not angry about anything. Nothing is as it seems from the outside
. I am sure that her husband brought that woman to that state
. It could be, of course, we don't know. I've experienced so many unexpected things from people I've never been in this life … [emotional music ends] You still haven't apologized to me for what you did yesterday
. [thriller music] I haven't forgotten that either. Good morning. -Good morning.
-Good morning, dad. Good morning. [Nursema] Good morning. Good morning son. Where are Mustafa and Nilay? They come now. What would you do, Abdullah Bey, for
God's sake, don't say anything, don't open your mouth. -I have no room to argue.
-Does nature come today? Dad, we talked to Doğa again.

But the more we talk, the bigger the problems. What does it mean? -I guess it won't happen.
-[tension music rises] Ay… I'll take a look at my brothers. Let me talk to Kıvılcım Hanım,
it doesn't work like that. Now that's being disrespectful. [Nursema clears her throat] [tension music drops] What happened girl? What is that in his hand? my brothers. They're gone. [emotional music] Are they gone? What– Where did they go? How did they go? Dad, really, it says we're leaving. La towel. My ordeal is not over. It's not even normal for them to go,
hey God, give me patience. Abdullah Bey, please do something.
Where do they go, what do they do? The person who deceives everyone because we sold a boat
knows where to go. [doorbell rings] Vote. I came, I came, boom. Oh, who is this? -[joyful music]
-Good luck. Brother. -We left the house.
-What? huh huh.

OK, sister. OK, brother-in-law. Go ahead. Go, I'll get the luggage, go.
You go. [joyful music continues] Mustafa, sit down. Brother-in-law, we wanted to stay with you for a while,
but… Brother, what is the state of this house? What is this smell? What about Nilay, my brother-in-law, why did you
leave the house? So the situation of this house is clear. If this sofa bed does the job , you have a place over my head, stay. -Mustafa, what's going on?
-It itched.

Well, of course, look at the state of that house. Come on, we can't stay here.
Let's not be over then. No what else. -We'd better go to Fatih's hotel.
-Hey, let's go. Let's go, let's go. Go, go. Brother, don't worry, clean this house. -What is that?
-You're welcome, sister. Come on. [emotional music] Mommy, don't worry, I'll call him now. I'll get a hold of your arm, don't worry. Yes mom. So there is nothing to cry about. No, my daughter, my nerves are broken now. Why is everything coming together? I can't stand it anymore.
In the end, I will go, he will be. I wonder who to blame. [emotional music continues] Dear mom, don't be sad. Be good. Look, we
need you badly. Obviously, there is. -Repent astaghfurullah!
-Ok. Everyone's a little nervous. I'm getting ready and leaving.

To where? Where are you going
, leaving me like this? I was going to change Aunt Selma's gift
. You said. Haven't you done that yet? No, I didn't have the opportunity, I couldn't. I say get out, I'm already very bored at home.
Everyone is crying and shouting. [thriller music] -My dear mother.
-Oh my son, my son. [phone player] [emotional music] -Hello?
– Ms. Kıvılcım, have a nice day.

You too, Mr. Abdullah. How are you? thank you. I hope you are well too. Yes, we try to be good. Ms. Kıvılcım, the situations are known. It's the future of our children. I say that even though we meet with you as two parents, let's
talk about these issues. Sure, let's talk. If seven in the evening is suitable for you, shall
I pick you up with the driver? No, there is no need. I will come myself. Well, then I'll give you a
position in time.

-See you.
-See you. -Oh, sir!
-[joyful music] Oh, sir, who am I seeing?
Welcome. Thank you. How are you? I saw you, I got better.
Welcome. Hello. No, suitcases or something? Is it a holiday? -I had an argument with my father.
-Well, we left the house. Oh really? Gee.
When I hear such negative things, I go into a crisis or something. Gee. So what happened?
I could not understand. So you left the house, huh? We thought we'd stay here if you don't mind, but…

Huh, here– Of course, dear. God, is there such a thing? Anytime. Now let
me have a look at the empty rooms, Mustafa, okay? Don't ask,
a tourist group came last night. Full, all the rooms are full,
but do I leave you out? Does such a thing ever happen?
Sit down here, Mustafa. Tea, coffee, whatever you want, I'll
direct someone right away, okay? What a beautiful thing. [joyful music continues] [phone rings] -Dad?
-Hello, Nature, my daughter, I'm burned. Save me. What happened? Either our Fatih's mind
came first with his brother and his crazy wife.

They left the house, my daughter. What? Don't ask, don't ask.
They want to stay here, okay? What if I allow them now, my daughter, I will become a priest with Mr. Abdullah so that they stay here.
I can't afford it. Please come, do something, talk.
I don't know, let them go home. Is that such nonsense?
Where did this come from? Okay okay. I'll call Mustafa now,
don't worry. OK girl. Call now, what's up, okay?
Come on, my baby. Uff! Well done, you came. [Nursema sighs] Who told you I was engaged? Never mind, it doesn't matter. Mom, right? [emotional music] Nursema, don't be angry with the woman.
He just tried to protect you in his own way. Let him protect me from himself. -Look, he broke us up.
-No problem. The truth has come out. [emotional music continues] Are you upset? am i upset? I couldn't come to myself. So I think. I say how come. I'm so sorry Hope. Me too. So… [emotional music ends] …I should have asked you anyway.

I don't understand why he did such a thing when there was nothing. I think there is a lot going on, Nursema. [emotional music] I
don't want to spend a day without you from now on, Nursema. No matter what anyone says. [emotional music continues] Me– Me too. [emotional music continues] Here you go. Good evening.
I had an appointment with Mr. Abdullah. Continue on the left,
they will meet you there. -Thanks.
-[tension music] -Have nature and Fatih reconciled?
– Uh, I don't think so. Where did this go? [door opens] He's here. Now we find out where he went.
I hope he comes with good news.

We came. [emotional music] Mustafa and Nilay
will stay with us for a while. Welcome guys. Thank you. Hello.
I had an appointment with Mr. Abdullah. Yes, here you go. He is waiting in the VIP room. [emotional music] [emotional music rises] [emotional music continues] We were going to meet Mr. Abdullah. [emotional music] I was coming to you too bro.
Fatih said something. God forbid,
but everything comes together, Omer. I will meet with Ms. Kıvılcım a little later. -We'll talk about the kids.
-Really? I called, I said let's talk,
but he spoke very distantly to me. So I
can guess more or less what they will say. My feet are going backwards.
I would be glad if I didn't go even if it was an excuse. Well, I'll go and talk bro. Besides, I'd have softened it up a bit beforehand. -Then you can talk to him comfortably.
-Actually, it would be good, but now
he should not put his heart into it just because you left for me? No, no, I'll handle it. Dont worry.
I would say that I insisted.

Good, okay, go, but make sure to underline why I didn't come
, it's not a shame. I'll tell you. I know. [emotional music ends] I came to my brother's date because we have so much to talk about
. I don't think we have much to talk about
anymore. If I had thought so,
neither of us would be here right now. I do not have much time. I won't take up too much of your time, don't worry. Alright. [emotional music] [sighs] Spark, you know my truth… If you decide not to meet me again, my neck is thinner than hair. The truth? [emotional music continues] Spark… … Our marriage to Leman… …was not a real marriage. [emotional music continues] I don't get it. Leman… …my… The wife of my deceased twin, Bekir. [emotional music rises] [emotional music falls] When Bekir
died shortly after the wedding… …my father said that Leman and I should marry. [emotional music rises] How so? I already knew you would have trouble understanding this, but Leman was my aunt on the day I got married.

And it always remained so. [emotional thriller music] Kıvılcım, I will tell you this truth….. No one knows but Leman and me. Methane? [emotional thriller music continues] Metehan is not my son. [emotional thriller music continues] I'm his uncle. [emotional suspense music continues] [closing music].

white wedding

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