MY WEDDING DAY REGRETS | 5 years later

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hi guys today we are gonna be reminiscing going 
back five years almost and talking about my   wedding day biggest regrets and also some of 
the things that i'm super happy that we did   and i hope this video can be helpful because i 
know wedding season is coming up and planning a   wedding can be really stressful so before we get 
into today's video i want to say a huge thank you   to wayfair registry for sponsoring a portion of 
today's video it could not be more perfect wedding   season is upon us your wedding registry is a huge 
part of your wedding day it's how your guests know   exactly how to celebrate you and gift you on 
this huge day in your life and stepping into   a new season of life and i feel like wedding 
registries can feel a little bit overwhelming   sometimes because it's just like oh my gosh 
there's so many things what do i do i don't   know i felt very very overwhelmed when creating 
my wedding registry so wayfair registry makes it   so simple stress free easy fun all of the good 
things and they literally have everything that   i would personally want to register for they have 
vacuums like roomba and dyson and you guys know   i am obsessed with my dyson vacuum and i would 
definitely register for one of those if i were you   they also have so many kitchen gadgets which 
is like the number one thing that i really   registered for because i really wanted to build 
up like my home kitchen collections so they   have amazing brands like kitchenaid they also 
have coffee machines and espresso makers from   like nespresso so they have all the good stuff 
and another thing that's really cool that they   offer is like gift cards from airbnb and delta for 
travel and they just have so so many good options   all in one place they really simplify it for 
you and you guys can actually visit   gift registry and that will actually get you 
an extra 50 credit once your guests buy you   something from your registry and that's on top 
of the extra 20 that wayfarer gives you off of   the remaining items on your registry so again if 
you want to use my code it is kristin and that's   going to get you an extra 50 credit so make sure 
to check it out i'll have all the info down below   thank you again to wayfair registry for 
sponsoring this portion of today's video   now let's get into all of my wedding day 
regrets it's so crazy that our five year   wedding anniversary is coming up it feels like 
time has gone by so fast i don't even understand   how it has been five years and we have a baby 
james is downstairs and you can probably hear   him squealing because he's playing with my 
mom but it's just so crazy how fast time flies   and on february 18th that's february 18th on 
the worst ever february 18th will be our five   year wedding anniversary and it's also so crazy 
that so many of you guys have been following us   since our wedding before our wedding it's all just 
so crazy like you guys have really seen me grow   up and it's just it's really special so anyways 
i loved my wedding day we got to share a lot of   details about our wedding day with you guys we got 
to share our wedding video which i love so much   and i'll link that down below if you guys kind of 
want to see what our wedding day was like um but   i definitely have some huge wedding day regrets 
that i've never ever talked about before so i'm   really excited to tell you guys and hopefully if 
you're planning a wedding or if you hope to get   married one day this can provide you some tips and 
things to maybe avoid that i feel like i messed up   on okay so my number one regret that came to my 
mind when i was planning this video was hiring   a wedding planner and i need to clarify because i 
don't think this would be a regret for all people   but for me this is a regret because i was so 
hands-on in the planning process of my wedding   that i feel like i didn't really need a wedding 
planner i more so needed a day of coordinator so   those are two different things and so i feel like 
a wedding planner you guys can correct me if i'm   wrong because i only had my one experience but a 
wedding planner kind of helped you from start to   finish and that's another way that i kind of went 
wrong because i hired her only a few months before   my wedding and i had already done so much 
planning i had already found the venue i had   already found our caterer i had already found so 
many of those like huge parts of the wedding and   a wedding planner is not cheap and i'm not saying 
they should be cheap because wedding planners do   so much work but i think since i got my wedding 
planner so late i think that's what my regret is   so i do feel like it was a little bit of a waste 
of money and um when you're planning a wedding   you know you are usually sticking to a wedding 
budget and every single dollar that is spent out   of that wedding but budget is super precious 
to you because you want to make sure you're   spending money in all the right ways and getting 
the most out of the money that you're spending so   um i definitely do regret hiring a 
wedding planner um but i wouldn't say that   nobody should ever hire wedding planners but i 
think if you're someone that's already super like   type a and um good at like making the decisions 
and know the exact vision that you already want   maybe go with hiring a day of coordinator because 
that is something i'm really happy that i did   um the day of coordinator just kind of helps the 
ceremony and the flow of the day go smoothly and   that is something that i was really thankful that 
i had so that was my number one regret is hiring   and spending a lot a lot of money on a wedding 
planner also can i just say like so many things   have slipped through the cracks when it came to 
my wedding that i wasn't really even aware of till   after the day was done which thankfully the people 
that were helping me with my wedding like my   bridesmaids and stuff i'm so glad they didn't 
tell me all the things that were going wrong   the day of because i would have been so stressed 
out but guys like i literally did not have   cutlery so like all the dinner tables were set and 
there was no cutlery so marx's cousin actually ran   the store and bought like a ton of cutlery for the 
dinner which was like that could have been like   detrimental how would people have eaten their 
dinner so i found that out the day after my   wedding and i was just like oh my gosh i 
also found out that my seating chart was   completely messed up so i had the vision of doing 
one of those like chalkboards with like the hand   calligraphy um table numbers with all the guests 
in which tables they were gonna sit at and i did   it all myself so like it took me so so long i 
found out the day of a ton of guests names were   missing from the table chart a ton of guests 
uh were like duplicated in the seating chart   so some people weren't even there some people 
were in the seating chart like three times and   i really just messed up the seating chart and it 
was like i remember doing the seating chart and   i was like so so overwhelmed so maybe i would 
have um done that on the computer like i should   have planned out my seating chart better but i 
kind of just like wrote it down really quick and   uh it all got messed up those are just some of the 
things that went majorly wrong on my wedding day   that i didn't even have any idea about people were 
dealing with that stuff while me and marcus was   like taking our pictures after the ceremony but 
wow that's that's like like pretty bad on my part   my second major regret was not doing a final 
hair trial with the lady that did my hair   so i decided i was gonna do my wedding day makeup 
which i'm so happy i ended up doing that because   i would say if you're confident at doing your 
own makeup and you know exactly how you like it   i would say do your own makeup but i don't 
know with my hair i didn't feel as confident   doing it myself so i hired somebody to do 
it and she did come over for a hair trial   but at that point i thought that i wanted to do an 
updo so i will insert a picture here of what the   updo looked like it was super beautiful but i was 
thinking about it and i was like i don't know so   i decided i was just gonna wear my hair down and 
long curls very simple like the hair i kind of do   every single day of my life and i think she just 
put too much hair product in it and basically once   i got to my venue after getting my hair done my 
hair was like basically straight and it looked   so bad and so i like quickly had to like use one 
of my friends uh hair curling irons i had to like   re-curl my entire hair and i kind of ended up 
doing my hair in like five minutes myself and i   you know i don't think my hair looked horrible on 
my wedding day but i think it could have looked a   lot better and um you know i just wish it had 
some more volume and some more like you know you know what i'm saying so that was another 
big regret because i should have just had her   come over for another hair trial but since 
i just thought the hairstyle was so simple   that i didn't need to do that but yeah that 
was definitely really stressful to be doing   my own hair like five minutes before my wedding 
ceremony okay my next regret has to do with my   photos and video situation um one of our 
biggest expenses of our wedding was our   wedding video in our photos which i'm really 
really happy i'm so happy with the photographer   and videographer that we went with and i think 
i'm so happy that we spent a large portion   of our budget on that because we have so many 
photos and like our wedding video is so special   um but the thing that i regret about my photos is 
not prioritizing pictures with my family more i   think um the wedding photographer really focused 
in on like photos with me and my bridesmaid and   of course photos with me and marcus which i'm 
so glad i have all those photos but i do look   back at my photos and i wish i had more pictures 
with my mom and dad more pictures with my sister   and marx and i's grandparents so if i could 
go back i would you know verbalize that want   to my wedding photographer not her fault 
or anything like that because i didn't even   i didn't even specify like those types of pictures 
that i wanted but um i would go back and just make   sure i had those photos i was trying to think back 
if there was any regrets that i had during the   ceremony or anything like that but i'm so happy 
with the ceremony and like me and marcus wrote   our own vows which i'm really really glad that 
we did even though it felt like a little bit more   pressure and i feel like i sometimes just wanted 
to like just read vowels that were already written   even though that's there's nothing wrong with 
that i am really glad that we wrote our own vows   and um that's that was a really special part of 
our wedding i think this regret that i'm gonna   say i think probably a lot of brides can relate 
to but after your ceremony after you take all   your pictures and you come in for the reception 
it can feel like a little bit overwhelming because   if you think about it pretty much every single 
person friend and family member that you love is   in one place so obviously you want to talk and 
see every single person and i feel like a lot   of my time after the ceremony was like taking 
pictures with um like friends and family after   the ceremony and i feel like it can just 
be a little bit overwhelming to just like   see one person for one minute take a photo go to 
the next person take a picture and i don't know   i kind of regret not setting the boundary of just 
being like okay i want to enjoy and talk to people   and eat dinner and have a piece of cake like i 
feel like i didn't really do any of that because i   was really just like taking pictures with friends 
and family i kind of wish that i like would have   enjoyed and like sat down and like soaked in the 
moment a little bit more because even when it came   to like eating the cake like we cut the cake and 
i remember i didn't even taste the cake i'm like i   really wish i would have actually eaten a piece of 
my wedding cake so i was just like so all over the   place and like saying hello to everybody and i'm 
sure a ton of you guys can relate to that as well   and then the last thing that i would say that i 
regret about my wedding day is not having some   type of like touch-up bag with me um like maybe 
a hairbrush or um some powder and some lipstick   because i feel like i should have just given like 
a little bag to one of my bridesmaids and then i   could like have touched up in the bathroom but we 
were dancing so much at our wedding and like i was   dripping in sweat my hair was just like a rat's 
nest after i had been dancing all night and i wish   that i would have had like a clip or something to 
clip up my hair and then just like powder my face   and like look a little bit presentable because i 
look like a crazy person by the end of the night   and i feel like if i just would have had a little 
touch-up bag to run to the bathroom really quick   it could have solved a lot of my issues that i was 
having by the end of the night i mean that's not a   huge deal but if you are um planning a wedding 
i would definitely say to have like a little   touch-up bag with you or one of your bridesmaids 
so i think those are all of the wedding regrets   that i could think of but i'm sure you guys 
have some really funny ones as well so leave   any wedding regrets in the comments of this video 
help some future brides out give some tips because   i'm sure i forgot some things but overall i just 
want to remind you if you are planning a wedding   your marriage and your wedding is not about all 
the little things try not to get too stressed   out because it can feel stressful you're planning 
like the hugest party of your whole life but try   to just let things roll off your shoulder try not 
to get too stressed out because it's really just   about this special union and you are marrying the 
partner that you are going to be with for the rest   of your life so it's just like just try to soak it 
in try to enjoy it try not to stress out too much   and let the little things that go wrong just roll 
off your back because there will be things that   go wrong it's inevitable so um i hope you guys 
enjoyed this video and again leave any comments   below of wedding things that you might regret 
or things that you are so happy that you did   um for your wedding but i love you guys i hope 
that you enjoyed this video if you did please   give it a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe 
to my channel and i will see you very soon bye

white wedding

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