So we do not have our original wedding rings. This is from DianeDiez8 on Instagram and other people. Your wedding rings are beautiful! Is there a story behind them? Only because they are untraditional, but you used to have traditional ones too. I remember that. Wow. Thanks guys. Well, mine were a twin set from Tiffany. I never asked John anything about marriage. I figured we'd been together for so long we weren't going to get married. We were together for years. We'd already bought our apartment. He threw the Tiffany diamond ring at my head. It's a long story, but it was very funny. Not in a mean way, just like sort of chucked it across the room. He won't repeat the speech he gave. Anyway. I don't remember the speech I gave! They were platinum. It was a platinum set. The engagement ring and the wedding ring. Unfortunately, I cook so much and platinum is such a fine metal that it burned my hand and my hand was so scarred we couldn't hide it with makeup or powder.
It just kept cooking my hand. So I had to get cheaper metal and less, I don't know how else to say it, I had to get a soft gold ring. And I like black much more than I like white, and we're very dark people. (laughing) So we changed our rings, and no in a good way though. Yeah. Like we like nighttime, we like rock music. I don't mean dark like we're evil or something. We went with the black diamond. But we ended up with black diamond rings.
John had this one made for me. I had that one made for him. And this one, mine she had… And his diamonds are inverted Inverted black diamonds. So they're spiky. So they're upside down. So it was cool on stage, but no, we do not. You're very astute. And she's been watching a long time. She has! Yes, we do not have our original wedding rings. And my original wedding set, You got it. I got it stolen, my wallet. Stolen at one of my gigs. Yes, my wallet was stolen and it was in because it was burning my hand, but I kept the ring set with me all the time, cause I'm superstitious. And if I died in a plane crash I wanted my rings with me. Isn't that crazy? So I had them in the change purse, even after I got the new ring and then my wallet got stolen. So that person had a big cash day. And then the following Valentine's day, even though John knows I will never wear them ever in my life, he re-gifted me the engagement ring, which is now gone because it was in our house that burned down.
Yeah I'm like 0 for three with engagement rings everybody. (laughing) Good for me!.