hey guys it's TBGP and today we're back
with the sims 3 generation season 3 last time actually there's no last time this is a
freaking speed build anyway thank you guys for all the likes subscribing the views the comments and
all that good stuff thank you for all of it and thank you that was very speedy okay so today
we are building a build for my generation save obviously it's gonna have in the title
generation somewhere and we're building a wedding venue a new wedding venue you
remember the last one say i do wedding venue the one we use for audrey hunter and noah
so probably the next three generations are going to be married in this freaking
marriage place the next heiress and then her kids and the kids after are going to be
married there so you know we have to have it it's called like together forever wedding
venue or something cheesy like that because you know cheese you know what's real funny
this is not in the sense of mocking the sims 4 wedding stories though i could literally care
less about that game and i don't care about this before very much so you don't freaking
change nothing for me it's just the fact then i needed a wedding thing ironically around
the same time that people are still complaining about that game pack it's kind of funny though
it's kind of real funny though but anyway that's not my point my point is yeah it's also country
based it's like outdoor indoor kind of thing it's not the most decorated because sims get stuck
every time i over decorate like a community lot sims will indeed get stuck they will get
absolutely stuck and it's just it makes it ruins the wedding okay it absolutely ruins the wedding
but for now at least we got this it looking pretty nice to be pretty you know snazzy but hopefully we
have a good wedding for once that is pretty normal just thinking about it's going to give me pain
also to mention i'm not going back to sunset valley for very good reason because like my game
crashed the moment i tried to go to sunset valley didn't work can't take 16 sims to sunset valley so
my plan is to go to sansa valley as a singular sim retrieve some of the aged up people like the
teenagers and stuff because they can actually come we're like befriend them and then bring them on
over to their wedding by inviting guests to come like of course my man oliver oliver gots to come
oliver his wife and their kids they're probably a little bit older now which is gonna be so
freaking funny but uh yeah so thank you guys so much for watching i hope you enjoy the rest
of this video i will see you lot next time and hey so videos hey baby hold me close till i get up time is on
our side i don't want to waste what's left the storms we chase are leading us
and love is all we'll ever trust to my shadow through the sunrays to the highways along the way melodies we haven't played to the highways and we'll grow we'll go through the highways all i need is ten more minutes ten more should i leave for the night
it's unclear at the moment so let me know if you give up hope do i leave you
alone so let me know if you give up hope by now so let me know if you give up hope do
i leave you alone i'll leave you alone so let me know if you came more
home two more minutes with you 10 more minutes what the [ __ ] am i fighting
for what all those rumors too oh are you trying to get a rise out of me arise
out of me oh i don't wanna make it all about me don't again know the things you said so foreign me know if you give up hope do
i leave you alone or i'll leave you alone so let me know if you give up
all by now so let me know if you ten more minutes minutes only ten more minutes um so so so my so hahaha my it's not a game laughs you
Together Forever Wedding Venue || The Sims 3: Generations (S3) || Speed Build