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tell them what we're doing today we're going 
to toronto to try out an engagement rings now it's your turn you did the course again that's 
okay um hi welcome back to oh i look like an emo   child you throw me under the bus no you are the 
bus hello everyone welcome back to our channel   hi we are heading to toronto we have been invited 
to an influencer event here we are we got to be   playing our best life we are we got invited to a 
cricket event so we're heading down to toronto but   paige secretly booked a ring appointment to go 
and look at some engagement rings so we're gonna   go there today too we're very excited we've got 
to get ready i just wish i could just push myself   into you and be in your skin well we could 
sort that out sorry no let's try that again   shall we we're headed to toronto we knew we were 
going for this qriket event but i thought that i   would plan something where we could go to try on 
rings together this doesn't mean we're getting   engaged okay this just means we're looking at 
rings and then who knows what's to come in the   future but yeah i'm excited i feel like a school 
girl like today doesn't even feel real it's like   a fairy tale or a story or something well holly 
this could be a sexy story babe we do not have   time for a dipsy story right now well can i at 
least tell them what it's about fine dipsy is an   app for short audio stories designed to turn 
you on and every story is created with women   in mind it is super diverse and inclusive we were 
literally spoiled for choice at the amount of   queer representation in their stories each audio 
story features characters that feel like real   people and immersive scenarios so you feel like 
you're right there listen to stories about hooking   up with your hometown crush you never made a move 
on or that co-worker you always had a little thing   for or maybe a story that puts you in bed with 
someone who's telling you exactly what they'd like   to do to you and if you need to wind down dipsy 
also has wellness sessions sensual bedtime stories   and soundscapes to help you relax before you drift 
off we could not recommend dipsy enough we love   it so if you guys are interested you can click 
the link in our description or you can go to   dipsystories.com forward slash page and holly to 
get an extended 30-day free trial thank you dipsy   all right so maggie is about to pick us up shortly 
we're just going to finish getting ready and then   she's going to drive us down to toronto because 
i am scared yes of driving in downtown toronto   that is like my living nightmare meg is going to 
come with us and we're going to stay in an airbnb   tonight we're really really excited because 
it looks really nice it looks like it's got   a pretty nice view we figured we might as 
well like make a day of it like if we're   anyway and it'll be fun with maggie we'll have 
some drinks get some food it'd be really really   nice yeah it'll be great do you think the rings 
that you've chosen on things like instagram do you   think you'll like the same things today i feel 
like i definitely know the vibe of what i like   and general colors and shapes but i don't know 
it might be completely different i really don't   know i don't care i marry with a paper ring i'm 
ready with no ring just kidding cheaper that way   yeah they got it good they got it real good   four rings out of us wow might as well get our 
toe rings or something too just get all 12.

Oh   wait what should we get ready yeah i'm going 
to figure out the math for that all right bye guys we just got out from 
the room store and we both   got to try on our engagement rings and 
the wedding bands and we both found   our rings the one so we're really really excited 
right now so happy i don't even know what to say so we're not engaged yet just so we're clear 
but we have the materials required we still have   to order them into size and all that stuff 
so i don't really know how long that will   take but i'm just happy i know what you want 
and i hope you'll be surprised whatever that   occurs so we're going to grab some lunch now 
yeah over there jackasses we love jack's it's a   classic they got the fish bowls there for you guys 
that don't know it's fish bowl it's like a big   cocktail basically in a bowl that's like a fish 
it's pretty self-explanatory called the aquamarine oh my god it smells incredible hi everybody we're here at the qriket thing 
20 minutes late we only just found parking   and uh paige is low so right on we're gonna 
tell them that we're late because we couldn't   find parking and paige's diabetic they go hand 
in hand also we haven't introduced maggie yet hi   you guys probably know we're actually from 
made by maggie she's the one that makes us   all the delicious treats maggie is the one 
to credit for all of our beautiful instagram   pictures lately she has definitely helped us 
step up our instagram games yeah she keeps us   organized and she does that for life she does 
we love maggie ea for maggie i'm a little low   and i'm just feeling fine i'm a little low 
and a little drunk and we never mentioned   so my god the color look at that 
that's cute okay guys so this is our   airbnb magic just in the bathroom 
she'll come out in a second flopping in so um right on this is our little house for the 
night we just had a drink or two maybe three   and now we're gonna head out to get some 
dinner and a couple of drinks at dinner   as well and then we're gonna head back and drink 
here lots of drinking how cute is this this is it   this is the spot this is what sold me on this 
airbnb and one of my favorite parts there she is you're so pretty you're so pretty we have been so goddamn much since the ring 
appointment cricket was so fun by the way we   never told you about qriket yeah we're gonna get 
one we really want one actually it was really yeah   it was a lot of fun you can literally do anything 
with it like anything you can think of you can do   even wood and glass we learned a lot today we 
learned so many words today we learned a lot of   words and also we drank a lot of wine and other 
cocktails out of our new mugs so but yeah we're   just gonna head to dinner now we'll take you with 
us we're gonna go to a mexican place which we're   really excited for i don't think we've been to a 
mexican place like pretty much ever like not like   this this will be amazing like there's so many 
different tacos and i'm so excited to try them i'm gonna marry you soon not if i don't pay you 
first so i guess next steps with the ring will be   ordering it getting it in dishing them out 
so paige will have fishing them paige will   have mine i will have hers and it's 
just a matter of time to ask so we're   not officially engaged yet we've just picked 
out the ones that we want when the time comes let's eat   cheers ladies cheers look at 
that view am i pointing at it   yeah oh left left up and left up and left left 
yeah great um so this whole night has been just   wonderful we've had so much fun we just pulled 
the table together we've got some drinks and   snacks we're on this gorgeous balcony i don't 
know what we're gonna do we don't have any   games we have any cards usually i don't travel 
anywhere without cards anyway we got snacks now   here comes moogie hi maggie maggie who we call 
papa thank you papa thank you papa mama nope   no it's papa you guys may be wondering why papa 
okay have you ever said the story of papa ever   holly and i were at a store and i wanted a jean 
jacket that was really high up in the store   like on the top shelf the top shelf yeah holly was 
able to grab down this jean jacket for me and as   she pulls it down i'm like thank you bubba like 
i say it really quietly um so no one else hears   holly looks at me what did you say she's like 
papa she thought i said thank you papa so after   that we laughed for like five minutes straight and 
then from there on we've called each other papa   but we told maggie the story and now maggie's 
our papa yeah thank you papa thank you papa   hi guys it is almost 2 a.m both paige and i 
feel so tired we feel sick there used to be   a time where we would like close down the 
bar and be like oh what do you mean they're   closing already and now it's like what is my 
own name somebody get me a bed and a pillow   i feel like we used to start partying at this 
hour back in the day like what happened to that   i missed my purple pillow and my helix not 
a spawn but we wish it was a true the last   time we spoke to you was a couple of hours 
ago now basically we drank on the balcony   and just talked about life and old memories 
with maggie it was a really amazing day just   talked about stuff like sometimes we feel 
like alone and like the cove and struggle and   talking to maggie and hearing about her kind of 
stuff too like makes us feel just like part of   the bigger picture and not like so isolated in 
like our own [ __ ] we just talked about like   weddings with engagement and bridal parties and 
stuff yeah that was really fun the ring for me   was definitely the highlight of the day yeah that 
and the mexican food tough oh my god yeah you know   what they say the diamonds are typically the same 
street corn is a girl's best friend anyway we're   going on too long the rings were insane i'm 
so happy that we both picked we're ready now   when we're ready to propose i mean i was ready 
with the day i met you let's be real but now i'm   physically ready i called my parents to tell them 
about the rings and my dad misheard my mom forgot   to tell him that we were trying on rings and he 
thought we were actually engaged and the way he   reacted he was so sweet he was like oh my god i 
thought you were gonna announce it at the cottage   when we were all there but we're so happy for you 
we wouldn't be happier for you this is amazing   news i'm like dad like we're not engaged because 
what do you mean when's that when's the date thank you yeah ever also if i got engaged i would 
be calling you from struck tube future spawn maybe   i love you i've had an amazing day with you and 
it couldn't be better and it's just so nice to get   like out of the house out of even just the area 
just to try something new and out of our comfort   zone a little bit it's nice getting back to things 
okay i'm ready for bed now we're gonna go to bed   because we are exhausted and it is way past our 
bedtime we wanted to say we love you um thank you   for joining us we hope you guys like this video 
and i'll see you guys next week okay bye guys

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