Wedding Speech Writing Hack: Save HOURS with This Easy Trick

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so you just found out you're giving a wedding speech maybe the couple just asked you or maybe they just got engaged and you know that ask is coming there's one thing you can do right now that's going to make your speech so much better and it is so easy to do start brainstorming thinking about all the content of your speech and there's no pressure right now to even think about a structure for your speech right now you just want to start collecting stories materials thoughts feelings so that later on when you sit down to write your speech you're not sitting down in front of a blank page if you sit down and you go oh let me pull out my notes and over the past few weeks or the past few months or even over the past year every time you think of something you've been putting it in a note on your phone same note just a list boom you've got all this raw material to work with then it becomes a process of choosing the best stuff and that's why you want to start your brainstorming process right now something that makes a speech really great firsts think about firsts so if you're the Father of the Bride what do you remember from the first time you held your daughter in your arms from the drive home from the hospital I had a Father of the Bride who told me that he got pulled over driving his wife and his baby daughter from the hospital because he was driving too slowly he was just driving as carefully as he could and that was about 20 miles an hour on on the freeway if you're the best man or the maid of honor think about the first time the bride or the groom came into your life think about what that moment was if you're the groom and you're speaking at the wedding or the bride and the groom think about the moment when you knew this person was special and the reason you're doing all this brainstorming now early is because sometimes that doesn't just pop into your head sometimes you have to think about it a little bit and then you'll be in the shower like a week from now you're gonna remember it and that's why you just kind of get the process started there's nothing more fun when you're watching a wedding speech then hearing about how the person you know as an adult was the same person just in a smaller package 20 years ago so if you can tell stories that show us this through line from the kid to the adult Ah that's you know that's we chef's kiss for more ways to make your wedding speech amazing watch this video

white wedding

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