Well…our wedding venue cancelled :( 1 month to go…

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(gentle music) – Hi, everyone. I've had a busy day. But I just wanted to come on
here and say that I've had some really rubbish news to
do with our wedding. So Will and I got
engaged in November 2018, and shortly after that, we
decided on a wedding date, which was meant to be September 2020. And we booked in a marquee
for my parents' garden, which is where we're having the wedding, in my parents' garden. And so that's been booked
for over two years, and we've been chasing the marquee person, and they've not been
getting in contact with us. And we finally did manage
to get in contact with them. And they're not sure if
they can do it anymore.

I'm not going to give the exact
date because I've also had a couple of worrying emails from, I assume well-meaning people
who would like to come and see the wedding, which please don't, but roughly a month away. And basically, our wedding
venue's pulled out. So, not really sure what to do. I'm going to call the wedding caterers and see if they know anyone. But like when my parents
rang me up and told me, I just laughed, I was
just like, of course, of course the marquee company
isn't going to be there. Of course. I'm just really bummed about it. I never thought wedding
planning was stressful. In fact, when I planned this
wedding, the first time around, this is our third time now, but first time around,
I thought, you know, this is so easy compared
to what I have to manage in my normal daily life.

But oh my god, planning
a wedding during COVID, that's been crap, right? Crap. Anyway, I'm trying to
not let it get me down. There is always a solution. Even if we have to buy 20
gazebos and stick them together, we will be okay. And we will have our wedding on that day. I had a really exciting
morning this morning. I went to get my wedding dress altered. So I put it on again.

That woman, she made me
feel really beautiful. She really, really did. And last week I went with my mom to have our hair and makeup trial. And again, those wonderful women, I'll share all of their
details after the wedding, because I would love for other brides to have the same experience. They made me feel so good. I went in and I was so nervous and they made me feel so good. They are genuine artists. The stuff that woman did
to my hair was insane. And the makeup artist, you know, I was really nervous 'cause
I normally do my own makeup, but she just blew me away, I'm so excited.

So, you know, I started this
off on a really negative note. Yeah, it's rubbish to have your marquee pull out roughly a month
before your wedding. But it's, oh, I'm feeling really good now. I'm feeling really good, I think just telling you about
it has made me feel better. So yeah. We're going to sort it. We're going to sort it, and I'll keep you
updated as we go through. This is like self-therapy, isn't it? I was so sad at the beginning. I said how I felt to all of you, and now I'm like, yeah, we can do this. Right. Well, I'm glad I got that off my chest. And now, I've got this
exciting box to go through and you can come and look
through it with me if you want. This company is called Garden Trading and it's reasonably priced, but have a look at their website because they've just got
the loveliest home-ware, especially their pots. And I'd like to grow some more succulents. What are you doing, are you smiling? Are you smiling for the camera? Smile.

Oh, beautiful. Beautiful. So gentle and welcoming. Okay. Where to begin? I've been so excited about
opening this package. Oh, we have to go through the
security process with Diego. He has to approve everything we open. Approved? Yeah. Okay. Oh, wow. It's a candle, but it just
looks so rustic and nice. Okay. Wait 'til you see this. This is the cutest pot on earth. Look at its little legs. And my mum has these,
and she bought me one, and I just fell in love with it. They do them, they do them in this green, a turquoise colour, and
a stone colour as well. And I've gone a little bit crazy. I want these everywhere. So here's the other
turquoise colour as well. That's like more crackled.

Gorgeous. Do you approve? Good, he approves, he approves. Hmm. Do you think I've ordered too many? Okay. If truth be told, two
of these are for my mum, and then I am keeping the rest. My mum basically has this
gorgeous display of different succulents and orchids and
things in a bay window. And I thought maybe I could do the same. I'm very inspired by her. I hope she doesn't mind. I end up buying a lot
of the things she buys. And then I bought this, a pencil pot, which I thought was really nice.

I've got, I can keep my black pens there, a little tray to put any
documents on my desk. And I mean, a pencil holder,
to put my pencils in it. I don't have to explain that to you. I actually bought some
succulents the other day. Do you want to see what they look like? Give me a second. Look how adorable. Oh. No, no. Be careful, Diego. Ah, ah, ah. These look like little
cat paws, don't they? What do you think? Gotta be gentle. They got like a little cat
paw, or like bear claws, don't they? These, does anyone else when
they see a really squishy succulent, want to snap
it, and see what's inside. I never will, I promise. And then I just think that one's awesome. So cool. So yeah, I'd like to build up a bit of a houseplant situation in our house, and see, see if I can keep them alive. But I do really just think these look so lovely together and I'm really, really happy with them.

And these were only about
two pounds, 55 each. I got a code, an extra code if I ordered over a certain amount, which clearly I did. Yeah. Really happy. I love you. Ah. He's so funny. Okay. I have a marquee update. It is the next day. Oh, it's a low plane. I'm really excited today
because we have got a family day in a really lovely stately home. So my mum's group of friends, all of their families get together. We have a picnic, we do it every year.

And normally Will can't make it because he's a farmer and it's harvest. But the weather's bad today,
which obviously for a picnic isn't great. But it means Will can come, yay. It means so much to me because I've been to this family day
every summer, since I was three, four, maybe before, I don't know how long
they've been doing it for. And I always dreamed of having
my own family there one day, and I get to do that. Let's talk about the marquee now. So I called up the caterers
and they have been so lovely and they have given us all
of their recommendations for good marquee companies that they know.

And there is one person who
is an hour and a half away who has told us that they
can potentially do it. So they're going to come
over and look at the garden and see if they've got
the right equipment. I'm so glad I didn't get really, really stressed out about that because there is always a solution. The solution isn't finalised yet. And it will probably be way
more expensive or something. But at least we are starting
to have a venue in place again. Oh, also, you've seen this
dress a million times. I love wearing it. But, look at my earrings. I love these earrings. I originally bought them
to wear at the wedding, but I decided they're too pointy for the dress that I'm wearing, my wedding dress.

But they are by George Jensen. I don't normally wear a lot of jewellery, but I just fell in love
with the design of these. And I think they frame
the face very nicely. So yes, I'm feeling a bit snazzy. Also, something's missing. Can you tell what it is? Well, this is the ring my dad made me, but my engagement ring is missing, and that's because it's been
sent back to Liv Luttrell, the lady that designed my engagement ring. Well, we designed it together. She made it happen and
she is at the moment working on my wedding ring. Ah. I'm excited.

It's not your usual wedding
ring, but then again, I don't have your usual
engagement ring either. There are a lot of planes. Maybe it's an air show, they look vintage. Look at these beautiful gardens. We're at a stately home called Rest Park in Bedfordshire, and it's just stunning. Oh my word. Look at them. Gorgeous. You can have weddings here. Maybe if we don't get a marquee, Will, we'll just do it here. Look at those. Oh, they're some sort of artichoke.

Beautiful. This is the house here. Absolutely beautiful. This is my favourite part. This wall. Look at those flowers. Oh my god. You just have to come here. It's so beautiful. Oh, you're looking fancy with your picnic. Wow. This is giving me serious
inspiration for our garden. I'm not quite sure if
I'd be able to make it as nice as this. Look at these, the blue hue of those. I need to get my plant
identification app out. Oh, Will, look at those purple ones, what are they? It's so weird. Isn't it? We normally come in July,
and it's normally packed, but the gardens seem better than ever. – There's absolutely nobody here. – There's no one here. And it's the summer holiday. So, strange, wonderful. Maybe it's because, maybe it's because it
was meant to rain today. We thought it was gonna rain. – Yeah, 50% all day. – [Woman] Look at that building. Stunning. What do you think of it, Will? – [Will] I think it's fantastic. – What did you say, Will, one day? – One day. One day we'll make a model one. – I think we have to be quite realistic.

Yeah, a model sounds good. So here is the orangery
of my dreams up here. We can't go inside today
'cause there's a wedding. I can't think of a more
beautiful location for a wedding, although it must be quite hot. My orange trees would
be so happy in there. Here it is. Can you imagine how amazing,
what a luxury it would have been back in the day to have tropical oranges grown in England? Just stunning. Beautiful. Can you, I just find it hilarious that I'm wearing tights and
I've got my waterproof coat and it is really sunny now. Oh, Will, what do you think of it? – [Will] It's probably like 20 degrees. – Yeah, it must be at least 20. Can you think of a more beautiful place for a family picnic though? We've done this every year for so long.

And it's gorgeous. So, you know I said it was lovely weather. Well, it drastically changed. And we were just rushed under cover, but everyone has the same idea, so there's quite a few of us. Just in that area thing. This is why we can't
plan anything in the UK, you just cannot depend on the weather. Look at him. What is he, George? – [George] A red admiral. – [Woman] I love him, so beautiful. Oh my god. My dad takes picnics so seriously. He's bought a little trolley. Daddy. That is hilarious.

– No one's laughing now, are they? – No. So it's a lovely morning. It's about half past seven. And the first thing I'm going
to do is go and water my trees because I could see, I could definitely see the
fig getting a bit me-rao. Yeah, exactly. I couldn't have said it better myself. Oh yes, look at it. It's not happy. It's looking sad. Not for long. I find this really, really relaxing in the mornings, so I can go about my day knowing that everyone's happy. Oh, it's so beautiful in the morning. This is the field where we got engaged, my personal favourite. What do you think of this nail colour? I'm thinking of wearing it for the wedding because I think it's quite natural. I don't want a French. I tried a French the other day
and it looked way too fake. William hated it. As did I. Ugh, look at that. That is my job for the morning. We've got a hell of a lot of folding to do and a lot of washing.

Does anyone else find it
really, really satisfying? The only thing I cannot stand is ironing. I dream of one day getting to the stage where someone will come in
and do my ironing for me. The saddest little omelette
that I've ever seen. I fancied mushrooms, but that's just depressing looking. Okay. I have to show you something. This isn't sponsored. It's all purchased with my own money, but I am so excited about this delivery I've just had. I don't know if you've
heard of Beauty Pie before, I'm a new member, but it is run by one of the women that actually inspires me most. I think she's one of the most
insanely talented business women in the world. She's called Marcia Kilgore. And she started brands such
as Fit Flop, Bliss Spa, Soap and Glory, Soap-er-Duper,
and also Beauty Pie. If you ever want to hear
her story, it's amazing.

Just search for her on a podcast. I'll put that in the description box, but I find her just amazing
to listen to as well. But she started this brand
where you pay a monthly or yearly membership, and
then you get factory price, high quality products. So you have a limit on
how much you can spend. And these products in here
were worth 200 pounds. But I think I spent around
40 pounds or something. Plus my membership, which
is under 10 pounds a month. I think it was a hundred
pounds for the whole year. So I ordered three things. Ooh, I've been waiting
for this package all day. Hee, hee. This took up the majority of my quota. It is a neck, well face and
neck, serum, but my holy grail neck cream, because I
get a really sore neck.

Hello? Oh, God. He loves boxes. This is going to be a nightmare. Yes, it's a lovely box, isn't it? Very nice. Leave me alone for a minute. No, it's fine. I like you a lot. Yeah. It's all about him now, isn't it? But I get a really sore neck. So I wanted something that
would be firming for it. So I ordered this serum. Well, you kind of ruined
it a little bit, Alfonso. Do you think maybe, oh
now, you're having a bath.

Okay. This haul is not going well. Let me just sneak in here. Okay? Am I allowed that? This is the next thing, they are caps, you're not quite fitting, are you? Ceramide capsules. So you've got 60 there
and you break each one and apply it to your face. And this is because it's got
really active ingredients and you want to keep them stable so you don't want them to oxidise. So I'm very excited to try
these and excuse me, Alfonso. Can I just, no. Am I not allowed? Okay. It was permitted. And then I've got these, which I'm most excited about, which are vitamin C capsules, because my vitamin C keeps going off. It starts off clear and then it oxidises. And then I don't even know if
it's still providing my face with the same benefits so, because they're in individual capsules, I always know that it's
as stable as it can be.

Oh look, they're the sweetest
little individual doses, kind of a bit gelatinous. They remind me, oops. They remind me of bath pearls I used to have when I was a child. What happened to bath pearls? They need to be brought back. So before I talk about skincare stuff, I'm not a dermatologist, and you should refer to a dermatologist before you do anything
with your skin really that involves potent
ingredients or prescription ingredients like tretinoin, the one I use, one that I really recommend
is Dr. Shereen Idris. Oh my god. Her advice is amazing. I'm going to use this in
conjunction with my retinol because retinol can dry
out your skin a bit.

And this locks in moisture. And then in the day, I will
use the vitamin C capsules, which are really anti-aging. I just want to look as
good as I can for my age as I age going forward. I think ageing is a privilege, but I want to do it in
the best way possible. And I am fascinated with the science behind these ingredients. And I also don't want to pay too much. So I love the idea of spending
100 pounds once a year, and then having access to all of these factory price ingredients. I don't know if I have a
referral link or something, though if I can, then I will. If not, I will just link it directly. Oh, we've just been joined. He wants to know if they're treats. They are absolutely, oh, Diego.

Always. Here, lie down. Right. Right. We've been joined by, oh, and you've knocked that
over, that's brilliant. We've been joined by Diego. These are not for consumption. Thank you both so much for
helping me on this journey. I'm sure to everyone who isn't interested in cosmetic products you both have made this so much more interesting. Oh, and I got a lick on my face. Thank you.

I can almost taste the treat you just ate. (gentle music).

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