Where’s Angela? – Talking Tom & Friends | Season 4 Episode 1

Angela, where are you? Angela! Have you seen Angela?
(ECHOING) Angela! TOM: OK, people! I want the status
of procedure discover our missing friend, Angela. As well as I desire it the other day. I made a checklist of every
opera house within 50 miles. If Angela performs at any
of them, I'' ll read about it. Oh, that ' s fantastic.
As long as she doesn ' t jump on a bus.Make it 1,000 miles. No, 10,000. HANK: Gotcha. Tom? I made fake on-line accounts for a number of individuals Angela would intend to fulfill. Now we just kick back as well as wait for her to take the bait. Wonderful suggestion. Yet these good friends aren'' t pleasant enough. Make these pals friendlier! [THUDS] Huh? How is this assisting? Well, as you know, I am presently banned from using technology. Right. Due to the fact that the strange agency condemned Ben for the zapper intrusion. As well as in a stunning spin, the representative in charge of maintaining Ben down was Ben'' s sweetheart, Xenon. Seriously, who were you talking with? Oh, simply reminding myself what took place. Anyway, every one of that badly limitations my capability to assist. So I made popsicles, to keep our energy up. Ugh! Enjoy it! I didn'' t reduced a deal to save
you all as well as relocate right into your garage simply to get hit with ice!
[DRINKS] Everybody! Quit discussing what happened before! I need your aid, Ben.You were

the very best. So if Xenon is bad now, we'' ll. just need to go around her. What did you have in mind? [OWL HOOTS] All right, I'' m below in. the park after sundown. And I saw to it I.
wasn'' t complied with.
I got it from an old girl. If you utilize it, the company.
will think your name is Edna, and also you'' re going on the internet to.
compose an aromatic candle light testimonial. We might enter.
Hi, Tom! Hi, Ben! You need to be at the garage.
As well as I wanted a.
piece of the action. This stays in between.
the 3 of us. Obtained it? [CHUCKLES] [STICK CRACKS] [FRUSTRATED SIGHS] So does that mean I.
should go, or stay, or what? Every person just keep quiet.I ' m ready to find Angela. Oh, exactly how I miss out on the feeling of.
my fingers on a keyboard. Currently I merely gain access to.
Ben discovered! Uh– COMPUTER: Ben identified! Quit in the name.
Why can'' t you recognize. Don ' t. Usage. I'' m overlooking it!
You can use this. Last time you had a computer,.
you nearly damaged the globe.

OK. Because he virtually broke the.
World, you should nearly quit us from discovering our friend? That belongs to Edna!
Well, I presume Edna'' s another. As well as currently, because you can''
t be. You can'' t do this to me!
individuals who can be relied on, a secret organization.
Wow, she'' s truly altered. Tom, hear me out. We must join the agency.
they provide you rocket glasses! In fact, that.
Comply with that geek! TOM: 1, 1, 1, 1. Ooh!
HANK: She'' s not below. No, this can''
t be. Hold on, Tom!
something outside. Aw.
[GRUMBLES] [GASPS] [GRUMBLING] This is either an actually huge.
FIZZING] (ECHOING) Nope,. absolutely nothing vital right here. [BUZZING] [
Look who ' s still. I was– we were– aid, Tom. You located the intruders.We ' re really double.
Come with me. I'' ve obtained simply the area for you. Look, prior to you.
disintegrate us, I simply intend to state.
that I recognize how exciting it must be to.
I put on'' t blame you. ' Cause I ' d be extremely depressing if. I'' m so happy you obtained.
my signal to follow me. What? Signal? When I stated you couldn'' t. make use of the laptop to find Angela, however suggested I had.
an additional method to do it, you detected.
Oh, yeah. Yeah, we saw that. Why couldn'' t you just tell us.
Well, this individual gets it. You'' ve been on our.
I confess, I began to doubt you.
with that whole bracelet point. I needed to persuade the.
Now, we have to discover Angela. And there'' s a device. BEN: Whoa, wow!
the privacy destroyer, it almost seems.
like a negative point. But I guess the.
company recognizes best. The maker will certainly open up a.
portal to any place Angela is.You undergo it. I'' ll remain back as well as see to it no.
Obtained it! Now it'' s time for scientific research Ben.
– Ben, wait! You can'' t touch any–.
ALARM: Ben discovered! Ben identified! Ben detected! Ben detected! You nincompoop! You can'' t usage tech! XENON: Agents get on their method. Terminate the objective! Ugh! I'' m mosting likely to lose cooking area.
We'' re searching for something! I'' m going to find Angela. COMPUTER SYSTEM: Angela, discovered.
– Whoa! [SCREAMS]- She'' s In problem! I need to assist!
– Tom! No, Ginger! It'' s as well dangerous for a kid! That'' s never ever. stopped me before! [GRUNTS] [ZAPS] Aw! Geronimo! [ANXIOUS WINCES]
Don ' t fear, Angela.I ' m below to shield you. Don'' t you recognize you. We'' ve obtained a song to finish.
my yelling track. If you feel it,.
good friends, hi there, then you may wan na scream along. [HOWLING] What happened to Angela? [WHISTLING THEME MUSIC]

Every person just keep quiet.I ' m concerning to find Angela. ' Cause I ' d be incredibly depressing if. When I stated you couldn'' t. use the laptop computer to find Angela, yet suggested I had.
I'' m going to discover Angela. Don ' t fear, Angela.I ' m below to protect you.

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