i built a base game wedding venue in the sims

The Sims recently added a wedding venue lot   type into the base game and I 
was really excited about this. As I'm sure you know, we've all been building 
wedding venues for years, but we had to   label them as like, museums or lounges or 
parks just so they'd function correctly,   and now we actually have a wedding venue lot 
type which you would think would make it a   lot easier to find on the gallery, it gives you 
like, some options to select things for the lot,   it gives you some suggestions of items for 
the lot, it seems like a really good idea. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. Not surprising 
considering the state of the game right now,   but when you try and host a wedding 
at a wedding venue if you don't have   the wedding pack, it doesn't show up in the list.

Like, when you try and plan the party, 
it has a list of lots you can host it at. The wedding venues aren't there. They're just 
not in the list. You can still host weddings,   you could do it like, at a 
museum or your house or whatever,   but you can't host them at a wedding venue. So I was thinking I'd like to 
build a base game wedding venue,   but I probably shouldn't do that until they fix 
it because right now it wouldn't even work anyway. So then I was like, oh my god, what if we 
renovated the base game museum and turned   this into a spot for your weddings because 
they have these beautiful grounds out here. This is honestly a great spot to have 
a wedding. Like, you could totally have   a beautiful wedding ceremony out here in 
the gardens of the museum, so I'm thinking   maybe today I'll renovate the museum lot and 
turn it into like, a proper wedding setup. Because then you can just download 
it and still have a museum,   but also have another spot to get 
married that actually functions.

Yeah, you're welcome. Truly, I don't even want to think 
about this museum right now.   I might do a couple things like help out a little 
bit by fixing some of these weird glitches here. We're probably gonna have to 
re-landscape all this business too,   but for the most part, my goal is to just 
have an actual wedding setup over here. So I might get rid of a lot of 
these things while I'm at it. Honestly, these tables too, 
I might get rid of these. So we kind of have to talk about like, 
what our layout is going to be like, right? Because I'm sort of thinking we could have the   ceremony in this corner on the 
grass kind of facing the tree. I want to have a little reception area, like, with 
some tables that your Sims could eat at over here. And then we could probably 
add in like, I don't know,   a table for your food and your cake or whatever. I might get a bar in this area and maybe like,   some music so you could pretend 
there's like, a little dance floor.

There actually is already a bar here, 
it's up on this little balcony space,   so maybe we could keep it there. I might just like, move it around a 
little so it fits a little bit better. Honestly, even this right here would not be a bad   spot to have the ceremony because you 
have that beautiful view of the lake. That's the problem with like, most of this 
area is that the lake is completely blocked. Okay, I'm gonna like, erase a lot of 
terrain paint. I'm so sorry. I just,   I kind of want to redo it a little bit myself. Again, I'm so sorry. Honestly besties, what if I 
just killed all of it and redid it all by myself? No, I probably shouldn't do that. 
No, what if I did? Maybe I will.   Oh no, this is a mistake. Ah, I'm gonna 
do it anyway. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. My goal isn't really to renovate the 
inside of this building by the way,   it's mostly just the outside 
that I want to mess with today.

Part of me even wants to get rid of these 
arches and put like, proper gates in. I like the idea of the arches 
I just always feel like it's   kind of weird to have them like, on a stone piece. Like, I wish that we had 
like, a brick arch instead. I might redo this landscaping too. The landscaping 
in this whole area is kind of weird, I won't lie. Part of me wants to just like,   get rid of the fence back here and 
just let it be open in the way back. Oh my god, can you — oh no, because it's 
rounded, you can't put anything that close to it? Oh my god, oh, I could cry 
about that one.

Oh, wow. All right. We're gonna have to think 
about that problem for a sec. Oh no. Okay, what if it was like this and it was 
like, mostly surrounded, but not completely? I suppose this kind of explains why they 
had the fence. Maybe now it's adding up. Okay, so that's my bad. See, now part 
of me is wondering if I should open   this up to have the view of the lake, 
but maybe I won't, maybe it's fine.

I'm trying to figure out how I want to do the 
little path. I'm gonna make it wider than this,   but I'm sort of starting out with like, 
a skinny path that I can then expand. I find it's easier to draw 
the paths when they're small. What if I did it like that and we had like,   this circle? Obviously I'll fix the path 
so that they're a little bit wider like,   leading up to it, but what if we did 
something like this with the circle? It looks like it has tentacles or something.

okay, it's fine, everything's fine, it'll be nice,   we're gonna like it, I promise. Maybe the 
little like, fountain can be centered in that. Honestly, what if we got some bigger trees?   I didn't think I wanted to use these big. 
giant trees, but this might be a nice touch. Okay, I think this could be pretty, I think 
it's important to keep in mind that like,   I want it to look like it's a park 
that is also set up for weddings. Like, that's kind of what I'm going for with this.   Right now it's a little bit odd, 
but we'll figure it out, it's fine. Okay, I'm probably gonna line a lot of this back 
corner with bushes. Currently my idea is to have   this be where the wedding setup is.

Basically, I was thinking the 
wedding arch could go right here,   I'll probably put some flowers behind 
it though, now that I think about it. I guess a lot of this is 
gonna be very pink, isn't it? Like, pink and purple because 
that's what a lot of the trees are. I did have this idea, I won't lie to 
you, from a video I made yesterday where   I had Stanley Humphrey, my hot dog sim, 
get married to a tragic clown and then   get left at the altar and I turned the 
museum into a spot for their wedding,   so I am feeling very inspired by that video, I 
can link it down below if you want to see it.

And hey, if you like that kind 
of thing, feel free to subscribe. I do post, um, interesting Sims content. 
Very often. Interesting is a good word,   I think. Yeah, I stand by that one. Interesting Sims content. I'm trying to pick the chair 
I want to use for this,   I'm not really sure what I'm going for. Maybe 
that's pretty with the blue little seat.

Now with just the base game, you 
probably don't need this many seats. If you have the wedding pack, 
you might need this many seats,   but I like how it looks. so I'm gonna use it. Actually in hindsight, if you have 
the wedding pack you need a way   wider aisle so I probably 
should make sure we have that. Yeah, I think that gets the point across.   I might need to adjust the terrain 
paint a tiny bit, but that works. What do you think about lining 
the aisle with these flowers?   This is an honest question, I'm not 
sure what the best thing to do is. I'm not sure what the best 
set of flowers to use is. I like these. I fully intend to 
just like, line the aisle with them. Okay. I'm sorry, I have to move it again. 
I moved it all up so I have to start over.   Let me just scoot everything again.

All right, that's better. Oh, I love 
that. It looks like, so secluded and cozy. Okay, now I'm gonna make sure we 
do like, loads of terrain painting. I might even put some like, underneath 
the path. We also have all these little   tiny flowers and I think these are 
fun to like, pepper in a little bit. When I say we have these tiny 
flowers I mean we have like,   terrain paint that looks like tiny flowers, 
that I want to add in a little bit. Okay, I'm going to put these 
little flowers back here as well. I'm just trying to think 
realistically what's gonna   make for the nicest screenshots of your 
wedding, and I think that's really pretty. Does it look better with 
the flowers on the outside   of the thing? Because I think it kind of does. Okay, well I was sort of envisioning that maybe 
there could be a bit of a reception area over   here.

I don't know how many tables I want to 
have, and I don't know how big it should be. I'm also trying to keep in mind that 
like, your Sims don't really need this.   Like, they won't actually use it, so. 
Do you even need it? No, not really. Maybe I'll put it in this area because 
it's bigger. Okay, well part of my   initial thought was that we could have 
a little sweetheart table right here. This is like, the table where the couple 
eats at the front and then there's like,   other smaller tables around for everybody else. I think that could be cute. Again,   I'm also keeping in mind that your Sims don't 
even use these, so there's no need for them.

Like, we all know full well that not a single sim   is going to eat a single 
thing in any of these tables. Yeah, these are destined to not 
get used, but you know what it,   does kind of help with the vibes. Like, it looks 
pretty and I feel like that makes you feel better. Like, the fact that it looks 
pretty makes you think like,   oh, it's a good thing I had my Sims get married 
here, like, at least it looks like a wedding. Even if they aren't actually behaving 
like a wedding. I'm trying to see if I   can get these tables scooted a little bit better 
because I want to put a couple tables up here.

Mmm, don't like that it has that gold 
stuff at the bottom. Why does the only   white swatch have like, yellow 
on it? What is that? Why? Ugh! Is this one from the deluxe version of 
the game or is that in the base game? Because my idea for this is to put like, the 
three tables. 'Cause in my head, you put like,   the cake on one and then like, the 
dinner you brought on the other one,   like, you could make a roast turkey 
or whatever and then put it there.

And then your Sims could eat it. I never hire a 
caterer because it like, doesn't work properly,   so I usually just bring food 
with me to these things. I think that's pretty, I think that 
it gets the point across too, like,   I think you understand what 
we're going for with this. And it should function. Like, that should be 
fine when you have your Sims actually use it. Oh, I deleted the only trash can, oops. Okay, we 
need to get another one of those. That's my bad. I was thinking about putting one of them 
like, outside kind of in front of this. I think that's not unreasonable 
as well because you might like,   walk down the road and use it so maybe 
I'll put them like, by the gates. I do think a lot of this can be left empty, like,   I don't think we have to fill 
in every little bit of this.

Keeping in mind that we're kind of going 
for like, this park vibe, right? Ooh,   what if I just like, put some flowers 
like these kind of around everything? Or like, around the fountain, and then 
we could put like, a couple extra ones. I'm kind of trying to rotate them around to 
alternate it a little so they don't look like,   super obviously copy and pasted the same 
flower everywhere because that's what they are. All right, and then if I could get like, a light 
pink or a light purple, that would be great. This kind of works, that's 
kind of simi — not really. I want something similar to those,   those light purple ones, but I don't 
know if we have anything like that.

Too dark! Oh my gosh. Those are lighter, but that's also 
not really what I'm going for? I don't like the shape of this bush, 
it is weird. Otherwise I'd use it. Yeah, everything's too dark,   why don't they have anything lighter 
than this? Where's the pastel flowers? What if we alternated these around 
the — does that look odd together? I mean, there's no harm in trying 
because I can just delete it if it's bad.

Maybe if it was a darker purple? I think that's kind of cool. Well, 
maybe it's not. I can't really tell. I don't think I like the 
purple. What if it was blue? It seems that light blue is very much 
the theme of this whole wedding, so. I mean, I don't know, it's different than what 
I normally do, I think it's a little bit odd.

I wonder if having some terrain paint will help. I think I might be okay with that. Okay, I do want 
to add in a couple of benches because obviously   there used to be benches around here and then I 
deleted them all, so I want to put a couple back. I'm trying to think what I want 
to put in this area and I'm not   really certain. Maybe another tree could be nice? I like the idea of a lot of shade.

And then what if there was a little 
community garden kind of thing? Oh, this could be really cute actually. 
Why can't — okay, I'm trying to like,   force it to let me place this on the foundation, 
that's so weird because it tries to snap higher   up, but like, you wouldn't hang that up 
up here, you know? You'd put it there. We have these cute little gardening tools 
too. Oh, I like that. Okay, this is fun,   I think that's a fun idea, I think 
that also helps fill in the area. Oh no, I want to download this like, 
set of plants so I could place them,   but I don't think it'll fit. This base 
game one is smaller, does that work? Oops, uh-oh, it's not loading. Okay, here we go. Yeah, I think that's pretty realistic 
too and then also if you're trying   to use this as a museum and not as just a 
wedding venue, you can come here and like,   harvest some plants.

Some perfect quality 
plants as well, so you'll get rich. All right, I need to do something about the 
back here, I'm just not really sure what. I do think that maybe some slight rearranging 
of the interior would be beneficial to us. Oh my god, or some slight rearranging of 
the whole back, why does it look like this? I don't want to redo the whole thing. 
I wanted to leave it like that, please.

Oh no. Whatever, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine,   it's fine, look, look, look, I'm just 
gonna put a nice plant right here. Are there any lights in the front? There are,   let's steal those. We'll put 
some big lanterns on the wall. I'm leaning towards like, giant bar, I won't lie. Help, help, I can't click on it. I 
don't know why I can't click on the bar! Oh no, wait, I can't — it 
doesn't let me click on it at all. If I get it from an — okay, from 
a different angle you can. Oh boy,   okay, everybody, we are off to 
a great start, thank you game. I might get a ceiling fan. I feel like this isn't 
even that unreasonable for a place like this,   especially if you're meant to be sitting 
outdoors and stuff like, hanging out. Although I will probably put a light in it 
because that looks like it was built in, right? I know, I'm a genius.

I might put this all the 
way back around. I'm sorry,   I'm sorry, I don't know what to do with her. It's very weird, so I'm doing this. Honestly, I might just put bushes all the way 
around. Again, not sure what to do with it, so. Or at least like, all the way down that 
way or something, I need something. Am I supposed to like, put something in this area 
because I know they had something there before,   but I'm not really vibing with 
that, so I might just leave it. Ugh, I can't deal with the inside of this place, 
I need to put some more lights, I'm sorry. It like, desperately needs more 
lights. It's so dark in here.

Now listen, I'm not gonna redo the whole thing,   but I will put some more lights. 
Just a a simple redo of the lights. Why is the floor black up there 
— oh, I'm gonna be here all day. Okay, simple change of the wood floors. Honestly, didn't realize that the walls 
were red, so that's a whole other problem,   but again, it's not my problem because I'm 
here for the exterior and the exterior only. Oh, I have to redo the front too, don't I? Oh my god, how do I keep getting 
myself in these situations! And to think this all started 
out because of a hot dog.

You can't even get upstairs. Like, you can't 
even access these balconies by the way,   just in case you had forgotten. Those are fake. You see, why did they hang all of this up so 
high? Honest question, like, why did they do that? They also used two completely 
different types of stair railing,   like, the railing up here was different 
than the railing on the stairs. Why? Don't even get me started on the tile in these 
bathrooms. Again, the inside, not my problem. I did what I could, I helped. However, I am busy preoccupying 
myself with the exterior. I'm putting a fountain in the front, I think 
that'll help. I made kind of fancy landscaping. It's a little bit ugly, but that's 
kind of on purpose, I kind of love it. The one thing I did get rid of and not put back 
was the piano, so I probably should put one again. I don't really know where. Like, would it be 
odd to just sneak them back behind this tree?   Maybe a little. That can't be good for the 
acoustics, but also that's not my problem, so.

Oh, I guess we could always make like, a 
little, I don't know, performance area. Wait, hang on. — with the speakers and then 
your Sims could dance over here. Keeping in mind that there is no dance 
floor because it's base game, but like,   this would function. Oh, I love this little 
yard, I would have my Sims get married here. Let me stick this on the gallery for you. Again, it's base game only if you want to download 
it and use it. I think it's actually quite cute. Maybe one of these days I'll bulldoze this lot and 
make like, a proper wedding venue, but you know,   for now we've got a museum because even though 
we have a wedding venue, it doesn't work.

Let me know if you like this kind of thing, like,   the minor adjustments of base game 
lots. I know it's kind of dumb, but   sometimes it's nice to have like, the classic 
lot still just with like, some small updates. And honestly, the light on the 
inside goes a long way, I won't lie. Part of the biggest problem 
here is how dark it was before,   but that wasn't the goal, the 
goal was to do the outside. Anyway, with that being said, I'm gonna leave. I'm gonna link some more wedding venues 
I built at the end of the video for you   if you want to watch those, and I'll 
catch you all tomorrow. Bye everybody. The way I did all of this just so I could 
have a nice, peaceful, safe base game wedding. I can't deal with the pack weddings, I need 
to go back to my roots and these are my roots. [ JAZZY OUTRO MUSIC ].

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