Let’s Get Married In Italy! – Destination Wedding Video in Positano, Italy at Casa Angelina

Meg truly from that very first date she was in love and she knew that you were going to be The person that she marries tomorrow We haven't seen a picture of it yet And she said and see how cute my future husband is this was like not even day number three she was already saying this and She knew and had faith in the Lord that he was going to send the perfect person into her life and he did that we instantly knew by just the way that she was talking in these text messages that He was for sure gonna be the one and she was so excited and it was just a different kind of energy It was fun getting those calls when she when she would say I'm so in love her He's so amazing and I was the last one to know that Meg was understanding I am so proud that Benton is the man that now has authority over the woman that Mary and I have trained for years To submit and honor you and you're the man that can serve and love her For me it did not take me too long to figure out that I was put on this earth To be a family man.

I was the person Who dreamed about? Being in love with my wife and having a family and raising that family and I use the word dream very intentionally because For the longest time that's exactly what it felt like to me. It was a dream On June 20th 2018 I met you and hit me like a force from the heavens and I could see with a Clear crystal sharp 20/20 vision what what the rest of my life was good I could see at all. I saw you walking down the aisle dressed in white with your piercing blue eyes staring back at me and It was all for the first time in my life. It was very clear Bag my love you So good until doesn't make it again I've always had faith that God would bring someone like you into my life with you. I feel home loved and cared for More than I ever have I am so ready to wake up next to you tomorrow as husband and wife Having you in my life is a greatest gift that God has given me your answer How to serve you believe you who love you into tears the rest my life I never imagined that I would find someone as perfect as him Yeah Batmanuel love it.

I loved Well, I certainly don't mind Benton taking in and assuming the road All right, yeah, you look good, thanks You look beautiful you look beautiful Whatever time My meg take the Vinton to be my wedded husband to be my wedded husband to have and to hold Amen baby From this day forward and this day forward for better for her better for worse For richer for poorer for richer for poorer in sickness and health in sickness and health to love and to cherish To love empty charity till death do us part According to God's holy ordinance You may receive and kiss your lovely bride It gives me great pleasure to be the first to introduce to you mr. A mrs. Benton Smith When anyone needs an egg, they instantly know that she deserves the world it's true and Meg I'm here to tell you That's exactly what you're getting Pitons gonna put you first and choose you every single day Mary and I have watched Meg bring out the best in bed.

Meg is smart. She's kind She's the spiritual and a beautiful girl and we are so happy and proud to welcome Meg and her family and to our family Voice marry girls like their mothers and Benton has paid me the biggest compliment by marrying beg So thank you Benton for complimenting me and bringing back into our lives You're the best guy that a brother could Hope for his sister her hearts in as good a hands as it could possibly be with you and I really appreciate that Matt you make Fenton so incredibly happy and it's clear how deeply to care about each other But I'm so glad that he found your heart to guard and it's taking you as his wife It was amazing the first time I met you it was very evident that you would be Immediately welcome to our family and a part of the family and it wasn't going to be a space wasn't gonna be made for you A space was already there.

You were filling that space. This guy's not putting on a show. He's for real Immediately. I knew then that you were you're worth it for my sister It's been such a wonderful week celebrating you and Benton and getting to know your precious family Thank you for that. We love you, and we wish you the very best Father we thank you for the gift of your son through whom we have eternal life We thank you today for Benton and Meg and whom you have joined today as one flesh May you continue to bless them so that their marriage will bring glory to you and to your son amen You are The greatest person I've ever met and I think most people at the table would probably say the same You are sweet and sensitive You're strong and sharp.

You're honest and loyal You love deeply and you love fiercely and you're the most beautiful person I've ever laid eyes on I promise for the rest of my life to love you lead you Serve you provide for you and cherish you as long as I live and if I was thinking I'd be thinking. Thank God For my wife and for this miracle right here in my arms But times like these so sweet so rare and so true Thinking is the last thing that you ought to do You.

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