Live Sound Production for a Wedding Reception in a Famous Venue: The Challenges and Solutions

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So if you've seen the movie 'So Cold
the River' you might recognize this venue we're headed to today. this will be a wedding reception gig.
i'll be audio only. i'll have to interface with some other vendors- the
band, and the band soundman. it's 11 a.m the day before the gig and
audio is the first thing in. [Music] engineering has plenty of power for us
here. [Music] [Music]
left is one, right is two,
fill and sub. [Music]
– and these are the power drops for the
band. [Music] the rig is up and tested,
and we've dropped power for the band and the lighting company. [Music]
and that's about all we can do today. [Music]
all right i'm back and it is show day. and it's time to see what the other
vendors have done and if the band is ready. [Music] and the band's pinning the stage.
…and lighting is here. i've got the console set up for left,
right, fill, and sub from the band.

[Music] [Music] okay, I expected pipe and drape off stage,
which would hide the amplifiers and the distro…
but we didn't get pipe and drape (supplied) so i made do with some courtesy drape. and now we're looking at the band sound
equipment. [Music] [Music] [Music]
okay it's mid-afternoon we're basically ready here. let's look in the room where the
ceremony will be held. [Music] so the band has cocktail music, dinner
music, and wedding party introductions… but audio for the speeches and toasts are
all on me. -cheers- -and now-
[Music] [Music] [Music] it's 1am the event is over and the band
is breaking down this evening. [Music]
…and kill the power [Music]
it's now 10 am sunday and everything goes out. [Music] overall a pretty solid gig.
everybody worked to make it happen… and we're on our way home at 11 30 a.m
sunday morning. a pretty quick loadout! check out the text below for affiliate
links… don't forget to like and subscribe… check out the other videos… and i will
see you next time! [Music]

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