Should you buy a Lab Grown Diamond? | 2ct Lab Grown vs Natural Diamond Comparison | Ultimate Guide

In this episode I'm going to show you a live   side-by-side comparison of a 2ct Natural 
Diamond next to a 2ct Lab Grown Diamond Hi Everyone! Welcome back to my channel 
this is Bonnie with By Bonnie Jewelry   where I talk about all things Diamonds! Okay today's really exciting because in this episode   we're gonna talk about…can you guess? Natural 
versus Lab Grown Diamonds! This is probably   been one of the hottest, most trending topic in our 
industry for this past you know, 2-3 years a   lot of consumers are curious about it…uum they wanna know is, you know what is a Lab Grown Diamond? Is it a fake Diamond? How does it compare to a Natural 
Diamond? Which one should I buy? What are the pros and cons? I'm definitely gonna be answering all 
of those questions in this video but besides that   I'm also going to be showing you a live comparison 
of a 2ct Natural Round Diamond next to a  2ct Lab Grown Diamond of the same quality.

make sure you watch this video all the way through! I try to make it as comprehensive as possible, so 
I hope you'll enjoy it! Let's get started! Question #1 Is a Lab Grown Diamond a fake Diamond? 
and How is it different than a Natural Diamond?   Okay! So first of all Natural Diamonds are natural,
created by nature, formed underneath the Earth   with intense heat and pressure over the course of 
billions of years! VS Lab Grown Diamonds are   basically a synthetic version of a Natural Diamond 
created in the lab! And you can probably make it in   a matter of weeks, that's how they're different 
but visually they look the same they share the   same chemical composition, carbon so they're gonna 
look the same, feel the same, sparkle the same   if you get the right quality and you know 
quality cuts and make sure that everything there's   you know no milkiness, brown, blue tinge and we 
can get into that in a separate video but yeah so   visually they're the same.

Another thing to keep 
in mind is when people say fake Diamond I feel   like they're talking about like, cubic like other 
Diamond simulants, that are not made of carbon right so CZ like Cubic Zirconia would be a good 
example of that and you can you know purchase that   easily in any custom jewelry store or you know 
Forever 21 let's say so that's number one! Question #2 Should I buy a Natural or a Lab Grown Diamond?
Okay! Despite the similarities of those two   visually, there's still a really big difference 
between the two and the reason why I say that   is because well first of all every buyer has a 
different priority right so what's important to me   might not be important to you!
You know for example like you you know I'm Chinese and my parents growing up,
my parents are always like "oh we want 
to buy gold and Diamonds and it retains its value"   so this is something that's important to them and 
that that's what they've taught me but it could   be a completely different scenario for you so I 
would say do a lot of research before you come   to a decision, but I wanna present you like 
the facts, right? This is why I'm making this video! of course You should do your own research but…
The first thing I want to talk about is probably   price! Right? Because that's a lot of people are 
like oh okay so uh you know for a Natural Diamond   of this size, you know what can I get in Lab Grown?
Can I get a bigger one? Better quality?   So in general the cost of Lab Grown Diamonds, I 
would say is about like…

You can get it for like 35% of what a Natural Diamond cost. So for example 
in this video I'm about to show you a live   comparison of a 2ct Round G/VS2 versus 
Lab Grown G/VS2, also 2ct of the same quality   See the Natural is $20,000 
and the Lab Grown is like $7000   so that's about like 35% of the 
cost of the Natural for Lab Grown but   there is a big thing, that needs to be 
mentioned, which is the cost of Lab Grown Diamonds   the prices have drastically been dropping, 
pretty quick, over the past like 24 to 36 months   and I can show you data that talks about that! 
and I think that is the one alarming thing about   Lab Grown Diamonds, and that's largely due to 
supply right, supply and demand, like as technology   advances and gets better, they're producing more 
and more in a shorter amount of time and Natural   Diamond, you know because they're natural 
right and it takes billions of years to form   so there's a limited supply! So when there's 
a limited supply, that drives the prices higher!   For Lab Grown Diamonds, there's pretty much 
no cap on supply and I feel like that's why   the prices have been dropping year by year!
So another thing is, you know value over time right!  Natural Diamond historically has you know gone 
up in prices and retained its most of his value   whenever you've purchased a Natural Diamond and 
even though you may not be buying a Diamond   as an investment or trying to resell it for any 
reason, it's still like a thing to consider   you know, like for example if somebody purchased 
a Natural Diamond in my store, like I would offer   them 100% trade-in value towards a larger upgrade,
even though if you're not looking for an upgrade   there's still value there! versus because 
there's no cap on the supply on Lab Grown that's why like currently I would 
say there's very little  resell value for Lab Grown, so that's a that's 
one thing to consider! Now let's go to the live   comparison on hand of the Lab Grown versus Natural 
Diamond, both 2ct, both Round   excellent cut, polish, symmetry G Color VS2 in Clarity.
Let's just see how they look different on hand   compared side by side and in different 
lighting! All right so here we have a 2ct  Lab Grown Round Brilliant cut Diamond, it is 
excellent cut polish and symmetry and this has a   GCAL report so for those of you that are familiar 
with Lab-Grown, GCAL is one of the more popular   laboratory reports for Lab Grown right now,
GIA has just recently started doing Lab Growns so   you will start to see more of the GIA reports 
surfacing on the market, but GCAL does give   you a little bit more detail on the light 
performance and the overall cut of the Diamond   and next to this Lab Grown, we have a 2ct
GIA certified Diamond, that is also excellent cut   polish and symmetry, they are both G Color 
and VS2 in Clarity, so they both have the same   color and clarity and as far as the cut 
they are the same, so it shows the same fire   just remember visually it is hard to tell between 
the two, but you always have to make sure that   whichever one you choose, you always want to go 
for the best cut because that's what's gonna give you that sparkle and fire in your Diamond 
and if you are considering a Lab Grown Diamond, take advantage of the fact that for less amount 
of money, you can not only get a higher carat   but also higher Color and Clarity! Another pointer 
for me would be to look out for those weird tinges   that are in well both natural and Lab Grown but 
Lab Grown since it is so new, there are stones   that have the brown or blue tinges and these are 
currently being heavily discounted on the internet   and you know sometimes you may not know that 
because it's not listed in the certificate   I'll definitely recommend you to do more 
research on your own in regards to that and just   be smart and be careful when you're out there 
shopping and talk to an expert! Make sure that   whoever you're buying it from has a 
process to help you filter those out! Okay! So now that you've seen the side-by-side 
comparison on hand in different lightings you   can pretty much make your own judgment 
on, you know whether or not you can tell   which one is which, but don't forget the most 
important thing whether you decide to buy a   Natural or a Lab Grown Diamond is definitely 
the quality of the cut, the material, everything so   I talk about this a lot in all my other videos 
like the reason why By Bonnie is different   than most other online retailers or a lot of 
other jewelers, is because we don't offer say just any diamonds, so if I get a you know 
inquiry and someone said okay Bonnie! I'm looking   for a 2ct Diamond…this Color…this Clarity… 
let's say, I don't just say, oh okay, here's you know   five photos and five videos and and choose one 
right! That's not how it works for us, we like to   curate the selection, we like to look at 
say a range of similar qualities and we like to   pick the best out of all! A lot of times what you 
can't see on those online you know 360 spinning   videos, it's like well you can't really compare the 
sparkle because you know you're not comparing it   to another Diamond side by side and that's true 
for both natural and Lab Grown and I know that   you know there are also other things that 
are not listed on the report, you know say GIA  you know sometimes, they'll have tinges in the 
Diamond you know blue tinge, green tinge brown tinge   that you don't see when the Diamond is facing up 
that a lot of times will show when you flip the   Diamond upside down! So there are so many things 
to consider when buying a Diamond so make sure   whichever choice you choose you are getting the 
best of that category! Another concern for a lot   of people, it's definitely sustainability and 
that goes for both natural mined Diamonds and   Lab Grown Diamonds, so there's a lot to know 
and a lot to you know that you can research and   there's a lot of articles about both of them and 
it's for me it's hard to explain all of it in this   short video, so I'm gonna leave the articles and 
resources below, so that you can read them about it!   So a lot of you are probably thinking, 
okay, so Bonnie, what's the bottom line?   you know, which one should I buy? you know what's 
your personal opinion? like which one would you buy? you know, I get a lot of different clients that 
ask me that same question, I would say okay!  Not one is better than the other right, it's totally 
personal preference, I definitely feel so the   only advice I have for you…is definitely consider 
your partner! meaning like maybe ask your partner,   the person that's going to be wearing it, you 
know before you decide to purchase such a make a decision on this purchase, ask them!
You know, if that's something that you know they   care about, you definitely want to be open about 
it and have a discussion…I mean it's 2021…I mean   a lot of clients are shopping for diamond rings 
together, so this is definitely something that   you should be talking about and doing research 
about, and if you really, I mean have to ask me   I would say you know if you want a 2ct
Diamond and you have a budget of like say   $5000-$7000 and you want the size, you 
want the look, and you want the quality then maybe   consider a Lab Grown as an option, but just 
be aware of the long term value! Right, there's no,   probably little or none resell value over time and 
if retaining value is a priority to you which   is in, well for me personally it is a priority for 
me, then natural would be a great option you know.

This is definitely something that you should 
sit and think and do your own research and   come to your own conclusion about it! Okay 
guys, I hope you enjoyed watching my video   so to recap, I don't want to say all these 
things that I just said in the video…so go   back to watch a video from the beginning! 
but, one important thing not to forget   when you decide to buy natural or Lab Grown is 
don't forget about the quality of the setting guys! That is when I say setting, I'm talking about 
the ring setting right! That is extremely   important! Okay, even if you purchase a flawless 
natural or Lab Grown Diamond, if you don't   have the right setting, if it's not made correctly, 
poor metal, poor quality workmanship doesn't   matter which diamond you purchase because it 
won't shine the way it's supposed to! Okay and   that's what we specialize at By Bonnie! We 
do top quality, handmade settings in the US   and we turn even so-so Diamonds into gorgeous 
Diamonds just using the setting and the   craftsmanship that we have! So make sure you watch 
all the other videos that I have on my channel   about this, why it's important to get high 
quality craftsmanship rings to match your Diamond! Okay, Thank You so much! Don't forget to like my 
video, subscribe to my channel, hit the little   bell so you'll be the first to know whenever 
I upload new videos! If you have any questions,   comments about Lab Grown, natural definitely leave 
them on the comment below! Or if you're looking for   somebody to make your perfect ring whether it be 
natural or Lab Grown, make sure you reach out to me   via DM, email, text I'm always here! Okay, I look 
forward to talking to you in my next video! Bye

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