Your homeowners insurance doesn’t fully cover your wedding ring

Flowers, chocolates, jewelry. I mean, Valentine's Day is the most popular day for proposals. But even if you don't get jewelry on this Valentine's Day, chances are you have jewelry, right? And chances are if you lost it or it got stolen, there's not enough insurance on your homeowners policy to cover it. You see, a typical homeowners policy covers jewelry between 1500 and about $2500. That's usually not enough to cover a wedding ring you can get. An extra policy with your homeowners insurance to cover it or get what Brides magazine recommends and that is a stand alone jewelry policy which also covers the cost of maintenance on your jewelry.

Bride's Top choice was britco. We talked with the director of Jeweler relations about how to care for your sparkly things. I think the biggest mistake is forgetting that jewelry is a work of art. I recommend going to your jeweler at least once a year, if not twice a year. Check all of your stones under a microscope. Make sure your prongs are you know there's still enough metal holding all of those stones. What they'll also do is they'll clean and they'll buff it up well to protect your jewelry. Always take off your jewelry before bed, and when you clean it at home, use dish soap, ammonia, warm water, and a soft bristle toothbrush. And general rule of thumb if the if the water is too hot for your fingers to touch it, it's it's too hot for your jewelry. Good to know not all jewelry can be cleaned the same way. For example, opals cannot tolerate heat and a string of pearls should not be submerged in water. We have resources for you in the two wants to know section..

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